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LifeFuel Life fuel for manlets. Women say best height for men is 5’8

  • Thread starter Reddit_is_for_cucks
  • Start date


Nov 10, 2017

We are in boys!

This explains how ugly lankletcels can’t get date but 5’8 chad still slays pussy.

Guess this picture was true afterall

7D3AAF34 7E57 439F A689 BD0228CB46C4

Although most girls said they would want a short guy with personality vs a tall jerk. They are thinking of long term because they don’t want to get abused by chad for rest of her life. She would rather settle beta billy.

But this still means that she will choose chad to hookup with from 18-35 or till it’s time to marry.

Although I still think these roasties are lying and they would marry/date a tall jerk chad and get treated like shit just so they can show off their tall chad to her friends and gain status.

Also jfl at that cumskin whore saying “I’d totally date a short guy I am 5’3, but my bf is 6’6 teehee”.
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2 things

they're virtue signaling for the camera saying 5'8" is ok

they're talking about LTR not ONS.

fighting success is EVERYTHING.
NOTHING will ever change that.
no amount of foid virtue signaling.
the size of your skeleton is 100% your value as a man

Let's cope boys :feelzez:
I'd say frame > height, but at the end of the day everyone here aside from fakecel faggots is an incel and it's over. The manlets, the lanklets, the jawcels, the baldcels, the ricecels, the whitecels, the curries, we're all fucked. We should all buy BMWs and cruise the streets of Isla Vista as a fleet, tbh.
I'd say frame > height, but at the end of the day everyone here aside from fakecel faggots is an incel and it's over. The manlets, the lanklets, the jawcels, the baldcels, the ricecels, the whitecels, the curries, we're all fucked. We should all buy BMWs and cruise the streets of Isla Vista as a fleet, tbh.
Dont trust anything a woman says.

I know its sarcastic
This shit is so pathetic, it's like blackcels taking pride in Tyrones slaying while they remain incels. The fact that there are Chad manlets changes nothing, you are not benefiting from their existence anymore than I am benefiting from Brad Pitt's existence. Sharing one feature with a Chad does not make you less of an incel, Chads are a combination of positive feature, just like Incels are a combination of negative features, one feature does not define someone, it's the combination.

Fuck that image so much, who ever made that thing manage to make rage without fail everytime.


2 things

they're virtue signaling for the camera saying 5'8" is ok

they're talking about LTR not ONS.

fighting success is EVERYTHING.
NOTHING will ever change that.
no amount of foid virtue signaling.
the size of your skeleton is 100% your value as a man

High IQ, women are prime hypocrites that don't have any morality, doing all kind of superficial shit while claiming that they are the beacon of morality, virtue and acceptance.

We are in boys!

This explains how ugly lankletcels can’t get date but 5’8 chad still slays pussy.

Guess this picture was true afterall

View attachment 44989

Although most girls said they would want a short guy with personality vs a tall jerk. They are thinking of long term because they don’t want to get abused by chad for rest of her life. She would rather settle beta billy.

But this still means that she will choose chad to hookup with from 18-35 or till it’s time to marry.

Although I still think these roasties are lying and they would marry/date a tall jerk chad and get treated like shit just so they can show off their tall chad to her friends and gain status.

Damn, any more images by that artist? Shit's brutal.
algae IQ. pay attention to a womans actions not what she says
Women SAY. Why believe what they say?
Being 5' 8" will not get in your way from getting pussy unless the average height of your country is 5' 10" and above.

If the average height of your country is 5' 8"/5'9" and you have that height and you are incel, the problem IS NOT your height.

So yes, that girl is not totally lying. If your face is 7/10 and your skeleton 5' 8" you will slay or have a GF.
If a woman comes in front of a camera and says "earth is round" I will become a flat earther.
Women are so full of shit, height matters as much as race. Anything below 6ft means it's over for a man. All those bitches have tall white Chad boyfriends while spouting this "height doesnt matter its all about personality teehee" bullshit.
Problem with this picture is, 6 feet is not tall. It's just average tier, oftentimes even short in North West Europe. The magic starts at 6'3. I've seen 4/10 faces with 6'3+ height and women constantly looked at them and gave IOIs.
Literal LOL

Such utter bullshit. this is up there with the old classics such as “Women just want nice men who treat them well” and “Women like intelligent men” and “Women like older men” and “Women like muscles”.

Height matters as much as face.
tanx mate, i always listen to femoids' words. they are like jesus to me, for they bring life into earth. now i know that height not matter. i pray now and thank wonmen for make my self-steem higher.


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