"this is not what I deserve"
Exactly - this is just the SJW generation. I mean, you see all these crybabies complaining that 40% of students were given grades 40% lower than what their teachers 'predicted' them, but what they don't tell you is that, overall, grades actually went UP 2% from last year. This is the problem with humanity though - people aren't honest, not are they reasonable - it's just "me me me" and anything less than the red carpet being rolled out for them, they consider 'oppression'.
It's like, no shit the grades they will be awarded will be lower than what the teachers predict them, for many reasons:
1) because teachers, generally, if deciding between a B or C, will round up to be 'nice' to the student, rather than rounding down;
2) because many teachers are just outright biased (I know many literal retards (think fat landwhales who are obnoxious as the kardashians) who got A's in their coursework after going up to the teacher 20 times and having him tell them what to write...when it came to exams though and they had to rely on themselves, they all got U's
3) because, if grades were to be decided 100% by a student's teacher, the student would know exactly who to blame if the result wasn't what they wanted (this is a benefit of the exam system - that, of course, you have no idea who marked your paper and awarded you the grade) - ok, I guess it's not overally common, but each year, you see multiple cases of teachers getting stabbed by students. Getting punched/attacked to a less severe extent must be even more common. Naturally, teachers will think "what if I fail this guy...what if I bump into him on the street 5 years later...the psycho could come up to me and stab me"...naturally, especially in ghetto areas, teachers might feel terrorised into awarding certain students higher grades, because they don't want any issues to arise from awarding them grades that are realistic, but lower than the student's demands (and it's not expectations...it's demands...the student themselves, deep-down, could know they're only on-track for a C...but they will say "I DEMAND an A!!"
Again, seeing all these millenials complain is just indicative of the entitlement/snowflake syndrome these people have...and what's pathetic? Is that you see these moronic boomers in the comments encouraging them with their "yes kween...your IQ is only 63, but you DESERVE 14 A*'s"...
Another one I saw was someone who wanted to be a midwife, but got a U (i.e., that's what, like 80% of the answers WRONG) in her biology test...apparently, because of the shortage of midwives, I guess, the university accepted her anyway...I wonder how many babies she will kill because of her incompetence...