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Venting [LongThread] The reason for me being alone and not ever having any friends in real life



Aug 6, 2018
Well, I guess its more of a combination of reasons. I'm actually 18, and still go to High School. I never say that I regret never having any sexual or romantic interaction in my 18 years of life, I like being alone, but sometimes I kind of feel left out when virtually everyone I know has had experience, while Im always the lonely one of the bunch.

During the summer, like right now, I pretty much stay on my computer or phone at home 24/7, and I rarely ever go out, and if I do, I never meet any friends, I just go somewhere with my family. I don't even have any friends in real life, there is nobody who I know who lives near me, who cares about me one bit. I only have a few acquaintances, and only a tiny bit of real friends who are all online. Ever since I got fucked over and went out onto home teaching, I barely have any contact with other people of my age, or any people at all, other than my mom and dad.

And believe me, Im not an introvert, in public places. Whenever I have the rare opportunity to socialize, I tend to talk the most. I speak out and I let myself be known in school. Many people know me, Im not the quiet kid in the back who no one knows. I always comment or reach out to others. However, I have never in my life had any real friends, I cant seem to make a connection with anyone, and the same is true for other people, nobody seems to ever care about me and reach out to me or make a connection with me. The more Im alone, the more I like to be alone, and the more I become introverted (Im just only now becoming more introverted) and fall deeper into the rabbit hole. I like to talk to people, but at the same time, I love being alone. This is why the internet is the best thing for me, as it facilitiates and fills my need for communication and sharing my thoughts with others, while also allowing me to be alone physically.

I have grown over the past few months and years, to simply hate society, and most people in it. The vast majority of people are simply retarded sheeps who only care about money and pleasure, and who have all the wrong interests and spend their time on complete bullshit. I have a very wide area of hobbies and interests, but practically nobody I know in real life shares any of my interests. I have yet to meet absolutely anyone in real life around here, who enjoys having real intelligent converstations or has any real interests and specializations who can share their knowledge back and forth with me. I don't attack others, and Im never mean to others just because I hate someone, but I hate society, and humanity in general, and this feeling has only been deepened in recent times.

Im very pessimistic (black pilled) and I know that things will only get worse. My only hope is of the eventual alien takeover of Earth, which should happen within the next 50 years.

And don't feed me that bullshit about going out there and meeting other people. Done that, been there, tried that. It never works, I can never find true connection to any people, or have any friends, let alone, a girlfriend, which Im almost certain that I will never find. Don't feed me that bullshit that "There is someone for everyone". This is a total lie to keep people braindead like practically everyone is. Im gonna continue trying to reach out to people and at least trying to socialize with other human beings, but soon enough, Im just gonna give up on this horrible thing known as life.
You're probably schizoid, just like me.
OP, I can relate. I remember back in HS how most of my friends were weird and anti-social in some way. I know its easy to just say this as it could only ever be my subjective opinion, but, I knew 3 guys who were truly AWKWARD AS F***. And they got gfs and turned their shit around practically overnight, probably enjoyed a long healthy career of chading in college. Meanwhile, nobody ever noticed me, and seeing them, felt like society telling me that I was worse than the kid who couldn't put two vowels together in front of a girl without stuttering for 15min. And as bad as they were to see how that simple validation early on could put them right back on track... and here I am now in my 30's fucked for life..., life... is... not.... fair.

The difference is we learn this first hand and early on. Normies don't learn this until after a long career of fucking, marriage and then divorce court or getting arrested for some stupid shit, etc.

My point though is that when I was younger I had this all or nothing approach, either I'd get what 99.999% of everyone gets to take for granted and the meaning it gives their lives or fuck the whole lot.

Now I see that even if I had the choice I could never go back into the matrix, once you see, you cannot unsee. And yet, I'd kill anyone in the vilest way, just for a chance to go back and explain to myself in HS how to find a middle ground. Not for the pussy, but because its possible and it is worth it. Anything is better than this, anything.

I think too that it comes down to not having a proper role-model. I think parents have been conditioned to off-load that burden on the state, and the state doesn't really care in you, they only need about 80% to make it through and teachers certainly don't have enough time to care about everyone no matter how much they may want to.
Social outcasts are a result of sexual freedom. Yes, you heard me.

All men want to be part of the high status clique, because the high status clique is the clique that women want to breed with. So what happens when there is a low status male in the group, that is bringing down the status of the group? The other males of the group kick him out of the group or bully him until he leaves the group.

Ever notice how elderly people usually get along (unless there is some significant reason for them to dispute)? This is because elderly people do not reproduce, so socialization is not a reproductive game for them. There is no need for them to shun low status people, because they don't care about impressing women by being part of a prestigious clique.

Similarly, in a monagamous society, where all men are guaranteed to get a wife, there is less of a need for groups of males to kick out low status members, because they will get a wife either way.
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Social outcasts are a result of sexual freedom. Yes, you heard me.

All men want to be part of the high status clique, because the high status clique is the clique that women want to breed with. So what happens when there is a low status male in the group, that is bringing down the status of the group? The other males of the group kick him out of the group or bully him until he leaves the group.

Ever notice how elderly people usually get along (unless there is some significant reason for them to dispute)? This is because elderly people do not reproduce, so socialization is not a reproductive game for them. There is no need for them to shun low status people, because they don't care about impressing women by being part of a prestigious clique.

Similarly, in a monagamous society, where all men are guaranteed to get a wife, there is less of a need for groups of males to kick out low status members, because they will get a wife either way.

Very High IQ post. Thanks for the insight.

At one point, I had the impression that Incels.me is largely a low iq site where people aren't very smart / educated, but the more I look into it, and see statistically and factually proven blackpill posts and high iq posts like this, I feel more and more like incels.is is a good forum website community where I genuinely belong.
Very High IQ post. Thanks for the insight.

At one point, I had the impression that Incels.me is largely a low iq site where people aren't very smart / educated, but the more I look into it, and see statistically and factually proven blackpill posts and high iq posts like this, I feel more and more like incels.is is a good forum website community where I genuinely belong.

The higher IQ is one aspect. However, from my observations and personal experience... pardon the use of this overused analogy... its mostly people who for some reason or another have been forced out of the matrix or have seen the other side. Once you see how fake reality is, you cannot go back. (((They))) spread many fake images of the real world, the theories of aliens, sophisticated mkultra grip on the globe,... whatever "tinfoil hat" theory you can find. They cannot all possibly be true, all but one are a lie. Many are close but are slight perversions or exaggerations to throw you off the scent. Whatever one you subscribe to they still have the same effect of permanently making you unable to "integrate" with the other sheep. Women have a much easier time finding a place within the matrix because breeding and pussy so it like finding a unicorn to find a decent looking, smart woman outside the matrix. Meaning any men living on the outside do not have access to women.

I'm sure you don't all agree, but some of you probably do. When forces outside your control remove the option of women and family from your life... what do you do? Wallow in isolation or do you fight back? The curse this system places on us by its very design also makes us inherent enemies of that system, we have NOTHING, and so we are the most dangerous to that system.
I honestly hope aliens take over tbh i want to gtfo of this gay earth. Then maybe make a pact with them or something if they dont already want to kill me first. Then i will galaxy maxx and run just be human maybe.
What you said about aliens taking over earth in the next 50 years, well that could be possible. But I think its far more likely that humans will wipe themselves out, society is already falling apart right infront of us and earth is dying really fast. The human race will more likely fall into anarchy and destroy itself before any aliens

Actually, that's the part that I didn't mention. Im 100% sure that there will be a MASSIVE WW3 scenario playing out within the next few years. The US and most of the western world will be turned into radioactive rubble, and most countries completely decimated. And then after that, aliens will come.
I honestly hope aliens take over tbh i want to gtfo of this gay earth. Then maybe make a pact with them or something if they dont already want to kill me first. Then i will galaxy maxx and run just be human maybe.

Better yet, aliens will actually put a ban on humans reproducing and having children with one another, so unprotected sex will literally be illegal in the future. Women will be CUT OFF from their child support / alimony, and wont have a deathgrip on who spreads their genes then. This will be truly a utopia for me. Humans will eventually be eliminated as a species
Im 100% sure that there will be a MASSIVE WW3 scenario playing out within the next few years. The US and most of the western world will be turned into radioactive rubble, and most countries completely decimated. And then after that, aliens will come.


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