Women: "I'm going to ignore all sub-6 men who would happily marry me and dedicate their lives to making me as happy as possible so long as I don't cuck them and give them sex once a week. I'm sooooooooooooo alone I have no friends."
"Omg yeah sister, you tell them, ur a princess you deserve the best sister, never lower your standards, you are worth so much more hun xoxoxoxox"
Men: "I haven't spoken to anybody in 6 months. Whenever I speak to men or women, they laugh at me and turn their backs. I don't care what people look like or who they are, I just want to speak to somebody."
"Omg u fucking volcel, stop being so fucking picky, omg, typical incel y'all lmao y'all, just get out there and stop being a fuckin pussy."