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Life of Strong Single Women

Fake. Chad wouldn't have forced himself to endure her story of how she became the most inclusive marketer in her industry. Also, it missed the part where she settles for a cuck whom she then divorces so that he can finance her and her bastard kid while she fucks Chad.
Fake. Chad wouldn't have forced himself to endure her story of how she became the most inclusive marketer in her industry. Also, it missed the part where she settles for a cuck whom she then divorces so that he can finance her and her bastard kid while she fucks Chad.
Whatever you say. Single women still suck ass
nothing lead can't fix
Single mothers really are contemptible. They choose the bad boy earlier, get knocked up with a child or two, wonder why that bad boy is a dead beat or a cheater, leave, and now her kids will suffer. And all of society for that matter. Because when this sorta thing starts happening enmasse (as it is), society gets footed with the bill.

And as sad as it is, I suspect these single mothers have at least several simp candidates that are more than willing to provide for her and her children, as long as she opens her used up and loose roast beef flaps to him a couple of times a week. If a foid has been with a dude with a 7+ incher or has given a non C-section birth, there is no doubt about it, her pussy is stretched forever (don't believe that complete bullshit about the vagina tightening back up after childbirth, that is complete total bs).
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Single mothers really are contemptible. They choose the bad boy earlier, get knocked up with a child or two, wonder why that bad boy is a dead beat or a cheater, leave, and now her kids will suffer. And all of society for that matter. Because when this sorta thing starts happening enmasse (as it is), society gets footed with the bill.

And as sad as it is, I suspect these single mothers have at least several simp candidates that are more than willing to provide for her and her children, as long as she opens her used up and loose roast beef flaps to him a couple of times a week. If a foid has been with a dude with a 7+ incher or has given a non C-section birth, there is no doubt about it, her pussy is stretched forever (don't believe that complete bullshit about the vagina tightening back up after childbirth, that is complete total bs).
@FrothySolutions thinks you're volcel if you turn this golden opportunity down :feelsclown:
imagine being that cucked really

you pump and dumb these cunts ( haha as if you even can , kek )

and thats it.
@FrothySolutions thinks you're volcel if you turn this golden opportunity down :feelsclown:

You are. You can have higher standards than an incel, but you wouldn't truly be incel.
You are. You can have higher standards than an incel, but you wouldn't truly be incel.

Look at this clown justifying being a betabuxxer :lul::lul::lul: he's saying you're volcel :feelstastyman:

Look at this clown justifying being a betabuxxer :lul::lul::lul: he's saying you're volcel :feelstastyman:

That's literally the definition of "volcel." By all means, be volcel. It doesn't have to be a bad thing to be volcel. But you are volcel.
That's literally the definition of "volcel." By all means, be volcel. It doesn't have to be a bad thing to be volcel. But you are volcel.
@Robtical and he still going, this imbecile is now calling me volcel :feelshaha:
It's kinda redpilled.
There is no such thing as a strong "single" woman; all femoids have potential orbiters at their disposal.

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Her "strength" came solely from praise/worship. "Strong"? No.
Hypothetically, would you reject her if she approached you?
I would enjoy the pumpNdump :society:

But a foid like her would want me to turbobuxx for her while bogarding sex to once every month or 2 to maybe none at all :soy::bluepill:
I would too maybe but she'd need a bag over her head ngl:fuk:
I would need the bag to just cover her forehead :society:
tbh, better to be alone than be a betabuxx cuck

average redditor thinks they're a chad because after decades of orbiting the woman he liked, she settles down with him at 33 when she's mature and experienced:soy:
@FrothySolutions thinks this is winning and that you're being volcel for not picking up this tab :lul::feelstastyman::soy::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill:

JFL @FrothySolutions what is this

Do you not have any honor as a man?

Dregster doesn't like to use his brain. No, I never said you were "winning" if you chose this.
@Robtical and he still going, this imbecile is now calling me volcel :feelshaha:
Just sign a marriage contract and risk half your money and possessions for a used post prime rostie, or you're volcel. :feelstastyman:
Just sign a marriage contract and risk half your money and possessions for a used post prime rostie, or you're volcel. :feelstastyman:
What a deal man, @FrothySolutions is absolutely seeting over you turning down that contract :lul::lul::lul:
What a deal man, @FrothySolutions is absolutely seeting over you turning down that contract :lul::lul::lul:
I'll be a volcel any day, as long as I don't have to sign away half my belongings to a post prime rostie.
Well what DO you think about this situation. I personally believe that a man should be alone rather than spend his time and money on a woman who only uses him only for her financial need. She has no sexual attraction to him, engaging in sexual behavior will either be very limited or there will be none. Escorts is far better than being in this situation, not only will the escort be more attractive, she won't ask you for more than money. While the betabuxx will face more than financial problems including emotional, physical, sexual and mental.
He will have no definitive answer for your response, he'll dance around the meat of the argument and defend himself with an imaginary, hypothetical, nonexistent opportunity that he himself has never seen in his life :feelsclown:

Dregster doesn't like to use his brain. No, I never said you were "winning" if you chose this.
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Explaining anything to you costs braincells, you've literally been told on multiple accounts by several users

"if you have to ask it's over" :lul::lul::lul:

I'll be a volcel any day, as long as I don't have to sign away half my belongings to a post prime rostie.
Frothy on suicide watch :feelscry:
I'll be a volcel any day, as long as I don't have to sign away half my belongings to a post prime rostie.

So be volcel. I never said it was "wrong," just "not incel."

He needs to be able to give enough evidence as to why being a slave to a woman is better than being alone. Just spend all your time, resources and energy on a woman who doesn't even like you bro:soy:. You're merely being used for financial stability, @FrothySolutionsdo you want to be used by a woman and have her tell you what to do? You'll end up getting divorce raped and you'll be in a worse position than where you initially were an incel.

Nor did I say it was better than being alone. Again, Dregster doesn't like to use his brain.
He needs to be able to give enough evidence as to why being a slave to a woman is better than being alone. Just spend all your time, resources and energy on a woman who doesn't even like you bro:soy:. You're merely being used for financial stability, @FrothySolutionsdo you want to be used by a woman and have her tell you what to do? You'll end up getting divorce raped and you'll be in a worse position than where you initially were an incel.
We'll see what he says :ping:

This is carrying over from that @Netzachcel thread where he accused me of being volcel :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman:

You don't get it do you?

Then what are you saying man? What's the problem then.

This guy man, I have no idea what he's trying to imply. I'm being patient with him too:feelswhat:

I'm not "implying" anything, I mean the words that I'm saying. I'm not saying it's a good life, being with a single mother. I'm not saying it's better than being incel. I'm not saying you should choose it. But I am saying you're volcel for refusing it. I am not saying it's bad to be volcel.

Volcel = voluntary celibacy. Making the "choice" to be celibate. That's what it means. Whatever bullshit Dregster is trying to infer between the lines isn't there.
It's infuriating that some dumb Chad or Tyrone still allowd a bottom-of-the-barrel roastie to breed, while we're called losers for be sexually undesirable and to deal with our situation to be sexless.
No man how is being used by a woman for your resources better than being an incel. There's a difference between providing for your family as a man vs being a beta cuck, and nowadays most marriages are the latter. Dude I could probably fuck some random crack whore but I don't want to. That doesn't make me volcel, it's called self respect. Which is something that isn't found in a lot of men nowadays. If being in a situation can lead to you losing your virginity but it comes at the cost of your self respect, you will still be an incel.

No dreg is right. Say for instance a tranny wanted to have sex with you, would you? Now if you say no, you're volcel:feelstastyman:

What??? Re-read what I said. I said I did NOT say it was better than being incel.
Frothy on suicide watch :feelscry:
So be volcel. I never said it was "wrong," just "not incel."
If you're blackpilled you know betabuxxing and marriage is like prostitution with no guarantee for sex. Being able to get free NSA sex from a foid around your looksmatch, and refusing makes you volcel. If the foid is a lot lower than your looksmatch and a lot older, then those are considered strings attached, because jacking off would be more enjoyable.

Different users have their own strictness level for what an incel is, so you can consider me volcel if you want. But chads and high tier normies can get free sex without betabuxxing or marriage or strings attached, everything else with requirements and risks should be considered prostitution, and we don't usually call users who refuse to pay for hookers volcels.
What??? Re-read what I said. I said I did NOT say it was better than being incel.
You keep ignoring the fact that this "opportunity" you keep defending doesnt exist if the foid still had SMV to get chads :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman:

It's not being volcel when the foid in question never saw you as a top 3 option in her prime :foidSoy:

You are essentially advocating for us to take up this opportunity with these used up foids, work harder than the men who hit for free and get 1/4th of the satisfaction the guy who paid for nothing, got :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman:

You don't get it do you?

He'll never understand because he's a boomer completely detached from reality and doesnt understand how things are in 2021
Then what are you saying man? What's the problem then.

This guy man, I have no idea what he's trying to imply. I'm being patient with him too:feelswhat:
He himself doesnt even know what he is saying.

He is defending 2nd hand cuckoldry and doesn't even realize it :society:
Then why make a fuss about it man? Look refusing some old used up hag doesn't make you volcel. Refusing a cute teen girl definitely does. There are many factors that go into what makes a volcel. Like are we all volcel because we dont get escorts, there incel problem solved:feelstastyman:

You consider it a "fuss," I'm just explaining what words mean. Vol = "voluntary." The whole conceit of "inceldom" means "We can't have sex despite trying. The choice has been made for us." What you're talking about is separate. Stuff about what a man "deserves" or what's "fair." And sure, these are important issues. But they are not about what "inceldom" is. You are only incel if you have no choice.

If you're blackpilled you know betabuxxing and marriage is like prostitution with no guarantee for sex. Being able to get free NSA sex from a foid around your looksmatch, and refusing makes you volcel. If the foid is a lot lower than your looksmatch and a lot older, then those are considered strings attached, because jacking off would be more enjoyable.

Different users have their own strictness level for what an incel is, so you can consider me volcel if you want. But chads and high tier normies can get free sex without betabuxxing or marriage or strings attached, everything else with requirements and risks should be considered prostitution, and we don't usually call users who refuse to pay for hookers volcels.

Nor do we consider sex with prostitutes breaking one's inceldom. If you wanna talk about what we usually do and do not, then you understand we don't go by subjective definitions for what an incel is. We go by what the forum decides. And sex with a single mother doesn't make you "not incel" anymore. Affection from single mothers still counts. So if you're getting it, and refusing it, that's a voluntary choice you're making.
You consider it a "fuss," I'm just explaining what words mean. Vol = "voluntary." The whole conceit of "inceldom" means "We can't have sex despite trying. The choice has been made for us." What you're talking about is separate. Stuff about what a man "deserves" or what's "fair." And sure, these are important issues. But they are not about what "inceldom" is. You are only incel if you have no choice.

Nor do we consider sex with prostitutes breaking one's inceldom. If you wanna talk about what we usually do and do not, then you understand we don't go by subjective definitions for what an incel is. We go by what the forum decides. And sex with a single mother doesn't make you "not incel" anymore.

Affection from single mothers still counts.

Tenor 10

So if you're getting it, and refusing it, that's a voluntary choice you're making.

You keep ignoring the fact that this "opportunity" you keep defending doesnt exist if the foid still had SMV to get chads :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman:
Man thinks teen foids are innocent and aren't engaging in sexual acts:society:
It's that boomer time frame man :society:
legit, betabuxxing = getting cucked, so now refusing to be cucked makes men incels:feelshaha:
He forgot what actually makes someone volcel

:turning down free pussy=volcel:

turning down a single mom who wants to sponge off your sweat isnt being volcel at all :feelswhat:
No dude by your definition almost no man except for the most extreme cases can be an incel:feelsseriously:
im being patient with you here man, be glad im not more like dreggy:feelswhat:

Michael Jordan Reaction GIF
Man thinks teen foids are innocent and aren't engaging in sexual acts:society:

legit, betabuxxing = getting cucked, so now refusing to be cucked makes men incels:feelshaha:

No dude by your definition almost no man except for the most extreme cases can be an incel:feelsseriously:
im being patient with you here man, be glad im not more like dreggy:feelswhat:

Michael Jordan Reaction GIF

My definition is the forum's definition. The one we all agreed to when we joined? If I show up talking about all the affection and interest I get from a single mother, I'm gone. The mods won't let me stay.
Nor do we consider sex with prostitutes breaking one's inceldom. If you wanna talk about what we usually do and do not, then you understand we don't go by subjective definitions for what an incel is. We go by what the forum decides. And sex with a single mother doesn't make you "not incel" anymore. Affection from single mothers still counts. So if you're getting it, and refusing it, that's a voluntary choice you're making.
We need the forum to stop thinking refusing to betabux old used roaties doesn't make you incel, which will end up in being cucked more than 90% of the time. I'm more jealous of escortcels than cucks who can only get sex once or twice a year by betabuxxing and signing government contracts that entitles the foid to half their stuff.
Dude if you’re getting affection from single moms and you think it’s real, you’re delusional man. THEY JUST WANT YOUR FINANCIAL STABILITY. Not you, she just chose you because you agreed to help. She’s after the materials you have, not you:feelswhat:

Exactly man. He needs to realize that once foids are entering their 30s they start looking for some poor fool to use. And guys like frothy end up falling for them.

That's your opinion. But we're talking about the forum standard here. Which is bigger than your opinion. "Affection from single mothers doesn't count" will get you nowhere in Ban Appeals.
Exactly man. He needs to realize that once foids are entering their 30s they start looking for some poor fool to use. And guys like frothy end up falling for them.
We're not in the 20's anymore, where betabuxxing was a lot more respectable and carried almost no risk. And you can divorce the foid and kick her out your house if she cheats. But these days it's 100% cucked.
If you don’t listen to her and provide everything you can, she’ll end up divorce raping you and take all your money. You’ll only end up in a worse place than where you originally were as an incel. Yes being an incel is not desirable but we’re better off than betabuxxers imo.
I never heard of an escortcel roping, but you hear about it happening to divorced guys many times.
That's your opinion. But we're talking about the forum standard here. Which is bigger than your opinion. "Affection from single mothers doesn't count" will get you nowhere in Ban Appeals.
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Bretty boy had a sexual interaction with a woman that wasn’t paid and he’s still here, you might want to rethink your statement.

And he's still going :lul::lul::lul: no matter how cucked his position is, he is willing to forsake his rep for his shattered pride :feelsugh:

If you don’t listen to her and provide everything you can, she’ll end up divorce raping you and take all your money. You’ll only end up in a worse place than where you originally were as an incel. Yes being an incel is not desirable but we’re better off than betabuxxers imo.

These are the details he is ironically ignoring to defend his position :feelstastyman:

He's too busy comparing 30+yr old wageslaving single moms to 20 yr old jobless babes who have an infinite amount of male options

We're not in the 20's anymore, where betabuxxing was a lot more respectable and carried almost no risk. And you can divorce the foid and kick her out your house if she cheats. But these days it's 100% cucked.

I never heard of an escortcel roping, but you hear about it happening to divorced guys many times.
Frothy is so broken that he is willing to lose everything for a crumb of pussy, fortunately for him he has nothing to lose so of course even the most desperate of roasties wont bother looking at him :society:
Bretty boy had a sexual interaction with a woman that wasn’t paid and he’s still here, you might want to rethink your statement.

If you don’t listen to her and provide everything you can, she’ll end up divorce raping you and take all your money. You’ll only end up in a worse place than where you originally were as an incel. Yes being an incel is not desirable but we’re better off than betabuxxers imo.

So if Bretty, who had unpaid sex with a woman can be found worthy of staying, you would have to be entirely out of pocket to be asked to leave this forum.
Well what DO you think about this situation. I personally believe that a man should be alone rather than spend his time and money on a woman who only uses him only for her financial need. She has no sexual attraction to him, engaging in sexual behavior will either be very limited or there will be none. Escorts is far better than being in this situation, not only will the escort be more attractive, she won't ask you for more than money. While the betabuxx will face more than financial problems including emotional, physical, sexual and mental.
So if Bretty, who had unpaid sex with a woman can be found worthy of staying, you would have to be entirely out of pocket to be asked to leave this forum.

Dude.. if you refuse to put yourself in a situation that you know in the long run (and not that long) will have you back in an even worse position than before (incel again, plus debt slavery), then you aren't volcel.

Vegeta's pride is actually Based and worth defending :bigbrain:
Why can’t he understand that rejecting a girl (let’s assume she’s average looking) in her prime years is being a volcel but refusing a 33 yo hag isn’t. He’s using Reddit tier level of copes, “Finally after years of orbiting I’ve married the love of my life who’s a mature and experienced woman:soy:
Him being from reddit is probably his biggest mental block :feelsugh:
You keep ignoring the fact that this "opportunity" you keep defending doesnt exist if the foid still had SMV to get chads :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman:
It is slightly sad to know that he will never allow his mind to absorb and accept this indisputable fact :society:

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