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However, you’re still not good looking enough to attract young women in 2019

What you have to realise is, 5/10 is the average male face and facial features and facial bones. Less than 5/10 means you SIGNIFICANTLY DEVIATE from average male proportions of facial bone, and size of eyes, nose, mouth etc.

This means 1/10 and 2/10 are oppressively ugly and deformed beyond what you see in 99.999% of everyday human contact.

This thread is mainly for those who think they’re 1/10 and 2/10, chances are you’re no less than 3.5. The main issue virtually every single one of us has is little to no lower third development, meaning most of us are around 4-5/10. Then there may be some 5’s and possibly even 6’s with fucked up things like negative tilt eyes or massive nose, but otherwise a regular, average jawline and chin.

Attractiveness is objective, but also relative, to fixed beautiful proportions. Keep that in mind when you rate yourself and others,
you don´t need to be ugly to be incel, just unattractive.

RageAgainstTDL-Good idea. I graphed it in Google Sheets and this is what it looks like:

I have a solid 5/10 face, ruined by acne which makes it 3/10.
My problem is my height. I'm 5'2. TBH if I was higher I would be a high tier normie or a chadlite.
Friend, 1/10 and 2/10 are exclusively for DEFORMED people. Guys like Onecooldude123 and StBlackOps2cel are in this range.

Most people here are 3/10 and 4/10. But thats enough to be incel.

At 4/10 you still have some window to escape, but at 3/10 shits gets really really hard.
We are all beautiful in the inside :feelsautistic::feelsautistic::feelsautistic::feelsautistic:
5-6/10 is ugly because foids inflate their own SMV
Just acidface every other male on earth theory:feelskek:
Im a 5/10 italian manlet......
here or you are at least 7/10 or rope fucking cuckitaly
I know for a fact I'm not a 5/10. 4/10? Idk, maybe if I lost a lot of weight, somehow gained hair, lost all my acne and acne scars, fixed my teeth. Right now I'm morel like a 3. Maybe 2.5.
yeah we're uglier
I'm ugly, of average height, and ethnic.

Guess you don't have to be 1/10 to be incel in our day and age
Its sad to continue repeating the same old copes over and over again.

Of course, there are people in the 5/10 PSL range, so what? I was never rated below 5, but I'm less than 4, incel due to a mix of low status, laziness, bad genes and LDARing. Usually in these communities the rating is too high, not too low, because a lot of copers like to project their copes on other people. Very few people are capable of providing accurate ratings based on fixed parameters.

Take ethniccopers as an example, when they see you are white, norwood0, blue eyes, they automatically classify you as a fakecel, because their coping strategy is based on the belief that being white raise your rating and SVM. Baldcels give higher ratings if you are norwood0, because their main struggle and cope is to think that people without hair problems are living in paradise. Manlet's coping strategy is to think lanklets can't be incels. Stormfrontcopers are resentful haters that cope thinking black and ethnics are "stealing" white low tier foids. There are other examples, but I'll stop here.

The point is a lot of ratings are biased, but that's quite obvious, you can't expect to be rated properly by online members of a forum.
I’m a 4.5 apparently. Not hideously ugly but I’m pretty much invisible to females tbh..
Ugly + ethnic :cryfeels:
hypergamy has come to a point where you need to be 7/10 minimum to be attractive to a 3/10 who frauds her way to 4/10 using fakeup
Giga Cope. Rating takes 0 skill when it comes to maxilla and mandible, only the eye area is a little difficult.
bad mandible vs good mandible

Bad maxilla vs good maxilla

If you need more help with knowing what a bad maxilla looks like, look at people with underbites.
When hypergamy was more or less controlled (never 100% because women are hypergamous by nature), 5/10 guys had a chance.
Now, hypergamy is unbridled, women inflate their SMV, and are constantly told that their gorgeous (even if she’s a 220 lb landwhale) — this makes them pickier than a Harvard med school admissions committee, thinking that they deserve the best of the best
A little below average facially but 5'1 = over.
The vast majority of jncels ate 3/10s and 4/10s. Mentalcels are usually 5s, truecels and the morbidly obese are 2s, and 1s are usually too syndromic to think about sex.
Most guys here are plus-4. I have seen many face reveals over the months and most guys here look normal-ish. Unfortunately, 4/10 is rarely enough for today's women following their "liberation" :feelsrope:

RageAgainstTDL-Good idea. I graphed it in Google Sheets and this is what it looks like:



If youre not top 1% don't even dream about ever having a romantic relationship
If you haven't seen anyone uglier than you in real life (or shorter or more mental blah blah blah) you're a truecel. If you don't mog anyone in your respective region of inceldom (face, height, frame etc) it's fucking over. I've never met someone as ugly as me tbh and being 5'7, skinny, non NT, currently receding hairline doesn't help either. I'm not saying if you mog anyone you're not a truecel, but try and think of people you have known irl; are they worse than you? I hope so.
im a 3.5 - 4 and im a midget at 5'9", plus im 25 aka oldcel. its over for me

RageAgainstTDL-Good idea. I graphed it in Google Sheets and this is what it looks like:


JFL. 98% of men are not good enough for women, according to women.
JFL. 98% of men are not good enough for women, according to women.

Curious how "men's likes" of women would be distributed. Muh guess (mind you I'm usually right about everything I post) would be that there would be drop off under a 3/10 and it would marginally increase peaking at most men being interested in pursuing a woman who is a 6/10 to 8/10 (women men find optimally attainable) with a slight decrease so that towards the 9/10s and mythical 10/10 feemaaahels would get slightly less likes.


NOTE: anything below a 3/10 is like handicapped or requires undertaking a significant burden to pursue a relationship with.

FUCKING LO-FUCKING-L! I tried to google some research and look how the hypothetical curve I drew conforms with some curve of how sexes rate each other from the book Dataclysm...see gray curve: there's both a dropoff near the 2/5, marginally increasing and peaking at 3/5-4/5 then decrease towards the 5/5 (unattainable). Women's curve also conforms to the Hinge-app data where most menz is rated as being significantly below average.

Cliffs: I wuz rightz y'all.

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The reality is that I know I’m a 3/10, but even gaining 3 more points would mean nothing. It might mean I could be a cuck to a landwhale with 2 kids.
The reality is that I know I’m a 3/10, but even gaining 3 more points would mean nothing. It might mean I could be a cuck to a landwhale with 2 kids.

Thats why if you even have to pursue a feeamayle its already over. Not only do you have to overcome her personal tastes (in which already a 6/10 may not be sufficient) but you have to account for your competition who may also be 6/10 to the hypothetical 10/10.

So unless you are being actively pursued by her...it's probably over.
So unless you are being actively pursued by her...it's probably over.

If that's true then you gotta be chad to get an average woman to message you first on tinder and pursue you
or at a party, university, etc.
I'm not terribly ugly. Just short, and aspergercel with a small cock.

Truth be told I may be more MGTOW Redpill than Incel. Though I consider myself volcel because I have given up on women. Women do not want children, or marriage at a young age. (18-28) They want to party in their 20's, and reject the nice guys until they are so used up that they have to come back to you when you are a betabux.

I can go on all day about women, and their whoredoms / crimes against nature. Though I love this forum, and I'm thankful that it's been a host to my posts.
If that's true then you gotta be chad to get an average woman to message you first on tinder and pursue you
or at a party, university, etc.

Well that is kinda an overstatement, you don't need to be Chad.... but more like you can't ever be with someone who doesn't want to be with you in the first place.
No, you're taking it too far. A 5'0" girl views you as quite tall.

Generally, height problems come into play below 5'7".
Because she's below avg for a woman. The avg height of a woman (5'4" - 5'6") sees me as short. Add heels to it and now I get mogged. Also, it's relativity to other men they judge upon, take that into account and I'm still severely disadvantaged.
Because she's below avg for a woman. The avg height of a woman (5'4" - 5'6") sees me as short. Add heels to it and now I get mogged. Also, it's relativity to other men they judge upon, take that into account and I'm still severely disadvantaged.

I agree with you on several points, but at 5'9", you are generally eye level or slightly taller when the average girl (around 5'4.5") wears heels. I am 5'5.5" myself, that is a far worse problem than yours.

Also, I gotta say you height-blaming above 5'8" is generally a cope. I can understand 5'7", but you are generally going to be equal height to the average girl when she wears heels. Still, plenty of girls shorter than the average who will find no problem with you or 5'8".

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