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Serious Leaving the blackpill and the incel community is low iq (Read this if you are a bluepiller or a lurker)



Blackpill Philosopher
May 10, 2023
Whenever a guy says that he is abandoning the blackpil/incel mindset, he claims that doing so will improve his life and he will finally find true love. Whenever a sub5 male leaves the incel/blackpill mindset, he is still an incel who is lonely and single. These idiots keep complaining that they are still single after rejecting the BP and they don’t realize that they are still an incel after leaving this mindset . If you leave this mindset, you are still an incel, if you don’t accept the BP, you are lying to yourself. It doesn’t matter how many friends you make or how good your Social skills are, or how much you improve you personality, you will still be an incel. Why do these men leave the incel community and they vent on /Incel Exit? It’s because they are reluctant to accept the fact that they will always be a single, lonely sub5 male. Regardless of the advice that women give to you Reddit, that advice is useless if you don’t have 1)looks, 2)status, 3)money/wealth. The women on Reddit will continue to Igive you false hope with their “advice”. Reddit wont save you from inceldom and neither will your self improvement journey. Your self improvement mindset will take you nowhere. If your self improvement journey isn’t bringing results or progress, it simply means that you have failed and no amount of grinding will make up for your loss. Sub5 males have wasted years on these bullshit self improvement journeys, and they still haven’t accomplished anything. Don’t be a fool, accept your fate and move on with your life. You can cope all you want but its not going to anything good for you in the long run, you will still be incel.
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Very true, incels in denial are low iq bluepilled cucks
yeah, JFL at male IT users trying so hard to convince themselves they aren't incel but are involuntarily virgins
yeah, JFL at male IT users trying so hard to convince themselves they aren't incel but are involuntarily virgins
They're desperately trying to get a crumb of puss from those IT foids.
The blackpill will remain true even if a pERson denounces it and tries to forget it (because it exists in the OBJECTIVE PHYSICAL/MATERIAL reality, NOT in your SUBJECTIVE MIND)

So even if initially the pERson’s mindset has changed and they go out into reality with the intention of obsERving evERything through a bluepilled lens, EVENTUALLY reality will remind the pERson of the blackpilled nature of life with such a high level of frequency, regularity and consistency (in othER words, the pERson will be reminded of the harsh nature of reality so often and in such a brutal fashion), that the pERson will NO LONGER have ANY WAY of successfully continuing to fool themselves into accepting a comforting lie/illusion as truth (they will have nowhERe to run or hide from the truth because the truth is right in front of their face whERevER they are, at all times), hence they will have NO CHOICE but to eventually just accept the harsh truth the way it is.

No point in leaving the blackpill to begin with because They will just end up accepting the blackpill again in the long-tERm because Truth remains truth whethER you like the truth or not, And OBJECTIVE reality is detERmined by FACTS (not feelings).

This is precisely what the concept of the blackpill is all about
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You can't abandon it. It's always gonna be something in the back of your mind
No one will listen to you bluepillers have a superiority complex
You can cope all you want but its not going to anything good for you in the long run, you will still be incel.
Its the undesirable truth. Once you have learned the blackpill you can't unsee it nor escape it.
Whenever a guy says that he is abandoning the blackpil/incel mindset, he claims that doing so will improve his life and he will finally find true love. Whenever a sub5 male leaves the incel/blackpill mindset, he is still an incel who is lonely and single. These idiots keep complaining that they are still single after rejecting the BP and they don’t realize that they are still an incel after leaving this mindset . If you leave this mindset, you are still an incel, if you don’t accept the BP, you are lying to yourself. It doesn’t matter how many friends you make or how good your Social skills are, or how much you improve you personality, you will still be an incel. Why do these men leave the incel community and they vent on /Incel Exit? It’s because they are reluctant to accept the fact that they will always be a single, lonely sub5 male. Regardless of the advice that women give to you Reddit, that advice is useless if you don’t have 1)looks, 2)status, 3)money/wealth. The women on Reddit will continue to Igive you false hope with their “advice”. Reddit wont save you from inceldom and neither will your self improvement journey. Your self improvement mindset will take you nowhere. If your self improvement journey isn’t bringing results or progress, it simply means that you have failed and no amount of grinding will make up for your loss. Sub5 males have wasted years on these bullshit self improvement journeys, and they still haven’t accomplished anything. Don’t be a fool, accept your fate and move on with your life. You can cope all you want but its not going to anything good for you in the long run, you will still be incel.
You may be done with the blackpill but the blackpill is never done with you.

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