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Based Legendary re-post: Today marks 20 years since the Jews declared World War 3 on goykind (Well, 23 years now)

Subhuman Niceguy

Subhuman Niceguy

Jun 18, 2021
I have to post this thread again, because the last thread was corrupted by Ukrainian hackERs.

The events of Tuesday, September 11, 2001 changed the course of the lives of everyone on the planet. I was a boy in the 5th grade on 9/11, since that day, I have not had a single girlfriend, been kissed, or had sex, that is the life of a truecel. Every incel should know the truth of what led to those events taking place that day, do your own research into the things I mention in this post.

Back in the year 1938, the Japanese were trying to take over China. The Japanese had invaded Manchuria (the area around Beijing), and were raping and pillaging the Chinese. The Chinese had a large stash of gold, "Kuomintang gold" , which the Japanese were determined to take. The Kuomintang were the political group who fled to Taiwan, after the communist took control over China. Enter a man named – Yoshio Kodama, a Japanese gangster, whose job it was to extort the Kuomintang gold from the Chinese, and get it back to Japan (gold was also shipped to the Philippines). A Chinese village would be attacked by bandits, Yoshio Kodama and his men would show up, and pretend to help the Chinese with their bandit problems, when in reality, they were just making sure any gold hidden in the village was transported out.

Yoshio Kodama

Yoshio Kodma

In order to keep the Japanese from taking all the Kuomintang gold, the Chinese worked with the United States military to evacuate all of the gold, before the Japanese took it. The Federal Reserve Board of the United States received the gold, and in exchange the Chinese were given 60-year bonds. A bond, is a document that obliges a person or a business to pay back money they borrowed plus interest at a certain date. The Kuomintang gold was shipped to the United States, and the Chinese received a massive amount of bonds. The origin of the Kuomintang gold goes all the way back to the times, when the Romans and the Spanish were buying things from the Chinese with the gold that they had pillaged from other civilizations like the Aztecs.

The Aztecs gave the Spanish large amounts of gold in order to get them to leave, the Spanish never left.

Whites taking ovER Latin AmERica

In the year 1944, the Bretton Woods Conference took place in the United States. Britain, France, and the United States agreed on a 50-year mandate, in which they were supposed to modernize the world, and build up Asia and Africa. Unfortunately, the President of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt was poisoned, and he died of what the authorities called a “cerebral hemorrhage”. Roosevelt’s death left a power vacuum, and a fascist coup took place. The influences of the military-industrial complex won the coup, and instead of building up Asia and Africa, they decided to have a “cold war” between the east and the west (Armageddon). A meeting called “The Green Hilton Memorial”, took place, and the first President of Indonesia, Sukarno, was made the signatory of the bonds that were exchanged for the Kuomintang gold (it is important to note that Barack Obama used to live in Indonesia during his youth).


President Sukarno

President John F. Kennedy received gold from Indonesia, and he put out “Kennedy bonds”, which were bonds that were not owed to the Federal Reserve Board (Executive Order 11110), that is one of the reasons he was assassinated. Sukarno was driven out of power by the Jewish cabal that had control over the west, and the Asians were bullied into submission by the military power of the west. In the year 1968, the individuals who plotted against President John F. Kennedy, mainly the Bush family and Henry Kissinger, began to launder the Kuomintang gold, and they forged the rights to ownership over the gold. It was the money made from laundered Kuomintang gold, which financed various black ops operations throughout the Cold War.

George W. Bush and Henry Kissinger


In the year 1994 exactly 50 years after the Bretton Woods Conference which took place in 1944, the 50-year mandate expired. The western powers had reneged on their promise to build up Asia, and Africa, and they had already laundered the Kuomintang gold. Politicians like President Bill Clinton turned the financial system into a form of extreme gambling, because starting a world war seemed like the best way to get out of the predicament. In the year 1998, China sued the Federal Reserve Board, and basically demanded that the Federal Reserve Board give them back the Kuomintang gold. The Federal Reserve Board argued that they didn’t have to give the gold back, because they had already given a large amount of gold to chairman Mao to help him with his efforts. The Federal Reserve board lost the case in the International Court of Justice, and they were ordered to give the Chinese back the gold. The first shipment of gold was due to be sent back on September 12, 2001.

A terrorist attack happened one day before the first shipment of gold was due, the events of September 11th

Inside job

All of the gold that was held in the basement of the World Trade Center was transported out, and the office of the company that was handling the security of the paperwork that pertained to the Kuomintang gold, Cantor Fitzgerald, was destroyed, and World Trade Center Building 7, which is the location where the treasury police were located was destroyed, and the Federal Reserve Board basically said that the gold was not going to be returned.

The "War on Terrorism" lasted 20 years, and accomplished nothing


There you have it brocels, happy 9/11! :blackpill:
this sounds like something you'd hear on AM radio at 3am
Dangerously based and black pilled thread, buddy boyo.
This does connect with 9/11 and is probably true

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