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Blackpill Life rules for Incels to live by.



It only gets worse
May 17, 2018
1. Protect yourself at all times, your life comes before anyone else's.

2. Rule one.

3. Never trust anyone, not even family. It makes no sense to trust someone. If you do not trust someone you are always one step ahead of them. Not the other way round.

4. Never show emotions, it makes you look weak, and on top of that, people now know your weaknesses. Its like having the same username and password.

5. Never snitch, ever.

6. Blood is thicker than water. Your family comes before anyone else except yourself. Of course, there are exceptions such as abuse, which is why rule 3 comes before rule 6.

7. Ride the roller coaster until it finishes. If you enjoy something reap all the benefits from it until it ends, but always know all good things comes to a end, don't become surprised when the ride ends.

8. Expect all outcomes, so you are not stunned by an outcome you did not expect.

9. Fear is like food. A bit is always good for you, but too much and it will ruin you. You will not fear another men if you read rule 1.

10. Your friends are not your friends, they are your friends because you have value in their eyes. But don't get comfy, your best friend can be your worst enemy tomorrow.

11. All things happen for a reason.

12. If you are not physically dominant, (manlet, weak, skinny), you need to prove yourself once.

13. Never let someone push you around, the saying that "getting angry is what women do" is somewhat true, but getting pushed around due to not fighting back is called being a bitch. Speak up for yourself, have thick skin, only fight when the time is correct and if you (again) read rule 1 you will not have any problem with this. Getting emotional is what women do, male aggression is what makes the world spin.

14. Never rely on anyone.

15. Maybe means no.

16. People can change, quickly.

17. If you have to ask if something matters, it probably does.

18. Do not believe everything you hear.

19. If you see an opportunity for yourself that will benefit yourself, but disadvantage another, take it, people have taken advantage of you being an incel your whole life.

20. Rules is like math, you can know it all one day, but forget it all the next day, re - read these rules all the time.
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1. Protect yourself at all times, your life comes before anyone else's.

2. Rule one.

3. Never trust anyone, not even family. It makes no sense to trust someone. If you do not trust someone you are always one step ahead of them. Not the other way round.

4. Never show emotions, it makes you look weak, and on top of that, people now know your weaknesses. Its like having the same username and password.

5. Never snitch, ever.

6. Blood is thicker than water. Your family comes before anyone else except yourself. Of course, there are exceptions such as abuse, which is why rule 3 comes before rule 6.

7. Ride the roller coaster until it finishes. If you enjoy something reap all the benefits from it until it ends, but always know all good things comes to a end, don't become surprised when the ride ends.

8. Expect all outcomes, so you are not stunned by an outcome you did not expect.

9. Fear is like food. A bit is always good for you, but too much and it will ruin you. You will not fear another men if you read rule 1.

10. Your friends are not your friends, they are your friends because you have value in their eyes. But don't get comfy, your best friend can be your worst enemy tomorrow.

11. All things happen for a reason.

12. If you are not physically dominant, (manlet, weak, skinny), you need to prove yourself once.

13. Never let someone push you around, the saying that "getting angry is what women do" is somewhat true, but getting pushed around due to not fighting back is called being a bitch. Speak up for yourself, have thick skin, only fight when the time is correct and if you (again) read rule 1 you will not have any problem with this. Getting emotional is what women do, male aggression is what makes the world spin.

14. Never rely on anyone.

15. Maybe means no.

16. People can change, quickly.

17. If you have to ask if something matters, it probably does.

18. Do not believe everything you hear.

High IQ thread.
1. Protect yourself at all times, your life comes before anyone else's.

2. Rule one.

3. Never trust anyone, not even family. It makes no sense to trust someone. If you do not trust someone you are always one step ahead of them. Not the other way round.

4. Never show emotions, it makes you look weak, and on top of that, people now know your weaknesses. Its like having the same username and password.

5. Never snitch, ever.

6. Blood is thicker than water. Your family comes before anyone else except yourself. Of course, there are exceptions such as abuse, which is why rule 3 comes before rule 6.

7. Ride the roller coaster until it finishes. If you enjoy something reap all the benefits from it until it ends, but always know all good things comes to a end, don't become surprised when the ride ends.

8. Expect all outcomes, so you are not stunned by an outcome you did not expect.

9. Fear is like food. A bit is always good for you, but too much and it will ruin you. You will not fear another men if you read rule 1.

10. Your friends are not your friends, they are your friends because you have value in their eyes. But don't get comfy, your best friend can be your worst enemy tomorrow.

11. All things happen for a reason.

12. If you are not physically dominant, (manlet, weak, skinny), you need to prove yourself once.

13. Never let someone push you around, the saying that "getting angry is what women do" is somewhat true, but getting pushed around due to not fighting back is called being a bitch. Speak up for yourself, have thick skin, only fight when the time is correct and if you (again) read rule 1 you will not have any problem with this. Getting emotional is what women do, male aggression is what makes the world spin.

14. Never rely on anyone.

15. Maybe means no.

16. People can change, quickly.

17. If you have to ask if something matters, it probably does.

18. Do not believe everything you hear.
The official incel commandments, you are truly the Moses of our time.
These should be etched on stone tablets tbh
I already do everything that you wrote.

Its my life style :feelzez::feelzez:
good thread, sticky worthy
Holy shit bro u jus redeemed yourself with this post
For example, incel dont get sex for a reason, due to our genes not being good enough for reproduction.
Oh, that makes sense. I thought you'd pull some "god works in mysterious ways" "everything happens for a reason" "praise the lord" bullshit
These are just general rules for anyone with an average IQ, but incels would need to follow them the most since no one would help us if we needed it.
Great rules to live by. But, what if the only way to protect yourself is to snitch? Sometimes it's a necessary evil, especially if you want to come out first.
Great rules to live by. But, what if the only way to protect yourself is to snitch? Sometimes it's a necessary evil, especially if you want to come out first.
No, but i know where you are coming from, but snitching is not allowed for much more deeper reasons for being labeled a snitch.

It can get you killed, which goes against rule 1.
These are just general rules for anyone with an average IQ, but incels would need to follow them the most since no one would help us if we needed it.
Normal people dont need to prove themselves.
Incels are seen as targets due to their looks.
3. Never trust anyone, not even family. It makes no sense to trust someone. If you do not trust someone you are always one step ahead of them. Not the other way round.
Most golden rule of them all. Trust is weakness.
actually me<inferior
then you need to prove yourself somehow.
anything from raising your SMV though money, or status, to violence.

Thanks, i agree, this being sticky would help fellow incels have some kind of mindset.
violence is basicly "napoleon complex"
then you need to prove yourself somehow.
anything from raising your SMV though money, or status, to violence.

Thanks, i agree, this being sticky would help fellow incels have some kind of mindset.
so you need to be really good just to have a single conversation
i fucking hate it
all i can do is cope by playing games to forget about me being shorter than 98% of the population
violence is basicly "napoleon complex"

so you need to be really good just to have a single conversation
i fucking hate it
all i can do is cope by playing games to forget about me being shorter than 98% of the population
napoleon complex is anything remotely aggressive a manlet does, actual violence that causes fear and respect is what i am talking about, not just a simple fight.
violence is basicly "napoleon complex"

so you need to be really good just to have a single conversation
i fucking hate it
all i can do is cope by playing games to forget about me being shorter than 98% of the population
i rember making a thread on it near when i actually signed up to incels.is, everyone dismissed the thread i made on it due to maycels having a bad rep back then when i was lurking in denial as a guest since november. Lol how times change
The part of this I agree with the most, is always looking out for yourself.

Its idiotic to me that other people are willing to sacrifice things, just so other people can be comfortable. Friends are people you trust for that section of time you are friends with them. Any sort of betrayal and you should instantly kick that person to the curb no questions asked. Oh yeah and def. no friends who are girls. That pisses me off more than anything else, because to me it just seems like GUYS who are wannabe Chads sucking up to Beckys.

Thanks for this list of rules btw.
The part of this I agree with the most, is always looking out for yourself.

Its idiotic to me that other people are willing to sacrifice things, just so other people can be comfortable. Friends are people you trust for that section of time you are friends with them. Any sort of betrayal and you should instantly kick that person to the curb no questions asked. Oh yeah and def. no friends who are girls. That pisses me off more than anything else, because to me it just seems like GUYS who are wannabe Chads sucking up to Beckys.

Thanks for this list of rules btw.
No, don't trust your friends.
Avoid all eye contact
cope tbh
High IQ thread. You can't trust anyone as an incel.
You could make a religion out of this
A wise man. High IQ for sure
Cope till the day we Rope
Follow these rules. Being altruistic is for cucks. Always look out for A #1, you.
13. Never let someone push you around

How do you deal with working femoids (government people, bank clerks, receptionists even cashiers) they feel right away i'm an incel and try to do everything to push me around and disrespect me. In the few times I tried to fight back it made things worse or I was asked to leave so I learned not to react.
1. Protect yourself at all times, your life comes before anyone else's.

2. Rule one.

3. Never trust anyone, not even family. It makes no sense to trust someone. If you do not trust someone you are always one step ahead of them. Not the other way round.

4. Never show emotions, it makes you look weak, and on top of that, people now know your weaknesses. Its like having the same username and password.

5. Never snitch, ever.

6. Blood is thicker than water. Your family comes before anyone else except yourself. Of course, there are exceptions such as abuse, which is why rule 3 comes before rule 6.

7. Ride the roller coaster until it finishes. If you enjoy something reap all the benefits from it until it ends, but always know all good things comes to a end, don't become surprised when the ride ends.

8. Expect all outcomes, so you are not stunned by an outcome you did not expect.

9. Fear is like food. A bit is always good for you, but too much and it will ruin you. You will not fear another men if you read rule 1.

10. Your friends are not your friends, they are your friends because you have value in their eyes. But don't get comfy, your best friend can be your worst enemy tomorrow.

11. All things happen for a reason.

12. If you are not physically dominant, (manlet, weak, skinny), you need to prove yourself once.

13. Never let someone push you around, the saying that "getting angry is what women do" is somewhat true, but getting pushed around due to not fighting back is called being a bitch. Speak up for yourself, have thick skin, only fight when the time is correct and if you (again) read rule 1 you will not have any problem with this. Getting emotional is what women do, male aggression is what makes the world spin.

14. Never rely on anyone.

15. Maybe means no.

16. People can change, quickly.

17. If you have to ask if something matters, it probably does.

18. Do not believe everything you hear.

19. If you see an opportunity for yourself that will benefit yourself, but disadvantage another, take it, people have taken advantage of you being an incel your whole life.

20. Rules is like math, you can know it all one day, but forget it all the next day, re - read these rules all the time.
Very high iq tbh.
13. Never let someone push you around

How do you deal with working femoids (government people, bank clerks, receptionists even cashiers) they feel right away i'm an incel and try to do everything to push me around and disrespect me. In the few times I tried to fight back it made things worse or I was asked to leave so I learned not to react.
in work environments, respond verbally not physically,
Very high iq tbh.
should be pinned but mods are ignoring...
3. Never trust anyone, not even family. It makes no sense to trust someone. If you do not trust someone you are always one step ahead of them. Not the other way round.
this is surprisingly high IQ for fivefourmanlet to be honest.

i thought this was going to be a shit list but it's actually good
Surprisingly high IQ coming from little man. Kudos
1. Protect yourself at all times, your life comes before anyone else's.

2. Rule one.

3. Never trust anyone, not even family. It makes no sense to trust someone. If you do not trust someone you are always one step ahead of them. Not the other way round.

4. Never show emotions, it makes you look weak, and on top of that, people now know your weaknesses. Its like having the same username and password.

5. Never snitch, ever.

6. Blood is thicker than water. Your family comes before anyone else except yourself. Of course, there are exceptions such as abuse, which is why rule 3 comes before rule 6.

7. Ride the roller coaster until it finishes. If you enjoy something reap all the benefits from it until it ends, but always know all good things comes to a end, don't become surprised when the ride ends.

8. Expect all outcomes, so you are not stunned by an outcome you did not expect.

9. Fear is like food. A bit is always good for you, but too much and it will ruin you. You will not fear another men if you read rule 1.

10. Your friends are not your friends, they are your friends because you have value in their eyes. But don't get comfy, your best friend can be your worst enemy tomorrow.

11. All things happen for a reason.

12. If you are not physically dominant, (manlet, weak, skinny), you need to prove yourself once.

13. Never let someone push you around, the saying that "getting angry is what women do" is somewhat true, but getting pushed around due to not fighting back is called being a bitch. Speak up for yourself, have thick skin, only fight when the time is correct and if you (again) read rule 1 you will not have any problem with this. Getting emotional is what women do, male aggression is what makes the world spin.

14. Never rely on anyone.

15. Maybe means no.

16. People can change, quickly.

17. If you have to ask if something matters, it probably does.

18. Do not believe everything you hear.

19. If you see an opportunity for yourself that will benefit yourself, but disadvantage another, take it, people have taken advantage of you being an incel your whole life.

20. Rules is like math, you can know it all one day, but forget it all the next day, re - read these rules all the time.

Disagree with the family one since my moms a bitch
21. Never make the same mistake twice.

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