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Male promiscuity as inchoate faggotry

  • Thread starter Deleted member 2798
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Deleted member 2798

Deleted member 2798

free him or cuck
Jan 13, 2018
Thread title reads like an apex cope, but let me expand.

I saw it mentioned in passing (on MPC) that frenetic sexual conquest was not a "straight" way of approaching relationships. I noted it, but never gave it especially much thought. Recently, I recalled the statement and have thought on it further. I believe it now to make sense in light of the behavioral idiosyncrasies associated with Chads and of certain biological avenues of causality.

What kind of man habitually puts himself in the company of whores, is able to "game" them, knows how they think - and, moreover, enjoys all of it? A big fucking faggot, that's what kind. I can hear it now, "Cope, Chad look good, don't need to, they approach him, 1,000 matches". If things ended there, why do most prettibois act exactly the way they look? Why are they almost invariably vain narcissists? Why do they use Instagram and sundry forms of social media? Why are they hypersocialized and of dull mind? Why do they speak and write in a kind of brain-damaged millennial wigger pidgin? Could well be an unavoidable consequence of engaging with women at such a frequency - could also be something within them that drives their licentiousness, they makes them particularly adept at pulling it off, that is physiognomically detectable in their soft skin, delicate noses, and positive canthal tilt.

Now, related to dyed-in-the-wool homos: they have been observed to display higher serum T levels relative to heterosexuals. Now, does this mean they are more "masculine"? Is masculinity reducible to the presence and actions of a single endocrine agent? No, naturally. You need only consider their affective affinity toward the eternal foid, toward the flighty and histrionic mind of the human female. The lisping voices, the lack of self-control, the capriciousness. It is known as well that foids, related to their very low levels, are hypersensitive to testosterone. Could a large part of "femaleness" be traced, counterintuitively ("We could not confirm a relationship between male-to-female testosterone, maximum female testosterone, or the seasonal androgen response of females with any life-history parameter. We conclude that the expectation that testosterone regulates traits in females in a similar manner as in males should be reconsidered"), to the influence of testosterone, of the impulses and feelings produced when it is present in excess of the biological capacity to control its action? The feminine whimsy, the narcissism, the passive-agressive status signaling may well have some relation to a corruption of "male" drives.

This all finds its expression in the sexual lifestyles of "successful" men; "slayers". Chasing transient, cheap encounters, unable to form lasting bonds; moving from body to body, trapped in the confused play of lustful impulses, striving toward completion and never finding it, never transcending physicality, never creating. Straight relationships, you would imagine, naturally tend toward consummation - their object is the production of something. This is corporeally obvious in the form of offspring, is also present as the general structure of a stable union. Chadfags are chaotic and profligate fornicators; useless; formless.

Relatedly, why do you think it is that so many soyers are monomaniacally fixated on sex even if they're not the type to be able to get it? It is the product of a feminized disposition, a tendency toward hedonism and incontinence. The IncelTiers "Chads" may have given themselves a more apt epithet than is immediately apparent.
I'm not certain whether it's apt or appropriate to place different sexual reproduction strategies, ie r selection and k selection, on the masculine to feminine continuum. I think all of what you say can be ascribed to the fact that the (((masters))) of culture are making all things european demonized, and all things african celebrated. This makes society converge toward a strategy that is more favorable to Africans, naturally speaking. That is to say the r selection mating strategy. It's a sign of lower man, a regression toward more primitive and animalistic times (not to be confused with noble savagery)
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I'm not certain whether it's apt or appropriate to place different sexual reproduction strategies, ie r selection and k selection, on the masculine to feminine continuum. I think all of what you say can be ascribed to the fact that the (((masters))) of culture is making all things european demonized, and all things african celebrated. This, naturally, makes society converge toward a strategy that is more favorable to Africans, naturally speaking. That is to say the r selection mating strategy. It's a sign of lower man, a regression toward more primitive and animalistic times (not to be confused with noble savagery)

I also think a strictly racialist view of this problem has stark limitations. Certainly, as groups, r-selection strategies correlate strongly with low development indices (Africa), k-selection the reverse (Europe). Not to go full Lewontin's fallacy, but the persistence of an r/k dichotomy within races, societies, and cultures points toward something yet more essential. I do think that the question of mental femininity has a place here.

Something I see crop up on various Right message boards is also relevant here: the cucked tendency to characterize Africans and Middle Easterners as hypermasculine invaders when there is no real reason to hold this viewpoint; they are simply less far along the chronology of cultural decline (i.e. cultural constraints on female behavior are still present - not for long!) By some parameters they may even be generally more feminine (confrontation vs. contrition but also impulsivity vs restraint) - one has to consider the mosaicism of gender characteristics.
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To repeat Otto Weininger:

Under the influence of Judaism, among other things, men today are close to complying with, and indeed appropriating, women’s evaluation of themselves.

Thus the decision as to what is masculine is today made by Woman, who by her nature is able to appreciate only the sexual side of Man, and men receive the measure of their masculinity from her hand. And thus the number of copulations and the “sweetheart” or “girlfriend” have become the means whereby one male individual proves himself in front of another. But no, because then there would be no men left.
I also think a strictly racialist view of this problem has stark limitations. Certainly, as groups, r-selection strategies correlate strongly with low development indices (Africa), k-selection the reverse (Europe, Japan). Not to go full Lewontin's fallacy, but the persistence of an r/k dichotomy within races, societies, and cultures points toward something yet more essential. I do think that the question of mental femininity has a place here.

Something I see crop up on various Right message boards is also relevant here: the cucked tendency to characterize Africans and Middle Easterners as hypermasculine invaders when there is no real reason to hold this viewpoint; they are simple less far along the chronology of cultural decline (i.e. cultural constraints on female behavior are still present - not for long!) By some parameters they may even be generally more feminine (confrontation vs. contrition but also impulsivity vs restraint) - one has to consider the mosaicism of gender characteristics.
Agreed on the last part. I don't think of Africans as more masculine, merely different. In Europe we've pursued a largely monogamous mating strategy for thousands upon thousands of years, so in the context of a European, acting 'masculine' would simply entail to pursue the mating strategy and life style of one's male forebears. I largely agree with you, but I think it was devoid of a racial perspective as well, that's all. It's not normal, nor is it particularly healthy for European man to behave like an African, in the same way, the inverse is true as well.
To repeat Otto Weininger:

Under the influence of Judaism, among other things, men today are close to complying with, and indeed appropriating, women’s evaluation of themselves.

Thus the decision as to what is masculine is today made by Woman, who by her nature is able to appreciate only the sexual side of Man, and men receive the measure of their masculinity from her hand. And thus the number of copulations and the “sweetheart” or “girlfriend” have become the means whereby one male individual proves himself in front of another. But no, because then there would be no men left.

Weininger never fails to deliver the goods. Geschlecht und Charakter is required reading not only for incels, but any man worth anything.
Absolute nonsense:feelsautistic:
Not worthless just...it seems like a guy with an iq of 130 saying "chad gon fuck erything eventualy" in a round about way :panties:

Not really, my man. "Chad 'wins'" is the phenomenon; anyone can see that. Of interest to me: what lies behind it? What valuation should we give it?

Perhaps out of simple self-interest, I'm trying to knock fornicators down a peg too. Ultimately, I do truly believe there's nothing "admirable" about this kind of man. This is a piece of the justification as to why.
Gays are too extreme tbh. If I could have sex with anyone I wanted all the time, at first I'd probably fuck lots and lots of foids, but with time it'd probably slow down to just a small harem or something.

I had a gay friend in my early twenties, the amount of promiscuity in this guy's life was impressive. "I went out yesterday and kissed 60 guys". "This week I fucked 4 guys", etc. Not to mention how easy it is to get sex as a faggot. He showed me once, he just picked up his phone, messaged some random guy "hi", then "wanna come?" followed by "do you have condoms" and then already set.
Gays are to extreme tbh. If I could have sex with anyone I wanted all the time, at first I'd probably fuck lots of foids, but with time it'd probably slow down to just a small harem or something.

I had a gay friend in my early twenties, the amount of promiscuity in this guy's life was impressive. "I went out yesterday and kissed 60 guys". "This week I fucked 4 guys", etc.
I am pretty sure he has been infected with HIV by now
Not really, my man. "Chad 'wins'" is the phenomenon; anyone can see that. Of interest to me: what lies behind it? What valuation should we give it?

Perhaps out of simple self-interest, I'm trying to knock fornicators down a peg too. Ultimately, I do truly believe there's nothing "admirable" about this kind of man. This is a piece of the justification as to why.
Another interesting thing I've noticed on this website is the equation of good looks with superior genetics. One would think that, after having swallowed the lookismpill, these worshipful cretins would know better. The only criterion by which good looking people are inherently superior to bad looking is the looks criterion. Sure, one could theoretically map averages unto the two different groups and then compare them, but this of course doesn't mean that the good looking person, who gets selected over the bad looking person 99 times out of 100 necessarily will have genes that are more fit for survival once society collapses. For these evolutionfags, as I like calling them, to be right according to their own axioms, they would have to demonstrate that the discrapency between Chad's and Melvin's genes in terms of survival out in the wild are so vast that the discrapency by which foids choose Chad over Melvin is justified. Otherwise, what you end up getting is dysgenic breeding where every other trait is submissive to that of appearance. This is in fact what I believe we're starting to see today
Another interesting thing I've noticed on this website is the equation of good looks with superior genetics. One would think that, after having swallowed the lookismpill, these worshipful cretins would know better. The only criterion by which good looking people are inherently superior to bad looking is the looks criterion. Sure, one could theoretically map averages unto the two different groups and then compare them, but this of course doesn't mean that the good looking person, who gets selected over the bad looking person 99 times out of 100 necessarily will have genes that are more fit for survival once society collapses. For these evolutionfags, as I like calling them, to be right according to their own axioms, they would have to demonstrate that the discrapency between Chad's and Melvin's genes in terms of survival out in the wild are so vast that the discrapency by which foids choose Chad over Melvin is justified. Otherwise, what you end up getting is dysgenic breeding where every other trait is submissive to that of appearance. This is in fact what I believe we're starting to see today

Yeah, this is all too common. It's died down recently, but there's very often someone looking to "blackpill" the forum on the topic of "genetic superiority". Some people default to "superiority" as a simple measure of sexual utility - nihilistic bugman thinking.

Sometimes I opt to explain the case against sexual selection being rational, other times not. Something that's definitely of interest here is Fisherian runaway selection: in the absence of significant environmental constraints on survival, female-led sexual selection amplifies male ornamentation to a degree deleterious to the species:

Eu tive um amigo gay em meus vinte e poucos anos, a quantidade de promiscuidade na vida desse cara era impressionante. "Eu saí ontem e beijei 60 caras". "Esta semana eu comi 4 caras", etc Sem mencionar como é fácil fazer sexo como um viado. Ele me mostrou uma vez, ele apenas pegou seu telefone, mandou uma mensagem para algum cara aleatório "oi", então "quer vir?" seguido por "você tem preservativos" e depois já definido.

I'm a 1 or 2 on the Kinsey scale, if it were totally it would be easier.
I'm a 1 or 2 on the Kinsey scale, if it were totally it would be easier.
It's over for googletranslator cels.

Pior que eu sou brasileiro, hue.

I wouldn't like to be a faggot tbh. It would be 100000 times easier to fuck but I'm disgusted by the idea.
It's over for googletranslator cels.

Pior que eu sou brasileiro, hue.

I wouldn't like to be a faggot tbh. It would be 100000 times easier to fuck but I'm disgusted by the idea.

Out in Portuguese? For large sentences I use the translator. It's true, just take the test of badoo or tinder, gave more than 30 men to women. Look, it was not even the best picture of me.
Out in Portuguese? For large sentences I use the translator. It's true, just take the test of badoo or tinder, gave more than 30 men to women. Look, it was not even the best picture of me.
Even blackops2incel got plenty of matches on grinder/hornet (don't remember which one)

Gays can't be incel, that's pretty much settled.

Se quiser podemos falar português, já que você parece não ser fluente em inglês. Eu evito falar português porque isso exclui a maioria dos outros usuários, mas não é proibido também pelo que parece.
Isn't incontinence where you shit yourself bro?
Must suck tbh

It's often used in that sense, yeah. Generally it means "a state characterized by a lack of control over urges".

Using the definition you provided, only foids end up incontinent - after decades on the carousel.
It's often used in that sense, yeah. Generally it means "a state characterized by a lack of control over urges".

Using the definition you provided, only foids end up incontinent - after decades on the carousel.
imagine taking so much dick the sphincter muscles in your pelvis can't take it anymore while your male looksmatch is a 40 year old virgin swinging from his ceiling. the real world is stranger than fiction.
Not really, my man. "Chad 'wins'" is the phenomenon; anyone can see that. Of interest to me: what lies behind it? What valuation should we give it?

Perhaps out of simple self-interest, I'm trying to knock fornicators down a peg too. Ultimately, I do truly believe there's nothing "admirable" about this kind of man. This is a piece of the justification as to why.
Well the only way i can see women realizing chad was a bitch for 6 days out of the week and grew a dick on the 7th after laying down like a bitch to gain power is when harems an artificial insemination literaly turn 80% of all people into chads with a similar fuck face. Then they might start whining about whats "real" and suddenly grow a conscious when being chad is the equivalant of a "i had a pussy yesterday" participation trophy that every dumb cunt gets.
Tbh tho its either let it happen or burn the plastic cups full of genocide juice and apparently the western jihadist havent figured out what a "fertility clinic" really does, because to my knowledge a nazi clone factory has never been attacked
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i learned new word

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