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JFL Least cucked rice business

White normies get to bust their nuts into tight asian cunts like there's no tommorrow no doubt they end up so gookphiles, they can't have that experience anywhere in white lands
asians cucking themselves like this is nothing new.
i've seen quite a few WMAW couples in video games and anime.
asians cucking themselves like this is nothing new.
i've seen quite a few WMAW couples in video games and anime.
We need a day of the rope for the cucks responsible for this (in video game).
Whitu cockru ONRY
If owned a restaurant I would ban JBW noodlewhores
I've ordered from this place a few times, they have good food.
Absorutery Brutar
These same subredditors will go on to deny the racepill.
The cognitive dissounace is always so weird to see.

these niggers will go on to admit how white men and white women are adored by shitskins, then if YOU say "Well, that just means whites are superior" they start chimping out, like who do they not see the corelation?
White normies get to bust their nuts into tight asian cunts like there's no tommorrow no doubt they end up so gookphiles, they can't have that experience anywhere in white lands
Like I said, ricecucks dont deserve any sympathy, these little yellow insects do this to themselves

asians cucking themselves like this is nothing new.
i've seen quite a few WMAW couples in video games and anime.
Like Naruto and DBZ. blonde blue eyed man with his chink noodle whore wife

Is there any subreddit more pathetic than the whiny azn subs?
You know that server wants to go ER on those 2 guys
There's also one where he's kneeling :lul:
we have a new beach pic
we have a new beach pic
Nothing will ever beat the beach pic since nothing so readily in a casual manner shows the obsession AF have with WM and their disdain for AM

The beach pic can NOT be topped. It was what convinced my brother of the racepill, that's how BRUTAL it is
Nothing will ever beat the beach pic since nothing so readily in a casual manner shows the obsession AF have with WM and their disdain for AM

The beach pic can NOT be topped. It was what convinced my brother of the racepill, that's how BRUTAL it is
What’s the beach pic?
Legit over for chinks
Asians are a cucked race.
They see an indian guy dating an asian girl and they get all pissy
But theyre fine with hordes of whites go to japan to claim one of their women as their anime waifus and think "oh wow so based"
Not even denying it kek. Asian families know what's up :forcedsmile:
Ricecucks would die off very fast if their genes were recessive. :feelskek:
it must be brutal being a ricecel
The cognitive dissounace is always so weird to see.

these niggers will go on to admit how white men and white women are adored by shitskins, then if YOU say "Well, that just means whites are superior" they start chimping out, like who do they not see the corelation?
The cognitive dissounace is always so weird to see.

these niggers will go on to admit how white men and white women are adored by shitskins, then if YOU say "Well, that just means whites are superior" they start chimping out, like who do they not see the corelation?
It's pretty funny. You can go as far with the racepill as you want on Reddit, even further than most people would here probably, but as long as you keep anything unchangeable out of it, such as genes or physical characteristics being objectively bad, and say that it's all just a "legacy of colonialism" or about power inequalities (conveniently ignoring all the while that white worship is strongest in East Asia, which is the world's second-strongest region after the West and also has the least history of European colonization and domination) then it's A-okay to soys.

Never forget that time when IT happily agreed with a pinned racepill thread here:

Or this, which I now literally found after about 20 seconds of scrolling on their page:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTears/comments/1euwmm5/comment/lj1ueik/

I've said it a few times already and will keep on saying it, if this site goes down, ethnics can just change their vocabulary a bit and go to Reddit, it's the whitecels who will have to search for a new place to frequent:feelsjuice:.
It's pretty funny. You can go as far with the racepill as you want on Reddit, even further than most people would here probably, but as long as you keep anything unchangeable out of it, such as genes or physical characteristics being objectively bad, and say that it's all just a "legacy of colonialism" or about power inequalities (conveniently ignoring all the while that white worship is strongest in East Asia, which is the world's second-strongest region after the West and also has the least history of European colonization and domination) then it's A-okay to soys.
It's so pathetic the mental blockade that prevents these clowns from simply going all the way with it. It has to remain a half-truth for them so that their religion of liberalism isn't blasphemed. It's even more pathetic because history shows it has fuck all to do with colonialism. Romans and Chinese used to be civilizationally superior, yet they still lusted after Scandinavian/Manchurian pussy since they were whiter than them. Or even the Ottomans and their obsession with slavic foids. Nothing in history ever backs them up. Even the fucking INCAS, who lived completley isolated from Europeans, would worship albinos born among them and give them HAREMS so they could spread their albino genes around.

In fact, I made a really long post on by ricecucks thread about how Hazara (mongol descendants in Afghanistan) thirsting after Pashtun (aryan) features proves that its innate, as these Hazaras dont have ACCESS to western media yet, by "pure coincidence" they also started worshipping the closesest proximity to whiteness around them. I will copy-paste it here in a bit.

And yeah, Asia being the least colonized yet the most white-worshipping shows what I've said before: It's actually about who is more caucasion. The more caucasion you are, the less you'll generally thirst after white genes. It's why arabs are usually the least white worshipping, or eager to mix with whites, followed by Central Asians. Asia being so powerful yet still white worshipping shows it has fuckall to do with le power dynamics. Even indians get easy pussy from noodlewhores in Singapore. Explain that? It's not because india is richer than China, its not because India colonized asia, its because indians look caucasion. Hell, maybe if asia WAS colonized, they could have had some white genes raped into their bloodlines to make them less subhuman.

Now that I mention it, this is actually one of the reasons I laugh my ass off when I see asian nationalists cry and bitch about arabs, pakis, or kurdish immigrants in china/korea/japan, since its not equal to what whites are going through. It's a typical mongoloid attempt to mimic whites without understanding nuance. Whites dont want these types in their countries since they will make them more brown/uglier. Whereas these sand/curry immigrants in Asia will objectively upgrade the mongoloid blood in their populations, so seeing some flat faced chink cry about "muh sand nigger refugees need to leave japan" doesn't hit the same when 99% of their women would fuck the sand refugees. I've already posted countless tiktoks before of iranian men having kids with jap sluts, like this one iranian/jap athlete who's like 6'4 JFL obviously thanks to his iranian half.

White men who copulate with Asian whores deserve every once of misery their choice brings them and their families. Be it their hapa children hating them, or their hapa children going ER. It's nothing but pure selfishness, because these white men dont like Asian women, I will never be convinced of this bullshit that white men like asian women. They only go for asian women because of how EASY it is to get them, asian women have the lowest standards out of any race of women, even black women, went it comes to white men. I will never understand how braindead you would have to be as a white man to curse your child with not benefitting from JBW.

A part of me has accepted that most of these WM dont give a fuck about their hapa sons, they just want easy access to pussy. I ALWAYS love to bring up this one post from r/asianmasculinity of some Hapa kid who was struggling with getting pussy, he asked his dad how he attracted his whore yellow mom, and the dad said "I'm white" (according to the poster, he said it in a nonchalant way).

FFS, I remember seeing some clip on twitter of some white youtuber who married an asian whore, and he was complaining about how his baby was too asian-looking. Imagine being that baby and growing up to see that? The mental anguish must be unreal.

However, the biggest point of mental anguish that stems from WMAF is that the asian bitch is effectively a "war bride" to her husband. A concubine. Conquered property of the white race. Dont for one SECOND think the men in these Asian countries have forgotten things like the opium wars, nagasaki, or the vietnam war. So a Hapa son growing up learning of what his white dad's race did to his asian mom's race, only for his mom to STILL choose to fuck a white man essentially permanently shoves that in his face. A permanent reminder to the hapa son how men like his DAD humiliated men like HIM, and that he will never be a man like his dad.

Even normies noticed this patteren, that's how you know its bad. I saw a reddit post YEARS AGO asking why there are no "iraqi war brides" or "afghan war brides" in america like there are with korean whores, and most of the comments were acknowledging that Arabs are less white worshipping and less cucked that noodle monkeys. Even when an arab woman does marry a white guy, its almost always in the context of that white guy becoming muslim, meaning his wealth/time/attention will go to further the cause of Islam, in turn acting as an asset towards Islamic causes, so its far less cucked.

Even IF a white man has a genuine attraction for asian women, at least have mercy on your kids. THINK about your kids. The only time Hapas should ever be created is if they are born and STAY in asian countries. I've said this before: A hapa living among whites will suffer immensely, a hapa living among asians will be adored. So many celebreties in Thailand/Philippines are now half white because of the SEAmaxxing.
Chink cope masculinity is clownfuel
asians need to hight latinomaxx and favelaexecutionmaxx to boost their intimidation and scare off these cucked wmaf couples

el chapo is 5'6 even shorter than a lot of asians yet white men fear him like theres no tomorrow

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