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Lookism Mod RealRob



Nov 12, 2017
What a fucking loser he is.
Constantly posting 24/7 on there of his "slays", threatening to ban anyone who
says he is frauding and lying about his apparant slaying, pinning steriods in his oldcel ass, boasting about how many women he supposedly fucks
and saying looks dont matter. 

Im glad that this site has arisen. Fuck lookism and their shit mods and bunch of chads who act like they are better than others.
Im sure RealROb was a fucking incel too, posting so much about how he is still in UNI slaying at 29 hahahaha
Why wud a slayer be a mod on a fucking incel forum and why wud a slayer post so much on
there bragging about slays?

Fucking losers lookism fuck u all.
And let's not forget he's from Swedenstan, automatically a cuck
I liked how he banned ethnic shitposters sometimes, but that guy is a huge rotfraud and constantly spouted PUA bullshit.
Wait? He is actually incel  :huh:
We should gas the lookismtards
CopingGymcel said:
Wait? He is actually incel  :huh:

why brag so much about being a chad and post ZERO proof of slaying?
There are NO pictures of him showing him kissing or fucking girls.

There are no pics of him getting women online.
He is a fucking fraud who makes up slaying stories to get validation from the homosexuals at lookism.
lookism called me ugly so ihate them
I think he's just a world class troll. I really hope he doesn't start causing shit on here.
commander_zoidberg said:
I think he's just a world class troll. I really hope he doesn't start causing shit on here.

legit, i bet he is a huge INCEL in real life hahahaha
fucking frauding bastard.
Normies need to GTFO from this site, every single red pilled site has been invaded by them, this is OUR space, fucking get out you bastards.
I can't believe they actually let that PUA shilling piece of shit become a mod on there.
Enigmatic93 said:
I can't believe they actually let that PUA shilling piece of shit become a mod on there.

Yea this place is infested by cuckism/Autismhate retards, this forum it`s already looking like a combination of the two that the real sucessor of r/incels.
The best incel site was puahate, the place was a fucking goldmine of info and lulz. Sadly it was shutdown after ElliottRodger incel raged irl

Most of the members from puahate went to sluthate and r/incel. Lookism came out a year after sluthate, everyone from sluthate congregated to Lookism.

Lookism became shittier and shitter as time went on. For whatever reason the place became full of pseudoChads and Chadlites that do nothing but brag and shit on incels. Fuck that place
Sounds like we had it pretty good on r/incels. I looked around for a while before finding somewhere to settle down with fellow subhumans.
Personally RealRob is one of the reasons why I am not.coming back to lookism. That guy singlehandedly is one of the most annoying braggers there that adds nothing to the discussion.

Even worse he actually bans truecels,what a despicable person.

TURBO said:
The best incel site was puahate, the place was a fucking goldmine of info and lulz. Sadly it was shutdown after ElliottRodger incel raged irl

Most of the members from puahate went to sluthate and r/incel. Lookism came out a year after sluthate, everyone from sluthate congregated to Lookism.

Lookism became shittier and shitter as time went on. For whatever reason the place became full of pseudoChads and Chadlites that do nothing but brag and shit on incels. Fuck that place

Sluthate was still semi decent back in the day. I used to post there a lot. 

When lookism came is when PSL officially ended tbh.
IceCutter said:
I actually quite liked RealRob (don't hate me for saying this)

he admitted he wasted his younger years and was incel as fuck (similar to my story)
he did work very hard and made himself much more attractive to women, sorry nobody can deny this

I can see how alot of stuff of what he said would annoy hardcore incels though

he looks like this for anyone wondering: 

TURBO said:
The best incel site was puahate, the place was a fucking goldmine of info and lulz. Sadly it was shutdown after ElliottRodger incel raged irl

Most of the members from puahate went to sluthate and r/incel. Lookism came out a year after sluthate, everyone from sluthate congregated to Lookism.

Lookism became shittier and shitter as time went on. For whatever reason the place became full of pseudoChads and Chadlites that do nothing but brag and shit on incels. Fuck that place
legit af.
freakazoid said:
he looks like this for anyone wondering: 


Is this realrob and is he incel? If so I might aswell kill myself right now and there is zero hope.

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