Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

LifeFuel Lmao!!! Femiods are dying to be part of incel.me

That looks like a longmidfaced tranny.

Is it Chetanzi?

If she is a woman, lol@her attempt to post a pic of herself to pique our curioisty enough for men to PM her and validate her. Women will do whatever it takes to get validation.

But it looks like a tranny though so I dunno.


10/10. Needs to be posted on braincels.
Most probably it is her because the other photos that person posted in Ratings megathread also showed a red haired round faced foid. It looked more feminine in those photos though LOL.
My god but foids are pathetic, they literally know exactly what this site is but want to join cause they know they cant
I know exactly what will happen if they do join. First we will have 3-4 female members that will have the whole site swarming after them trying to be friends with them thinking that they might have a chance and somehow make it work out despite that fact you wouldn't even know them. Next we will get females here using gullible incels for money and they will be seen as the top users. Lastly this site would then turn into your average "i'm ugly and depressed site" and of course eveyone there will not be ugly and they will all be telling each other lies to make them feel better instead of actually telling the truth which will help them.
I know exactly what will happen if they do join. First we will have 3-4 female members that will have the whole site swarming after them trying to be friends with them thinking that they might have a chance and somehow make it work out despite that fact you wouldn't even know them. Next we will get females here using gullible incels for money and they will be seen as the top users. Lastly this site would then turn into your average "i'm ugly and depressed site" and of course eveyone there will not be ugly and they will all be telling each other lies to make them feel better instead of actually telling the truth which will help them.
This right now foids are screaming cause they can't get a say in anything and have to larp to not get banned lmao!
I wonder how many have infiltrated already. I mean how do we know that they haven't? Brings me so much joy to have them beg to get in just like we beg the world to stop fucking us.
They can't stand not being part of anything especially if it's male dominated they will try they're hardest and even fake it even if they have no connection or interest in the group. right now Femiods are pulling their hair about not having a say in anything! These roasites tend to be below average """plain Jane geek girls""" or just mentally ill ugly roasts.

This is what I imgaine what they are like...
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Also how do you know this is true? Any evidence of foids trying to get in here?
My biggest complaints of women joining here is that:

1) By and large, it will be a forum of male incels, female LARPers and no inceldom will be solved. Women would come here with the capacity to SOLVE THE FUCKING INCEL PROBLEM, but would ignore that idea and just larp about how alone they feel. They would have access to any one of us here but stay in their victim mentality.

It would be like a forum of people with blocked sinks (men) who are depressed about that issue, then opening up the forum to plumbers (women) who are depressed because they don't have any sinks to unblock. A man would join the dots with logic: Why don't the plumbers unblock those sinks so both parties win? But the plumbers will refuse to and only joined for victimhood, validation and to larp about their problem.

NOTE: We ban women because women don't want to help us. Women ban us on their forums because they want to play victim.

2) The fakecel chadlites will be arranging hookups by PM with the women. This went on on Lookism.
My biggest complaints of women joining here is that:

1) By and large, it will be a forum of male incels, female LARPers and no inceldom will be solved. Women would come here with the capacity to SOLVE THE FUCKING INCEL PROBLEM, but would ignore that idea and just larp about how alone they feel. They would have access to any one of us here but stay in their victim mentality.

It would be like a forum of people with blocked sinks (men) who are depressed about that issue, then opening up the forum to plumbers (women) who are depressed because they don't have any sinks to unblock. A man would join the dots with logic: Why don't the plumbers unblock those sinks so both parties win? But the plumbers will refuse to and only joined for victimhood, validation and to larp about their problem.

NOTE: We ban women because women don't want to help us. Women ban us on their forums because they want to play victim.

2) The fakecel chadlites will be arranging hookups by PM with the women. This went on on Lookism.

How would the fake cels and chad lites know who the foids are actual foids since they get banned on site?
Boredom? To attract orbiters? Attention?

At least half of the faggots who currently use r9k are unabashed orbiters. Orbiters were always a thing there, but it's gotten far worse in recent years.

If an OP announces they're female they'll get tons of replies like "C-can i add you on steam?" "w-what's your discord" "TFW no gf like OP" etc.

I fucking despise men.

LOL@the options in life: Be a man who most likely will be incel or be a femoid who goes about life devoid of logic and can't process anything. LMAO@the human race. What a fucking waste.
How would the fake cels and chad lites know who the foids are actual foids since they get banned on site?

Oh nvm you were saying why they do get banned on first sight. I'm a moron.
How would the fake cels and chad lites know who the foids are actual foids since they get banned on site?

The foids would message the chadlites from the Megathread or send a feeler PM out to the guys who don't talk about being incel here, like @EARTH for instance. ( LOL, I'm just playing with you Earth but you know it's true, you fucking tall blond tanned chadlite xxxx )

The foids will reveal that they're women in PMs. The guys who get that feeler PM won't rat out the foids. Then they'll start talking to each other on Skype, Discord, Whatsapp, etc. If they live close or the woman has money or a car, they'll meet up and fuck. Meanwhile the same chadlites will be LARPing here about being a 3 ft tall currycel with 6 webbed fingers.

The real incels will remain. Just like me. I've been through every incarnation of PSL whereas chadlites come and go.

The foids would message the chadlites from the Megathread or send a feeler PM out to the guys who don't talk about being incel here, like @EARTH for instance. ( LOL, I'm just playing with you Earth but you know it's true, you fucking tall blond tanned chadlite xxxx )

The foids will reveal that they're women in PMs. The guys who get that feeler PM won't rat out the foids. Then they'll start talking to each other on Skype, Discord, Whatsapp, etc. If they live close or the woman has money or a car, they'll meet up and fuck. Meanwhile the same chadlites will be LARPing here about being a 3 ft tall currycel with 6 webbed fingers.

The real incels will remain. Just like me. I've been through every incarnation of PSL whereas chadlites come and go.


Jesus Christ there is no escaping the cruelty of this world.
The foids would message the chadlites from the Megathread or send a feeler PM out to the guys who don't talk about being incel here, like @EARTH for instance. ( LOL, I'm just playing with you Earth but you know it's true, you fucking tall blond tanned chadlite xxxx )

The foids will reveal that they're women in PMs. The guys who get that feeler PM won't rat out the foids. Then they'll start talking to each other on Skype, Discord, Whatsapp, etc. If they live close or the woman has money or a car, they'll meet up and fuck. Meanwhile the same chadlites will be LARPing here about being a 3 ft tall currycel with 6 webbed fingers.

The real incels will remain. Just like me. I've been through every incarnation of PSL whereas chadlites come and go.


Do you see a solution to this? Or is it impossible to stop. Knowing that foids are using our site to get laid is beyond wrong.
Jesus Christ there is no escaping the cruelty of this world.

Do you see a solution to this? Or is it impossible to stop. Knowing that foids are using our site to get laid is beyond wrong.

incels never win but I demand that we be able to in our own home.
Females always ruin male spaces. It's better to keep them far away from here at all times
The foids would message the chadlites from the Megathread or send a feeler PM out to the guys who don't talk about being incel here, like @EARTH for instance. ( LOL, I'm just playing with you Earth but you know it's true, you fucking tall blond tanned chadlite xxxx )

> Tall blond tanned Chadlite
> Spending my Saturday evening listening to your podcast

Pick one.

By the way nobody is having sex with foids from this website. Nobody.
> Tall blond tanned Chadlite
> Spending my Saturday evening listening to your podcast

Pick one.

By the way nobody is having sex with foids from this website. Nobody.

You must have gotten acidfaced or be low-T? I would kill for your face (as I remember it). If you get rejected then every sub5 male here needs to neck ourselves tonight.

How many rejections IRL have you had in the last few years (no LARP)?

lol thx btw
if any chick is viewing this thread message me

if any chick is viewing this thread message me
The best way to deter femoids from showing up is to keep the site focused on rape and other violence against femoids.)

Women will put up with that for validation.
Women will put up with that for validation.

Being friend zoned has thought me that most have rape fantasies as their fetish so no rape threads will just attract more foids.
Jesus Christ there is no escaping the cruelty of this world.

Do you see a solution to this? Or is it impossible to stop. Knowing that foids are using our site to get laid is beyond wrong.

There's nothing you can do.
This is ridiculous. No foid should ever be allowed here. This is the reason why we are in this degenerate state in the first place.
why would a woman want to be here? this is hell
There's a certain logic to what you say, but in practice, the foids did not like Incelocalypse, because we were proposing actually making them rape slaves as opposed to letting them get drunk around whatever hot guys they wanted so they could get gang "raped" by a bunch of Chads.

Also, we were focusing on banging jailbaits, which foids hate because jailbaits are their main competitors. So if you want to keep the roasties away, just talk 24/7 about your desire for jailbait. It will drive them nuts, to the point that they'll spend all their time on CuckTears trying to get the site shut down.

I wonder if there is something more biological to women being jealous of JB. I'm really starting to think a 30 year old female subconsciously registers that a 17 year old girl is more fertile than her. Since you seem more educated on the issues could you give your opinion?

I would murder everyone here for one genuine smile from a goddess like this.
Fucking femoids they reject us,belittle us and torture us and when we finally decide to go away to places where we are accepted and can stick together they want to get thier little whore asses over here just to fuck with is more why do femoids have to be both cock sucking and soul sucking whores it's shit like this that makes a mans blood boil.
That looks like a longmidfaced tranny.

Is it Chetanzi?

If she is a woman, lol@her attempt to post a pic of herself to pique our curioisty enough for men to PM her and validate her. Women will do whatever it takes to get validation.

But it looks like a tranny though so I dunno.


10/10. Needs to be posted on braincels.
you tell by her eyes that she is imagining thats chads cock
The only reason their so obsessed with us is because they know the black pill is right.
Women would come here with the capacity to SOLVE THE FUCKING INCEL PROBLEM, but would ignore that idea and just larp about how alone they feel. They would have access to any one of us here but stay in their victim mentality.
This is why their are no female incels.
I orbited 10 to 13 females in the incel servers, they are no good and only want attention.
They're salivating at all that untapped male attention. Disgusting whores
And this is why they want to be here. No one salivates over them in real life, so they think they can come her and we'll be so desperate that we'll treat them like goddesses.

I would murder everyone here for one genuine smile from a goddess like this.
WTF she's not ugly.

Just not makeupmaxed, legit looks better than majority of celebs without makeup

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