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JFL Looks like IT have come full circle - Some thoughts on the matter (IT users support murder, rape, violence & suicide - Extras/updates at end of post)

I really don’t undERstand why so many threads are made about IT these days.

If they waste their time surfing our forum, cherrypicking posts to post on their subreddit while we ignore them completely, it shows that we are of more importance to them than they are to us.

When dog barks do you bark back or do you ignore?

These people are like dogs. Let them invest their time and energy towards us, but it’s better that we don’t even acknowledge their existence because they are not on our level.
You are right about the privilege of course. The main reason I wouldn't trade with them is because I'm sure a lot of them suffer from depression.

I've never been clinically depressed, even though I'd have every reason to be.
Quite odd really, imagine suffering from depression so you decide to just shit on people who overwhelmingly suffer from depression jfl
Ive said it before but try searching their name on reddit and check what other people are saying about them. They have very bad reputation
exactly jfl. As I said in the post. Countless people think they're pathetic
Why are these fuckups so obsessed with incels who shitpost and vent. Schadenfreude? Looking for any justification to bully lonely virgin men because they are "evil" or what? Narcissism, antisocial tendencies? Low self esteem? Need to feel better than incels? Sure, ugly incels are losers, but what does it say about them when incels are living rent free inside of their heads 24/7. Arguably they are even bigger losers than we are. Some of those retards have been posting in that subreddit for years now. The whole subreddit is full of incels in denial, reddit cucked white knights, misandristic feminist women etc etc.
Superiority complex. Humans have always had this weird inkling to shit on the underdog and those who they deem "wrong". We are an easy scapegoat though, an ideal target, bottom of the totem pole and there are no repercussions for shitting on us.
I really don’t undERstand why so many threads are made about IT these days.

If they waste their time surfing our forum, cherrypicking posts to post on their subreddit while we ignore them completely, it shows that we are of more importance to them than they are to us.

When dog barks do you bark back or do you ignore?

These people are like dogs. Let them invest their time and energy towards us, but it’s better that we don’t even acknowledge their existence because they are not on our level.
brutal dogpill
Propensity for violence
@RAO welcome back
I just want to make a joke

It's really funny when rape victim comits suicade :feelskek:
They already said how they wish for me to die jfl

They have issues themselves. No wonder since they're probably trannies or ugly chicks
Same tbh. The subs users have always sourced joy from the prospect of reject males dying and being in pain
Y'all need to give these failed normies less attention, holy shit.
It's like you're goddamn obsessed with some basement dwelling reddit trannies, like cmon ...
More like they're obsessed with us. I like it. We live in their heads rent free. I've even been seen in screenshots the faggots posted there.
She literally wrote "We are better than them". Hilarious! If that was true then she wouldn't feel the need to say it.

It's obvious that everyone on IT is deeply unhappy with their own life and that's why they feel the need to "punch down". It makes them feel better for a short fleeting moment. For a few seconds they can hold on to the thought "At least I'm not one of those incels!" And for these few seconds they might not think about how they are utter failures and will never achieve anything meaningful in their lives.

Daily reminder that inceltear is a collection of trannies, landwhales, simps and other attention whores and not a place where normal people post.
Why are these fuckups so obsessed with incels who shitpost and vent. Schadenfreude? Looking for any justification to bully lonely virgin men because they are "evil" or what? Narcissism, antisocial tendencies? Low self esteem? Need to feel better than incels? Sure, ugly incels are losers, but what does it say about them when incels are living rent free inside of their heads 24/7. Arguably they are even bigger losers than we are. Some of those retards have been posting in that subreddit for years now. The whole subreddit is full of incels in denial, reddit cucked white knights, misandristic feminist women etc etc.

IKR. Chad's and normies in relationships are the one's actually hurting women in practice. Even if they want to cherrypick the amount of real Incels that went ER, it's still only a drop in the ocean compared to the violence sex-having males bring to women. Why don't they go focus on roving rape gangs in India, or sexual exploitation of Uyghur women or something actually productive? JFL

I think deep down they like it here, and know that we're on the money about of lot of things happening in soyciety.
IKR. Chad's and normies in relationships are the one's actually hurting women in practice. Even if they want to cherrypick the amount of real Incels that went ER, it's still only a drop in the ocean compared to the violence sex-having males bring to women. Why don't they go focus on roving rape gangs in India, or sexual exploitation of Uyghur women or something actually productive? JFL

I think deep down they like it here, and know that we're on the money about of lot of things happening in soyciety.
Why do you think they're still trying to milk elliot after 8 and a half years.
Why do you think they're still trying to milk elliot after 8 and a half years.
Yeah exactly. They have to keep digging up the same sorry ass couple of dudes where obviously mental health was the biggest factor.
Yeah exactly. They have to keep digging up the same sorry ass couple of dudes where obviously mental health was the biggest factor.
If they were to be believed, "incel attacks" would be happening weekly, yet there aren't even examples bi-weekly, monthly, bi-monthly etc etc. No matter how much they want us to be apparent villains, it doesnt change the fact that this idea is simply false.
Isn't there a saying that goes "violence breeds violence"? Looks like it's true after all
even blackpilled incels like @
I wouldn't call that guy "blackpilled," he's just extremely neurotic tbh. He switches sides whenever he feels like it, and he's done this for at least five or six years so far. He was doing that shit when r/incels was still around.
Bro stop giving those droolers airtime here. They're living in your heads rent-free. I swear, the only time I ever hear about that reddit tranny sub is when I'm here.

Let's begin with this image

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Oh the sweet irony of this. If you "cannot believe" that you have to make that post, you don't know your own subreddit and users very well at all. Most people probably wont be aware of this, but before the original IT sub got self-nuked (good times, the efforts paid off in the end), their mods repeatedly had to put up posts like this, that were ultimately ignored. I guess old habits die hard, they never change. IT is just IT I guess. Comical that the mods have to acknowledge this stuff in PSAs on both subs eventually, after months/years of saying "oh no we aren't like that no one does that". The most interesting thing about this though to me is the little Freudian slip inserted into this post. Oh also keep in mind before they pull a "its a minority of us" card, that the same is also true for incels anyway. denial wont change this.

Of course anyone with half a brain can deduce that most IT members simply do not give a shit about stuff like this. They let it slide for as long as they can, if they can. Ultimately this sort of stuff isn't an issue to them. No amount of acting will make that any less true. Actions > Words. IT throughout both its lifetimes has shown its stance many a time. I've spoke to countless IT members who quit the sub pretty quickly because they even noticed this and didn't want any part of it. But the bit at the end. The crucial detail. The slip. They don't care about this shit jfl. They care about having the "moral highground" and nothing more. It's this virtue signaling, holier than thou, superhero act, moral superiority complex that many of them possess. They would prefer their members to be more subtle about this stuff instead.

It's funny to see them acknowledge hypocrisy amongst themselves though. Because you just know after a few days has passed they will go back to denying that this ever happens. Hypocrisy outlined even more by the fact that they actively operate under a "guilt by association" approach, something that some users freely admit. But they of course would never apply this logic to themselves. They share spaces with people who support rape when convenient, who call for violence when convenient to them, people who encourage suicide, and people who mock the "romantically unsuccessful". The latter in direct contradiction to their farce of an info pane. But that's all this is, a farce. An act of "muh im so much better than everyone else", like I said, Actions > Words.

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The image above is an example of damage control. The same mod did another thing a few weeks ago, trying to pull a "look at me I deleted some comments that were calling for violence, it doesnt constitute encouragement now".... But indeed it does constitute encouragement and you deleting such comments after many many hours doesn't change the fact that your own users actively encourage violence. They always have, and always will. "it was removed because muh morals"... No jfl, it was removed because you're simply trying to protect the sub.

I know for a fact that you wouldn't let the same argument slide if a moderator of a community you dislike did the same thing. In fact your users often demonstrate as such. Posting things from banned users (some of them ironically IT members who got caught infiltrating), surely if your reasoning here is to be taken seriously, then such posts are erroneous? Then again the amount of posts on the sub that have nothing to do with incels is pretty laughable anyway. Blaming people for the actions and words of others. But that's I guess to be expected when using a false definition much in the same vein bigots tend to twist definitions to suit themselves, and enable their own prejudices. I digress.

You have no morals. Certainly not in regards to this issue. You cannot claim to hold some moral high-ground when your sub literally exists to mock, bully, encourage suicide, violence etc. It always has, and always will. You are utterly deluded if you genuinely believe that the type of people who would join such a subreddit aren't doing so out of their own prejudices towards disaffected, lonely people. The common excuse of "we only dislike bad inkwells" has proven time and time again to be a complete lie. Remember, Actions > Words. Like any bully, they've found a space where it's easy and accepted for them to act upon these prejudices that they hold.

Most normal people manage to call out bullshit just fine without having to resort to such space. If this offends you, then i've clearly struck a nerve, now ask yourself why that might be? If this doesn't describe you, then why share a space with such people huh? Because take it from me, you wont change the sub... Ever. You won't change the type of people who are drawn to such a space where they can shit on the underdog with near impunity. It has been tried, in fact the previous subs mods asked me to try and help them reform the subreddit after they saw the place for what it was. Just another space where hatred breeds and festers. So I can tell you now how that will go down. Your efforts would be wasted. Nevermind what I think though. Go look outside, there's a LOT of people on the internet, non-incels included that see your subreddit for what it is and how full of hate it is. Do you forget the time that your own users doxxed a 15 year old boy and then were all laughing about it when him being beaten up as a result came to light? You all sound very morally superior.

I seem to recall a post from yesterday that you removed after fuck knows how many hours as a form of damage control, where a user posted an image of a guy who was just talking about how depressed he is because he's lonely, I also recall at the end he mentioned him being "pushed closer to suicide". I also recall some of the comments on that post, plenty of people laughing at him. One guy even saying that his suicide would be a "form of natural selection". The one reply being something to the effect of "dont say that it just fuels their beliefs". Which just screams "nooo don't tell them what we really think, dont tell them they're right about anything". Classic gaslighting maneuvers. Also ironically again, also how bigots operate, racists especially, "Nooo I only hate the bad ones" meanwhile they go on to target literally anyone who matches the description whether bad or not because they're prejudiced. It's transparent as fuck.

It reminds me of an old post I remember from years ago on the sub, not sure which iteration it was though. But a woman had made a post talking about how women wanting tall guys etc wasnt a bad thing and that's their prerogative and that uglier guys should just learn to enjoy life without other people etc. Sure, that's fine. But the responses were comical. The amount of people agreeing with her but also saying "please delete this it agrees with incels/validates what they say". Which is wholly ironic. Even more so when you consider that most incels in the world don't think that anyway. Most are still hopeful and "bluepilled" I guess.

It's not really worth listing all the poignant examples of the past because they've been mentioned plenty and get ignored anyway. Dont forget, tons of your own members, some even well known ones, knew about doogy for months and chose to do and say.... Nothing. Do you really want to hang around such people? Your brand of guilt by association and generalizations would deem you as bad as them yes? You cannot claim the moral high-ground when you can't even stick to the same moral standards that you hold others too...

Out of the hundreds upon hundreds of IT users I've spoken too over the years, I can safely say that decent people are a huge minority in your space. "omg idc cuz an incel said it". Wilful ignorance. But again, don't take my word for it. Plenty of non-incels, including many women have also reached this same conclusion. Hell even some of your own mods in years past have reached that same conclusion. There seems to be a pattern here.

One of the funniest things about the sub is the whole "we want to help you" bullshit. But thats a lie, for several reasons. But the funniest part to me is that whenever a newcomer does come to the sub, unaware that it's full of spite, and puts up a thread asking for advice on how to help incels and indicating that they're sympathetic... Just look at how many of your members start instantly trying to discourage them from doing so. You don't want solutions, nor to help. You just want cheap laughs and an ego boost from knocking down people who are already in the gutter. From experience, IT's brand of "help" is just "mock them into submission". Which is not an effective tactic nor is it in good faith.

I prefer to actually try and help people if I can, lend them an ear etc. I try to help with whatever honest research into the topic I can in the hopes that everyone, incel or not can eventually have a better future in the world with more understanding. Visceral hate is just something I dont really have the energy for, meanwhile many of your members clearly do. I'm always happy to have a regular conversation with anyone tbh, have with plenty of IT members and past mods, many of whom quit the sub due to all this sort of stuff, and still occasionally do. I like getting along with people, it's based. Whereas most IT users are hostile from the get go, I've lost count as to how many have virgin shamed me for no reason or straight up sent me suicide guides etc over the years on past accounts. Which is odd because I don't claim any moral superiority, I just prefer calm, understanding and wish I lived in a world where I and everyone else could just get along. Yet you do claim moral superiority and most never seem to be able to meet the standards to which you project.

In short I guess, I just find it quite funny that IT are now in the same position that they were nearly 3 years ago. How nostalgic. They've got mods being exposed, and other mods having to ask their own users to stop calling for violence (remember doogy also tried to ask people to stop so that they "wouldnt get banned", so this is not a new thing, never has been), rape, mocking simply lonely people, and encouraging suicide. Something that will ultimately be ignored as it was in the past. Just a clone of its previous iteration. Unsurprising when the sub's existence is quite literally based on mockery and hatred. These are its core. This is its natural evolution, towards bullying and hypocrisy etc.

You can try and convince yourselves all you want, but you're just another group of spiteful people with fake morals. Anyone that doesn't fit this description, why waste your time there if it's the sort of thing you profess to be against?

Bonus edit:
Just a few minutes ago, well known IT user admits to supporting mass killings of reject incel males. As stated, a hatefilled, violence supporting subreddit. I did say they would ignore the mods post. Ironic given their info pane says that the sub "isn't about killing incels". Evidence would suggest the contrary.
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Updated: Seems they added to this too. Pay attention to the upvotes. Suicide encouragement and calls for mass killings and enacting violence are very much supported on the sub

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Yikes, IT user admits that she would commit murder if she could get away with it
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IT user with a propensity for violence
View attachment 687722
Supremely high IQ post, great to see you got around to making it. And holy shit those people are such idiots. Even with the mod warning, they still can’t stop in the calling of genocide of incels. Yet they think somehow we should be better than this and be held to a higher standard than them, despite their claims of moral superiority. I would have applauded you for the great timing, but as you said that this is happening all the time on their sub jfl.

This post should be on the “must read” section tbh.
I wouldn't call that guy "blackpilled," he's just extremely neurotic tbh. He switches sides whenever he feels like it, and he's done this for at least five or six years so far. He was doing that shit when r/incels was still around.
isn't that icecats account?
Bro stop giving those droolers airtime here. They're living in your heads rent-free. I swear, the only time I ever hear about that reddit tranny sub is when I'm here.

Cant imagine they'll be rejoicing about this thread tbh
Supremely high IQ post, great to see you got around to making it. And holy shit those people are such idiots. Even with the mod warning, they still can’t stop in the calling of genocide of incels. Yet they think somehow we should be better than this and be held to a higher standard than them, despite their claims of moral superiority. I would have applauded you for the great timing, but as you said that this is happening all the time on their sub jfl.

This post should be on the “must read” section tbh.
It's truly over for them tbh. very hatefilled people
A big misconception about IT is that they have some kind of ideology they adhere to, they don't. They're just a loose amalgamation of losers who want to punch down on someone they see as below themselves in the social hierarchy and all their moral outrage is just to create a pretext for doing so. They're not even all bluepilled feminists, there's conservatives there, pinkpilled "femcels", even blackpilled incels like @FuRed.
the thing about showing advocates is to show they represent the subreddit you need to show when they registered, who praised them, etc

you almost need AI to machine-scan and arrange all the data
the thing about showing advocates is to show they represent the subreddit you need to show when they registered, who praised them, etc

you almost need AI to machine-scan and arrange all the data
In their opinion. If it's them doing any of this stuff, it's perfectly reasonable
Wasting time on these guys are futile they are a lost cause.
Completely true. I've noticed more incels are open to talk about disagreeing opinions than IT users. IT users don't have morals they just wanna unleash their rage and hatred

There are several things that favor this community here. The technical possibilities influence your behavior as well, I think for example that compared to reddit, this forum here is better suited for discussion and long posts, which favors spending more time and energy. Additionally... as I understand this forum, this is a bunch of incredibly different people with different opinions. People on IT go there with only one topic. People here form a community, people on IT are mostly just visitors, I assume, who go away when they are bored, challenged or see that their answer would be too timeconsuming. Furthermore they have a reddit-wide point system, that favors agreeable behavior. Say something people don't like in "I love Rape" and your negative points are seen in "Gummy Bears are great!" as well.

I don't want to defend IT. That is some crazy shit over there. But I get it. It's beautiful to have the High Ground and everyone around you confirms how great you are. That must be a such a High. First you can kick some ugly, unwashed and stupid idiot and yes, you MAY do that, because he is evil. It's not even just not bad, it's actually good, because you make the world a better place. And afterwards you go fucking.
Look at the incel tear selfies they all look like social rejects so bashing down incels Is the only way they can get a one up on society they all are trannies, landwhale sjws with colored hairs and piercings and uncle looking dudes

At least with us most of us can get along with people because we don't look like complete idiot's like them
There used to be a meme about their previous sub. It had more members tbh. But original IT was considered to be "the biggest incel community". Due to how many incelibate males were on there.

The whole "i'm a virgin at 38 but i'm not an incel"... Examples of IT not knowing what "incel" means. A good chunk of their users are incels. They're in the same situation for the exact same reasons. Denial never changes this.
There are several things that favor this community here. The technical possibilities influence your behavior as well, I think for example that compared to reddit, this forum here is better suited for discussion and long posts, which favors spending more time and energy. Additionally... as I understand this forum, this is a bunch of incredibly different people with different opinions. People on IT go there with only one topic. People here form a community, people on IT are mostly just visitors, I assume, who go away when they are bored, challenged or see that their answer would be too timeconsuming. Furthermore they have a reddit-wide point system, that favors agreeable behavior. Say something people don't like in "I love Rape" and your negative points are seen in "Gummy Bears are great!" as well.

I don't want to defend IT. That is some crazy shit over there. But I get it. It's beautiful to have the High Ground and everyone around you confirms how great you are. That must be a such a High. First you can kick some ugly, unwashed and stupid idiot and yes, you MAY do that, because he is evil. It's not even just not bad, it's actually good, because you make the world a better place. And afterwards you go fucking.
This forum itself is incredibly diverse. Anti-incels refuse to touch examples that disprove their ideals. They also rarely venture into incel spaces that are unlike this space, nor do they often use the legitimate definition of an incel. The reasons for doing so are enabling of their own prejudices.

IT exist to shit on the underdog. They do so knowing they have impunity. Many users leave the space due to not wanting to be associated with, nor participating with their own brand of hatred. A lot of spaces online that are aware of IT also have negative opinions of IT due to seeing them for what they are.
Let's begin with this image

View attachment 687295

Oh the sweet irony of this. If you "cannot believe" that you have to make that post, you don't know your own subreddit and users very well at all. Most people probably wont be aware of this, but before the original IT sub got self-nuked (good times, the efforts paid off in the end), their mods repeatedly had to put up posts like this, that were ultimately ignored. I guess old habits die hard, they never change. IT is just IT I guess. Comical that the mods have to acknowledge this stuff in PSAs on both subs eventually, after months/years of saying "oh no we aren't like that no one does that". The most interesting thing about this though to me is the little Freudian slip inserted into this post. Oh also keep in mind before they pull a "its a minority of us" card, that the same is also true for incels anyway. denial wont change this.

Of course anyone with half a brain can deduce that most IT members simply do not give a shit about stuff like this. They let it slide for as long as they can, if they can. Ultimately this sort of stuff isn't an issue to them. No amount of acting will make that any less true. Actions > Words. IT throughout both its lifetimes has shown its stance many a time. I've spoke to countless IT members who quit the sub pretty quickly because they even noticed this and didn't want any part of it. But the bit at the end. The crucial detail. The slip. They don't care about this shit jfl. They care about having the "moral highground" and nothing more. It's this virtue signaling, holier than thou, superhero act, moral superiority complex that many of them possess. They would prefer their members to be more subtle about this stuff instead.

It's funny to see them acknowledge hypocrisy amongst themselves though. Because you just know after a few days has passed they will go back to denying that this ever happens. Hypocrisy outlined even more by the fact that they actively operate under a "guilt by association" approach, something that some users freely admit. But they of course would never apply this logic to themselves. They share spaces with people who support rape when convenient, who call for violence when convenient to them, people who encourage suicide, and people who mock the "romantically unsuccessful". The latter in direct contradiction to their farce of an info pane. But that's all this is, a farce. An act of "muh im so much better than everyone else", like I said, Actions > Words.

View attachment 687299

The image above is an example of damage control. The same mod did another thing a few weeks ago, trying to pull a "look at me I deleted some comments that were calling for violence, it doesnt constitute encouragement now".... But indeed it does constitute encouragement and you deleting such comments after many many hours doesn't change the fact that your own users actively encourage violence. They always have, and always will. "it was removed because muh morals"... No jfl, it was removed because you're simply trying to protect the sub.

I know for a fact that you wouldn't let the same argument slide if a moderator of a community you dislike did the same thing. In fact your users often demonstrate as such. Posting things from banned users (some of them ironically IT members who got caught infiltrating), surely if your reasoning here is to be taken seriously, then such posts are erroneous? Then again the amount of posts on the sub that have nothing to do with incels is pretty laughable anyway. Blaming people for the actions and words of others. But that's I guess to be expected when using a false definition much in the same vein bigots tend to twist definitions to suit themselves, and enable their own prejudices. I digress.

You have no morals. Certainly not in regards to this issue. You cannot claim to hold some moral high-ground when your sub literally exists to mock, bully, encourage suicide, violence etc. It always has, and always will. You are utterly deluded if you genuinely believe that the type of people who would join such a subreddit aren't doing so out of their own prejudices towards disaffected, lonely people. The common excuse of "we only dislike bad inkwells" has proven time and time again to be a complete lie. Remember, Actions > Words. Like any bully, they've found a space where it's easy and accepted for them to act upon these prejudices that they hold.

Most normal people manage to call out bullshit just fine without having to resort to such space. If this offends you, then i've clearly struck a nerve, now ask yourself why that might be? If this doesn't describe you, then why share a space with such people huh? Because take it from me, you wont change the sub... Ever. You won't change the type of people who are drawn to such a space where they can shit on the underdog with near impunity. It has been tried, in fact the previous subs mods asked me to try and help them reform the subreddit after they saw the place for what it was. Just another space where hatred breeds and festers. So I can tell you now how that will go down. Your efforts would be wasted. Nevermind what I think though. Go look outside, there's a LOT of people on the internet, non-incels included that see your subreddit for what it is and how full of hate it is. Do you forget the time that your own users doxxed a 15 year old boy and then were all laughing about it when him being beaten up as a result came to light? You all sound very morally superior.

I seem to recall a post from yesterday that you removed after fuck knows how many hours as a form of damage control, where a user posted an image of a guy who was just talking about how depressed he is because he's lonely, I also recall at the end he mentioned him being "pushed closer to suicide". I also recall some of the comments on that post, plenty of people laughing at him. One guy even saying that his suicide would be a "form of natural selection". The one reply being something to the effect of "dont say that it just fuels their beliefs". Which just screams "nooo don't tell them what we really think, dont tell them they're right about anything". Classic gaslighting maneuvers. Also ironically again, also how bigots operate, racists especially, "Nooo I only hate the bad ones" meanwhile they go on to target literally anyone who matches the description whether bad or not because they're prejudiced. It's transparent as fuck.

It reminds me of an old post I remember from years ago on the sub, not sure which iteration it was though. But a woman had made a post talking about how women wanting tall guys etc wasnt a bad thing and that's their prerogative and that uglier guys should just learn to enjoy life without other people etc. Sure, that's fine. But the responses were comical. The amount of people agreeing with her but also saying "please delete this it agrees with incels/validates what they say". Which is wholly ironic. Even more so when you consider that most incels in the world don't think that anyway. Most are still hopeful and "bluepilled" I guess.

It's not really worth listing all the poignant examples of the past because they've been mentioned plenty and get ignored anyway. Dont forget, tons of your own members, some even well known ones, knew about doogy for months and chose to do and say.... Nothing. Do you really want to hang around such people? Your brand of guilt by association and generalizations would deem you as bad as them yes? You cannot claim the moral high-ground when you can't even stick to the same moral standards that you hold others too...

Out of the hundreds upon hundreds of IT users I've spoken too over the years, I can safely say that decent people are a huge minority in your space. "omg idc cuz an incel said it". Wilful ignorance. But again, don't take my word for it. Plenty of non-incels, including many women have also reached this same conclusion. Hell even some of your own mods in years past have reached that same conclusion. There seems to be a pattern here.

One of the funniest things about the sub is the whole "we want to help you" bullshit. But thats a lie, for several reasons. But the funniest part to me is that whenever a newcomer does come to the sub, unaware that it's full of spite, and puts up a thread asking for advice on how to help incels and indicating that they're sympathetic... Just look at how many of your members start instantly trying to discourage them from doing so. You don't want solutions, nor to help. You just want cheap laughs and an ego boost from knocking down people who are already in the gutter. From experience, IT's brand of "help" is just "mock them into submission". Which is not an effective tactic nor is it in good faith.

I prefer to actually try and help people if I can, lend them an ear etc. I try to help with whatever honest research into the topic I can in the hopes that everyone, incel or not can eventually have a better future in the world with more understanding. Visceral hate is just something I dont really have the energy for, meanwhile many of your members clearly do. I'm always happy to have a regular conversation with anyone tbh, have with plenty of IT members and past mods, many of whom quit the sub due to all this sort of stuff, and still occasionally do. I like getting along with people, it's based. Whereas most IT users are hostile from the get go, I've lost count as to how many have virgin shamed me for no reason or straight up sent me suicide guides etc over the years on past accounts. Which is odd because I don't claim any moral superiority, I just prefer calm, understanding and wish I lived in a world where I and everyone else could just get along. Yet you do claim moral superiority and most never seem to be able to meet the standards to which you project.

In short I guess, I just find it quite funny that IT are now in the same position that they were nearly 3 years ago. How nostalgic. They've got mods being exposed, and other mods having to ask their own users to stop calling for violence (remember doogy also tried to ask people to stop so that they "wouldnt get banned", so this is not a new thing, never has been), rape, mocking simply lonely people, and encouraging suicide. Something that will ultimately be ignored as it was in the past. Just a clone of its previous iteration. Unsurprising when the sub's existence is quite literally based on mockery and hatred. These are its core. This is its natural evolution, towards bullying and hypocrisy etc.

You can try and convince yourselves all you want, but you're just another group of spiteful people with fake morals. Anyone that doesn't fit this description, why waste your time there if it's the sort of thing you profess to be against?

Bonus edit:
Just a few minutes ago, well known IT user admits to supporting mass killings of reject incel males. As stated, a hatefilled, violence supporting subreddit. I did say they would ignore the mods post. Ironic given their info pane says that the sub "isn't about killing incels". Evidence would suggest the contrary.
View attachment 687439

Updated: Seems they added to this too. Pay attention to the upvotes. Suicide encouragement and calls for mass killings and enacting violence are very much supported on the sub

View attachment 687508

Yikes, IT user admits that she would commit murder if she could get away with it
View attachment 687631
IT user with a propensity for violence
View attachment 687722
Just genocide that subreddit theory
JFL triggered "we are better than them"!... Jfl you're not though. Delusional as fuck. Evidently your users DO wish harm, rape and suicide upon others. Your childlike denial of this wont change a thing. You've read this thread yes? So understand that you will never change IT. Your community is simply a breeding ground for hate. I don't imagine you'll at all stick with this policy

JFL triggered "we are better than them"!... Jfl you're not though. Delusional as fuck. Evidently your users DO wish harm, rape and suicide upon others. Your childlike denial of this wont change a thing. You've read this thread yes? So understand that you will never change IT. Your community is simply a breeding ground for hate. I don't imagine you'll at all stick with this policy

View attachment 689811
They aren't better than us because we are all shitty egotistical homosapiens
Hypocrite pieces of shit
They aren't better than us because we are all shitty egotistical homosapiens
Imagine thinking you're morally superior because you mod a sub centered around shitting on depressed, suicidal guys jfl
As predicted, the mod in question was lying. Clearly users aren't "better than [Us]". It's not about having the moral high-ground, because that's simply not the case. Here she admits that she finds such calls for violence etc to be perfectly fine as long as they aren't posted on IT themselves. As I have highlighted before, this stance they take is fake. It's simply attempts to prevent the subreddit from being banned under the false pretense of morality and virtue. Such behavior and beliefs are very much tolerated however. It's not about those things simply being bad, it's about trying not to get banned. If there were no such possible outcome on reddit for calling for such things then the post that Viv made wouldn't exist in the first place.

As predicted, the mod in question was lying. Clearly users aren't "better than [Us]". It's not about having the moral high-ground, because that's simply not the case. Here she admits that she finds such calls for violence etc to be perfectly fine as long as they aren't posted on IT themselves. As I have highlighted before, this stance they take is fake. It's simply attempts to prevent the subreddit from being banned under the false pretense of morality and virtue. Such behavior and beliefs are very much tolerated however. It's not about those things simply being bad, it's about trying not to get banned. If there were no such possible outcome on reddit for calling for such things then the post that Viv made wouldn't exist in the first place.

View attachment 690023
what can you expect from virtue signalling manipulative lying cunts. they are worthless.

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