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Theory Living life on the defense (tldr included)



Hard being a truecel in a fakecel nigger’s world
Jan 7, 2024
A thought I’ve been having for a while now, incels are forced to live life on defense, and that’s a major part of why we can never advance.

What do I mean by living life on defense? For starters, I mean it literally, normies, chads, and especially foids hate us just for being unattractive, the failo effect is a very real scientific phenomenon. But, I also mean “defense” in a more metaphorical sense, which is to say, we are constantly forced to adapt and learn to compete with normie behaviors, including finding ways to cover up missed experiences and developments; this second view is especially true for mentalcels like myself, but also applies to anyone who missed out on a major development milestone, such as teen love.

An example for the literal definition, if normies are to be believed, incels are hateful, racist, transphobic, misogynist mass murderers. Only one of these things is debatably true, and that’s the misogyny+hatefulness allegations. However, when you add appropriate context, you realize that 99% of us at one point wished that we could participate in normie society, and provide for a foid, however due to our ugliness, we were barred from both. We would have loved to be among normies, and love foids, but they hated us, our hatred and dislike of foids and their behavior is a response to needless aggression from them on the basis of the way in which we were born. Our hatred is a defense, we are always defending, never acting. Furthermore, I’m sure if you browse these forums, you’ll find countless very sound arguments for why incels are in fact a very diverse group, how most male transsexuals are themselves incels on lethal doses of copium, etc. However, the mass media only parrots that incels are evil, a message that they can very easily disseminate with their influence. It’s easy to shout “racist!” but explaining how and why incels are ethnically diverse takes far longer, not to mention the difficulty of spreading our reply without the support of trillion dollar corporations. Even on here, 90% of people will comment DNR and leave.

Yet again, we always defend ourselves.

Now, as for the metaphorical definition, it’s quite simple. Chad never had to watch PUA confidence guide, Chad never had to learn how to talk to women, Chad never had to work out, Chad never had to get the perfect haircut. Chad was born with every foid chasing after him. We have to fight tooth and nail to reach even half of Chad’s smv, and most of us can never achieve even that. Chad, foids and even normies start so far ahead of us that it’s impossible to ever catch up, for how can we be expected to win a marathon where our opponent started 3/4ths of the way in? By the time we furiously sprint to where Chad started, he took a leisurely walk to the finish line, celebrated, slept with a few foids, and went to bed. Usain Bolt would lose to anyone with such an abusive head start.

By constantly trying (and often failing) to reach the baseline of what a normie is born as, we’re essentially on the defense. We can never attack if we have to dedicate our lives just to reach the starting line.


Foids, Chads and normies are always attacking incels, how can we ever hope to have sex and stop being incels if not having had sex is evil and reason enough to be isolated from society and be denied sex?

Secondly, incels are always trying to reach the level of a normie, a task which requires literally most of our lives. How can we ever surpass a normie if we have to do so much just to reach them in the first place.
the best is just not to try that hard " or try at all . You could have been born 195 cm and a Gojo lookalike " .

Dont stress it Man , Life is Luck .
Secondly, incels are always trying to reach the level of a normie, a task which requires literally most of our lives. How can we ever surpass a normie if we have to do so much just to reach them in the first place.
I guess because you just trying to catch-up to normies. Its not like they keep evolving.
the best is just not to try that hard " or try at all . You could have been born 195 cm and a Gojo lookalike " .

Dont stress it Man , Life is Luck .
Yes, there’s no point in regretting the way you were born.
I guess because you just trying to catch-up to normies. Its not like they keep evolving.
Imagine you’re running to catch a man who starts 100 miles away from you. You have 11 hours to catch him, the fastest time a human has ever ran 100 miles is a little under 11 hours. Sure, with immense work you could hypothetically run like a bat out of Hell to make those 100 miles in those 11 hours, however, by the time that you reach the 100 mile line, your opponent has had 11 hours to walk 33 miles at a leisurely pace.

Now consider the fact that life is finite and scale up this example.
Imagine you’re running to catch a man who starts 100 miles away from you. You have 11 hours to catch him, the fastest time a human has ever ran 100 miles is a little under 11 hours. Sure, with immense work you could hypothetically run like a bat out of Hell to make those 100 miles in those 11 hours, however, by the time that you reach the 100 mile line, your opponent has had 11 hours to walk 33 miles at a leisurely pace.

Now consider the fact that life is finite and scale up this example.
But he stopped. He is not going any further. If he goes any further he becomes a chad.
But he stopped. He is not going any further. If he goes any further he becomes a chad.
He can’t go any further, the race is over, his 11 hours have passed. Those 11 hours represent life. If you dedicate your entire life to reaching Chad, you just might accomplish it, but by that point there’s nothing left to enjoy. You were torturing yourself by sprinting like a retard for 11 hours, meanwhile Chad stopped to smell the roses, chatted with a friend, fucked a few foids, stopped to play basketball, and kept walking at a leisurely pace. Meanwhile, you dedicated your life to reaching him, only to just barely reach where he used to be 11 hours ago (and this is already incredibly unlikely to happen). Then your time was up.

You lived your life trying to catch him, he started at the finish line.
TLDR belongs at the beginning
Why tf you are all lazy goyim should be working fuckjng to support my lavish lifestyle of constant drinking fancy restaurant and hookers you filthy goyim should all be in force labor camp if it was up to me
Why tf you are all lazy goyim should be working fuckjng to support my lavish lifestyle of constant drinking fancy restaurant and hookers you filthy goyim should all be in force labor camp if it was up to me
Sorry Rabbi Goldberg, it will be done!
Your racist
Apologies Rabbi Goldberg! Here, have 6 gorillion shekels and an unraped child every 5 years in perpetuity for this mistake!
didnt even read the tldr ngl
the best is just not to try that hard " or try at all . You could have been born 195 cm and a Gojo lookalike " .

Dont stress it Man , Life is Luck .
There really is no good way of assimilating back into society after living as a social reject for most of your life. Believe me I've tried it and I had some success with it but sooner or later the mask is gonna slip and you're gonna be back to square one.

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