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Major IncelTear Users Doxxed (suck it, Joe Gelman/Dieselpunkcyberpunk). IncelTear is FULL of pedos. AdvocateDoogy is just the beginning.

  • Thread starter RobertGarnicasAPedo
  • Start date
Didn’t rd all but based as shit. Confirms suspicions about the demented nature of IT. Least mentally ill IT users right here
God-tier based post:lul:. Not the hero we deserve but the hero we need.
Based 2023cel
How surprising, the faggot who always brags about having sex is a social reject virgin weirdo
Excellent, really goes to show just how degenerate and desperate bluepillers are. Its an entire subreddit of projecting pathetic pedos and bottom-of-barrel bitches
So Robert Garnica/Princess_Kitty14 and/or Joe Gelman/Dieselpunkcyberpunk got my medium article on IncelTear users being doxxed as pedos/probable pedos taken down.

Well, you asked for it. Good luck taking it down now.

In time, I will add some more doxxes, although I'll do them in separate threads, as those people haven't been established to be pedophiles (yet).

Princess_Kitty14 is Robert Garnica of Barquisimeto, Venezuela.



Mr. Garnica lives with his wife, Genesis Sabino Garnica (more on that in a moment).

Señor Garnica was found via a “resume” he posted for critique when he was posting on Reddit from a previous handle, Koneko-Desu.

You see, Señor Garnica necessita comer. He is tired of eating los perros and los gatos and wants to earn real money from coding.

But nobody will hire him.

It might be because he is easily distracted by underaged girls.

Luckily, he knows better than to act on his desires, because one night of loli pleasure can result in 18 years of future child support payments, as he says on his Facebook profile.


He has found a good way to cope, and not just by pretending he’s outraged when incels say teenage girls can be hot.

In between Señor Garnica’s stints on Reddit as Koneko-Dono (his username after he was Koneko-Desu, where he first claimed to be a "camwhore") and Princess_Kitty14, he posted as a user named “Dianavic.”

His stint as Dianavic began with him trying to impersonate Japanese porn actress Yuka Kuramochi, but when he realized she was way too old for his tastes, he looked at some of the “ulzzang” (Korean) models his wife was a fan of, and decided to switch to impersonating a 14-year-old Korean girl from Instagram.

For the next several months, Señor Garnica impersonated Yu_Jeong_05 by stealing her instagram selfies and telling people on Reddit that he was her. At one point, he even offered her “virginity” to strangers on r/virginityexchange.


He also aged her up to 18 and described her as, “now in legal flavor.”


On the left, Yu_Jeong_05. On the right, Yuka Kuramochi.

In the rich history of r/inceltears and r/inceltear, no user has had more posts, nor more stints as a moderator, than Señor Garnica. He was a mod from all four of his known accounts (Koneko-Desu, Koneko-Dono, Dianavic, Princess_Kitty14), and there is evidence to suggest he even coded the LostRivers bot account that created the current incarnation of R/IncelTear. People on here thought it was BrazilianSigma, but the account history showed that the comments being posted from said account were copy-and-pasted from years old comments from many other users. When I reported U/Dianavic to Reddit for impersonating Yu_Jeong_05, Reddit banned both Dianavic and LostRivers at around the same time. My guess is they did an IP sweep for bans, and the pedophilic Venezuelan coder was behind the LostRivers bot.

But Señor Garnica has a great personality anyway. We know this because he’s married to Genesis Sabino Garnica.


Señor Garnica has a new strategy: Impersonating his own wife in an effort to get people to follow her on Onlyfans.

Unfortunately for him, his wife is below most incels’ looksmatch. While he knows how to close his eyes and think of Venezuela, incels know there’s not enough beer in the world.



(Note how the username she is holding up is incorrect. "Princess Kitten." Also, Robert very rarely capitalizes anything. Granted, this is hand-written, but I think his wife's English might be better than his).

I will now write a brief summary in Spanish, in hopes that some Venezuelan cartel members hear about this and do the types of things Venezuelan cartel members do.

Para lectores venezolanos: Robert Garnica de Barquisimeto, Venezuela, es un depredador de niños. Se hizo pasar por una niña de 14 años e intentó vender su virginidad a extraños en el sitio web Reddit.

I want everyone here to get this through their head: There is no "she" behind the Princess_Kitty14 account. All of the pictures he posts are of his wife. And no, you lying little greaseball, I have never wavered from her being your wife since I discovered your identity.

She's Hispanic, not black. See how she's wearing torn rags and standing by a slum village door? See how unkempt she looks? That's because she lives in Venezuela with her perverted husband.

No, the Garnicas do not make any significant money off her onlyfans pictures. I can't believe people are this gullible. Granted, I think American pennies are worth a few bucks over in Venezuela, but Mr. Garnica admitted that he was broke a few years ago when he was posting as Koneko-Desu. He claimed this disproved the blackpill, because he's a scrawny Venezuelan and managed to get married.

But as you can see, he's a lying little weasel pervert, so this means he has a great personality.

Oh, and another thing: When I repeatedly pointed out that Yu_Jeong_05 said on her Instagram profile that she was born in 2005, while Dianavic - who admitted the Yu_Jeong_05 instagram page was "hers" - was claiming on Reddit that "she" was 18 (this was in 2020), several IncelTear users who had stalked me over to R/BasedShaman just called me a troll, and sarcastically dared me to report it to Reddit. I did just that, and Dianavic was banned. They responded by accusing me of "abusing" the report feature, and the user, Nelrene, claimed that there was no way of knowing why Dianavic was banned, and would just have to wait until "she" returned to find out.

Of course, that never happened, because Dianavic's ban was permament, and Mr. Garnica returned as Princess_Kitty14 to ask why he should care about Dianavic's impersonation of a 14-year-old girl.

The following users deliberately ignored my repeated proof (and repeated questions of, "was 2005 18 years ago?") that Dianavic was lying about being Yu_Jeong_05:

U/Brookshire-Hathaway (more on him to come)
U/HamsterSquared (and other usernames he used)

IncelTear's core users are not the soyboys we thought they were. They are mentally ill child predators.

DieselpunkCyberpunk is JoeGelman of Deland, Florida.


He’ve a name.

Joseph Robert Gelman is a 37-year-old virgin NEET from Deland, Florida.

His previous accounts include: MountainDrifter99, Osprade, CoverActive, GingerCrayons, ChosenExec, Indagator2020, AdmiralBooBerry, KingChadofChadtown, ChronoBomber, LaCroixFever, and CompassErrant.

Mr. Gelman was so agoraphobic that he only finished high school on a disability program.

But with the internet in one hand and an Everyday Carry item in another, the former Florida Steampunker blogger and New Artemis writer can pretend to see the world while he LARPs on R/IncelTear.

Mr. Gelman is not your typical LARPer. LARPing is his passion.

He has been straight and gay. A man and a woman. Dating, engaged, and married. A lawyer, a medical doctor, a psychologist, an undercover police officer, a real estate agent, a journalist, a financial advisor, an orthopedic surgeon, a neuropsychiatric researcher, and in the military. He currently claims to be a photographer.

“Apparently incels have never heard of changing careers!”

Wait, I’ll translate it for soyboys.

“aPpArEnTlY iNcElS hAvE nEvEr HeArD oF cHaNgInG cArEeRs! </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </sarcasm> </sarcasm> </sarcasm> </sarcasm> </sarcasm> </I’m being sarcastic!>”

But most importantly, Joseph “incels are grundy-paranoiac” Gelman has been linked to a Twitter “MAP” (minor-attracted person) who went by the pseudonym, Kamil Beylant.

You see, the term, “grundy-paranoiac,” is made up. It was made up by Mr. Beylant. It was never uttered by another person on the internet until Mr. Gelman (during his time as ChosenExec) used it to describe his hypothesis for why incels don’t want researchers interviewing them.

When another incel accused Mr. Gelman of being Beylant, he deleted his entire Reddit history, followed by his account…only to return with another username and another LARP.

Luckily for Mr. Gelman, Mr. Beylant has since been banned from Twitter, so whatever connection he had to him remains a mystery. Mr. Gelman has resumed referring to incels as “gross” for saying that some teenage girls are “jailbait.” And he’s still tall and I’ve a hunch he still conceal carries, yep.

He is the most easily recognized user on all of IncelTear. His horrible writing style and obnoxious persona come through no matter what LARP he is doing.

It's hard to tell whether or not he's a pathological liar, but whenever he's cornered, there is no lie he won't tell to try to weasel his way out of the fact he has been exposed. He taunts everyone who catches him in lies, yet whenever he is finally caught to where he can't weasel his way out, he clears his entire Reddit history and runs away like the coward he is.

He tried to tell people I had him mistaken for a WW2 veteran in his 90s, but that's a different Joe Gelman. This Joe Gelman is obsessive about hiding all of his personal information, but he can't escape the Wayback machine.

When Gelman saw me post this link to show I was not, in fact, referring to a WW2 veteran, he changed his story. Of course.

Now he will tell people that the guy I am referring to is the WW2 veteran's "son," and the son is ALSO a veteran, and in a wheelchair. I'm not sure what he can claim he's a veteran of, though, considering he's standing in the image for that New Artemis profile.

Either way, IncelTear users obviously notice this, but choose to ignore it. They'll even praise him for it, claiming that it's somehow better to make up an outrageous life story for yourself than to...not give out any details about your personal life.

Mr. Gelman likes making threats about shooting anyone who comes after him. But he's an agoraphobic coward whose weapon of choice is an EDC knife.

Back to "grundy-paranoiac," though: During Gelman's time posting as ChosenExec (which is the account he made the "grundy-paranoiac" dog whistle with), he made other comments that seemed to contain dog whistles I didn't pick up on before Googling the aforementioned faux-term. In one comment, he commented that he "loves baby face," and on another, he said that he was planning on "home schooling his 5-year-old and newborn." You be the judge. Again, consider the fact that he was the second person in the history of the internet to use a term coined by a little-known Twitter "MAP," and deleted his account after a user DMed him to accuse him of being that Tweeter.

Brookshire-Hathaway is Bobby I from Carson, California

Because I am saving the nuclear option in case the man currently posting on PurplePillDebate as Lift_and_Lurk ever returns to being insufferably smug and obnoxious on IncelTear, I will only refer to him as, “Bobby.”

That’s his American name. Despite claiming on Reddit that he’s white, he’s actually half Japanese, half Mexican.

Bobby spent years on IncelTears/IncelTear pretending to be married to the following woman, whom he claimed was a neuroscientist who received her PhD from the University of Cambridge after getting a Gates Scholarship at 22:



He claimed the first of these two pictures was from “engagement photos.” He said his wife was nervous and would normally bite a pen, but because there were no pens around, they had her bite her finger.

Hey, just like a model!

So it might come as a huge surprise to you that this is not, in fact, his wife.

It is, in fact, a model.

Oh, no big deal. He’s just fibbing on the internet.

Oh, wait.

This model is actually his neighbor.

His neighbor’s then-18-year-old daughter, Gillian, that is.

Bobby is married and in his 40s.

And he wants to make American Beauty 2: Kevin Spacey Has Sex With Stacy.

It turns out Gillian was wearing a red wig in the first picture, as she was doing some sort of Princess Merida cosplay thing. She’s a fan of Disney movies, per her Facebook profile.

In the second picture, which Bobby described as how his “wife” keeps her hair now, she appears to have been younger than 18, based on the various hair styles shown in Gillian’s Facebook pictures.

But as I said, Bobby is married. So he must have a great personality.

His wife, Rebecca (who is in her late 40s), teaches at a church. They have a daughter named Emmelyne, who is 11–12 years old. Bobby pretended Emmelyne didn’t exist for much of his time on Reddit, only to eventually announce his wife was pregnant, give Emmelyne a new birthday, and use her baby pictures from 2011 and try to pass them off as current.

So I ask you: What's the theme with these users? Are we noticing a pattern?

Of course, IncelTear regulars will just obfuscate and go, "tHeRE's nO eViDeNcE, "as well as, "bUt InCeLs PoSt AbOuT hIgH sChOoL gIrLs BeInG hOt," but they would do the same thing if we had videos of IncelTear regulars setting babies on fire.

Never believe a word an IncelTear user says.
JFL at the degeneracy of these anti-incel scumbags.
the fuck is this nigger :feelshaha:
how many have been found to be pedos so far from IT?
Based 2023cel

Based doxxER

There you go, more evidence that these incel tear retards are just projecting. Pathetic subreddit.

Gigabased 2023cel.
Also JFL at "Hikikomori girl" :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:

Holy fuck their lives are more depressing than ours! And why the fuck are they all pedophiles? It's like the new epstien island over there. Fuck repulsive sad loser pedo freak

Based and doxxpiled. Hope all the other annoying bluepillers get similarly exposed:feelsokman::yes:.

Good job, I always suspected something dark and eerie about those cunts

They disgust me.

Of course, it's a common pattern for our haters to be massive degenerates, and their degeneracy overshadows everyone else.

cant make this shit up xd

Based GraYcel​

Based. One hell of a start for 2023

Holyshit 2023 start is grabbing some steam. Also gigaterabased 2023cel doxxer:hax:


based department is calling you


what a start to 2023

RIP bozos of IT :smonk: pathetic larpers ripped to shreds by our premier I.N.C.E.L operative


amazing first post

Holy based man bless you

Weaponised autism wins again


As always faggots that call us pedos are projecting nothing new

Didn’t rd all but based as shit. Confirms suspicions about the demented nature of IT. Least mentally ill IT users right here

God-tier based post:lul:. Not the hero we deserve but the hero we need.

Based 2023cel
How surprising, the faggot who always brags about having sex is a social reject virgin weirdo
Holy fuck their lives are more depressing than ours! And why the fuck are they all pedophiles? It's like the new epstien island over there. Fuck repulsive sad loser pedo freak
it gets a lot worse than being an incel ... one could be one of these epsteining fucktards ... so thank your lucky stars.. i know i do
Venecos son la basura de la humanidad. Dedicar un hilo a estas ratas inmundas ya es demasiado trabajo. Todos detestamos los venecos por RATA.
This thread is already the greatest thing to happen in 2023



  • reddit maybe you will find people like you.jpg
    reddit maybe you will find people like you.jpg
    146.1 KB · Views: 158
IT is full of nutjobs, just like discord. They're far more crazy than us.
THESE are the people calling US pathetic???? :feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:
Lol and they call us the losers. They are way more pathetic then we'll ever be.
Based as fuck.
Holy shit bruh :lul::lul::lul:
just ended their careers. 2023 is off to a great start
Dude that's alot of wall text. I mean it's an effort and I appreciate your effort but I DO NOT GIVING A FLYING FUCK ABOUT THEM.
thanks for the entertaining exposé
Jfl they are evil af
Fuck IT, but agecucks are retards as well. Women are fertile and look the most attractive at age 13-17. It was legal to breed women at those ages all over the world for thousands of years until the United Cucks of Feminism decided to control what we do with our dicks.
IncelTear has been playing dumb about this for over 2.5 years now. And yet they want me to yet again provide the dissertation on how I found them. And for what? So they can be banned and return with a new account, which Mr. Garnica has already done? He has already been banned 3 times. This is his 4th account.

Mr. Gelman is on account number 12. In his case, he just deleted his previous 11 accounts.

Mr. I doesn't post on IncelTear anymore anyway.
IncelTear has been playing dumb about this for over 2.5 years now. And yet they want me to yet again provide the dissertation on how I found them. And for what? So they can be banned and return with a new account, which Mr. Garnica has already done? He has already been banned 3 times. This is his 4th account.

Mr. Gelman is on account number 12. In his case, he just deleted his previous 11 accounts.

Mr. I doesn't post on IncelTear anymore anyway.
They won’t do shit to ban their members except for very rare occasions
Thank you for everything and exposing these despotic people
So Robert Garnica/Princess_Kitty14 and/or Joe Gelman/Dieselpunkcyberpunk got my medium article on IncelTear users being doxxed as pedos/probable pedos taken down.

Well, you asked for it. Good luck taking it down now.

In time, I will add some more doxxes, although I'll do them in separate threads, as those people haven't been established to be pedophiles (yet).

Princess_Kitty14 is Robert Garnica of Barquisimeto, Venezuela.



Mr. Garnica lives with his wife, Genesis Sabino Garnica (more on that in a moment).

Señor Garnica was found via a “resume” he posted for critique when he was posting on Reddit from a previous handle, Koneko-Desu.

You see, Señor Garnica necessita comer. He is tired of eating los perros and los gatos and wants to earn real money from coding.

But nobody will hire him.

It might be because he is easily distracted by underaged girls.

Luckily, he knows better than to act on his desires, because one night of loli pleasure can result in 18 years of future child support payments, as he says on his Facebook profile.


He has found a good way to cope, and not just by pretending he’s outraged when incels say teenage girls can be hot.

In between Señor Garnica’s stints on Reddit as Koneko-Dono (his username after he was Koneko-Desu, where he first claimed to be a "camwhore") and Princess_Kitty14, he posted as a user named “Dianavic.”

His stint as Dianavic began with him trying to impersonate Japanese porn actress Yuka Kuramochi, but when he realized she was way too old for his tastes, he looked at some of the “ulzzang” (Korean) models his wife was a fan of, and decided to switch to impersonating a 14-year-old Korean girl from Instagram.

For the next several months, Señor Garnica impersonated Yu_Jeong_05 by stealing her instagram selfies and telling people on Reddit that he was her. At one point, he even offered her “virginity” to strangers on r/virginityexchange.


He also aged her up to 18 and described her as, “now in legal flavor.”


On the left, Yu_Jeong_05. On the right, Yuka Kuramochi.

In the rich history of r/inceltears and r/inceltear, no user has had more posts, nor more stints as a moderator, than Señor Garnica. He was a mod from all four of his known accounts (Koneko-Desu, Koneko-Dono, Dianavic, Princess_Kitty14), and there is evidence to suggest he even coded the LostRivers bot account that created the current incarnation of R/IncelTear. People on here thought it was BrazilianSigma, but the account history showed that the comments being posted from said account were copy-and-pasted from years old comments from many other users. When I reported U/Dianavic to Reddit for impersonating Yu_Jeong_05, Reddit banned both Dianavic and LostRivers at around the same time. My guess is they did an IP sweep for bans, and the pedophilic Venezuelan coder was behind the LostRivers bot.

But Señor Garnica has a great personality anyway. We know this because he’s married to Genesis Sabino Garnica.


Señor Garnica has a new strategy: Impersonating his own wife in an effort to get people to follow her on Onlyfans.

Unfortunately for him, his wife is below most incels’ looksmatch. While he knows how to close his eyes and think of Venezuela, incels know there’s not enough beer in the world.



(Note how the username she is holding up is incorrect. "Princess Kitten." Also, Robert very rarely capitalizes anything. Granted, this is hand-written, but I think his wife's English might be better than his).

I will now write a brief summary in Spanish, in hopes that some Venezuelan cartel members hear about this and do the types of things Venezuelan cartel members do.

Para lectores venezolanos: Robert Garnica de Barquisimeto, Venezuela, es un depredador de niños. Se hizo pasar por una niña de 14 años e intentó vender su virginidad a extraños en el sitio web Reddit.

I want everyone here to get this through their head: There is no "she" behind the Princess_Kitty14 account. All of the pictures he posts are of his wife. And no, you lying little greaseball, I have never wavered from her being your wife since I discovered your identity.

She's Hispanic, not black. See how she's wearing torn rags and standing by a slum village door? See how unkempt she looks? That's because she lives in Venezuela with her perverted husband.

No, the Garnicas do not make any significant money off her onlyfans pictures. I can't believe people are this gullible. Granted, I think American pennies are worth a few bucks over in Venezuela, but Mr. Garnica admitted that he was broke a few years ago when he was posting as Koneko-Desu. He claimed this disproved the blackpill, because he's a scrawny Venezuelan and managed to get married.

But as you can see, he's a lying little weasel pervert, so this means he has a great personality.

Oh, and another thing: When I repeatedly pointed out that Yu_Jeong_05 said on her Instagram profile that she was born in 2005, while Dianavic - who admitted the Yu_Jeong_05 instagram page was "hers" - was claiming on Reddit that "she" was 18 (this was in 2020), several IncelTear users who had stalked me over to R/BasedShaman just called me a troll, and sarcastically dared me to report it to Reddit. I did just that, and Dianavic was banned. They responded by accusing me of "abusing" the report feature, and the user, Nelrene, claimed that there was no way of knowing why Dianavic was banned, and would just have to wait until "she" returned to find out.

Of course, that never happened, because Dianavic's ban was permament, and Mr. Garnica returned as Princess_Kitty14 to ask why he should care about Dianavic's impersonation of a 14-year-old girl.

The following users deliberately ignored my repeated proof (and repeated questions of, "was 2005 18 years ago?") that Dianavic was lying about being Yu_Jeong_05:

U/Brookshire-Hathaway (more on him to come)
U/HamsterSquared (and other usernames he used)

IncelTear's core users are not the soyboys we thought they were. They are mentally ill child predators.

DieselpunkCyberpunk is JoeGelman of Deland, Florida.


He’ve a name.

Joseph Robert Gelman is a 37-year-old virgin NEET from Deland, Florida.

His previous accounts include: MountainDrifter99, Osprade, CoverActive, GingerCrayons, ChosenExec, Indagator2020, AdmiralBooBerry, KingChadofChadtown, ChronoBomber, LaCroixFever, and CompassErrant.

Mr. Gelman was so agoraphobic that he only finished high school on a disability program.

But with the internet in one hand and an Everyday Carry item in another, the former Florida Steampunker blogger and New Artemis writer can pretend to see the world while he LARPs on R/IncelTear.

Mr. Gelman is not your typical LARPer. LARPing is his passion.

He has been straight and gay. A man and a woman. Dating, engaged, and married. A lawyer, a medical doctor, a psychologist, an undercover police officer, a real estate agent, a journalist, a financial advisor, an orthopedic surgeon, a neuropsychiatric researcher, and in the military. He currently claims to be a photographer.

“Apparently incels have never heard of changing careers!”

Wait, I’ll translate it for soyboys.

“aPpArEnTlY iNcElS hAvE nEvEr HeArD oF cHaNgInG cArEeRs! </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </sarcasm> </sarcasm> </sarcasm> </sarcasm> </sarcasm> </I’m being sarcastic!>”

But most importantly, Joseph “incels are grundy-paranoiac” Gelman has been linked to a Twitter “MAP” (minor-attracted person) who went by the pseudonym, Kamil Beylant.

You see, the term, “grundy-paranoiac,” is made up. It was made up by Mr. Beylant. It was never uttered by another person on the internet until Mr. Gelman (during his time as ChosenExec) used it to describe his hypothesis for why incels don’t want researchers interviewing them.

When another incel accused Mr. Gelman of being Beylant, he deleted his entire Reddit history, followed by his account…only to return with another username and another LARP.

Luckily for Mr. Gelman, Mr. Beylant has since been banned from Twitter, so whatever connection he had to him remains a mystery. Mr. Gelman has resumed referring to incels as “gross” for saying that some teenage girls are “jailbait.” And he’s still tall and I’ve a hunch he still conceal carries, yep.

He is the most easily recognized user on all of IncelTear. His horrible writing style and obnoxious persona come through no matter what LARP he is doing.

It's hard to tell whether or not he's a pathological liar, but whenever he's cornered, there is no lie he won't tell to try to weasel his way out of the fact he has been exposed. He taunts everyone who catches him in lies, yet whenever he is finally caught to where he can't weasel his way out, he clears his entire Reddit history and runs away like the coward he is.

He tried to tell people I had him mistaken for a WW2 veteran in his 90s, but that's a different Joe Gelman. This Joe Gelman is obsessive about hiding all of his personal information, but he can't escape the Wayback machine.

When Gelman saw me post this link to show I was not, in fact, referring to a WW2 veteran, he changed his story. Of course.

Now he will tell people that the guy I am referring to is the WW2 veteran's "son," and the son is ALSO a veteran, and in a wheelchair. I'm not sure what he can claim he's a veteran of, though, considering he's standing in the image for that New Artemis profile.

Either way, IncelTear users obviously notice this, but choose to ignore it. They'll even praise him for it, claiming that it's somehow better to make up an outrageous life story for yourself than to...not give out any details about your personal life.

Mr. Gelman likes making threats about shooting anyone who comes after him. But he's an agoraphobic coward whose weapon of choice is an EDC knife.

Back to "grundy-paranoiac," though: During Gelman's time posting as ChosenExec (which is the account he made the "grundy-paranoiac" dog whistle with), he made other comments that seemed to contain dog whistles I didn't pick up on before Googling the aforementioned faux-term. In one comment, he commented that he "loves baby face," and on another, he said that he was planning on "home schooling his 5-year-old and newborn." You be the judge. Again, consider the fact that he was the second person in the history of the internet to use a term coined by a little-known Twitter "MAP," and deleted his account after a user DMed him to accuse him of being that Tweeter.

Brookshire-Hathaway is Bobby I from Carson, California

Because I am saving the nuclear option in case the man currently posting on PurplePillDebate as Lift_and_Lurk ever returns to being insufferably smug and obnoxious on IncelTear, I will only refer to him as, “Bobby.”

That’s his American name. Despite claiming on Reddit that he’s white, he’s actually half Japanese, half Mexican.

Bobby spent years on IncelTears/IncelTear pretending to be married to the following woman, whom he claimed was a neuroscientist who received her PhD from the University of Cambridge after getting a Gates Scholarship at 22:



He claimed the first of these two pictures was from “engagement photos.” He said his wife was nervous and would normally bite a pen, but because there were no pens around, they had her bite her finger.

Hey, just like a model!

So it might come as a huge surprise to you that this is not, in fact, his wife.

It is, in fact, a model.

Oh, no big deal. He’s just fibbing on the internet.

Oh, wait.

This model is actually his neighbor.

His neighbor’s then-18-year-old daughter, Gillian, that is.

Bobby is married and in his 40s.

And he wants to make American Beauty 2: Kevin Spacey Has Sex With Stacy.

It turns out Gillian was wearing a red wig in the first picture, as she was doing some sort of Princess Merida cosplay thing. She’s a fan of Disney movies, per her Facebook profile.

In the second picture, which Bobby described as how his “wife” keeps her hair now, she appears to have been younger than 18, based on the various hair styles shown in Gillian’s Facebook pictures.

But as I said, Bobby is married. So he must have a great personality.

His wife, Rebecca (who is in her late 40s), teaches at a church. They have a daughter named Emmelyne, who is 11–12 years old. Bobby pretended Emmelyne didn’t exist for much of his time on Reddit, only to eventually announce his wife was pregnant, give Emmelyne a new birthday, and use her baby pictures from 2011 and try to pass them off as current.

So I ask you: What's the theme with these users? Are we noticing a pattern?

Of course, IncelTear regulars will just obfuscate and go, "tHeRE's nO eViDeNcE, "as well as, "bUt InCeLs PoSt AbOuT hIgH sChOoL gIrLs BeInG hOt," but they would do the same thing if we had videos of IncelTear regulars setting babies on fire.

Never believe a word an IncelTear user says.
Amazingly written and high IQ. Best new member.
So Robert Garnica/Princess_Kitty14 and/or Joe Gelman/Dieselpunkcyberpunk got my medium article on IncelTear users being doxxed as pedos/probable pedos taken down.

Well, you asked for it. Good luck taking it down now.

In time, I will add some more doxxes, although I'll do them in separate threads, as those people haven't been established to be pedophiles (yet).

Princess_Kitty14 is Robert Garnica of Barquisimeto, Venezuela.



Mr. Garnica lives with his wife, Genesis Sabino Garnica (more on that in a moment).

Señor Garnica was found via a “resume” he posted for critique when he was posting on Reddit from a previous handle, Koneko-Desu.

You see, Señor Garnica necessita comer. He is tired of eating los perros and los gatos and wants to earn real money from coding.

But nobody will hire him.

It might be because he is easily distracted by underaged girls.

Luckily, he knows better than to act on his desires, because one night of loli pleasure can result in 18 years of future child support payments, as he says on his Facebook profile.


He has found a good way to cope, and not just by pretending he’s outraged when incels say teenage girls can be hot.

In between Señor Garnica’s stints on Reddit as Koneko-Dono (his username after he was Koneko-Desu, where he first claimed to be a "camwhore") and Princess_Kitty14, he posted as a user named “Dianavic.”

His stint as Dianavic began with him trying to impersonate Japanese porn actress Yuka Kuramochi, but when he realized she was way too old for his tastes, he looked at some of the “ulzzang” (Korean) models his wife was a fan of, and decided to switch to impersonating a 14-year-old Korean girl from Instagram.

For the next several months, Señor Garnica impersonated Yu_Jeong_05 by stealing her instagram selfies and telling people on Reddit that he was her. At one point, he even offered her “virginity” to strangers on r/virginityexchange.


He also aged her up to 18 and described her as, “now in legal flavor.”


On the left, Yu_Jeong_05. On the right, Yuka Kuramochi.

In the rich history of r/inceltears and r/inceltear, no user has had more posts, nor more stints as a moderator, than Señor Garnica. He was a mod from all four of his known accounts (Koneko-Desu, Koneko-Dono, Dianavic, Princess_Kitty14), and there is evidence to suggest he even coded the LostRivers bot account that created the current incarnation of R/IncelTear. People on here thought it was BrazilianSigma, but the account history showed that the comments being posted from said account were copy-and-pasted from years old comments from many other users. When I reported U/Dianavic to Reddit for impersonating Yu_Jeong_05, Reddit banned both Dianavic and LostRivers at around the same time. My guess is they did an IP sweep for bans, and the pedophilic Venezuelan coder was behind the LostRivers bot.

But Señor Garnica has a great personality anyway. We know this because he’s married to Genesis Sabino Garnica.


Señor Garnica has a new strategy: Impersonating his own wife in an effort to get people to follow her on Onlyfans.

Unfortunately for him, his wife is below most incels’ looksmatch. While he knows how to close his eyes and think of Venezuela, incels know there’s not enough beer in the world.



(Note how the username she is holding up is incorrect. "Princess Kitten." Also, Robert very rarely capitalizes anything. Granted, this is hand-written, but I think his wife's English might be better than his).

I will now write a brief summary in Spanish, in hopes that some Venezuelan cartel members hear about this and do the types of things Venezuelan cartel members do.

Para lectores venezolanos: Robert Garnica de Barquisimeto, Venezuela, es un depredador de niños. Se hizo pasar por una niña de 14 años e intentó vender su virginidad a extraños en el sitio web Reddit.

I want everyone here to get this through their head: There is no "she" behind the Princess_Kitty14 account. All of the pictures he posts are of his wife. And no, you lying little greaseball, I have never wavered from her being your wife since I discovered your identity.

She's Hispanic, not black. See how she's wearing torn rags and standing by a slum village door? See how unkempt she looks? That's because she lives in Venezuela with her perverted husband.

No, the Garnicas do not make any significant money off her onlyfans pictures. I can't believe people are this gullible. Granted, I think American pennies are worth a few bucks over in Venezuela, but Mr. Garnica admitted that he was broke a few years ago when he was posting as Koneko-Desu. He claimed this disproved the blackpill, because he's a scrawny Venezuelan and managed to get married.

But as you can see, he's a lying little weasel pervert, so this means he has a great personality.

Oh, and another thing: When I repeatedly pointed out that Yu_Jeong_05 said on her Instagram profile that she was born in 2005, while Dianavic - who admitted the Yu_Jeong_05 instagram page was "hers" - was claiming on Reddit that "she" was 18 (this was in 2020), several IncelTear users who had stalked me over to R/BasedShaman just called me a troll, and sarcastically dared me to report it to Reddit. I did just that, and Dianavic was banned. They responded by accusing me of "abusing" the report feature, and the user, Nelrene, claimed that there was no way of knowing why Dianavic was banned, and would just have to wait until "she" returned to find out.

Of course, that never happened, because Dianavic's ban was permament, and Mr. Garnica returned as Princess_Kitty14 to ask why he should care about Dianavic's impersonation of a 14-year-old girl.

The following users deliberately ignored my repeated proof (and repeated questions of, "was 2005 18 years ago?") that Dianavic was lying about being Yu_Jeong_05:

U/Brookshire-Hathaway (more on him to come)
U/HamsterSquared (and other usernames he used)

IncelTear's core users are not the soyboys we thought they were. They are mentally ill child predators.

DieselpunkCyberpunk is JoeGelman of Deland, Florida.


He’ve a name.

Joseph Robert Gelman is a 37-year-old virgin NEET from Deland, Florida.

His previous accounts include: MountainDrifter99, Osprade, CoverActive, GingerCrayons, ChosenExec, Indagator2020, AdmiralBooBerry, KingChadofChadtown, ChronoBomber, LaCroixFever, and CompassErrant.

Mr. Gelman was so agoraphobic that he only finished high school on a disability program.

But with the internet in one hand and an Everyday Carry item in another, the former Florida Steampunker blogger and New Artemis writer can pretend to see the world while he LARPs on R/IncelTear.

Mr. Gelman is not your typical LARPer. LARPing is his passion.

He has been straight and gay. A man and a woman. Dating, engaged, and married. A lawyer, a medical doctor, a psychologist, an undercover police officer, a real estate agent, a journalist, a financial advisor, an orthopedic surgeon, a neuropsychiatric researcher, and in the military. He currently claims to be a photographer.

“Apparently incels have never heard of changing careers!”

Wait, I’ll translate it for soyboys.

“aPpArEnTlY iNcElS hAvE nEvEr HeArD oF cHaNgInG cArEeRs! </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </sarcasm> </sarcasm> </sarcasm> </sarcasm> </sarcasm> </I’m being sarcastic!>”

But most importantly, Joseph “incels are grundy-paranoiac” Gelman has been linked to a Twitter “MAP” (minor-attracted person) who went by the pseudonym, Kamil Beylant.

You see, the term, “grundy-paranoiac,” is made up. It was made up by Mr. Beylant. It was never uttered by another person on the internet until Mr. Gelman (during his time as ChosenExec) used it to describe his hypothesis for why incels don’t want researchers interviewing them.

When another incel accused Mr. Gelman of being Beylant, he deleted his entire Reddit history, followed by his account…only to return with another username and another LARP.

Luckily for Mr. Gelman, Mr. Beylant has since been banned from Twitter, so whatever connection he had to him remains a mystery. Mr. Gelman has resumed referring to incels as “gross” for saying that some teenage girls are “jailbait.” And he’s still tall and I’ve a hunch he still conceal carries, yep.

He is the most easily recognized user on all of IncelTear. His horrible writing style and obnoxious persona come through no matter what LARP he is doing.

It's hard to tell whether or not he's a pathological liar, but whenever he's cornered, there is no lie he won't tell to try to weasel his way out of the fact he has been exposed. He taunts everyone who catches him in lies, yet whenever he is finally caught to where he can't weasel his way out, he clears his entire Reddit history and runs away like the coward he is.

He tried to tell people I had him mistaken for a WW2 veteran in his 90s, but that's a different Joe Gelman. This Joe Gelman is obsessive about hiding all of his personal information, but he can't escape the Wayback machine.

When Gelman saw me post this link to show I was not, in fact, referring to a WW2 veteran, he changed his story. Of course.

Now he will tell people that the guy I am referring to is the WW2 veteran's "son," and the son is ALSO a veteran, and in a wheelchair. I'm not sure what he can claim he's a veteran of, though, considering he's standing in the image for that New Artemis profile.

Either way, IncelTear users obviously notice this, but choose to ignore it. They'll even praise him for it, claiming that it's somehow better to make up an outrageous life story for yourself than to...not give out any details about your personal life.

Mr. Gelman likes making threats about shooting anyone who comes after him. But he's an agoraphobic coward whose weapon of choice is an EDC knife.

Back to "grundy-paranoiac," though: During Gelman's time posting as ChosenExec (which is the account he made the "grundy-paranoiac" dog whistle with), he made other comments that seemed to contain dog whistles I didn't pick up on before Googling the aforementioned faux-term. In one comment, he commented that he "loves baby face," and on another, he said that he was planning on "home schooling his 5-year-old and newborn." You be the judge. Again, consider the fact that he was the second person in the history of the internet to use a term coined by a little-known Twitter "MAP," and deleted his account after a user DMed him to accuse him of being that Tweeter.

Brookshire-Hathaway is Bobby I from Carson, California

Because I am saving the nuclear option in case the man currently posting on PurplePillDebate as Lift_and_Lurk ever returns to being insufferably smug and obnoxious on IncelTear, I will only refer to him as, “Bobby.”

That’s his American name. Despite claiming on Reddit that he’s white, he’s actually half Japanese, half Mexican.

Bobby spent years on IncelTears/IncelTear pretending to be married to the following woman, whom he claimed was a neuroscientist who received her PhD from the University of Cambridge after getting a Gates Scholarship at 22:



He claimed the first of these two pictures was from “engagement photos.” He said his wife was nervous and would normally bite a pen, but because there were no pens around, they had her bite her finger.

Hey, just like a model!

So it might come as a huge surprise to you that this is not, in fact, his wife.

It is, in fact, a model.

Oh, no big deal. He’s just fibbing on the internet.

Oh, wait.

This model is actually his neighbor.

His neighbor’s then-18-year-old daughter, Gillian, that is.

Bobby is married and in his 40s.

And he wants to make American Beauty 2: Kevin Spacey Has Sex With Stacy.

It turns out Gillian was wearing a red wig in the first picture, as she was doing some sort of Princess Merida cosplay thing. She’s a fan of Disney movies, per her Facebook profile.

In the second picture, which Bobby described as how his “wife” keeps her hair now, she appears to have been younger than 18, based on the various hair styles shown in Gillian’s Facebook pictures.

But as I said, Bobby is married. So he must have a great personality.

His wife, Rebecca (who is in her late 40s), teaches at a church. They have a daughter named Emmelyne, who is 11–12 years old. Bobby pretended Emmelyne didn’t exist for much of his time on Reddit, only to eventually announce his wife was pregnant, give Emmelyne a new birthday, and use her baby pictures from 2011 and try to pass them off as current.

So I ask you: What's the theme with these users? Are we noticing a pattern?

Of course, IncelTear regulars will just obfuscate and go, "tHeRE's nO eViDeNcE, "as well as, "bUt InCeLs PoSt AbOuT hIgH sChOoL gIrLs BeInG hOt," but they would do the same thing if we had videos of IncelTear regulars setting babies on fire.

Never believe a word an IncelTear user says.
Bunch of subhuman trash
I'll ask a venezuelan brocel if he can harass that faggot
lol holy shit, i always thought the of earnings pic was suss as. Especially since there was no proper evidence it was from princess kitty
i love this site
I wonder how IT will respond to this, If at all.
So called pedo hunters are usually biggest pedo-freaks themselves.
So many forms of showy persecution are like this unfortunately. Makes the whole damn thing worse.
Holy shit that picture of his wife proves everything. If that sheboon foid was really Princess Kitty then how could she misspell her own username??

I kind of also get the sense she might be sex trafficked. That's pretty common in Venezuela.
Inceltear posters are even more fucked up than anyone here.
How come these threads never get pinned. Must read tbh
These people are very very very mentally ill and need professional help.
Giga based :hax::hax::hax:, I knew it they are all guys larping as foids, failed normies and betabuxxing incels hate us the most.
IT motto: dnr, too lazy to read a sentence but muh incels gotta take showers :soy: :foidSoy::banhammer::forcedsmile:
You sir, are based as fuck. This is some top quality, high IQ, mother-fucking detective work.
Nice thread. Idk why these degenerates hate us so much - like psychologically, whats the point? I guess projection but I could be wrong.
Classic bully behaviour is to put other people down to make yourself feel better, I doubt it's anything deeper than that
He mogs her hard and this is the best he could get while living in some third world shithole jfl.
curries here can arrange Marriage some better looking slum dweller bitch than this orc jfl. jbwers can get a slum gook far better looking.
At this rate the entire subreddit has more pedos on it than Epstein ever did on his island.
Classic bully behaviour is to put other people down to make yourself feel better, I doubt it's anything deeper than that
This is all IncelTears has ever been, but this board never shuts the fuck up about them.
Should be pumped to Must read.

Brilliant sir!:feelsYall:

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