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"Male" Contrition Is Without Horizon

  • Thread starter Deleted member 2798
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Deleted member 2798

Deleted member 2798

free him or cuck
Jan 13, 2018
It's fairly obvious that incels are attacked on all sides; from ostensibly different quarters, but originating from a common white-knighting slavishness. In the sense of political categories, this plays out as "Left" soycucks castigating us for retrogressive mysygyny and "Right" LARPcucks pounding their sagging, weak chests about "manhood". But what of people who declare non-alignment? Who make a point to signal that they don't fit neatly into any tribe; that they are totally uncorrupted by the spectacular enchantments of fungible identities-as-ideology?

They're still good boy sycophants at heart. Frogtwitter puts itself forward as a loose collective of iconoclasts; sharp, independent minds; a Neo-Dada insurgency against liberal pieties. However, they, lounging in the complacent mediocrity of safety, betray their naïveté in clinging credulously to models of society rendered by the addled and dissembling minds of whores. They do not challenge any fundamental assumptions of the unravelling "order" by which we are bounded. Looking for an honest man with a clear picture of the world in front of him, a figure you'd be led to believe is the default form of the "logical" male, is altogether too difficult a task. It seems as though everyone outside of this forum is a flaming cuckold weakling; every group, no matter how loosely they exist as a collective, is held down by the fear of gauche embarrassments, of stepping out from a thin and tight line. For all they like to lambaste it, they're effectively the Chapo Trap House of the Right in their pretensions and failure to deliver on them.

The reason I even bother to mention this is the link to r/trufemcels. How retarded does a person have to be to take that place seriously, much less ascribe to it any kind of insight that can't be found here? It is the exact negative of this forum, every word given an opposite complement, every concept inverted haphazardly and unimaginatively. Even among self-styled arch cultural pessimists, any given hole is correct just by virtue of being a hole.

This guy makes some good posts, but he should stick to waxing prolix about Nabokov and leave off talking about the "plight" of sluts in Current Year, a topic not fit for anyone who refuses to treat it honestly. Anyone who looks like this and has a positive estimation of wymyn can't be trusted as to the fidelity of his conclusions:


@Atavistic Autist
@Red Shambhala
Appealing to the "women get away with it" mentality(they indeed do) one can assume that a good portion of that "satire" cuckhole is made up of actual hateful femoids who, notorious for parasitizing into every fucking male oriented subculture and turning it inside out, have found refuge there under the guise of "just satire bro" lines of defence from any criticizm associated with the state of being "incel" such as "ur entitled lol" "ur beeter", bluepilled cucks will gobble it up because to them women can never be this evil, and some cunt sad about not getting chad cock and saying "men should be [---] " "men are [---] " is just fucking around so no big deal, not to mention the online anonimity component in this(benefits holes) , some bluepilled cuck would probably think some other bluepilled cuck is making fun of le evil in-cells, while it is not the case, some radical femshit is behind it all and actually means what she is saying, oblivious cucks not minding it one bit.

The bleakest and most depressing thing about this whole shit fiasco is that somewhere out there, your possibly looksmatched carbon-copy femoid version(ideologically) of you gets away with it scot-free, shouting the same hateful and bitter bullshit cucks in the media and such think is satire because to them foids can't be like this.
Now this is more like it. I've seen a lot of people say they like Neuromancer around here - keep it mind that it was authored by a spineless grandstanding faggot:

Esoteric Twitter has an odd relationship with the whore question. Seems to be right and wrong in equal measure.

EDIT (thanks for the edit kind Redditor): Looks like the tweets in the first post are gone - I guess the guy cleaned out his account due to doxing attempts. They were about r/trufemcels, with the discussion yielding insights like:

"Why don't they try to hook up with incels from Lookism?"
"Because incels hate ugly women"

(paraphrased) "Ugly women have it way harder than ugly men. This is something much more bleak than >tfw no gf."

"They have a phrase: 'fatcel = 'volcel'. (Great and very unique invention! - rED.) Beauty standards for women, etc., etc."
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