Looksmaxxers are bunch of narcissistic cunts who feel the need to flex on chronically online losers, as if they aren't like us.
Looksmaxxers are predominantly normies, so naturally their monkey brain normie behaviors, like flexing on people below them on the status hierarchy (because you can't flex upwards; those above will laugh and ignore you), is bound to show itself.
The issue is, looksmaxxing is a corruption of the blackpill and it's conclusion. We mastered the arts of blackpill , taught people about the importance of looks down to every nano to the bone. The blackpill should logically lead people towards more conservative sexual norms of the society, not the other way around, that is, weaponizing it against us truecels.
The black pill is a lot of things, but it's not an art, tbhngl. It's a collection of scientific data and facts about human sexuality and behavior as it relates to socio-cultural dynamics. Resulting from these data and facts is the philosophy of the black pill that tends to gravitate towards nihilism and the doomer mentality.
In actuality the philosophy of the black pill is simply a cold, brutal look at reality as it pertains to a multitude of subjects and domains. Being black pilled is knowing these facts through both personal experiences in life, as well as the unbiased and objective look at the facts surrounding those experiences and their explanations.
Looksmaxxing is to the black pill what warring African tribes are to the firearm.
Why the fuck aren't "state mandated GFS" popular on TikTok but muuh mogger muuuh positive canthal tilt is? We could achieve so much more with the first one.
You can't be serious with that first question.
I hope there is a day of the rope, and I hope they get hanged first. Traitors get the rope.
Male suicide is already at record numbers and rising. I'd venture a guess as to say that the overwhelming majority are blue pilled normies and sub 5s who gave up.
Looksmaxxing as a concept is flawed. You are increasing your smv at the expense of other people. It does nothing to solve the core issue and only promotes lookism.
Yes, looksmaxxing is very counter-productive in the aggregate. However, there are cases where it helps somewhat, like fatasses losing weight and gaining muscle to transform their body. They go from fat and ugly to just ugly.
It's like the "involution" concept in Chinese workplace. You work more in an attempt to get ahead, but others do the same. The end result is same pay for more effort.
The hoe inflation problem is a society issue not a individual one
Yes. But the problem has no "modern day" solutions. We'd have to revert to pre 1960s state of the world to even begin to fix anything.
The blackpill has been a massive mistake of historic proportions. When a society gets blackpilled, it gets even more lookist and hypergamous, it doesn't go away. Look at South Korea, which is an example of a blackpilled society. It has the lowest birth rates, women hate their own men and men rope very often. This is what public knowledge of the blackpill does, this is why I'm against spreading the blackpill to normies.
I don't think SK is overtly black pilled. They're just extremely superficial.
There are a few solutions.
On a microscale, looksmaxxing and other forms are -maxxing are really the solution. You keep -maxxing your attributes. However, on a macroscale this only makes hypergamy worse and women's standards even higher. It is not a real solution.
On a macroscale, there are not many solutions and some these are detestable. I do not think it's possible to recover from the inflated standards due to the widespread use of social media and dating apps. So that is not a solution.
- More war would be good because many men would die in the frontlines and that would balance out the gender ratio a bit. The Ukraine war is good for the gender ratio, however the genocide in Gaza isn't because that's a war against all civilians including women and girls. Proper wars are good though.
Works, but it's not practical, given the issues of scale. If 1-2 billion men die globally, then this would have some tangible and measurable impact. Global nuclear war where the majority of deaths are male is the only real way this would happen.
- AI girlfriends are the long-term solution for incels, because at the end of the day, not every man can have a partner. So advanced sex robots will be the best solution.
This is the best solution. Solves the primary problem of inceldom, which is loneliness and emotional satisfaction.
- Another thing that would have a positive effect on a macroscale is homosexuality. More men are gay than women are lesbian, by at least a 2 to 1 margin, hence this has a positive effect on a macroscale. But this is not a sustainable solution either, neither is it even an acceptable one.
This is not a viable solution, for the same reason as the first, unless those 1-2 billion dead turned gay overnight. KEK