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ls atheism the perfect "religion" for us incels to follow?



Nov 8, 2017
After being subverted by feminism, and the equality meme, is it honestly the only religion we incels have that would accept us into their community? It is after all, the only religion to have no social framework except for fedoraism.
The atheist community was taken over by feminists and numales like 6 years ago.

See: "Atheism plus", steve shives, Rebecca Watson, elevatorgate, etc.
Mormonism in my opinion or Islam as a last resort
We should start a new religion around St. Blackops2cel, the blackpill and My Twisted World
Nearly all feminists are atheists for a reason.
jagged0 said:
Atheism isn't a religion.

Science is their God, and Richard Dawkins is their Jesus

Splintercel said:
Mormonism in my opinion or Islam as a last resort

I am still very Christian, but many would consider me an extremist or fundamentalist for actually understanding and prophesying what is said in the Bible.
Atheists believe that a microscopic atom expanded trillions and trillions of light years to become the universe.
ItheIthe said:
Atheists believe that a microscopic atom expanded trillions and trillions of light years to become the universe.

I know celibates are accepted in Christian communities, just wanted to know what the users here believe.

Always wondered if a few atoms colliding can form a whole universe, then why can't this happen right in front of me. Every cause has an action. & for someone who disagrees, why isn't something happening or appearing right in front of me without cause or reason? Like a horsing popping into existence or a black hole because why the fuck not lmfao.
No lol. If anyone asks me, atheism is just as much, if not more cope than following a religion, and here's why. If you are tied to a religion, you are forced to follow their rules or face severe consequences. With atheism, you're as free to act as a degenerate animal as much as you want. Of course, not everyone uses atheism as an excuse to be a degenerate, and not everyone follows a religion because they just sincerely believe it's truthfulness. Some follow religion for cope (I'd even argue most), and some call themselves atheists so they can masturbate to their kid porn with no remorse.

Of course, anyone's free to disagree with me, but that's my view on it.
Fuck no

Christianity, Judaism even Islam and Satanism are all superior to Atheism
If you use the word "follow" I don't think you know what atheism is about.
Just being your own man and doing your own thing, since no one wants to fuck with you; not being a part of any political or religious groups is better for incels, in my opinion.
Ryo Hazuki said:
The atheist community was taken over by feminists and numales like 6 years ago.

See: "Atheism plus", steve shives, Rebecca Watson, elevatorgate, etc.

This. You can be an athiest, but stay the fuck away from any online community centered around atheism. These places are filled with the degenerates who are atheists because it gives them the freedom to do whatever they want. Pro baby killing, pro cuckolding, pro degeneracy. Terrible people. If you want to find people who share your interests, athiest groups sure as shit isn't going to be it.
blackcel said:
This. You can be an athiest, but stay the fuck away from any online community centered around atheism. These places are filled with the degenerates who are atheists because it gives them the freedom to do whatever they want. Pro baby killing, pro cuckolding, pro degeneracy. Terrible people. If you want to find people who share your interests, athiest groups sure as shit isn't going to be it.

Not even online, but in real life.

I've always wondered that if atheism isn't a religion, then why do they all believe in the same shit? Legit, never met a anti-gay, anti-abortion, and even anti-degeneracy atheist. They simply do not exist, and they all fucking share the same beliefs! I guarantee that a modern atheist is going to lean left in every single controversial policy.
ItheIthe said:
Atheists believe that a microscopic atom expanded trillions and trillions of light years to become the universe.

Many of them do but plenty of atheists don't know a thing about science they just don't believe in a god
Atheism is utterly retarded.

The truth of a religion is unimportant. What matters is what a religion accomplishes, and atheism has only regressed society into a sexually free shithole.
incel4life said:
Atheism is utterly retarded.

The truth of a religion is unimportant. What matters is what a religion accomplishes, and atheism has only regressed society into a sexually free shithole.

When a religion manages to trigger normies, SJWs, the LGBT, and bluepilled CUCKS,

Ryo Hazuki said:
The atheist community was taken over by feminists and numales like 6 years ago.

See: "Atheism plus", steve shives, Rebecca Watson, elevatorgate, etc.

Feminism is just one face of the movement of cultural marxism.  That, sometimes under the guise of feminism, subverted Western Christianity a long time ago.  A milestone for this was the Pope changing the Church's stance on usury but that is too wonky and distant for this conversation.  Look what we are seeing now - most religions only had males in the priest-class.  Now most are accepting women.  Churches seem to me (granted, I'm an atheist and an outsider) like social clubs now.  Do they put their foot down about any behavior?   I don't see any evidence they do.  Another milestone was churches being hoodwinked in to thinking they needed 501c3 status to be exempt.  This is only true under the color of law now but, again, I digress.

Consider Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter where an adulteress was punished.  You see that same mechanism in the church now - much less with "atheism"?  Which do you think advances the system critiqued in BPS's video "Why Women DESTROY NATIONS...." - old time religion or atheism?

Anonymous said:
When a religion manages to trigger normies, SJWs, the LGBT, and bluepilled CUCKS,


To cherry-pick a passage I like how it is described in Isaiah 3:12 that a society ruled over by women and children is bad.
I believe that there is a god and he is a sadistic deity that likes to tortures some humans for laughs
Why would I commit time and resources towards not believing in something? Being an atheist for me is like not believing in Santa Claus, it has no effect on my life in any way.

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