Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

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Discussion Lowest IQ person on the site?

"I tolerate"

Stfu you narcissistic prick. Why do I need to fit myself for you? You are a bluepilled cuck, an "Inkel without hate".

"You need to fit my personality waaah waaah" stfu. You think you are superior? Keep coping.
You are coping. You alienated many people here (On a fucking incel forum buddy). Wasn't because of your looks. Because you communicate like a piece of shit.
Calling people who dont believe in memes"cucks" is pathethic. Check yourself
You are coping. You alienated many people here (On a fucking incel forum buddy). Wasn't because of your looks. Because you communicate like a piece of shit.
Calling people who dont believe in memes"cucks" is pathethic. Check yourself
Who? Who have I "alienated"?

I've fought with people as should be the norm for a forum full of men who should have thick skin and not be bitches (Like yourself), but 9/10 (not even that as I don't even get in that much drama) I end up consolidating back with. A good example would be @GoffSystemQB, who I fucking hated for kissing mod ass, and he still has the same beliefes as you, but unlike you I respect and interact with him despite his differing opinions. Another example would be @Colvin76 a long long time ago, another good one would be @Diocel

Don't get it twisted, I don't isolate people for having different viewpoints or disagreeing, and if anything I respect people who disagree but still keep it civil moreso than when we first started talking. I do not appreciate dumb autists like you who try to have a superiority complex over me. Your arguments and viewpoints are bluepilled so I recall them as such.
Another example would be @Dregster666 btw.
Who? Who have I "alienated"?

I've fought with people as should be the norm for a forum full of men who should have thick skin and not be bitches (Like yourself), but 9/10 I end up consolidating back with. A good example would be @GoffSystemQB, who I fucking hated for kissing mod ass, and he still has the same beliefes as you, but unlike you I respect and interact with him despite his differing opinions. Another example would be @Colvin76 a long long time ago, another good one would be @Diocel

Don't get it twisted, I don't isolate people for having different viewpoints or disagreeing, and if anything I respect people who disagree but still keep it civil moreso than when we first started talking. I do not appreciate dumb autists like you who try to have a superiority complex over me. Your arguments and viewpoints are bluepilled so I recall them as such.
You are the one calling people cucks(hugely offensive word) and bluepilled or not agreeing with your memes.
You started the flamewar, you started the superiority complex.

I know people who you can disagree with sometimes and still respect (@Personalityinkwell for example). But you are not one of them.
You don't even know what race you are. You're white, not a nigger, but for some reason you choose to identify as a nigger.

There are two possible reasons for this:

1) You're blind.
2) You're as stupid and mentally ill as one of those pink-haired SJW faggots who can't decide what gender they identify as.

I'm leaning towards the latter.

Don't bother JFL
you're a pussy fakecel who uses escorts. why are you even on this site? you have regular sex. just fuck off you hypocrite.
Everyone who doesn't believes in just be white and that white people are literal gods, walking on earth
Everyone who doesn't believes in just be white and that white people are literal gods, walking on earth
So now give me only finest oriental maidens
you're a pussy fakecel who uses escorts. why are you even on this site? you have regular sex. just fuck off you hypocrite.

A shit ton of our users regularly visit escorts.

Fuck off with your retarded gatekeeping.
You are the one calling people cucks(hugely offensive word) and bluepilled or not agreeing with your memes.
You started the flamewar, you started the superiority complex.

I know people who you can disagree with sometimes and still respect (@Personalityinkwell for example). But you are not one of them.
Cope, I'm calling YOU a cuck for disagreeing with sub8 and the dogpill and heavily downplaying lookism. I'm not calling anyone that disagrees such a thing. Like I said before (Which I know you read and skipped over because you are too prideful to admit you're wrong), I've disagreed with atleast 6 people here and have made up with them, and that's not counting the countless greycels which I could @ but am too lazy and would not wish to bug them.

YOU are the problem and YOU started the superiority game.
"you started the superiority complex"
Cope, I'm calling YOU a cuck for disagreeing with sub8 and the dogpill and heavily downplaying lookism. I'm not calling anyone that disagrees such a thing. Like I said before (Which I know you read and skipped over because you are too prideful to admit you're wrong), I've disagreed with atleast 6 people here and have made up with them, and that's not counting the countless greycels which I could @ but am too lazy and would not wish to bug them.
No, everyone in our discord hates you. They all told me i should kick you. You are unbearable, but blame it on your looks to cope. Way uglier people than you dont alienate people here.

Your narcissism is disgusting, your way of arguing is disgusting.
1) You're blind.
2) You're as stupid and mentally ill as one of those pink-haired SJW faggots who can't decide what gender they identify as.

I'm leaning towards the latter.
No, everyone in our discord hates you. They all told me i should kick you. You are unbearable, but blame it on your looks to cope. Way uglier people than you dont alienate people here.

Your narcissism is disgusting, your way of arguing is disgusting.
>Our discord
Could've just said your narcissism hub/cult of personality. LOL, also we both know it's dead so no need to lie to me.

For the sake of it, maybe you should @ some people who "hate me"? I'm sure they can give me better actual answers as opposed to you. Go get the adults who hate me you sputtering down syndrome child.

From what I gathered because I was high and I'm mainly getting info from @Personalityinkwell , I hopped in a VC for about 5 seconds and started earraping, to which I was banned. I couldn't give a shit. I really don't care and dunno why you have to bring in "muh discord" as some sort of flex.
>Our discord
Could've just said your narcissism hub/cult of personality. LOL, also we both know it's dead so no need to lie to me.

For the sake of it, maybe you should @ some people who "hate me"? I'm sure they can give me better actual answers as opposed to you. Go get the adults who hate me you sputtering down syndrome child.

From what I gathered because I was high and I'm mainly getting info from @Personalityinkwell , I hopped in a VC for about 5 seconds and started earraping, to which I was banned. I couldn't give a shit. I really don't care and dunno why you have to bring in "muh discord" as some sort of flex.
nice cope. people told me to kick your stupid ass. dont go throwing insults when you cant handle it back.
imagine being too toxic for an incel forum. maybe you should "beat me up" again? you skinnyfat cunt :lul: :lul:
nice cope. people told me to kick your stupid ass. dont go throwing insults when you cant handle it back.
imagine being too toxic for an incel forum. maybe you should "beat me up" again? you skinnyfat cunt :lul: :lul:

Who? Where is your proof? I've shown you proof of people I've disagreed with and am still friends with, yet you haven't shown me an ounce of proof of any of your claims.

Oh wow, going back to face value insults on looks. You really do argue like an estrogen filled soy bluepilled cuck.

Maybe you should "beat me up" you "Gymmaxxed incel who could kill me".

Also ironic you are saying I try to "Alienate people" when you are having an autistic tantrum about how "NOBODY LIKES U WAHHHHH"

Who? Where is your proof? I've shown you proof of people I've disagreed with and am still friends with, yet you haven't shown me an ounce of proof of any of your claims.

Oh wow, going back to face value insults on looks. You really do argue like an estrogen filled soy bluepilled cuck.

Maybe you should "beat me up" you "Gymmaxxed incel who could kill me"
You where the one who said you would beat me up, not the other way around you lying scumbag.
skinnyfat isnt looks, its your effort on your own body. Ive been skinnyfat, im not skinnyfat now
oh my the irony of a skinnyfat incel telling me i am estrogen filled. you know the body you have is the biggest sign you have low T and insane amount of estrogen?
just lol
I've never seen someone here with low IQ. Only a few meanies who do slander and insults against you for no reason like @Personalityinkwell
give me a message when you start lactating, althought you might already be tbh
You where the one who said you would beat me up, not the other way around you lying scumbag.
skinnyfat isnt looks, its your effort on your own body. Ive been skinnyfat, im not skinnyfat now
oh my the irony of a skinnyfat incel telling me i am estrogen filled. you know the body you have is the biggest sign you have low T and insane amount of estrogen?
just lol
both of you fight in discord pms or something, i dont want to be getting notifs for this shit
You where the one who said you would beat me up, not the other way around you lying scumbag.
skinnyfat isnt looks, its your effort on your own body. Ive been skinnyfat, im not skinnyfat now
oh my the irony of a skinnyfat incel telling me i am estrogen filled. you know the body you have is the biggest sign you have low T and insane amount of estrogen?
just lol

And yeah you are. You argue like a female. Now, I'm gonna say this again so your soy-filled brain can understand it.

GIVE, say it with me, GIVE....ME....SOME.....PROOOF


This argument isn't going to go anywhere because you are not giving me OBJECTIVE FACT of your claims. I've given you fact via me listing examples of how I do alienate and actually am pleasant to people that disagree with me.

Give me proof of people "hating me" or whatever filtrated shitty subcategory of that you are trying to push.
give me a message when you start lactating, althought you might already be tbh
face value face value face value insults.
Proof of your original claim please.

The reason you aren't on the list of "respectfully disagreed" individuals is because this is how all arguments go with you. I completely destroy whatever shitty agenda you push against me, and you resort to throwing mud/face value insults based on my looks, like a child.
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that incel guy is low iq
both of you fight in discord pms or something, i dont want to be getting notifs for this shit
you made a drama thread wtf do you mean. This threads whole purpose is to induce drama
I'm waiting for proof of your claims bro. You throwing mud only proves my point you are a soyed up bluepiller.
you made a drama thread wtf do you mean. This threads whole purpose is to induce drama
i didnt know it was gonna turn into mostly u two fighting though. i mean if you want to argue in this chat go ahead but it would probably be better in pms
i didnt know it was gonna turn into mostly u two fighting though. i mean if you want to argue in this chat go ahead but it would probably be better in pms
No tbh I like public. People are lurking rn eating popcorn while I'm trying to grab any actual proof that I "Alienate people" and that "Nobody likes me" and that "Everybody hates me". Also so people can see that despite this being a forum about people with looks-based issues, some people still like throwing mud on looks.
i didnt know it was gonna turn into mostly u two fighting though. i mean if you want to argue in this chat go ahead but it would probably be better in pms
Why? You don't like lurking and watching the fireworks?
No tbh I like public. People are lurking rn eating popcorn while I'm trying to grab any actual proof that I "Alienate people" and that "Nobody likes me" and that "Everybody hates me". Also so people can see that despite this being a forum about people with looks-based issues, some people still like throwing mud on looks.
I like you bro. Anyone who says "nobody" likes you is projecting about their IRL social problems no offense to that man @Ropemaxx
no tbh busy babysitting the retards who disagree with me on the escort thread. so many low iq coping faggots
People disagree with you about the escorting thing? Disagree how?
I like you bro. Anyone who says "nobody" likes you is projecting about their IRL social problems no offense to that man @Ropemaxx

People disagree with you about the escorting thing? Disagree how?
they're pathetic copers who need to go back to reddit. insane mental gymnastics for how you can have regular penis in vagina sex and still compare yourself with incels
I like you bro. Anyone who says "nobody" likes you is projecting about their IRL social problems no offense to that man @Ropemaxx

People disagree with you about the escorting thing? Disagree how?
I couldn't care what people think of me unless it has some actual bases

I,E "Hey I really don't like you because 'screenshot of me throwing mud, me being a hypocrite, etc."

If it's valid and I cannot defend it I will apologize and try to better myself.
they're pathetic copers who need to go back to reddit. insane mental gymnastics for how you can have regular penis in vagina sex and still compare yourself with incels
It is rage fuel when brought up like I mentioned in my post in that thread. Now you say it's cucked for supporting the sex industry? Ok, food for thought. I see your logic.
I couldn't care what people think of me unless it has some actual bases

I,E "Hey I really don't like you because 'screenshot of me throwing mud, me being a hypocrite, etc."

If it's valid and I cannot defend it I will apologize and try to better myself.
multiple people on VC insisted that i should kick you. is that not evidence? lol
you were being toxic to everyone. but i guess its your looks that turns people away on an incel forum :soy: :soy: :soy:
meanwhile we have 3/10 indian truecels who never bothered anyone jfl
I couldn't care what people think of me unless it has some actual bases

I,E "Hey I really don't like you because 'screenshot of me throwing mud, me being a hypocrite, etc."

If it's valid and I cannot defend it I will apologize and try to better myself.
Clearly you do care hence your war of words here with a certain other user.
Clearly you do care hence your war of words here with a certain other user.
Care as in willingness to change.

multiple people on VC insisted that i should kick you. is that not evidence? lol
you were being toxic to everyone. but i guess its your looks that turns people away on an incel forum :soy: :soy: :soy:
meanwhile we have 3/10 indian truecels who never bothered anyone jfl
Who am I turning away? Again, you have not mentioned a single user other than yourself. Give me some @'s or some proof. Stop deflecting.
It is rage fuel when brought up like I mentioned in my post in that thread. Now you say it's cucked for supporting the sex industry? Ok, food for thought. I see your logic.
what exactly are you saying here? say it in more simpler terms
Care as in willingness to change.
That's cucked.
what exactly are you saying here? say it in more simpler terms
I said I'll think about it. I'll browse the thread to see who's right- you or the escort apologists. I haven't meditated enough on the matter just yet to make up my mind.
If I'm objectively wrong it's not cucked to change my viewpoints at that point.
Then why the harsh words then? Why not just say ok ropemax you're right I'm sorry
retarded cope made by an ugly little bugman fakecel. you're absolutely pathetic dude, larping on a website for virgins while having regular sex with hot stacies. and yet you think you're superior to other incels jfl. make a proper response to https://incels.is/threads/fuck-escortcels.191063/#post-4163635 or you're admitting you're of a lower IQ than me you subhuman

Imagine using "ugly little bugman" as an insult on an incel forum.

Attacking someone for their physical unattractiveness is a normie trait. I'm not the fakecel here, you're projecting.
Then why the harsh words then? Why not just say ok ropemax you're right I'm sorry
because he's not right. He has no objective proof of me "Alienating" people. I've asked him for it multiple times.

If he has genuine proof I'm alienating random people and that I'm "toxic" I will apologize to those people, but if you look in the argument the only "toxic" one is him by throwing mud/face valued insults "le ur skinnyfat"
Imagine using "ugly little bugman" as an insult on an incel forum.

Attacking someone for their physical unattractiveness is a normie trait. I'm not the fakecel here, you're projecting.
cope u didn't say anything when ropemaxx did this same shit 5 posts ago you are cherrypicking
Imagine using "ugly little bugman" as an insult on an incel forum.

Attacking someone for their physical unattractiveness is a normie trait. I'm not the fakecel here, you're projecting.
>y-you're projecting
classic IT cuck response. do you understand english bugman lol
>Former boarding schoolcel. Ugly framelet. Physically inferior Asian. All-around loser. I drink a lot. Qui Timet Deum Faciet Bona. DM me for LinkedIn. Email me at ppeincelguy @gmail.com

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