A brief history of this “religion” and why it is wrong.
The Jewish people, in the Roman empire, were exposed to the religious tenets and beliefs of the people of the region. Back then, the Ancient Greek Culture was basically the ruling culture, and it was widely accepted by people worldwide, from Alexander's conquests and onwards. Where it was not approved and fully accepted, it was respected deeply.
In the Ancient Greek language, the word "Christ" means simply "The Anoited One" or the "One partaking in the mysteries". That is an epithet that could go to any person or any initiate of the Ancient Mysteries. It was used along the lines for many people and was rather common. That is only a "title" however.
The real "Name" of "Jesus" in the jewish soap opera, is Moshiach Ben David [The messiah descended from David] and literally just "Yeshua" or "Yehoshua". The "Christ" was added later as a title, same as "Jesus Christ" that many idiots speak left and right today.
The "story" of jesus, is nothing but Alchemical stories and stolen legends of other civilizations, mashed up together by Jews, mixing Egyptian, Sumerian, Greek and Arabic elements, into one big soup, that they later on turned into a suicidal concoction that they promoted to the illiterate masses of the Roman empire, to make them brutes and turn them against the Roman state.
The goal of this, was to create a great cultural divide within the Roman Empire, which later on destroyed the Empire through cultural appropriation and cultural warfare. Christianity was created as an exclusively "Anti-Greek" and "Anti-Pagan" ideal, to "cast down the idols" and cultural norms of the Roman Empire.
[UWSL]As stupid as this might sound, this level of a very low IQ and intelligence, was rife in the Ancient world, and rife it is also today.[/UWSL]
The jews knew that when you break a civilization's internal values that founded it, the clock is ticking until the civilization collapses. Today, the United States experiences these in sieges against Free Speech, Gun Ownership, Constitutional removal, Racial warfare of people who all share the same rights under the same Nation [this collapses a Nation no matter of the respective opinions of those involved] and so on, so forth.
The jews, later on, stole terms like this and formulated a new "faith" based on literal misappropriations of the terms and ultimate hoaxes. As one can see, Christianity is a faith that was created with the most retarded and servile in mind, and it banishes science, knowledge, understanding, the Gods, and anything great and profound as "Evil".
Meanwhile, all it does is deify the jews, tell people to obey the jews, and so on. Since most of you here are smart, you were not fooled by these messages, but people who are simpler and very illiterate at the time, were greatly confused and conned into believing this rather simplistic "religion".
[UWSL]Jews laugh, because they know this was nothing but literal spiritual dung that they created, but the well shapely statue that they made out of dung, apparently got accepted by a lot of people on a similar level of consciousness.[/UWSL]
What is even worse, that as time went, people infected by this virus, created great and marvelous things while being infected from this virus that was working against their own interests, and they tried to purposefully ignore the jewish roots of the jewish religion of Christianity, and try to hog-wash it into something else.
This never fundamentally worked, but people try this even to this day, because they do not want to accept that they must return back to their primary origins, which are clear and pure, and waiting for them. Even in modern society, we see this everyday.
In the Roman times, as the mob kept getting ingrained with the virus, they started turning against their own native Roman religion, and great upset with clashes and civil warfare broke inside the Roman empire.
As one can see, most of the Gospels of Christianity, is the jewish cultural attack on the Roman people and brainwashing them, especially the gospel of "Paul". There, people are being threatened with eternal hellfire and manipulated to give up their Roman religion, because that would send them in perpetual roasting in the place of torment for worshiping the "Devil".
As crazy as this idea sounds to us, this was believed by some really low people in the Roman Empire, who had no clue in regards to the afterlife or didn't care to read. Fear acted as a very powerful motivator, and fear shuts down common sense.
Combined with political infiltration, bribes and other forms of manipulation, Jews finally instated "Christianity" as an acceptable religion in the Roman empire after a few centuries of this hoax taking ground. Tempted by the power of this population control hoax, many generations have passed where leaders had to endure it or tolerate it, and because it got very ingrained, many just wanted to rule without reforming any of it, just allowing the virus to go on like an illness one would have to deal with at a later date. Others, tried to make use of this illness, oftentimes with catastrophic outcomes for themselves and their Nations.