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Venting Knowing that I have no future has led to me becoming completely apathetic and nihilistic about life

  • Thread starter Deleted member 24081
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Deleted member 24081

Jan 16, 2020
Recently I’ve been filling myself up with fast food without a care in the world. This has been spurred on by realising that the likelihood of me having a good future ahead of myself and having positive future prospects is very low indeed. I’ve lost all motivation in my life to the point where I simply do not care about getting back in shape and losing the ton of weight that I have put on in recent months, or doing any sort of self improvement for that matter. At this stage, I am a slave to instant gratification because it’s the only thing that gives me a little bit of happiness in my miserable but otherwise boring life.

What’s the point in doing things to improve myself and my life if it’s futile to begin with? In the current social climate, I will never be able to get married to a chaste, virtuous woman and start a family. I’ll never achieve the things that I want to because there’s always something holding me back. Even creating this very thread required a good amount of focus because I’m so utterly numb to everything and hardly use my brain anymore.

I’ve given up with life. I’m just waiting to die at this point because I no longer see any point in living. What’s there to live for? I’m completely apathetic. I just don’t care about my health anymore. Nihilism has me in a stranglehold.
You should pursue what makes you feel good tbh. I mean why not? If it's already over for you then coping with food seems reasonable.
I’ve given up with life. I’m just waiting to die at this point because I no longer see any point in living.
I've felt like that for years now. This is why I think that my rotting is basically a lead up to suicide, although it might take another decade or two.
Recently I’ve been filling myself up with fast food without a care in the world. This has been spurred on by realising that the likelihood of me having a good future ahead of myself and having positive future prospects is very low indeed. I’ve lost all motivation in my life to the point where I simply do not care about getting back in shape and losing the ton of weight that I have put on in recent months, or doing any sort of self improvement for that matter. At this stage, I am a slave to instant gratification because it’s the only thing that gives me a little bit of happiness in my miserable but otherwise boring life.

What’s the point in doing things to improve myself and my life if it’s futile to begin with? In the current social climate, I will never be able to get married to a chaste, virtuous woman and start a family. I’ll never achieve the things that I want to because there’s always something holding me back. Even creating this very thread required a good amount of focus because I’m so utterly numb to everything and hardly use my brain anymore.

I’ve given up with life. I’m just waiting to die at this point because I no longer see any point in living. What’s there to live for? I’m completely apathetic. I just don’t care about my health anymore. Nihilism has me in a stranglehold.

Fast food is a good cope to help you forget about things if done sparingly tbh
What kind of fast food do you like best?
Self improvement is useless anyway, a bluepilled cope. You either have a good bone structure or you don't. Jfl at the bluepilled morons popping their veins out at the gym everyday for nothing at all.
be careful with fast food

i was food coping tow years ago and i gained like 50-60 pounds. I've lost it since and am normal weight now but being fat incel sucks, you look and feel terrible, even worse than when you were skinny
I've felt like that for years now. This is why I think that my rotting is basically a lead up to suicide, although it might take another decade or two.
I wish I had the courage to neck myself.
Fast food is a good cope to help you forget about things if done sparingly tbh
What kind of fast food do you like best?
McDonald’s I guess. I like burgers :p
be careful with fast food

i was food coping tow years ago and i gained like 50-60 pounds. I've lost it since and am normal weight now but being fat incel sucks, you look and feel terrible, even worse than when you were skinny
I know I’ve put on a lot of weight already. I used to be skinny but now I’m a fat fuck and I feel like utter shit.
The royal family is living in luxury while young people like you aren't even sure to get a job after graduation, jfl at this clown world.
And people in this cuck country call the Royal Family “a part of our culture” JFL
and the fucking prince married a none British wife, jfl he couldn't get a princes from a province or something, jfl a member of the royal family has her ass pics all over the internet.
Prince Harry got a used up, glorified, half breed, post wall prostitute for a wife and gave up hunting because his wife didn’t like it JFL
Existential nihilism is the only rational conclusion.
and he sold his hand made hunting tools :lul: :lul: :lul:
Literally over for him at this point. He could have had any woman he pleased and he ended up with a prostitute. If he can only get that, what chance does a sub 5 nihilistic autist like me have? :lul:
And people in this cuck country call the Royal Family “a part of our culture” JFL
They're German Greek mix, not even of here originally, ridiculous.
I know that feel bro. I have myself been feeling despondent even though I have faith in Christ now. I fully trust Christ for my salvation, but unfortunately, I'm still in the flesh and feel like doing certain things that seem impossible to pull off successfully nowadays, let alone as an incel.
I feel you OP. To give you a heads up, it will not get better. I'm 32, unemployed,bald,fat, virgin and living with my parents. All I do is fap, eat, shit, play vidya gaems, daydream,sleep and browse the net, every single day. When you got nothing to live for you just become numb and just accept it. We truly were born in the worst time in human history.
They're German Greek mix, not even of here originally, ridiculous.
I know it’s a joke. We haven’t had a true English King since Godwinson.
it's over foe the UK at this point, the royal blood will be dirty in the new royal generations.
Harry has tainted the bloodline but he’s rumoured to be a bastard. Regardless of whether that’s true or not, hes brought a prostitute into the royal fold. Pathetic.
I know that feel bro. I have myself been feeling despondent even though I have faith in Christ now. I fully trust Christ for my salvation, but unfortunately, I'm still in the flesh and feel like doing certain things that seem impossible to pull off successfully nowadays, let alone as an incel.
I tried having faith in the past. I still have a KJV Bible in my book collection but I’ve lost interest in religion and faith at this point. Just seems like a waste of time as sad as it is for me to say that.
I try to focus on stuff like learning python, but just endup watching porn all day.
I feel you OP. To give you a heads up, it will not get better. I'm 32, unemployed,bald,fat, virgin and living with my parents. All I do is fap, eat, shit, play vidya gaems, daydream,sleep and browse the net, every single day. When you got nothing to live for you just become numb and just accept it. We truly were born in the worst time in human history.
Oh don’t worry bro I know it won’t get any better, which is one of the reasons why I’m so depressed and apathetic about the future. I was born in the wrong time period it seems. I guess that’s just the way God or whoever made me intended it to be.
I try to focus on stuff like learning python, but just endup watching porn all day.
I just end up in the same cycle of browsing co and watching YouTube all day. Nothing else to do or live for.
ill get myself a fat stack of chips, a new vidya and energy drinks tomorrow tbh. Gotta treat myself
Recently I’ve been filling myself up with fast food without a care in the world. This has been spurred on by realising that the likelihood of me having a good future ahead of myself and having positive future prospects is very low indeed. I’ve lost all motivation in my life to the point where I simply do not care about getting back in shape and losing the ton of weight that I have put on in recent months, or doing any sort of self improvement for that matter. At this stage, I am a slave to instant gratification because it’s the only thing that gives me a little bit of happiness in my miserable but otherwise boring life.

What’s the point in doing things to improve myself and my life if it’s futile to begin with? In the current social climate, I will never be able to get married to a chaste, virtuous woman and start a family. I’ll never achieve the things that I want to because there’s always something holding me back. Even creating this very thread required a good amount of focus because I’m so utterly numb to everything and hardly use my brain anymore.

I’ve given up with life. I’m just waiting to die at this point because I no longer see any point in living. What’s there to live for? I’m completely apathetic. I just don’t care about my health anymore. Nihilism has me in a stranglehold.

Honestly I don't blame any man for giving up

there's not to work hard for or care about, tbh
Indulgence will suck your left joy even more over the long run. Likewise for sluts, who indulge in dicks.
I never understood Religion without faith - but can see how some people see it as "comfy" thing or "societal rule institution". No interest in this also for me. Dry. But Jesus is the living water and he has a massive interest in you.
Heb 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Today - where are the women who appreciate, what a man sacrifice? I have often the impression it is only for "keeping the relationship", that she doesn't flee, not a gift to show love for her, and receive thankfulness back. Adultery is normalized in a mogging competition.
Anyway, not only for God but also for a potential marriage I don't give fully into acedia(despite it's my natural tendency since birth). C.S. Lewis married with 57 years. When I keep Incel till dead, then it is so, but I want not to hinder such a miracle much more than my looks already do. This doesn't mean, that I self-improve for potential marriage, but also will not doing the opposite.
TBH I felt like you some month ago. Numb and looking at the white wall was the best to do. It is better now, especially after some days of companionship with brothers and sisters.
I need to lose 100lbs but it is very difficult to find the motivation when you have no Becky to lose the weight for. I will just be a thinner truecel after weight loss.
My condolences.

I understand the feels.

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