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- Nov 24, 2017
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In America, mass shootings increase annually. One of the most horrible (for normies that is) shootings are conducted in school, where 'innocent' teenagers are just going to school to 'learn' and 'study' (which isn't the case usually, high school parties are nasty).
Teenager girls and good looking boys party around with alcohol, disco and rave parties. Hedonistic, pure hedonistic disgusting behavior disregarding all others that are less advantaged in life. E.g. having autism, being born ugly, being manlet, not being born into family with financial status.
The school hierarchy is cruel and regardless for the people in the lower social circles, strong boys bully the weak boys and the girls stick to the chads/jocks, I guess they had a good personality? The beta students are tired of that hierarchy, and eventually they snap! Do you think that they simply hated women, 'misogynist' or simply evil so they shot up their school? No! They were LOSERS. Ostracized, bullied, low social status, dysfunctional family, no friends, virgin, mental illness (such as autism) are common signs you can find in most mass shooters.
With lacking sexual experience, those losers feel their future is gonna be the same and doesn't feel joyness in their daily lives. They begin to lose their moral compass more and more day by day, and you can't blame them for it. Their social environment shapes them the way they are. Adding to the 'future will be the same' part they're kind of right. A autist bullied by his peers won't instantly be a jock in the future workplace.
So how do we give those people, those losers a meaning in life? We give them sexual experience with positive reinforcement from the female individuals, something they had never experienced in their lives, something so important evolutionary wise. Therefore, I propose a plan involving high schools and colleges...
Women with sexual experience and over the age of 18 will be conscripted into the LP corps that will be activated in certain times of the year, valentine day, Christmas, thanksgiving, summer to say some. This LP corps will require the women to go to their school, head into a classroom to serve as a prostitute on standby for permitted clients (PC). In which the whore will head to a hotel or somewhere to have sexual intercourse with the client, free of charge. For each client they served, they will receive compensation in money, from 50$ to 200$ and maybe a boost in their overall credits (for colleges).
Before being a prostitute for the LP Corps, the whores must undergo a one hour training including code of ethnics and conduct, special training for dealing with socially awkward autist clients. They will be encouraged to give posititve reinforcement to the clients, like calling them strong, praising their sexual parts (big penis), calling them musclous, hot, beautiful. Something the incels never heard once in their life.
The clients, due to the limited budget of the organizations and the school, will Permitted Clients (PC). PCs undergo a examination before enlisting into the program. The PC Exam with real life elements. You must score 30 or higher in order to qualify into the PC Program as a PC. E.g. being under the national average (5'10) will grade you few extra points.
PC Exam
3D Face Scanning - For each facial flaw, points are given. 5 points for recessed chin, 3 points for balding etc.
Under 5'10 - 3 points, with each decrease in height increases the score by 1.5.
Mental illness - 10 points for Autism/Aspergers, 5 points for social awkwardness etc
Observed behavior - If a student is known to be socially awkward, he gains few points. If he's known to be bullied, he gains another few points!
This isn't the full exam, but I'm not writing an essay for a sample, so let's move on.
The money used to pay the whores will be paid by a combination of anti school shooting organizations, the government, and mass shooting survivors' funding organizations.
My idea will benefit everyone, now the incel losers can enjoy some young pussy (Legal age, you cucktears fucks), enjoy some giga lifefuel in their lives, and experience something they'll likely experience once or few times in their lives. Decreases the suicide rate, decreases mass shooting and thus less shooting victims. Damn if Seung Hui Cho (who was rejected by a literal prostitute) had been a client of the LP program, he wouldn't had shot up Virginia tech and taking 32 lives with himself.
It's about giving back to the needy people for once and for all. If whores are so happy to fuck the jocks in their schools, and ostracize the losers who in turn shoot up their school. Why can't they bother to fuck some incel for 30 minutes or a hour? I mean they take many dicks weekly anyway. Give back to the needy you fucks.
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