Oodar said:
Can you paste it in here? I don't trust links.
gstvtrp said:
Imo, there's no such thing as an incel "mentality". There's just an incel reality of being unattractive and constant rejection. Any normal person would feel the same under the same circumstances.
There is definitely a mentality, but it's also bad luck. A lot of unattractive subhumans grow up facing constant rejection, but then they stay focused and end up in the real world working. I bet most members on here aren't capable of working because they had a different support network/family setting that caused them to stay in their mom's basement after they became adults.
Fine, though it’s safe
As we enter an era of unparalleled technological and societal advancement, we are forced to constantly adapt to the changes in the world around us. The average person in the 1920s needed a very different set of skills in order to get by. He had no need for any computer skills or programming knowledge, but he very well could have been able to build a car in a factory, or run the family farm. However, possibly the biggest change facing us in the future will be unexpected for those who are not aware of it, and for the vast majority of men, adaptation will be almost certainly impossible.
The change I am describing will be slow, but its effects will be plainly obvious to everyone in the future. It will affect one of the most important aspects of our lives, and, perhaps most importantly, the change is already happening right now. The change I am describing is sexual in nature, but to first understand it, we need to go back to our origins. While some would claim a seemingly “dignified” origin for mankind, complete with a talking snake or something more celestial, it is far more likely that we arose as apes from the African savannah, resembling something that would be more appropriate for a zoo than an office job.
Back in those days, our brains were too small to understand big concepts like philosophy, science, language, etc. We fucked, we ate, and we slept, and of the three, the former is by far the most important. According to natural selection, the organism that is best at reproducing passes on more of its traits than the ones that can’t. And the traits that are more suited to the surrounding environment eventually start to dominate. As we and our early ancestors reproduced sexually, these traits became more attractive. (Natural selection took place in both men and women, but this article will focus on men).What these traits are depends on the surrounding environment, but for most of our history on the planet, the environment was the grassy African savannah. In this environment, tall men were able to see farther over the tall grasses, making them better at hunting. Men with large, wide frames looked bigger, scaring off other animals looking more intimidating to the rest of the tribe. And men with facial symmetry, well-defined jaws, and clear skin signified health, genetic quality, and high testosterone.
We eventually grew intelligent enough to create tools, speak intelligibly, and create more complex social relationships. But the tribal model we created was still seemingly quite primitive. The alpha(who usually possessed many of the attractive traits shown above) got all the women, and the betas, who were most of the pack, got scraps/nothing, typically depending on how many of the above traits they had. On the surface, it seems simple. The alpha gets laid, and everyone else gets screwed. However, the alpha didn’t get to sit around and fuck cavewomen all day. In exchange for getting all the women, the alpha had to protect the tribe and take on many of the responsibilities. This kept the betas from killing the alpha and taking the women for themselves.
This went on for many thousands of years, until we reached a paradigm shift in human history, the Neolithic Revolution. The defining feature of the Revolution was the introduction of agriculture, which completely changed the social structure. As the environment changed from one of hunting and gathering to one of farming, the original traits that women found attractive were no longer as relevant. While women still found the above features attractive, they instead were forced to marry the man with status, who could have been the intelligent farmer or the shrewd merchant, who would not necessarily possess the conventionally attractive traits of pre-Neolithic times. Because of this, the pack structure of old times started to break down, though aspects of it never really disappeared.
Perhaps the most fundamental death blow to looks-based mating was Christianity. Monogamy existed long before Christ, but afterwards, it became the dominant form of mating in the Western world. Man had by now long ditched the conditions that determined what we consider attractive, but now the fruits of those conditions were often condemned as sinful and to be avoided. While many high-status men were able to indulge in prostitution and fornication, the vast lay and normal members of society were forced into monogamous relationships. Again, while looks were still important, status was even more so, and the two were not interchangeable like in the days of the hunter-gatherers. Europe eventually took over the world through colonization and as such, the Christian tradition had an impact at a global level.
But then, another shift took place. Europe and the Western world grew less religious, and our monogamous tradition was no match for our original tribal nature. This shift was exacerbated by the rise of the Internet and social media, and specifically dating apps like Tinder. Studies have shown that while men will show interest in most women, women are extremely picky, and only view about 20% of men as attractive. These men are the alphas of our time, possessing the caveman traits we grew to love. The rest of men, the other 80%, are of little interest to women. These men are the betas. And unlike the caveman days, betas get no benefit from their sexual frustration.
I’m sure many readers will be surprised by this. But much more than 20% of men get sex/married? How do they do it then? The answer is that while beta males can get these things, they aren’t getting it because they’re attractive. They’re getting it because they can provide social or economic resources to the women they are with. If you are a beta, this should concern you. The implications of this is that women don’t love you(at least not sexually), they view you as some sort of tool.
If your girlfriend or your wife can not orgasm in bed, if she looks at attractive men with clear hunger in her eyes, and if you aren’t complimented on your looks or chased by females, then you are almost certainly not an alpha.
Basically, women have evolved to be sociopaths, manipulating the lower 80% of men to their advantage in the non-sexual arena, while rewarding the top 20% with sexual favors. The “liberated” women is now free to indulge in her sexual desires 24/7, with no regard and even contempt for the untouchables under her unrealistic standard.
Many men, spoonfed lies since childhood and determined to cope, will be aghast at this. They think that all you need is personality to get sex and relationships, and that looks are irrelevant. However, as time goes on, this view will become increasingly hard to defend. But for the awakened man in the 80%, there are essentially three options.
The “redpill”-A recognition of the fundamental concepts above, with hope to become one of the 20%. Working out, emulating the high-T behavior of primitive alphas, and getting plastic surgery are often practices of those who fall under this category. Online, you can find such types at TheRedPill on reddit, or among the PUA(Pick-Up Artist) community.
The “whitepill”- A man who has decided that the effort of chasing women and becoming more attractive is useless, and that his time is better spent pursuing his hobbies. These men often identify as MGTOW(Men Going Their Own Way), and a simple google search of that term will bring up many communities filled with men falling under this category.
The “blackpill”- A man who is basically the same as a whitepilled man, without the hope. Obsessed with his inability to obtain love, he grows nihilistic and depressed, with an insatiable hatred of women and society in general
These options all have their pros and cons. The redpill is good for motivation, but it can often end in failure and utter despair. The whitepill can be rewarding and liberating, but it ignores the very real suffering of the limitless sexually frustrated males, often caused by women and men in the top 20%. The blackpill is an empathetic and realistic option, but it is self-evidently depressing and destructive.
As for me, I align best with the blackpill, with some elements of whitepill thought. The utter sociopathy and narcissism of women is too much to ignore, and the different universe that the modern-day alphas live in is just unbelievable in my opinion. However, it is ultimately your choice on what pill you want to swallow, or if you want to take any at all. You can remain in the world of your upbringing, or you can take the plunge into a different world, one that is accurate but horrific, one that is eye-opening, but is a dreadful sight.
But ultimately, the decision is yours.