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Story [LONG] To borderline blackpilled lurkers and to anyone else reading, the bluepill is very toxic and here is why. My youngcel story and thoughts on it.



Rotting collegecel. Women hate me for existing.
Nov 7, 2017
After reading this load of fucking nonsense, I feel it is very much necessary to make this thread, as these "people" do NOT want us to succeed in life.

Be me. 16 years old, late sophomore year of high school. The years before, I was working my ass off (and starving myself) to get rid of my weight, as I was a hefty 220 pounds back in middle school, and was always bullied. At this time, I'm a good 6'0 and 152 pounds, and I'm starting to hit the gym. I had (and still have) very good hygiene. Had the clearest face in my entire high school. I also just gained a nice friend group through friends of friends, even some female friends. Very cool people for the most part. I hung out with them daily during school, and we played (and still play) games pretty much every night.

One thing I notice though is that me nor my friends are getting any girls at all. In fact, I start to notice that they don't even look in my direction. I still brush this off as something something confidence something something and a "high school thing" like what all bluepillers say, but then I see around me that it's literally all the good looking dudes who get girls. Even when I go to the university near me which is in a very nice area, that's all I saw. In the mall, that's all I saw too. The only ugly couples I saw every once in a while, or at LEAST a below average dude with any type of girl, were all middle aged. No one my age who was around my looks level was ever with a girl.

This bluepill shit turned a whole 360 after I noticed many girls literally just approaching random Chads. There was a cookie cutter Chad in my Art class who got approached by a hot girl who sat at my table, and she kept trying to flirt with and bother him, and he straight up told her to fuck off -- multiple times. She pursued him even more then, and often did this throughout the rest of that class (I also made a thread about this a long time ago). Watching this kind of stuff happen made me very, very suicidal, as I thought somehow I wasn't good enough for them. This was the first time I was against beliefs that contradicted mine at the time. It seriously broke me, how anyone would lie like that to me and try to make me try, only to see me brutally fail.

Around the exact same time as this, I also asked for opinions on my looks, and this is one of the first things that completely and utterly destroyed me, and this was during my lifting phase, to make matters worse. One of my online friends (not real life friends) knew a lot of girls, and he said I should hang with them, so I added them on Snapchat (ages ranged from 16-23). They always accepted, and when I would send an introduction snap with my face, some would immediately call me ugly or below average, without any context, so I just stopped talking to them immediately. Some of them I became friends with for a while, and eventually I'd ask them to rate me (I know for a fact that a lot of people on Snapchat, including my friends, do this, and they do so on their Snapchat story), and I was always rated a 4 by them, sometimes a 5, sometimes a 3, but almost always a 4. What was even fucking worse is that I was gymmaxxed at the time I was rated -- obviously so, as I had a decent amount of muscle and a massive frame. The fact that I was considered inferior to them made me quit going to the gym.

So after all this shit, I gave up at 18. I honestly don't give a fuck what anyone says, I don't care, I never asked, because I heard it all, but I will never go back to that way ever again. I'm just living to sustain, though still utilizing friendliness and hygiene. I'm also still living because women would rejoice at the thought of me killing myself, though I do have lows and sometimes think about ending my own life.

Also inb4 r/thathappened :soy:. Apparently, I should believe the stories that bluepillers tell me, but mine that I first hand experienced are just completely false and I have no ground, because apparently I'm making shit up for no such benefit. I don't doubt the authenticity of personal stories, as there is a chance they could be true, because the blackpill merely outlines a social norm. Not all social norms are perfect, but it's called a norm for a reason, because it's like, the fucking norm. It's the norm that 99.999999% of women, even when being ugly themselves, would never date an ugly guy, but there is some off chance of it happening somewhere. Water is wet.

Now time for the questioning of this devious bluepilled ideology.

The whole ideology itself is based on toxicity and a never ending conundrum of trying and failing every time, almost like some theory of Hell I've heard about where there's just constant repetition of torture. You're never gaining anything from doing what they're saying, you're just wasting time and making yourself worse, as you start to come to the thought that you are wholly inferior, so you feel the need to do the same shit over again in hopes of accomplishing nothing.

Isn't it also funny how they constantly try to find a middle ground between platonic relationships and romantic ones ("just be friends with women bro" theory), and then when someone mentions to them that they have female friends, it all of a sudden doesn't count? I remember typing in r/IncelTears threads around the first time that I was blackpilled that I had a friend group, and they said that I still have a "shit personality" and that "anyone can have friends." I remember seeing something recent of someone literally saying the same thing, and the replies were as expected.

It's also contradictory when they call us "normal looking" dudes, then proceed to make an incel meme where the guy they portray as the incel is ugly looking and usually, and said post gets 1,000+ upvotes. Do you think these people really give a shit about you?

Not to mention, they always say they have proof, but they never really show it, besides their anecdotes of some ugly 5'4 balding Indian janitor with cystic acne that they know that somehow got laid. They never even try to challenge the studies we post either, and instead they say we're misreading it, despite actually reading the whole thing???

Like again, for the time I was bluepilled, I was very suicidal when I was thinking this bullshit. Don't fall for their trap. I was about to be a statistic due to this thinking.

Also, just as a funny sidenote, a couple of friends have found out that I am blackpilled very recently (and they even found my forum account due to one of my really old YouTube videos having this same screenname in it), and they're trying to delude me with a bunch of bullshit like how I haven't approached since middle school and that confidence is key. Why the actual fuck would I approach, if first of all, girls don't even seem to know I even exist, second of all if they seem to approach Chads anyways, third of all, they have literally called me fucking ugly -- multiple times, and fourth of all, I barely ever see any girls with guys who are average and below anyways? Not to mention there's actual fucking evidence for the blackpill, unlike the bluepill, where the last "science" posted about it was about 8 months ago on their official subreddit (r/BluepillScience), and I went through all of it and a good 90% of it is opinionated as hell and uses lots of ad hominem towards men without actually backing anything up.
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Be me. 16 years old, late sophomore year of high school. The years before, I was working my ass off (and starving myself) to get rid of my weight, as I was a hefty 220 pounds back in middle school, and was always bullied. At this time, I'm a good 6'0 and 152 pounds
Nice brag ngl
BASED. I feel bad about the traumas you have been through. It truly destroys the will to live.

And those It cucks are nothing more than cherry pickers. They see one old couples from the 1940's and think that every one can end up like them. They cannot challenge our theories and they are too dumb to fathom the idea of blackpill. It no use trying to prove it to them. They are forever lost in their bluepilled utopian fantasy land and no amount of studies and statistics can ever pull them out of it.

Here we are trying to improve our life by looksmaxing and instead of supporting it, they bring us down by calling us out on our personality. If they really cared about us they wouldn't question our methods to self improve. Instead they would've have happy that we have improved. BUT NO.They can't stand to see an ugly man feeling confident after looksmaxing. They want us to rot till we die. There is a special place in hell for evil people like them.
Bluepillers: 35

YOU BETTER BE READING EVERY WORD :feelsree: :feelsree: :feelsree:
huge respect for op,for using this account while knowing that his friends know about it.based madlad
Very interesting , Brilliant and it was nice to know your story.

“Just approach bro” , Imagine being in your 20s without getting not even a single woman interest in you throughout hs , college etc...And somehow because you approach them randomly on the street you will find success , Of course NOT

IT can’t argue against the Blackpill
huge respect for op,for using this account while knowing that his friends know about it.based madlad
Low inhibs me from Mars to Oumuamua.
Op is high IQ but I seriously doubt a cucktear would stop and read this whole text if he is already deluded.
Bluepillers aren't gonna read it, I was only able to get through bits and pieces tbh
After reading this load of fucking nonsense, I feel it is very much necessary to make this thread, as these "people" do NOT want us to succeed in life.

Be me. 16 years old, late sophomore year of high school. The years before, I was working my ass off (and starving myself) to get rid of my weight, as I was a hefty 220 pounds back in middle school, and was always bullied. At this time, I'm a good 6'0 and 152 pounds, and I'm starting to hit the gym. I had (and still have) very good hygiene. Had the clearest face in my entire high school. I also just gained a nice friend group through friends of friends, even some female friends. Very cool people for the most part. I hung out with them daily during school, and we played (and still play) games pretty much every night.

One thing I notice though is that me nor my friends are getting any girls at all. In fact, I start to notice that they don't even look in my direction. I still brush this off as something something confidence something something and a "high school thing" like what all bluepillers say, but then I see around me that it's literally all the good looking dudes who get girls. Even when I go to the university near me which is in a very nice area, that's all I saw. In the mall, that's all I saw too. The only ugly couples I saw every once in a while, or at LEAST a below average dude with any type of girl, were all middle aged. No one my age who was around my looks level was ever with a girl.

This bluepill shit turned a whole 360 after I noticed many girls literally just approaching random Chads. There was a cookie cutter Chad in my Art class who got approached by a hot girl who sat at my table, and she kept trying to flirt with and bother him, and he straight up told her to fuck off -- multiple times. She pursued him even more then, and often did this throughout the rest of that class (I also made a thread about this a long time ago). Watching this kind of stuff happen made me very, very suicidal, as I thought somehow I wasn't good enough for them. This was the first time I was against beliefs that contradicted mine at the time. It seriously broke me, how anyone would lie like that to me and try to make me try, only to see me brutally fail.

Around the exact same time as this, I also asked for opinions on my looks, and this is one of the first things that completely and utterly destroyed me, and this was during my lifting phase, to make matters worse. One of my online friends (not real life friends) knew a lot of girls, and he said I should hang with them, so I added them on Snapchat (ages ranged from 16-23). They always accepted, and when I would send an introduction snap with my face, some would immediately call me ugly or below average, without any context, so I just stopped talking to them immediately. Some of them I became friends with for a while, and eventually I'd ask them to rate me (I know for a fact that a lot of people on Snapchat, including my friends, do this, and they do so on their Snapchat story), and I was always rated a 4 by them, sometimes a 5, sometimes a 3, but almost always a 4. What was even fucking worse is that I was gymmaxxed at the time I was rated -- obviously so, as I had a decent amount of muscle and a massive frame. The fact that I was considered inferior to them made me quit going to the gym.

So after all this shit, I gave up at 18. I honestly don't give a fuck what anyone says, I don't care, I never asked, because I heard it all, but I will never go back to that way ever again. I'm just living to sustain, though still utilizing friendliness and hygiene. I'm also still living because women would rejoice at the thought of me killing myself, though I do have lows and sometimes think about ending my own life.

Also inb4 r/thathappened :soy:. Apparently, I should believe the stories that bluepillers tell me, but mine that I first hand experienced are just completely false and I have no ground, because apparently I'm making shit up for no such benefit. I don't doubt the authenticity of personal stories, as there is a chance they could be true, because the blackpill merely outlines a social norm. Not all social norms are perfect, but it's called a norm for a reason, because it's like, the fucking norm. It's the norm that 99.999999% of women, even when being ugly themselves, would never date an ugly guy, but there is some off chance of it happening somewhere. Water is wet.

Now time for the questioning of this devious bluepilled ideology.

The whole ideology itself is based on toxicity and a never ending conundrum of trying and failing every time, almost like some theory of Hell I've heard about where there's just constant repetition of torture. You're never gaining anything from doing what they're saying, you're just wasting time and making yourself worse, as you start to come to the thought that you are wholly inferior, so you feel the need to do the same shit over again in hopes of accomplishing nothing.

Isn't it also funny how they constantly try to find a middle ground between platonic relationships and romantic ones ("just be friends with women bro" theory), and then when someone mentions to them that they have female friends, it all of a sudden doesn't count? I remember typing in r/IncelTears threads around the first time that I was blackpilled that I had a friend group, and they said that I still have a "shit personality" and that "anyone can have friends." I remember seeing something recent of someone literally saying the same thing, and the replies were as expected.

It's also contradictory when they call us "normal looking" dudes, then proceed to make an incel meme where the guy they portray as the incel is ugly looking and usually, and said post gets 1,000+ upvotes. Do you think these people really give a shit about you?

Not to mention, they always say they have proof, but they never really show it, besides their anecdotes of some ugly 5'4 balding Indian janitor with cystic acne that they know that somehow got laid. They never even try to challenge the studies we post either, and instead they say we're misreading it, despite actually reading the whole thing???

Like again, for the time I was bluepilled, I was very suicidal when I was thinking this bullshit. Don't fall for their trap. I was about to be a statistic due to this thinking.

Also, just as a funny sidenote, a couple of friends have found out that I am blackpilled very recently (and they even found my forum account due to one of my really old YouTube videos having this same screenname in it), and they're trying to delude me with a bunch of bullshit like how I haven't approached since middle school and that confidence is key. Why the actual fuck would I approach, if first of all, girls don't even seem to know I even exist, second of all if they seem to approach Chads anyways, third of all, they have literally called me fucking ugly -- multiple times, and fourth of all, I barely ever see any girls with guys who are average and below anyways? Not to mention there's actual fucking evidence for the blackpill, unlike the bluepill, where the last "science" posted about it was about 8 months ago on their official subreddit (r/BluepillScience), and I went through all of it and a good 90% of it is opinionated as hell and uses lots of ad hominem towards men without actually backing anything up.

I think you meant 180 not 360 but very good post.
I too was ignored in favor of Chad's in the 70's-80's in my youth! And i thought i was average!

The only ugly dudes that got laid were low inhib, nt & thugmaxxed drug dealers!
huge respect for op,for using this account while knowing that his friends know about it.based madlad
Thank you bro. There's several other people who added me on Steam/contacted me on YouTube about finding my .co account. I honestly don't care tbh, I want them to see what I post so they can get blackpilled.
The blackpill is hard to swallow, but at least it will save you from a miserable life of simping.
IT cherry picks the things they choose to show, they wouldn’t touch this
IT cherry picks the things they choose to show, they wouldn’t touch this
Nah, I think they will and just say that everything I put never happened and isn't the truth.
I feel for you bro. Hard work gets you nowhere. It's who you know and what you know.
U were blackpilled very early, ngl i wished i was, cud hv focused on my copes n not waste time n mental energy trying to make things work or wondering why it never happened.

They'll never get it, no one wakes up one day n decide to be blackpilled. It's the accumulation of negative reinforcements n feedback.

Getting a romantic partner is liken to something like a Lord of the Ring journey to these bluepilled people :feelskek:
48 bluepillers
I still brush this off as something something confidence

Lol cope, I remember this guy at my highschool with a pure omegachad face, he would virgin walk with his hood up and that didn't stop random girls from going red and giggling touching their hair when looking at him.
Lol cope, I remember this guy at my highschool with a pure omegachad face, he would virgin walk with his hood up and that didn't stop random girls from going red and giggling touching their hair when looking at him.
Whoops. I meant "I'd," not "I." Not bluepilled like that anymore.
The purpose of the bluepill is to pacify idiots, depending on how you look at it, you were fortunate or unfortunate enough to realize that personality literally doesn’t matter.
The purpose of the bluepill is to pacify idiots, depending on how you look at it, you were fortunate or unfortunate enough to realize that personality literally doesn’t matter.
Hope the 27 bluepillers watching this right now take note of this
They never even try to challenge the studies we post either, and instead they say we're misreading it, despite actually reading the whole thing???
They like to nitpick methodology and accuse us of taking the studies "out of context". The study that used speed dating is bunk because it doesn't take into account that personality takes five thousand years to take effect. The study that used pictures with descriptions is bunk because "that's not how real people meet" (except that's exactly what online dating is). The study that used a survey is bunk because you need a sample size bigger than the total population of Egypt before it's statistically relevant. Even getting the stamp of approval from a board of certified experts with years of education and decades in the field, the schlubby Rick and Morty watching numale on cucktears will snub his nose at it. And out of context? What context? The context of the larger body of studies? They all say the same thing. That's why these cucks fail time and time again to produce one -- a single solitary one -- study proving the bluepill. They don the dunce hat and call you a moron.
Never link that degenerate sub like that ever again. I got clickbaited.
I feel that if women rate you 4-5, you are not an incel and just a volcel.
Beyong giga high IQ post
I feel that if women rate you 4-5, you are not an incel and just a volcel.

They don't really think he's 4 or 5, they give him a few extra points to be nice.

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