Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Life of Strong Single Women

Dude.. if you refuse to put yourself in a situation that you know in the long run (and not that long) will have you back in an even worse position than before (incel again, plus debt slavery), then you aren't volcel.

It's not about what's fair to you. It's about whether or not you have a choice. What's "fair" is a separate discussion.
Him spending time with them had its toll on views on inceldom. He needs to ldar on the forum more or be exposed to more blackpills:fuk:
The problem here is that he just spends his time trying to be a contrarian at every given opportunity :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman: so he actually ends up learning nothing no matter how much time he spends on here :feelswhat:
He cant be helped :society:
It's about whether or not you have a choice.


You never actually had a choice. If there was a monetary cost for sexual service in return, then it was never genuine affection you fucking imbecile.
You never actually had a choice. If there was a monetary cost for sexual service in return, then it was never genuine affection you fucking imbecile.

You made the choice to reciprocate or reject the advances of the single mother.

Again, the forum doesn't care about your personal hangups. Being with a single mother is not the same as being with a hooker. And if you don't believe me, try it sometime.
You made the choice to reciprocate or reject the advances of the single mother.

You mean that opportunity that doesnt exist if she wasn't a single mom?


Again, the forum doesn't care about your personal hangups. Being with a single mother is not the same as being with a hooker. And if you don't believe me, try it sometime.
Interesting choice of words, you almost sound like you have given money and time to a single mother :soy::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill:

@Broly @Robtical @Algeriancel

Look at this shit :lul::lul::lul:
Interesting choice of words, you almost sound like you have given money and time to a single mother :soy::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill:

@[UWSL] /data/avatars/s/34/34171.jpg?1636951706 [/UWSL]@Broly @[UWSL] /data/avatars/s/2/2637.jpg?1589169884 [/UWSL]@Robtical @[UWSL] /data/avatars/s/17/17883.jpg?1636251474 [/UWSL]@Algeriancel
He thinks the honeymoon phase will last forever, but that is only to reel you in. After you agree to financially supporting her then letting her move in, all the sex and being nice will almost stop completely, and you'll end up spending more than on a prostitute, and if you decide to stop being her slave she will leave and take half your money and home.
Man this feels like bullying at this point, he can’t defend himself properly.

interventions were never meant to be peaceful :society:
Look @FrothySolutions just say you’re wrong about single mothers and that you were being bluepilled, im willing to overlook this time it due to your age:feelswhat:
Good luck with this one :feelsugh: he will never budge no matter how cucked he is being
He thinks the honeymoon phase will last forever, but that is only to reel you in. After you agree to financially supporting her then letting her move in, all the sex and being nice will almost stop completely, and you'll end up spending more than on a prostitute, and if you decide to stop being her slave she will leave and take half your money and home.
You can tell he spends too much time on reddit and other obscure forums reading up on the positive shit he missed out on and forgets that there are negative experiences that comes with the good stuff :feelsugh:
This is some sad stuff man :feelsugh:all this will do is further delay the awakening men appear to be having but we will ultimately prevail :society:
We will as long as we still have forums like these. But we have to protect freedom of speech online to keep waking up potentially uncucked men, because cucks and whores aren't happy enough censoring us on reddit and normie social media, they want to censor us everywhere on the internet.
Man this feels like bullying at this point, he can’t defend himself properly. Look @FrothySolutions just say you’re wrong about single mothers and that you were being bluepilled, im willing to overlook this time it due to your age:feelswhat:

No, it's the forum rules, either obey them or don't. This isn't about me.
Man this feels like bullying at this point, he can’t defend himself properly. Look @FrothySolutions just say you’re wrong about single mothers and that you were being bluepilled, im willing to overlook this time it due to your age:feelswhat:
haha, yeah :feelshaha::feelshaha:
It's not about what's fair to you. It's about whether or not you have a choice. What's "fair" is a separate discussion.

In theory almost anybody here could find a 1/10 landwhale single mother and not be incel... however shortly it lasts.

In such case, nobody here would be an incel and we should just delete the forum.

Everyone has a choice if you go to incredibly low depths. Some take it so far that they'll call you volcel for not going homosexual (these people we get rid of of course). You need to exercise some common sense to discern an incel from a volcel.

A starving african child has the option to eat dirt, and that is technically eating something. But he's still starving and has no real fair chance.
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In theory almost anybody here could find a 1/10 landwhale single mother and not be incel... however shortly it lasts.

In such case, nobody here would be an incel and we should just delete the forum.

Everyone has a choice if you go to incredibly low depths. Some take it so far that they'll call you volcel for not going homosexual (these people we get rid of of course). You need to exercise some common sense to discern an incel from a volcel.

A starving african child has the option to eat dirt, and that is technically eating something. But he's still starving and has no real fair chance.

There's no nutrition in dirt, that's still starvation.

But could any of us find a 1/10 landwhale single mother? Do we know that for sure? If she has a choice, why would she settle for one of us? I guess you only know for sure once you try.
There's no nutrition in dirt, that's still starvation.

But could any of us find a 1/10 landwhale single mother? Do we know that for sure? If she has a choice, why would she settle for one of us? I guess you only know for sure once you try.

Because everyone here has tried. Dating apps get you 0.001% success rate except sometimes there are these ugly, obese single mothers.

To be fair if you are in your 50's, and lived in the Boomer era, and STILL never got a gf or anything like that, then you must be truly genetic garbage. Because the standards back then were much lower. Back then, an average man at least got his fair share, but these days average males get virtually nothing. Incel is a part of protesting that problem of rampant and extreme female hypergamy that goes far beyond the reasonable limits of a civilized society as we have known it for the past century.

The widely used expression "volcel if you wouldn't" exists here for a reason. It is used when a female or situation is presented (i.e. such as an average female on the street) where it would be ridiculous to refuse. Because it implies that there are some situations where the discrepancy between the male and the female is so extreme, that even most people here wouldn't scream incel at the guy for refusing sexual activity with such a grotesque creature (or one that WILL ruin his life if he gets too involved with her).
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Never date a Single Mothers. Even if you're so desperate getting sex or relationship

View: https://youtu.be/mCpZg8JFsxM

reject all nice poeple especially nice men who show you interest
exclusively go for way out of your league chads and exclusively chase and spend time only with chads
the chads you chase almost are always completely lacking in productivity, virtue and are in some way toxic almost always self serving narcissists, broke, no future drifters, no skills, no money.

blame all men in a bizarre scatter gun blanket way, when inevitably chad leaves you with or without a child, and provides no support because he is simply behaving how he behaved around you before, but this time he is not with her.
Because everyone here has tried. Dating apps get you 0.001% success rate except sometimes there are these ugly, obese single mothers.

To be fair if you are in your 50's, and lived in the Boomer era, and STILL never got a gf or anything like that, then you must be truly genetic garbage. Because the standards back then were much lower. Back then, an average man at least got his fair share, but these days average males get virtually nothing. Incel is a part of protesting that problem of rampant and extreme female hypergamy that goes far beyond the reasonable limits of a civilized society as we have known it for the past century.

The widely used expression "volcel if you wouldn't" exists here for a reason. It is used when a female or situation is presented (i.e. such as an average female on the street) where it would be ridiculous to refuse. Because it implies that there are some situations where the discrepancy between the male and the female is so extreme, that even most people here wouldn't scream incel at the guy for refusing sexual activity with such a grotesque creature (or one that WILL ruin his life if he gets too involved with her).

So people here have tried, and found that some women are receptive? Because I've tried. And no women are receptive.

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