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It's Over [low IQ] people on a blackpill forum argue that ER's "narcissism" is why he didn't get laid.

  • Thread starter Personalityinkwell
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mentally crippled by lonely teen years
Dec 27, 2019

even though the stats say narcissism is a good thing

it proves the deepest darkest point. that most "blackpillers" are IDIOTS who are secretly bluepilled and just posting on an alternate thinking forum.

please, just KYS if you blame ER for his personality
ER wasn't even 5'9. He was 5'6-5'7
Narcissism is an essential personality trait if you want to get laid. JFL at these bluepilled copers.
Exactly. And these are the same cucks that will call ER a "good looking mentalcel" even though in reality he was a 4.5/10 at best :feelskek: and also a framelet dicklet hapa.

ER wasn't even 5'9. He was 5'6-5'7
Yeah that should be obvious as fuck lmao. Narcissism helps you get bitches if anything because it's perceived as being alpha. Only the biggest chimps could afford to be so self-absorbed.
No cuz it's different personality for different level of looks.

Was gonna elab but I'm so tired I cba I'll do it tomorrow.
Exactly. And these are the same cucks that will call ER a "good looking mentalcel" even though in reality he was a 4.5/10 at best :feelskek: and also a framelet dicklet hapa.

He also looked 14 at 22
No cuz it's different personality for different level of looks.

Was gonna elab but I'm so tired I cba I'll do it tomorrow.
bullshit dude. just sad
he's 4.5/10 or low tier normie, which is a death sentence for a guy his height + all the autistic/narcissistic traits he had + living in the chad lands while aiming for the hotter girls.
The guy was full of himself, nobody can deny that. If you actually paid attention to the way he talked you'll realize this.
Tldr ngl he was a borderline incel, not on the same level as a trucel which the majority .co users are. That's why many ppl here are not able to sympathize with him.
View attachment 272278

If I looked like him, I would be getting laid. Drove a bmw too? Gtfo
summoning you two brainlets
Exactly. And these are the same cucks that will call ER a "good looking mentalcel" even though in reality he was a 4.5/10 at best :feelskek: and also a framelet dicklet hapa.

If he was 4.5 what are we? Jfl. Couldn't be more over.
im pretty sure the average white man mogs rodger
i say ER was 4/10 and I think colvin agrees. We say 4.5 AT BEST
I mean he was realistically a 3 considering where he lived. But in general the guy looked pretty white with symmetrical face and clear skin. I could imagine him getting used crumbs elsewhere.
ER was most definitely NOT a narcissist or even truly narcissistic.

What he actually was, was a severely shy loner with psychosis who pantomimed behavior he observed to be typical of Chads and for his doing THAT the low IQ’s of the world mistake him for being a narcissist.
ER was most definitely NOT a narcissist or even truly narcissistic.

What he actually was, was a severely shy loner with psychosis who pantomimed behavior he observed to be typical of Chads and for his doing THAT the low IQ’s of the world mistake him for being a narcissist.

elab plz
Reminder: even St.Bagelcel has had multiple girlfriends.
fuck that's really long

maybe I'll read later though.

I still say he's 4/10 as of rn.
Who wrote that garbage?
"I don't know why you girls aren't attracted to me, but I will punish you all for it. It's an injustice, a crime. Because, I don't know what you don't see in me. I'm a perfect guy."
Elliot Rodger did nothing wrong
Dark Triad only applies to Chadrones

Narcissists are egotistical assholes when they are ugly (that includes me) you feel like you are constantly polishing a turd and every action you do is to impress others.

I believe Rodger was a narcy, sure. But that was NOT the reason he was incel, his height and the absurd standards of the rich holes in his area were the main reason he was incel.

And he was also only into blondes which make things even worse (low T high E subhumans tend to have really high standards towards holes, its like out brain is wired like the brain of holes)
Dark Triad only applies to Chadrones

Narcissists are egotistical assholes when they are ugly (that includes me) you feel like you are constantly polishing a turd and every action you do is to impress others.

I believe Rodger was a narcy, sure. But that was NOT the reason he was incel, his height and the absurd standards of the rich holes in his area were the main reason he was incel.

And he was also only into blondes which make things even worse (low T high E subhumans tend to have really high standards towards holes, its like out brain is wired like the brain of holes)
standards were meaningless.

he was just ugly
His autism didn't help tbh.
Amoeba IQ thread
Dark Triad only applies to Chadrones

Narcissists are egotistical assholes when they are ugly (that includes me) you feel like you are constantly polishing a turd and every action you do is to impress others.

I believe Rodger was a narcy, sure. But that was NOT the reason he was incel, his height and the absurd standards of the rich holes in his area were the main reason he was incel.

And he was also only into blondes which make things even worse (low T high E subhumans tend to have really high standards towards holes, its like out brain is wired like the brain of holes)

ER was incel because he was an awkward, introverted, shut-in narcissist with a rich fantasy life who suffered shortceldom, frameceldom, hapaceldom, femine-faceceldom. It's the combination that did him in.

Narcissism in an otherwise NT normie makes that normie more successful and more aggressive in business and sexual matters. Incels with narcissism just become totally delusional day dreamers.
Saying someone is "ugly" because they are short makes no sense. Do you think Zac Effron is ugly?

zac efron has a chad face

keep going into semantics though
Blaming his personality...on a blackpilled forum jfl
Saying someone is "ugly" because they are short makes no sense. Do you think Zac Effron is ugly?
He mogs ER from Isla Vista to Morocco
Blaming his personality...on a blackpilled forum jfl

He mogs ER from Isla Vista to Morocco
Height and looks are different factors. And looks are more important up to a point.
All of those are consequences of being a low T subhuman

Probably yes.

That type of isolation, which inevitably leads to a lack of social skills and missed life experience, usually starts early in puberty. When bullying in middle school is at peak intensity and low-T weaklings, low in the pecking order, get targeted the hardest.

As a result the proto-incel withdraws from teenage society into his solitary copes, while normies develop normally, and Chads begin to slay - both on the football field and in JB's bedrooms.
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fuck that's really long

maybe I'll read later though.

I still say he's 4/10 as of rn.
Pantomime essentially means or rather boils down to the old PUA forum advice of “fake it till you make it” which in other words means the longer you LARP as a Chad eventually you’ll become one or at least you’ll get rid of your previous simp/cuck/beta male thought patterns that so often landed you in the friend zone, be outright rejected or had girls eventually break up with you because you became too simpish with them by becoming too needy and dependent on them and making them your whole world etc, etc.

Well most guys like us have the weak male simp mindset programmed into us through years of Christ insane or feminist and PC brainwashing if not all three...well ok all four if you include perhaps our genetic tendency to perhaps be more naturally empathic and caring than other males.

That said when confronted with PUA evopsyche red pill and later black pill literature our minds immediately put the pieces together and we then realize fully and completely how to get women and or whether we even stand a chance to do so via our individual SMV.

Sadly as an untreated psychotic Elliot Rodger was unable to understand PUA literature or at least not fully.

He kept returning to the idea that he was an interesting and good looking guy with plenty of interesting stories to share of his travels around the world for why women should want him ie in other words he kept clinging to the feminist PC bullshit brainwashing he and we all receive early on in life (ie take a shower, dress well, be nice etc and eventually you’ll get a girl) because he was unable to absorb or at least not fully absorb the red pill discourse.

In other words he was unable to figure out how to remove his inner simp, love himself and become fully and truly confident producing/projecting an aura of masculinity as well an aura that he wasn’t a fucked up creep and dangerous weirdo to the females he was interested in as one of us without psychosis who gains access to the various “pill” literature is able to do with time and practice.


As Timothy points out Elliot was sadly only able to attempt to change himself from the outside in rather than the genuinely effective inside out method which would’ve resulted in him becoming a fully actualized man and Chad.

So with what he was able to do he simply observed various Chads and did his best acting attempt ie “pantomime” of their behavior which is why he came off as so awkward and unconvincing when he put on this persona in various videos.

The low IQ NPC’s of the outside world just looked at that and rationalized it away as the natural awkwardness of a young person that was simply either naturally awkward or simply still not quite fully mature when it was really neither of those things.

It was to put it a different way Elliot’s mask of what he thought a Chad to be.
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ER was most definitely NOT a narcissist or even truly narcissistic.

What he actually was, was a severely shy loner with psychosis who pantomimed behavior he observed to be typical of Chads and for his doing THAT the low IQ’s of the world mistake him for being a narcissist.
He was entitled to Stacys because he thought he is supreme gentleman. You think that was pantomiming Chad?
5'5 or 5'9, still over.
5'5 is turbomanlet and 5'9 was just manlet. Racial differences of height do exist however.
numbers confuse me, I don't know if I rank higher or lower than ER. He seems cuter than me in some ways (bishounen) but I might have a stronger jaw
He was entitled to Stacys because he thought he is supreme gentleman. You think that was pantomiming Chad?
If you actually read and properly comprehended my post you’d see that I pointed out he could not understand Chad’s mindset which is part of what makes Chad attractive to women in the first place.

All Elliot could do once again is fall back on his feminist brainwashing (be a supreme gentleman and you’ll definitely get a girl boyyo) while combining his pantomime act of what being a Chad entails to the best of his ability from how he visually SAW and perceived them as behaving hence dumb ass normie NPC’s pegging him falsely as a narcissist because they don’t know any better.

Even his supposed “entitlement” from his feminist brainwashing wasn’t what you and related NPC’s think that it was which is further proof to you all of his supposed narcissism.


What THAT was, was Elliot’s continued innocent child like belief in his feminist brainwashing ie the feminists told me if I do X activity (ie take a shower/be a supreme gentleman) then I will receive Y result (ie a girl will soon appear in my life and willingly become my girlfriend, due to my having exhibited the necessary behavior patterns I’ve been taught etc, etc).

So it was more an honest and straightforward EXPECTATION rooted in his believing cruel feminist bullshit and lies as opposed to an arrogant, entitled and spoiled narcissist demanding to have his way as you and your fellow NPC’s would like to portray.
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Narcissism (along with other personality disorders) is simply the consequence of a stunted childhood development, which is all but certain to occur in those with autism.

Elliot Rodger was no exception, and he coped with a confusing and threatening reality through narcissistic defenses.

The difference between him and Bad Boy Brads, who also tend to be narcissistic, is that he had to fully face the dissonance between his grandiose delusions and his pathetic reality, and this resulted in a fatal episode of mortification and rage.

He was not exactly psychotic, and his distorted thinking is fully explicable by examining his autism and co-morbid narcissism (and besides this it must be said that his aberrant nature gave him many kernels of great insight and made him an exceptional writer).

So it was more an honest and straightforward EXPECTATION rooted in his believing cruel feminist bullshit and lies as opposed to an arrogant, entitled and spoiled narcissist demanding to have his way as you and your fellow NPC’s would like to portray.
I sense that you oppose the description of Elliot Rodger as a narcissist because it has negative connotations (even beyond those of psychotic) :feelskek:

Narcissism is not a euphemism for evil or anathema, although I am guilty for using it in this sense myself.

The fact that Elliot Rodger was peacocking in a prosocial way is actually typical of narcissists. They affect the image that they think will make them liked and desired by other people by consulting their superego (the standards of conduct that the prevailing culture has inculcated them with).
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Narcissism is an essential personality trait if you want to get laid. JFL at these bluepilled copers.
Cope. Chad could be the biggest nice guy simp and still get pussy.
It's all about looks
Pantomime essentially means or rather boils down to the old PUA forum advice of “fake it till you make it” which in other words means the longer you LARP as a Chad eventually you’ll become one or at least you’ll get rid of your previous simp/cuck/beta male thought patterns that so often landed you in the friend zone, be outright rejected or had girls eventually break up with you because you became too simpish with them by becoming too needy and dependent on them and making them your whole world etc, etc.

Well most guys like us have the weak male simp mindset programmed into us through years of Christ insane or feminist and PC brainwashing if not all three...well ok all four if you include perhaps our genetic tendency to perhaps be more naturally empathic and caring than other males.

That said when confronted with PUA evopsyche red pill and later black pill literature our minds immediately put the pieces together and we then realize fully and completely how to get women and or whether we even stand a chance to do so via our individual SMV.

Sadly as an untreated psychotic Elliot Rodger was unable to understand PUA literature or at least not fully.

He kept returning to the idea that he was an interesting and good looking guy with plenty of interesting stories to share of his travels around the world for why women should want him ie in other words he kept clinging to the feminist PC bullshit brainwashing he and we all receive early on in life (ie take a shower, dress well, be nice etc and eventually you’ll get a girl) because he was unable to absorb or at least not fully absorb the red pill discourse.

In other words he was unable to figure out how to remove his inner simp, love himself and become fully and truly confident producing/projecting an aura of masculinity as well an aura that he wasn’t a fucked up creep and dangerous weirdo to the females he was interested in as one of us without psychosis who gains access to the various “pill” literature is able to do with time and practice.


As Timothy points out Elliot was sadly only able to attempt to change himself from the outside in rather than the genuinely effective inside out method which would’ve resulted in him becoming a fully actualized man and Chad.

So with what he was able to do he simply observed various Chads and did his best acting attempt ie “pantomime” of their behavior which is why he came off as so awkward and unconvincing when he put on this persona in various videos.

The low IQ NPC’s of the outside world just looked at that and rationalized it away as the natural awkwardness of a young person that was simply either naturally awkward or simply still not quite fully mature when it was really neither of those things.

It was to put it a different way Elliot’s mask of what he thought a Chad to be.

Newtonian level IQ post
Narcissism (along with other personality disorders) is simply the consequence of a stunted childhood development, which is all but certain to occur in those with autism.

Elliot Rodger was no exception, and he coped with a confusing and threatening reality through narcissistic defenses.

The difference between him and Bad Boy Brads, who also tend to be narcissistic, is that he had to fully face the dissonance between his grandiose delusions and his pathetic reality, and this resulted in a fatal episode of mortification and rage.

He was not exactly psychotic, and his distorted thinking is fully explicable by examining his autism and co-morbid narcissism (and besides this it must be said that his aberrant nature gave him many kernels of great insight and made him an exceptional writer).

I sense that you oppose the description of Elliot Rodger as a narcissist because it has negative connotations (even beyond those of psychotic) :feelskek:

Narcissism is not a euphemism for evil or anathema, although I am guilty for using it in this sense myself.

The fact that Elliot Rodger was peacocking in a prosocial way is actually typical of narcissists. They affect the image that they think will make them liked and desired by other people by consulting their superego (the standards of conduct that the prevailing culture has inculcated them with).
You’re missing the point that he was NOT doing this.

There was no “consulting his super ego” to be had here.

To put it in a way that you can perhaps understand.

Had the successful Chads Elliot observed acted on average like say Captain Picard on the Star Trek TNG episode where he had to win Roxanna Troi back to him in a romantic sense by using vast quantities of Shakespeare quotes/dialogue to do so then Elliot would’ve done his level best to Pantomime THAT and he still would not be IN the Captain’s Chad’s mindset that made it all “work” so he’d simply come off as a bad try hard actor to his intended female audience among as well any other onlookers to try and do this.

Narcissism has fuck all to do with anything surrounding Elliot Rodger (other than it quite obviously being a strong part of the particular Chads personalities he was personally observing and pantomiming at the time anyway).

Elliot was rather a kind of literal broken mirror that could not absorb a Chad’s totality into his own being so could only REFLECT a broken copy of what he was SEEING while once again understanding NOTHING about the hows and why’s of why a Chad acts/acted narcissistically or in any other way that attracts/attracted women.

All Elliot cared about was an idea of obtaining a successful means to an end and that poor mirroring of Chad was his strategy in a nutshell that ultimately failed him because it was rightly perceived as inauthentic and creepy.

View: https://youtu.be/2ukG33mB5bw
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