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JFL Male feminist: Women don't need men anymore!

These people cope and cuck to foids because if they swallowed the blackpill they would instantly rope
"just become a slave bro :soy::soy::soy:"
It's because we don't bring good genetics to the table. Chads are still desirable even when they are complete slobs.
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"men are tired after a shit day at work they must do better!" these delusional soy faggots should honestly kill themselves
Imagine being this much of a cuck. What a pathetic life.
:soy: :soy: :soy: you need to do more

Meanwhile Chad is currently getting his dick sucked after a long day of not working and with shit stains in his underwear
jfl this guy is ultracucked

y do boomers love this kind of dumb performative foidworship crap
jfl this guy is ultracucked

y do boomers love this kind of dumb performative foidworship crap
it's like someone told them that feminism is this new hip trend so they think it makes them cool

same way that they were all hippies back in the day
jfl this guy is ultracucked

y do boomers love this kind of dumb performative foidworship crap
They're brain rotten Bidenites (not in belief, but in how brain rotten they are)
They're brain rotten Bidenites (not in belief, but in how brain rotten they are)
jfl true tbh this guy clearly takes after joe
These people cope and cuck to foids because if they swallowed the blackpill they would instantly rope
This is the part where we talk about how violent retards have no problem getting laid but ((((educated))) and rich foids, what exactly does Saint Meeks bring to the table besides a record of beating children to near death.
Yes they do. They need men to keep the companies that give them useless jobs going. Women never randomly became independent and strong one day. They're going well from years of gender qoutas and affirmative action pushed by men to help.

Blah blah yada yada

Whatever they say it could be sorted up into this one piece of data

Foids have been and always will be the parasites

I wish they really could stand on their two own feet jfl
Jesus, I remember being a leftist and coming across people like this, as well as the S.C.U.M manifesto. I was so wounded; I was a feminist myself, I hadn’t even been close enough to a woman for me to do something terrible. Was a real D-Fens moment for me.
IMG 2029
...as long as simps, including employers who prefer foids over men for just being a foid keep funding them
I will not betabuxx, foids, cucks, feminists, meninists.
Men are the ones bringing the entire table. Women just sit on their asses all day and make their boyfriends pay for all their shit.
I'm beginning to think it's impossible to be a male feminist without coming off as a complete faggot. Why can't men ever defend women without giving off the impression that they let their girlfriends sodomize them?
Is that dana white? If so I am never watching ufc again
I'm beginning to think it's impossible to be a male feminist without coming off as a complete faggot. Why can't men ever defend women without giving off the impression that they let their girlfriends sodomize them?
ironically male feminists are the most likely strangers to commit rape. nature really does balance itself out
He's not wrong. Well obviously they still need men as a group but they don't need a man. This forum wouldn't probably even exist if they actually needed us
Lol his voice sounds super soyed. Also balding :lul:

How come the biggest degenerates end up being more truecel than the truecels? I mean, don't judge a book by its cover they say, but there is a clear pattern you can observe here.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTears/comments/1e9ft0g/for_the_lurkers/

Women need men to finance their lives of hedonism and nonproduction.

Unfortunately, men are taxed by the state and companies pay men less to afford giving foids worthless busywork jobs.

Foids used to rely on a man. Now they rely on the government, which leeches off of men as a whole. Women now force men to provide for them, with no need to ever promise anything in return.
Without Man , Society would Collapse . They just dont need and want ( Average Man " ) for Sex , is what they Really Mean .

Not the Man that are holding all this Shit together and Made me Possible to type this Sentence on this Screen for Everyone to see ( Internet )

If Man Became Self aware , stopped being Bootlickers and Working Cockroaches , And Clinging onto Woman who couldnt care less . Everything would implode , easy as that .

@Friezacel @Mecoja @VersoffenerAssi @Rotter @Sasukecel @The Abyss @Verxis @Pancakecel @Swagpilled @OutcompetedByRoomba @Retardinator @Lebensmüder @Der tote Engel ohne @erenyeager @Emba @IncelKing @Hoppipolla
Men have no role in modern soyciety. Men only need to maintain infra and pay taxes. There is no other need for men. Just become a parasite and leechmaxx. Only good little soy cucks pay taxes and do their job. Become a parasite if it's possible. There is no reason to be a good little boy.
Women need men to finance their lives of hedonism and nonproduction.

Unfortunately, men are taxed by the state and companies pay men less to afford giving foids worthless busywork jobs.

Foids used to rely on a man. Now they rely on the government, which leeches off of men as a whole. Women now force men to provide for them, with no need to ever promise anything in return.
high iq
Men are the ones bringing the entire table. Women just sit on their asses all day and make their boyfriends pay for all their shit.
Man dont realize ( yet ) how skewed his SMV is compared to hers .

Does all the Right things and Provides for her , just so she can find another Guy or Cheats on him .

Woman can Fuck and leech from Every Man they want , not Vice Versa ( Imagine this was the case for man lol , Earth would be heaven :feelskek: :feelsclown: )
Without Man , Society would Collapse . They just dont need and want ( Average Man " ) for Sex , is what they Really Mean .

Not the Man that are holding all this Shit together and Made me Possible to type this Sentence on this Screen for Everyone to see ( Internet )

If Man Became Self aware , stopped being Bootlickers and Working Cockroaches , And Clinging onto Woman who couldnt care less . Everything would implode , easy as that .

@Friezacel @Mecoja @VersoffenerAssi @Rotter @Sasukecel @The Abyss @Verxis @Pancakecel @Swagpilled @OutcompetedByRoomba @Retardinator @Lebensmüder @Der tote Engel ohne @erenyeager @Emba @IncelKing @Hoppipolla
Elites and most foids needs men and poor people to enable their enjoyment by slaving their lives away.
Elites and most foids needs men and poor people to enable their enjoyment by slaving their lives away.
Yea Man continuessly " Run on the Hamster Wheel , While Woman get Most things AND SEX on a Silver Platter for doing Nothing .

Sadly Man dont want to Realize or cant Realize how unfair it is :feelsclown:
Without Man , Society would Collapse . They just dont need and want ( Average Man " ) for Sex , is what they Really Mean .

Not the Man that are holding all this Shit together and Made me Possible to type this Sentence on this Screen for Everyone to see ( Internet )

If Man Became Self aware , stopped being Bootlickers and Working Cockroaches , And Clinging onto Woman who couldnt care less . Everything would implode , easy as that .

@Friezacel @Mecoja @VersoffenerAssi @Rotter @Sasukecel @The Abyss @Verxis @Pancakecel @Swagpilled @OutcompetedByRoomba @Retardinator @Lebensmüder @Der tote Engel ohne @erenyeager @Emba @IncelKing @Hoppipolla

hab dich vergessen bro . alter to many @ im Hirn tbh . :feelskek:
Without Man , Society would Collapse . They just dont need and want ( Average Man " ) for Sex , is what they Really Mean .

Not the Man that are holding all this Shit together and Made me Possible to type this Sentence on this Screen for Everyone to see ( Internet )

If Man Became Self aware , stopped being Bootlickers and Working Cockroaches , And Clinging onto Woman who couldnt care less . Everything would implode , easy as that .

@Friezacel @Mecoja @VersoffenerAssi @Rotter @Sasukecel @The Abyss @Verxis @Pancakecel @Swagpilled @OutcompetedByRoomba @Retardinator @Lebensmüder @Der tote Engel ohne @erenyeager @Emba @IncelKing @Hoppipolla

It really is as simple as that. But brainwashed normscum are too low IQ and lacking in self-awareness to realise that
Then don't complain when men don't want to provide for them or society in general
The problem isn't really that women don't need men, the actual problem is that women never liked 95% of men in the first place. It was always Chad only, it was just that most women didn't have a choice in the matter. Even now, even if a woman is with a man, it means nothing unless he got her by his looks alone. If it was his status, or his betabuxxing that got her, then its just glorified prostitution on the woman's part.


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