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Brutal LowIQ/mental is the true inceldom



Fallen Angel
Jan 10, 2022
Though a bullshit metric for measuring only the most superficial aspects of intelligence, it serves as a datapoint that someone with an IQ below 75 literally writes like a retard and is no different than an overadapted animal in civilization.

The worst part is that some of them realize their retardation, but can't go past a certain level of understanding or do anything about it, and seeing that is damn sad. How can one expect to form meaningful human relationships with a mind so weakened? With an unattractive face you can find unicorns to hold meaningful conversations, but even an attractive low IQ person is no different than a meat fleshlight to someone fucking them at worst or a very obedient kid at... 'best'.

Low IQ is the true inability to find meaningful relationships, as those can only come from humans who posess a a mind functional enough to handle humanity. It means they are animals too dumb to even ape humanity like the other animals do, making them undateable.

IQcels or mentalcels, stay strong. At least you can use the state money to enjoy life.
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Ye, it's over for me. I can't even put on my clothes without assistance.:cryfeels:
It never even began for us.

Cucked world. :fuk:
State money buys me more Tesla stocks.

elon musk tesla GIF by Product Hunt

tesla in space GIF by Product Hunt
when it comes to overall quality of life, IQ is the most important by far. At least high iqcels are able to learn about the world while lowiqcels are stuck typing one word responses and sad frog emotes
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Joined Jan 10, 2022
Yeah. It happens me apart of my subhuman looks.
Though a bullshit metric for measuring only the most superficial aspects of intelligence, it serves as a datapoint that someone with an IQ below 75 literally writes like a retard and is no different than an overadapted animal in civilization.

The worst part is that some of them realize their retardation, but can't go past a certain level of understanding or do anything about it, and seeing that is damn sad. How can one expect to form meaningful human relationships with a mind so weakened? With an unattractive face you can find unicorns to hold meaningful conversations, but even an attractive low IQ person is no different than a meat fleshlight to someone fucking them at worst or a very obedient kid at... 'best'.

Low IQ is the true inability to find meaningful relationships, as those can only come from humans who posess a a mind functional enough to handle humanity. It means they are animals too dumb to even ape humanity like the other animals do, making them undateable.

IQcels or mentalcels, stay strong. At least you can use the state money to enjoy life.
punching down on people less fortunate than yourself does not elevate your own intelligence.

Actually behaving like your hero tesla did and prove you are more intelligent rather than just the herrr derrrr easy and narcissistic telling everyone by words and actions how intelligent you are, which by the way EVERY NORMAN THINKS INN THIS MANNER AND GROSSLY OVERESTIMATES THEIR INTELLECT THIS IS NORMAN 101.

Another issue is almost all of the public are sub 100 iq with extremely limited grasps on concepts and the world around them , YET THEY ARE NOT INCEL AND DONT GO THROUGH ANY OF THE MENTAL PAIN INCELS DO, INTELLIGENCE IS AN EXTREMELY SMALL FACTOR IN THE INCEL EQUATION, LOOKISM IS THE FOUNDATION
do you believe a test where you recognize patterns says anything about the potential/lifeexperience of this person?
I mean do you mean with IQ, the result of an IQ test or something else: like achievements

I think low Iq incels are actually blessed because they have simpler demands and are easier satisfied
@Broly @FamilyGuy1999 and @proudweeb can relate to this.
when it comes to overall quality of life, IQ is the most important by far. At least high iqcels are able to learn about the world while lowiqcels are stuck typing one word responses and sad frog emotes
Sadly :fuk:
punching down on people less fortunate than yourself does not elevate your own intelligence
Okay? I didn't mean to. You are projecting Narcissism or roasting on me.

prove you are more intelligent
But not with words and actions? What do you want then, mimic? Words and actions have value, if you can't mensurate it then you fail at basic humanity since communication is necessary for teaching and everything related to applying knowledge, which is what differs us from animals.

If people don't ask anything out of incuriosity, then I can't explain them. A conversation is an interaction, thus requires reciprocity. You are requesting me to spoonfeed and pre-chew for babies that don't put an effort as if my words had no relevance and were meaningless lullabies. Fuck you for that. My words do have value, and if some people can't see it or overtly try to stone it to rubble then I won't beg them to stop like a little shit, I'm a heavyweight unlike your glass cannon and vapid Freak ass.

That happens more on subhuman cultures where intelligence isn't valued and dim-wittedness is pretty much universal. Living in a half-civiliization like the West requires at least the ability to be opinionated and not a conformist, that's why the USA are judged so harshly for half their territory being inhabitated by hicks.

Even if that wasn't the case, I equate inceldom as lack of meaningfulness in relatioships instead of lack of relationships at all, as it can be inferred from the OP.
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@Ap0calypse thots?
Hierarchies will always exist, even with eugenics. They are an unescapable force of nature that will always determine the fate of humans. Your genetics are the framework of everything within your being, it determines your potential, thoughts, behaviors, and actions.There are winners and losers within every aspect of this species.

But with eugenics, we can create a world where even people on the bottom of humanities genetic hierarchy can find happiness and purpose. They can live without fear of failure, pain, and discrimination. Their newly enhanced genetics will give them the necessary motivation, looks,and intelligence to experience and understand this world like everyone else.

We must temporarily remove lower genetically ranked people, such as those with low intelligence, lack of empathy, high aggression, and physical imperfections from the planet. Castrate all of them without any mercy. Then in the future they will be brought back, but this time with capable brains and aesthetic bodies!
I mean yea, but u don’t need to be mean about it
Your genetics are the framework of everything within your being
Only Slaves think like that. Genetics are S000 so baseline for them, it's an inheritance. Do you define yourself as an inheritance of external forces like a carpet inheriting the dirt from people's shoes over them? For shame.

Hierarchies are trees, so S111 evolution and complexity, like the evolutionary tree full of hierarchies and complex inheritances. That's the reason places with a lot of ramifications are called complexes. So although yes they are a force of nature, as nature itself is S001 so stems from S000, it's not remotely true they are necessary, since S111 also has insignificance, so complexity and hierarchies have no significance as they are running in circles, thus unnecessary.

What IS important and Good are metrics, which differ from hierarchies as they are objective spatial representations instead of mindless unfolding. And they also have to be valid metrics on top of that. So IQ is a shitty metric that still exposes the absurd reliance on genetics when pursuing happiness, as they antagonize the very concept of progress as it requires metrics (you can't see what's forward without a 2D space to metrify), and for being arbitrary, disorganized ramifications of human beings that end up like that with no say on it.

You are building a solution to the world based on a FLAW. The fact we are fettered by genetics knowing they are an evil concept is the reason we should vanquish it along with organicity. If you deny doing that due to an inability to see humanity as beyond genetics or because you decide doing nothing, you're yet another Slave and what I thought was brattish Narcissism at first was just Aqua having tantrums.
:dafuckfeels: Youre joking right?
No, basic things like putting on clothes are feeding myself are hard for me to learn. I recently figured out how to make my own sandwhiches without assistance or supervison, so that's nice. :feelsautistic:
Though a bullshit metric for measuring only the most superficial aspects of intelligence, it serves as a datapoint that someone with an IQ below 75 literally writes like a retard and is no different than an overadapted animal in civilization.

The worst part is that some of them realize their retardation, but can't go past a certain level of understanding or do anything about it, and seeing that is damn sad. How can one expect to form meaningful human relationships with a mind so weakened? With an unattractive face you can find unicorns to hold meaningful conversations, but even an attractive low IQ person is no different than a meat fleshlight to someone fucking them at worst or a very obedient kid at... 'best'.

Low IQ is the true inability to find meaningful relationships, as those can only come from humans who posess a a mind functional enough to handle humanity. It means they are animals too dumb to even ape humanity like the other animals do, making them undateable.

IQcels or mentalcels, stay strong. At least you can use the state money to enjoy life.
Low IQ is a great disadvantage for things like economic or academic success, but in the dating area it not so relavant. Even high IQ women search an attractive man and intelligence doesn't matter so much.
If you speak about freindship, everyone can have friends, unless you are a fucked autistic like me.
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Even high IQ women search an attractive man and intelligence doesn't matter so much.
Which is because IQ and intellgence are not 1:1, as I said. High IQ animals like Bill Gates, the druid who prefers people to live among mosquitoes causing diseases despite having the technology to solve the problem, are an example of that.
Okay? I didn't mean to. You are projecting Narcissism or roasting on me.

But not with words and actions? What do you want then, mimic? Words and actions have value, if you can't mensurate it then you fail at basic humanity since communication is necessary for teaching and everything related to applying knowledge, which is what differs us from animals.

If people don't ask anything out of incuriosity, then I can't explain them. A conversation is an interaction, thus requires reciprocity. You are requesting me to spoonfeed and pre-chew for babies that don't put an effort as if my words had no relevance and were meaningless lullabies. Fuck you for that. My words do have value, and if some people can't see it or overtly try to stone it to rubble then I won't beg them to stop like a little shit, I'm a heavyweight unlike your glass cannon and vapid Freak ass.

That happens more on subhuman cultures where intelligence isn't valued and dim-wittedness is pretty much universal. Living in a half-civiliization like the West requires at least the ability to be opinionated and not a conformist, that's why the USA are judged so harshly for half their territory being inhabitated by hicks.

Even if that wasn't the case, I equate inceldom as lack of meaningfulness in relatioships instead of lack of relationships at all, as it can be inferred from the OP.

"But not with words and actions? What do you want then, mimic? Words and actions have value, if you can't mensurate it then you fail at basic humanity since communication is necessary for teaching and everything related to applying knowledge, which is what differs us from animals."

I am referring to you giving value outside punching down on the less fortunate, this has absolutely fuck all intellectual value and serves no purpose other than fluffing up your narcissistic egocentric ass.
Words that have value would be creating valuable literature, a novel, a play, a study into a specific area of academia, FUCKING RAMBLING ABOUT THE limited ability of people with low iq to develop meaning in their lives and in their relationships, HAS ABSOLUTELY NO VALUE TO THE AREA OF INCELDOM OBJECTIVELY, FURTHERS NO KNOWLEDGE IN THE AREA AND IS OF LITTLE INTEREST TO ANYONE BUT YOURSELF.

The whole arc and narrative of your post is laced with ego, that you are above these people looking down on them from a pulpit, this is disingenuous, morally bankrupt AND AGAIN SERVES ABSOLUTELY FUCK ALL PURPOSE TO THE DEBATE OF INCELDOM YOU DONT HAVE A FUCKING POINT.

You also pretend to be requiring knowledge to understand your post, but there is nothing there, the only reason I and others dont get your point is that your text is schizo solipsistic SHIT WHERE YOU ARE MAKING REFERENCES AND ANALOGIES ONLY YOU CAN RELATE TO.


noone understands it because it is unintelligible CRAP

Again create something meaningful or fuck off you are nowhere near tesla who used objective science to create his coil and tower, not hocum subjective hogwash to sound smart but in reality talk shit and further sink in IQ
Which is because IQ and intellgence are not 1:1, as I said. High IQ animals like Bill Gates, the druid who prefers people to live among mosquitoes causing diseases despite having the technology to solve the problem, are an example of that.
What I want to say: sex is based on instincts, because it is something primitive and ancestral. Women, even intelligent ones, for sex and love want men physically attractive, not mentally attractive.
What I want to say: sex is based on instincts, because it is something primitive and ancestral. Women, even intelligent ones, for sex and love want men physically attractive, not mentally attractive.
there is no point in arguing mate

you are right countless times, utter low iq cretin chads are slaying left and right being racist homophobic etc talking utter crap they still get girls around them interested, i have seen it with my own eyes.

he believes he is right whatever he says, he is pure narcissism everything is wrong if it doesnt align with his view, even when proven wrong, he will jerry rig his historical view after the fact to make sure he appears right.

These people, never learn much and are very circular, and are almost never able to predict shit because almost every prediction if you follow their words before an event, never come off they are never right, they are only right to themselves as they fix their view to the correct one after the event has occured so they are never wrong.

The problem is this has no value to anyone objectively outside themselves, it only has value to their own ego which is only maintained by the fixing of the prediction to be right after it has occured.
No, basic things like putting on clothes are feeding myself are hard for me to learn. I recently figured out how to make my own sandwhiches without assistance or supervison, so that's nice. :feelsautistic:
What kind of illness do you have?
What I want to say: sex is based on instincts, because it is something primitive and ancestral.
That's reproduction. Sex has iteration as it never feels the same even doing a lot of times with them same person, assuming they like each other. Reproduction is changing the color of something and re-selling it as new. Sex requires consciousness, while reproduction doesn't.
you are right countless times, utter low iq cretin chads are slaying left and right being racist homophobic etc talking utter crap they still get girls around them interested, i have seen it with my own eyes
Normies are animals dating animals, it isn't pretty. But lowIQcels are socially awkward to even partake on that. I didn't say looks never mattered for rejection, but that low IQ is the most profound and complete example of inceldom as it prevents meaningful relationships, narrowing their lives to something lesser than mindless animal reproduction.
That's reproduction. Sex has iteration as it never feels the same even doing a lot of times with them same person, assuming they like each other. Reproduction is changing the color of something and re-selling it as new. Sex requires consciousness, while reproduction doesn't.
From an evolutionary point of view, sex is the same as reproduction, women want to mate only with handsome men because in nature they cannot avoid getting pregnant and are naturally repulsed by physically unattractive males who carry bad genes
These people, never learn much and are very circular, and are almost never able to predict shit because almost every prediction if you follow their words before an event, never come off they are never right, they are only right to themselves as they fix their view to the correct one after the event has occured so they are never wrong.
Just skimmed and found that. Stop projecting your freakishness on me. Freaks are the ones who value interchangeability, and I have principles, which are immutable. You also think correcting is to interchange things when it's to remake them with external perspective. Basically, you're F111 everything wrong as in F010 exclusivity + F101 contradictions, thus exclusively contradictions. Every single thing coming out of your mouth is a con and a FUD tactic. It's just that you suck at it.
Just skimmed and found that. Stop projecting your freakishness on me. Freaks are the ones who value interchangeability, and I have principles, which are immutable. You also think correcting is to interchange things when it's to remake them with external perspective. Basically, you're F111 everything wrong as in F010 exclusivity + F101 contradictions, thus exclusively contradictions. Every single thing coming out of your mouth is a con and a FUD tactic. It's just that you suck at it.
everything you said is gaslighting straw man rubbish, you have been found out because you display every single trait of narcissism whereby every time someone questions and debunks your theory you retroactively change the goalposts and project that you are right after an event that you got wrong has transpired.

This is why everything you say is absolute bollucks and has the value of a grain of sand, containing nothing but hot air and ego

The coding is yet another example of this hocum self made language to appear smart, while going into mmmmmmmmtard territory, referencing the F codes as if they mean anything. When its only you that have any reference to them and their meaning, this is autism 101, and does not make you high iq but high autism THERE IS A VERY BIG DIFFERENCE.
I have both. I'm fucked for life. Sick of my friends telling me I should have hope.
Though a bullshit metric for measuring only the most superficial aspects of intelligence, it serves as a datapoint that someone with an IQ below 75 literally writes like a retard and is no different than an overadapted animal in civilization.

The worst part is that some of them realize their retardation, but can't go past a certain level of understanding or do anything about it, and seeing that is damn sad. How can one expect to form meaningful human relationships with a mind so weakened? With an unattractive face you can find unicorns to hold meaningful conversations, but even an attractive low IQ person is no different than a meat fleshlight to someone fucking them at worst or a very obedient kid at... 'best'.

Low IQ is the true inability to find meaningful relationships, as those can only come from humans who posess a a mind functional enough to handle humanity. It means they are animals too dumb to even ape humanity like the other animals do, making them undateable.

IQcels or mentalcels, stay strong. At least you can use the state money to enjoy life.
:feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsrope: Why couldn't I be Einstein IQ? :feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:
I have both. I'm fucked for life. Sick of my friends telling me I should have hope.
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