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Serious Lower tier men are not allowed to become young adults, they either stay children, or jump over adulthood into the role of lonely senior citizens



May 2, 2018
inceldom sufferers, essentially synonymous with lower tier men, are not truly allowed nor encouraged to become young or even adult sexual persons, for they are so unnecessary to modern society in that role that it is simply impossible to access for them, they end up either stuck into the role of a child, or jumping far ahead into the role of a lonely old widower on the cusp of retirement, creating the possibility of a man who is a 40 year old child dependent on his parents, or a 24 year old elder who's time away from work is solely dedicated to either crippling loneliness or only helping others and being saddled with odd jobs or babysitting by friends and family members who are always busier and more successful and thus "younger".

now, society tries to take this and reflect it back onto the sufferers ("you're a manchild! you're just sitting around all day like an old man!") when those alternate roles have been forcibly inflicted on them by society in the first place, by blocking them from essential young adult experiences like romance and sensuality, very often even blocking them from camaraderie and being an accepted member of a big social group.

absent those experiences, any attempt from the sufferer at kickstarting a respectable adulthood is a farce that takes constant dissimulation and willpower to preserve, made obvious as others make explicit attempts at poking holes in his fabrication by trying to figure out his real level of social success and romantic experience during their natural ribbing and jostling for higher status.

all his efforts only result in a farce, the maintenance of which requires constant effort and oversight, a thin and fragile veneer laid on top of the sad social role and life underneath it.
it is the life of an unruly child, or wandering old pensioner looking to be useful, a reality from which the inceldom sufferer has no escape.
he can only lash out temporarily by abusing pornography, prostitution and his imagination and capacity for daydreaming, which create a private veneer to complement the public one, allowing him to hide not just from others but from himself, the simple fact that society just does not need him in the role of a young romantic person, and possibly never will, locking him forever into the role of a child or an old man.
inceldom sufferers, essentially synonymous with lower tier men, are not truly allowed nor encouraged to become young or even adult sexual persons, for they are so unnecessary to modern society in that role that it is simply impossible to access for them, they end up either stuck into the role of a child, or jumping far ahead into the role of a lonely old widower on the cusp of retirement, creating the possibility of a man who is a 40 year old child dependent on his parents, or a 24 year old elder who's time away from work is solely dedicated to either crippling loneliness or only helping others and being saddled with odd jobs or babysitting by friends and family members who are always busier and more successful and thus "younger".

now, society tries to take this and reflect it back onto the sufferers ("you're a manchild! you're just sitting around all day like an old man!") when those alternate roles have been forcibly inflicted on them by society in the first place, by blocking them from essential young adult experiences like romance and sensuality, very often even blocking them from camaraderie and being an accepted member of a big social group.

absent those experiences, any attempt from the sufferer at kickstarting a respectable adulthood is a farce that takes constant dissimulation and willpower to preserve, made obvious as others make explicit attempts at poking holes in his fabrication by trying to figure out his real level of social success and romantic experience during their natural ribbing and jostling for higher status.

all his efforts only result in a farce, the maintenance of which requires constant effort and oversight, a thin and fragile veneer laid on top of the sad social role and life underneath it.
it is the life of an unruly child, or wandering old pensioner looking to be useful, a reality from which the inceldom sufferer has no escape.
he can only lash out temporarily by abusing pornography, prostitution and his imagination and capacity for daydreaming, which create a private veneer to complement the public one, allowing him to hide not just from others but from himself, the simple fact that society just does not need him in the role of a young romantic person, and possibly never will, locking him forever into the role of a child or an old man.

jump over adulthood into the role of lonely senior citizens

Exactly how I feel. As soon as you start working and you're not chad, you're completely socially isolated. Congrats, senior citizens with grandchildren have way better social lives and a sense of importance than you.

Now all the stores, malls, and hobby places in america are shut down due to amazon. Lonely men can only do what now? Go to the gym or go on hikes / walk around a lake if their city even has that?

Most just LDAR inside while browsing reddit and worship women on twitch.
Exactly how I feel. As soon as you start working and you're not chad, you're completely socially isolated. Congrats, senior citizens with grandchildren have way better social lives and a sense of importance than you.

Now all the stores, malls, and hobby places in america are shut down due to amazon. Lonely men can only do what now? Go to the gym or go on hikes / walk around a lake if their city even has that?

Most just LDAR inside while browsing reddit and worship women on twitch.
I'm sure this is how almost everyone with a stable job on here feels.
I mean, they start working and get in that groove of going to work and being out in the city and working on their home and they realise that...besides work what are they doing actually?
They're just going to work, then coming back home so they can do little odd jobs for their family, or babysit a nephew, or visit their hometown where only older relatives will hangout to have like a little tea party between grandmas and grandpas and look at old photo albums.
Good comparison. As soon as you reach NW3 you're a senior citizen in practice.
High iq post. The label of the manchild definitly suits me better, than the one of the lonely senior citizens though. Since i'm mentally probably not much more mature than most 15 year olds.
This is the most brutal blackpill I have ever seen yet.
In the past, we had war as a form of population control.

The invention of the atom bomb and the destruction of the Third Reich assured that inceldom would become an epidemic in the coming decades.
They're just going to work, then coming back home so they can do little odd jobs for their family, or babysit a nephew, or visit their hometown where only older relatives will hangout to have like a little tea party between grandmas and grandpas and look at old photo albums.

a lot of incels don't have that. most babies born are to single moms

so what do or will most men have? a ragged, angry single mom and maybe a few relatives. no big families.
This is the most brutal blackpill I have ever seen yet.

My purpose is definitely not to encourage people to fall into a deep depression or commit suicide, it's to try and reach a Neo-like level of understanding where the world can't hurt you or make you feel strong negative emotions anymore.

Good comparison. As soon as you reach NW3 you're a senior citizen in practice.

Baldness pretty much seals the deal, there are so many requirements to look good despite baldness that it's just a killer, I expect even family finds it much easier to slot you into the helpful grandpa role if you're losing hair.
Everything that was described in this thread is so scary accurate to my situation. You really hit the nail on the head with this one.
That kinda makes sense and exactly how I feel. I'm just waiting to die and not even 40 yet.
a lot of incels don't have that. most babies born are to single moms

so what do or will most men have? a ragged, angry single mom and maybe a few relatives. no big families.
very tiny families are the norm, i spent a lot of my time sitting not children, but poorly trained pets that shat in the middle of the house if they felt like it

In the past, we had war as a form of population control.

The invention of the atom bomb and the destruction of the Third Reich assured that inceldom would become an epidemic in the coming decades.
it's a really sad truth that so much evil is actually supposed to happen, like war and death during infancy, because it has eugenic or eusocial effects. i feel like hitler understood this and it's a big part why he's a monster to us now.

Everything that was described in this thread is so scary accurate to my situation. You really hit the nail on the head with this one.

thanks, there's an insane amount of chaos and racing thoughts in my head but sometimes it all comes together when i get the right trigger, like this thread https://incels.is/threads/cuck-beco...nt-even-fucking-but-only-friends-with.123991/
it's a really sad truth that so much evil is actually supposed to happen, like war and death during infancy, because it has eugenic or eusocial effects. i feel like hitler understood this and it's a big part why he's a monster to us now.
Hitler and all the top National-Socialists were high IQ, often extremely high. They tested this during the Nuremberg Trials. It's too bad their martial foresight didn't match their social foresight.
Entire facets of life are locked away from us
Fucking high iq post.

I am exactly what you explained. Nearing my 30s and still in a childlike state being babied and being dependent on my parents who still buy me food and wash my clothes. But I'm also kinda like an old dying man because while my parents go out to work, I stay home baby sitting my youngest siblings and giving them breakfast and napping like an old grandpa
This post was very thought provoking, and absolutely accurate
This post made my whole situation make complete sense now.
Fuck, I want to die. :feelsrope:
We are defective toys on a conveyor belt to LDARville.
We are defective toys on a conveyor belt to LDARville.
...and getting called out for it

imo that was my favorite realization out of this whole thing, that family and friends will shame you for not doing something (becoming a hip "happening", "busy" adult) when doing that is impossible without a shot at romance, or can only be faked in the form of a farce that sadistic normies love to poke holes in.
This thread should be pinned for a whole year.
Thank you OP for the insight
I wish I was this high IQ
This thread should be pinned for a whole year.
Thank you OP for the insight
you're welcome, i hope it doesn't get pinned because i'd probably have to fix the formatting or something. idk what the quality standards are.
I wish I was this high IQ
i'm either average or slightly above average IQ, this is just spending a lot of time thinking about subject and becoming really fucking old to boot
Exactly how I feel. As soon as you start working and you're not chad, you're completely socially isolated.

Indeed. It is also due to the fact that you stuck within a low-level job where every man is over 30+. So, as soon you start working as a 17 year old boy, you are surrounded by people who are twice your age.
I have never been a teenager. As soon as I left childhood, I jumped straight to senior citizenry. I have lived as an old retired man for years now.
Indeed. It is also due to the fact that you stuck within a low-level job where every man is over 30+. So, as soon you start working as a 17 year old boy, you are surrounded by people who are twice your age.
I didn't even think about that factor since it didn't apply to me so far, but I've heard of it happen to many others.
WIll we ever become actual adults?

I have never been a teenager. As soon as I left childhood, I jumped straight to senior citizenry. I have lived as an old retired man for years now.
same here my dude, I only freaked out and wrote down my thoughts when I realised how much time had passed, and how hypocritical and unfair normies are when they criticize me and others for not falling into the role of an "adult" already
WIll we ever become actual adults?

We have so many men who are not actually men. Today most likely females manage to live alone while most men still live with their parents. It is truly emasculating.
...and getting called out for it

imo that was my favorite realization out of this whole thing, that family and friends will shame you for not doing something (becoming a hip "happening", "busy" adult) when doing that is impossible without a shot at romance, or can only be faked in the form of a farce that sadistic normies love to poke holes in.
My only advice to dealing with that is living in a haze of weed smoke and not giving a fuck.
This hurts, but is also kinda freeing
Great high IQ post!
I never really had a healthy adolescence —- from my teen years to my late twenties, life was no different from an awkward 11 year old that just learned how to jerk off but is terrified of foids.
Life is still that way —- my attempt at approaching foids was a painful awkward experience with nothing to show, only now I live like a senior citizen on the verge of retirement —- work, home, gym, TV and computer
Great high IQ post!
I never really had a healthy adolescence —- from my teen years to my late twenties, life was no different from an awkward 11 year old that just learned how to jerk off but is terrified of foids.
Life is still that way —- my attempt at approaching foids was a painful awkward experience with nothing to show, only now I live like a senior citizen on the verge of retirement —- work, home, gym, TV and computer
we can't kickstart our adulthood without certain key experiences... why do people still give us shit for it?
do they want us to approach until we risk jail time?
Just stumbled across this old post. This hit home more than anything else i've ever read on this site. Very raw and very true. We were denied to live according to our nature as men. Be fathers and own a home, be an authority figure with responsibilities. When this is really all we need to have and be.
We have so many men who are not actually men. Today most likely females manage to live alone while most men still live with their parents. It is truly emasculating.
Living alone isn't going to give you a good social life. It actually makes it harder for you. At least while living with parents, you'll have some local acquaintances. Comparison with foids simply doesn't matter. The outside world isn't receptive of men like it is of foids.
I never matured, i might be 36 but im still like a 16 year old, i can barely do anything for myself. I'm surprised i haven't been fired yet. I barely get any social interaction outside of work. When i get home i just rot alone.

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