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Male + low inhibition + ugly is the absolute WORST combo.



Nov 7, 2017
Women absolutely HATE ugly men who are low inhibition.  They hate being approached by ugly men, that's "harassment".  They hate extroverted, talkative, outgoing ugly men, they're "annoying". 

If you're an ugly male women don't want you to speak to them.  They want you to keep your head down and keep quiet.  They don't want you to go to clubs or attend social events that they go to.  They don't want you in their social circle and if you are they'll try to push you out of it.

An ugly outgoing male that tries to talk to women all the time is an incel who completely lacks social awareness.  On the other hand, when you see an ugly male that keeps to himself, that's an incel who's likely low key black pilled.  He knows his place.  

Not to mention all of this "street harassment" hysteria that's been going on recently is very specifically about putting ugly low inhibition men in their place.
Can confirm, I'm male, low inhib and 2/10. It's over boys.
You always need to know your place.
Ryo Hazuki said:
Women absolutely HATE ugly men who are low inhibition.  They hate being approached by ugly men, that's "harassment".  They hate extroverted, talkative, outgoing ugly men, they're "annoying". 

If you're an ugly male women don't want you to speak to them.  They want you to keep your head down and keep quiet.  They don't want you to go to clubs or attend social events that they go to.  They don't want you in their social circle and if you are they'll try to push you out of it.

An ugly outgoing male that tries to talk to women all the time is an incel who completely lacks social awareness.  On the other hand, when you see an ugly male that keeps to himself, that's an incel who's likely low key black pilled.  He knows his place.  

Not to mention all of this "street harassment" hysteria that's been going on recently is very specifically about putting ugly low inhibition men in their place.

You are low inhibition? I always imagined you as shy and awkward irl I don't know why.
IceCutter said:

These types end up in jail in 2017, they have to learn fast.

This is why I'm glad I got my cold approaching phase over with when I was younger.  Back when I was running "numbers game" it was the mid to late 2000s and society's attitude towards ugly men who approached women was that they were simply just "annoying" but were not causing any serious problems as long as there were no sexually explicit comments and no touching.  These days a guy can get in serious trouble for just trying to chat up some girls and get their numbers.  Society now sees them as a very serious problem.

If I were to approach women now like I used to, it would only be a matter of time before one of them took a picture of me on her phone, posted it on her twitter or tumblr, got a ton of retweets/reblogs, got me doxed and got me fired from my job.  That's the world we live in now.
Agreed. I used to be low inhib as fuck and became high inhib after being blown out over and over again.
knajjd said:
Turkish actually has an insult that pretty much perfectly translates into "low inhibition incel".

Tell me this insult so I can use it whenever I'm around Turks. It's not ibne is it?
legit i was low inhib enough to gather 107 rejections this summer and maybe 200 overall in my life

only you here can guess the humiliation and shit i got
knajjd said:
nu, that's "faggot". the one i'm talking about is "abazan"

 I know that it's faggot but I hoped it would be the same thing. I'm glad I spelled it rightly enough to make you understand. Thank you, I'll let you know what my Turkish friends will say after I call them that.
I remember when i was a child and it was outspoken and social, and then everyone tell me shut up, you talk too much, stupid etc.

Then i become introverted, and my mom blames my inceldom in that, lol.
I usually end up getting into argument with those type of girls...
approaching women is not low-inhibition, grabbing their asses is. what difference does it make, they find unattractive men disgusting regardless of their behavior. if anything that's more evidence to approach since it deeply hurts their ego to see a low value male having the audacity of approaching them and thus being compared to his level.
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I had a friend in college,he was very tall,thin,had good skin,and was pretty good looking,he was very shy and had low self-esteem at first ,didn't know how to interact with girls,even when girls approached him he would shy away afraid of being looked down upon

but after he found many girls actually loved to interact with him,he became confident and more low inhib
High inhibition is worse no matter which way you slice it

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