about intention, thats the thing. airport security is with the intention of stopping terrorists, and child porn laws are with the intention of stopping dirty bastards. i think your point about good intention about mass murderers claiming good intention is non sequitur, as laws based on intention are always assuming the worst in humanity.
Maybe the analogy wasn't perfect by the point was, the fact people use child porn to fap shouldn't be the defining factor. It doesn't change anything for the kid featured in the media what one does while watching the media.
Also, it would be hard to prove. "Hey officer, I do happen to have 3 terabytes of child pornography in my HD, but it was all just for research purposes
we're a bunch of emotional faggots. you could probably argue with that logic that 90% of laws shouldn't be in place because they're to protect a moral standard held by the majority of society.
That isn't really an argument but I agree it's true. People would just chimp out if simple possession of child pornography got legalized, no matter how many bulletproof moral arguments you threw at them. And most people don't care as much about gore because, just like you said, the mainstream picturing of someone watching gore is just a normal person with a morbid curiosity, versus the *insert various negative emotional adjectives here* person who downloads child porn.
with full comprehension of the situation.
I don't like going in that direction because it's subjective and impossible to prove or disprove. Age, IQ, sex, personality, type of activity, so many variables play into one's capacity to comprehend the shit they do, also some shit isn't that serious (I'd put showing your naked body to a bunch of people in that category).
what are your thoughts on futanari?
Looks bizarre and disgusting to me, but I won't lecture people who fap to it at all, whatever floats your boat I guess.
however, to provide two equally realistic scenarios, it would be a guy forcing a 10 year old into porn vs a guy who kills 10 year olds for videos,(which is worse, but is much more rare). the coercion is what makes the difference i believe.
When you die violently you're kinda being coerced into it since most people don't want to die violently
The problem is, sometimes it's an accident or an animal, so there's no conscious, accountable agent behind it.
Well I get your point, but since we're talking about webcam vids and not some porn studio featuring kids, it doesn't really apply IMO. Those kids could have been influenced, yeah, but not coerced.
all my opinion of course, cuckoldry is to the eye of the beholder
I disagree but was an interesting discussion anyway.