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Lookism.net = Chad.net



Nov 7, 2017

Zyros gets mogged to death here, but he isn't ugly enough to be incel, he is a Normie. Just a reminder that lookism.net is a site for autistic failed chads and normies who prob have aspergers, they have it easy, they can and have had sex, unlike us.

Just lol, even good looking retards with autism have it easier then truecels, it's OVER. No point of even trying if you already looks maxed and aren't fucking on the daily. Sexbots and AI are the future for incels, women have rejected us, it's O V E R, give up and say it, IT'S OVER.
I went there a few times when you goys linked it and I really don't understand what you see in that place.
iiiTeMpeR said:

Zyros gets mogged to death here, but he isn't ugly enough to be incel, he is a Normie. Just a reminder that lookism.net is a site for autistic failed chads and normies who prob have aspergers, they have it easy, they can and have had sex, unlike us.

Just lol, even good looking retards with autism have it easier then truecels, it's OVER. No point of even trying if you already looks maxed and aren't fucking on the daily. Sexbots and AI are the future for incels, women have rejected us, it's O V E R, give up and say it, IT'S OVER.

And he is still considered ugly by their standards
A Good Friend said:
I went there a few times when you goys linked it and I really don't understand what you see in that place.

I never used it.

ArtoriasWolf said:
And he is still considered ugly by their standards

They are heavy copers, accordin to them Chadlite is incel.
Remove all lookism faggots.


This guy looks like a caricature of a handsome man. Something about him is really unsettling.
ArtoriasWolf said:
And he is still considered ugly by their standards

if Zyros is ugly then we're deformed freaks of nature.
Framecel222 said:

This guy looks like a caricature of a handsome man. Something about him is really unsettling.

Inverse of Zyros
Fuck those fakecels most of them are 6/10
eliotrogerhere said:
I'm originally from lookism. Don't hate on us looksmaxxers. We are aware of the blackpill we just use it instead of fearing it. To hate us is to hate a gazelle for fleeing from a lion.

out out out reeeeeeee
eliotrogerhere said:
I'm originally from lookism. Don't hate on us looksmaxxers. We are aware of the blackpill we just use it instead of fearing it. To hate us is to hate a gazelle for fleeing from a lion.

Fuck off back to Lookism. This is for legitimate INCELS. TRUECELS. UGLIES. Not fucking Chadlite above average looking men to almost Chad tier. NECK YOURSELF.
What the fuck even is lookism?
It really puzzles me as to the type of severe mental issues they have to not get laid looking like that

Like I'm fucked in the head but they have some next level shit going on
You need to understand that the vast majority of those pics are taken from somewhere else or photoshopped.

Daily reminder that people love to LARP
fagotonabike said:
You need to understand that the vast majority of those pics are taken from somewhere else or photoshopped.

Daily reminder that people love to LARP

Yeah the indian guy has been posted elsewhere before. I doubt he is a poster on lookism.

Anyways I've never used the site and don't plan to. It just sounds a lot like bodybuilding forums for some reason and that place is redpill/for chads and normies. Using terms like "plates" unironically and whatnot.

Incels are ugly, autistic and aware of the blackpill.
They are an enemy to incels and ridicule us for apparently refusing to accept the reality that females are attracted to Chads.
Looks>autism. I am 100% NT with friends and shit but no girl fucks me.
jagged0 said:
ArtoriasWolf said:
And he is still considered ugly by their standards
if Zyros is ugly then we're deformed freaks of nature.
Yeah well, who said we weren't?
Framecel222 said:

This guy looks like a caricature of a handsome man. Something about him is really unsettling.
He's like a brown hair Johnny Bravo
this nigga ascended to god level
this is why i left there.

but lol if you think this place doesn't have hordes of LARPing mentalcel chadlites and chads too
God dammit, every single one of them is Chad. How come they don't get laid? They must be larping.
Kind of ironic that we who love catfish experiments take this at face value.
Twisted said:
All those guys are now oldcels and missed out on slaying due to how long they waited for the next page to load on lookism.

site btc mines via ur cpu dont stay too long there
Jockcel said:
God dammit, every single one of them is Chad. How come they don't get laid? They must be larping.

This. Its the goddamned internet
not_here_4_points said:
Kind of ironic that we who love catfish experiments take this at face value.

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]This. Its the goddamned internet[/font]
Lookism has better raters than here tbh, and it's a better place to get advice about looksmaxing.

I really dislike the slowness of the site though, and some of the users are massive trolls who just seem to be tolerated by the admins for some reason.
iiiTeMpeR said:
Orbs eye area is what makes an 8/10, everything else is pretty average

eye area makes or breaks the face
More Lingering Chads than a faulty election.
iiiTeMpeR said:

Zyros gets mogged to death here, but he isn't ugly enough to be incel, he is a Normie. Just a reminder that lookism.net is a site for autistic failed chads and normies who prob have aspergers, they have it easy, they can and have had sex, unlike us.

Just lol, even good looking retards with autism have it easier then truecels, it's OVER. No point of even trying if you already looks maxed and aren't fucking on the daily. Sexbots and AI are the future for incels, women have rejected us, it's O V E R, give up and say it, IT'S OVER.

There are some truecels on there believe me
The comments say that they're not even average. Are those guys seriously mentally disturbed ?
Keep that Red Pill/fakecel shit out of this forum.

They have the tools to escape and they choose not to use them.

We don't have the tools to escape, so we accept it is over.
BlackPill47 said:
Keep that Red Pill/fakecel shit out of this forum.

They have the tools to escape and they choose not to use them.

We don't have the tools to escape, so we accept it is over.
I'm boycotting cuckism for months now. I don't see a reason to even stare at the direction of this disgusting bluepilled whorehouse.

sloothate is better, although still shit.

the best places for incels right now are this, wizchan and maybe some r/s like r/foreveralone, but I can find flaws in each of them.

the ideal forum for incels was yet to be invented.
Incels don't have an appropriate home even on the internet. how surprising. lmao
A Good Friend said:
I went there a few times when you goys linked it and I really don't understand what you see in that place.

Its funny as fuck if youre high on weed
>tfw I have shit eyebrows.

StemCel137 said:
site btc mines via ur cpu dont stay too long there

>Anna Speckhart in signature

Have you seen her husband? Fuck me, I don't even know what to think when I saw pictures from their wedding.

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