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LifeFuel Killing mice is fun



Aug 15, 2018
It's my new hobby. I have mice in my home now, these pictures are taken within 3 days:

P 20231225 090858
P 20231228 092538
P 20231228 172656
P 20231229 023647
P 20231229 042020
P 20231229 094604
"Oh wow, free cheese! I can't wait until I get to eat again, I'm so hungr"-ACK!
anon is sociopath jfl


  • image_2023-12-29_184806601.png
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Over for micecels! :feelsrope::feelsrope:
me in a few years
Based, I always hated Jerry
"Oh wow, free cheese! I can't wait until I get to eat again, I'm so hungr"-ACK!
Yea but i prefer honey mixed with sunflower seeds as bait, works like a charm. Yesterday i had to put down a mouse who didn't die in the trap.
Hitler also started killing little animals. Oh boy, here we go again
Nigga wtf :dafuckfeels:

How do you live in a house infested with mice? I'd rather skin myself alive than sleep in an environment with mice in it :feelsree:
Nigga wtf :dafuckfeels:

How do you live in a house infested with mice? I'd rather skin myself alive than sleep in an environment with mice in it :feelsree:
They won't come near you when you sleep, they are too afraid of humans, rats are way scarier in my opinion. I haven't heard them now for a day atleast so they might be gone already. A house usually have around 12 mice but i live in a small house/cabin.

Most of them are in the attic and kitchen area.
Over for mickeymousecels
anon is sociopath jfl
I like birds though and i want to protect wild birds at all costs. One of the reasons i have mice in my home is because i feed birds everyday so the bird food attracts mice.
I feel this way but about baby monkeys. Too bad I don't live in a SEA shithole where I can find them.
Rat poison that most use isnt any more humane, its brutal slow death.
Well, we all need a hobby.
How could you:feelsree:
Dis why you're inkwel
Try to catch one alive and hang it.
I gotta say the wood mouse species are kinda cute though.
I agree they are very cute like most animals but I do not want them in my home living breeding pissing and shitting everywhere, it is nasty.
Are you that suicidal guy from that happy people show?
Try to catch one alive and hang it.
Prior to setting all the traps i was actually thinking of collecting all the dead mice and eating them, it's free food after all, but i gotta learn how to skin them and it would take some time. Not muuch protein in the end unless you collect like 50 mice.

The Ethics Of Killing Vermin​


The Ethics Of Killing Vermin
A Personal Opinion From Experience

The definitive record of the English language – the 20 volume Oxford English Dictionary, second edition, 1989 – defines vermin as (i) “animals of a noxious or objectionable kind [and which are] almost entirely restricted to those animals or birds which prey upon preserved game, crops, etcetera” and also as (ii) referring to “creeping or wingless insects (and other minute animals) of a loathsome or offensive appearance or character, especially those which infest or are parasitic on living beings and plants.”

Although the killing of vermin – especially those that prey upon preserved game and crops and those which infest or are parasitic on living beings and plants – is common practice in the majority of modern societies especially among farmers, gardeners, and horticulturalists, what aroused my curiosity about the ethics involved was a problem a long-standing friend of mine, who with his family were ethical vegans and trying to live in a self-sufficient way, was having with rats devouring their crops.

Before my retirement – as an old man – from manual work I had spent many, many, years working on farms, working as a gardener, and working in commercial horticulture. On the last farm on which I lived I had no problem hunting down and shooting the fox that had decimated the chickens we kept; had no problem in having Jack Russell’s hunt down and kill rats infesting the barns; had no ethical problem in previous employments in using pesticides and herbicides via knapsacks and tractor driven boom-sprayers. For the health of the livestock, and the health and yield of crops and plants, were part of my responsibility, a responsibility I willingly accepted.

Yet what was a self-sufficient ethical vegan and his self-sufficient ethical vegan family to do in respect of vermin control when suggested non-harmful methods – such as using raised crop beds and humanely trapping and releasing pests elsewhere – had failed? In addition, in the case of rats, would the released pests go on to prey on the crops of someone else and therefore would the vegans be somehow morally responsible for the damage so caused?

My initial suggestion, based both on my practical experience and my interest in Ancient Greek and Latin literature, was for him to use Jack Russell’s to hunt down and kill the rats. For would he – as Creon hoped by his walling-in of Antigone alive in a rock-hewn tomb {1} and as Fabius Maximus, Pontifex of Rome, hoped when he had a Vestal Virgin buried alive {2} – escape retribution by Μοῖραι τρίμορφοι μνήμονές τ᾽ Ἐρινύες {3} because he and they had not personally undertaken the deed of killing?

Such pest control certainly seems to be a moral dilemma for an ethical vegan, committed as such a person is to not harming or causing suffering to living beings, human and otherwise. Would, for instance, it be necessary for he and his family to suffer, to go hungry, because of a refusal to kill – directly or otherwise – such vermin as were devouring their crops?

My fallible conclusion in respect of his dilemma was that it is for my friend, for each ethical vegan, for each ethical vegan family, to resolve such a moral dilemma in their own way and in their own time; for such individual, such familial, resolution seems to me – according to my admittedly fallible understanding of ethical veganism – to be a necessary part of the vegan weltanschauung where there is not and should not be any reliance on ideations, on dogma, on ideology, on the opinions of others, or on any causal – human-invented – abstractions.

For myself and in respect of vermin I would probably do again what I did when working on farms, when working as a gardener, and when working in commercial horticulture. The raison d’être being that to survive, to prosper, as human beings on this planet it seems to me (based on my experience) that we sometimes of necessity must make difficult decisions in regard to other life while respecting – as I personally always tried to do and as so many others before me had ancestrally done – the being, the soul, the presencing of the Cosmos, that was temporarily manifest in the life that we ended, be such life a fox or even a tree we felled. For there was no joy in such an ending, only – again in my experience – a balancing mingled with a wordless respect for all emanations of life. For ultimately we are they – that life – as they, that life, are us, with such an ancient and natural paganus wisdom almost forgotten in this modern majority city-dwelling age. And yet this wisdom survives – if only just – in some of those who for decades have manually toiled in the countryside.

To end on a personal note, and in regard to abstractions, I have to admit that my long-standing – and now vegan – friend was the one who was responsible, years ago, for drawing my attention to the fact that the “folk” and “the tribe”, which I had eulogized in my pre-2011 ‘numinous way’, were causal – human-invented – abstractions and thus seemed to be contrary to the individual empathic-derived ethics of that numinous way. Which revelation forced me to reconsider that ‘numinous way’ and formed an important part of the process that eventually led me to evolve that ‘numinous way’ into my individualistic philosophy of pathei-mathos.

David Myatt
August 2018
{1} ἄγων ἔρημος ἔνθ᾽ ἂν ᾖ βροτῶν στίβος
κρύψω πετρώδει ζῶσαν ἐν κατώρυχι,
φορβῆς τοσοῦτον ὡς ἄγος μόνον προθείς,
ὅπως μίασμα πᾶσ᾽ ὑπεκφύγῃ πόλις.
κἀκεῖ τὸν Ἅιδην, ὃν μόνον σέβει θεῶν,
αἰτουμένη που τεύξεται τὸ μὴ θανεῖν,
ἢ γνώσεται γοῦν ἀλλὰ τηνικαῦθ᾽ ὅτι
πόνος περισσός ἐστι τἀν Ἅιδου σέβειν.

She will be led to where the paths are desolate of mortals
And be concealed alive in a rock-hewn tomb
With as much food before her as is required for expiation
So that the whole clan escapes pollution.
There she may if she asks have success from dying
By giving reverence to Hades, the only god she reveres –
Or she will learn at last though late by this
That it is useless toil to so revere Hades.

Sophocles, Antigone, vv. 773-780

{2} Stupri compertae et altera sub terra, uti mos est, ad portam Collinam necata fuerat. (Livy, Book XXII, 57)

{3} “Trimorphed Moirai with their ever-heedful Furies.” Aeschylus (attributed), Prometheus Bound, 516

Image credit: The Day’s Consecration – from a painting by Richard Moult
how many of them are foids
how many of them are foids
I never sexed them, but if there is one foid mouse and one male then there's gotta be atelast 15 mice, since they breed every 21 days or so.

I haven't heard any mice activity now for almost 24hrs so i might have exterminated all of them. Maybe new ones will move in soon.
I like Mice personally. They are cute.
finally a good post
Nigga wtf :dafuckfeels:

How do you live in a house infested with mice? I'd rather skin myself alive than sleep in an environment with mice in it :feelsree:
I just started having mice in my house. Tbh I don't wanna kill them they look cute lol. Three of them came out a small little hole in the wall and were just looking at me squeaking before they ran off. I did eventually put some poison out but I did see some last night. My dad told me to just bring a cat home
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I've killed so many rats-mice, house gecko-liazrds, pigeons and such invading fucks, not because i hated them but to keep my home safe from possible infestation
I just started having mice in my house. Tbh I don't wanna kill them they look cute lol. Three of them came out a small little hole in the wall and were just looking at me squeaking before they ran off. I did eventually put some poison out but I did see some last night. My dad told me to just bring a cat home
Bucket traps are more effective than a cat:

View: https://youtu.be/jLD8Sh8cobA?si=vw4xONjXwabSIZ0T

View: https://youtu.be/pHwvVPT202Y?si=ESbyNug5C2mEjbPL
Not entirely true. I've read mice and rats can smell the scent of cats and will know it's not a good place to stay. At my parents house we had four cats at one point and I've never seen a mice/rat there in my entire life
Not everyone wants to have a cat. A cats piss and shit smells really bad. Mice piss and shit is odorless in comparison.

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