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Theory "KFC and Watermelon" diet responsible for Height and Big Dick (BBC)

Like I said their brains are genetically incapable of staying on a single argument for any extended period of times. This is why debating them is always a headache
@Indracel was very good at it tbh, but he would be considered a leftist shoving carl marx dildos by this dude.
he could have been 6'4'' if he had meat diet.

he lost three inches of height from not eating meat.

you on the other hand would have been 5'8'' if you had non-meat diet. you having eaten meat helped you to reach your full genetic height.

like if you give good fertilizers to a plant , it will grow to its full potential may be exceed a bit. but give it no fertilizer it will not reach its full potential.

indian (hindu) men are fucked physically for not eating meat.
Cope it would've barely made a difference. No nutrition for your genes.
Cope it would've barely made a difference. No nutrition for your genes.
Maybe it could effect in margin of 2%. But across generations some effect will be seen with anything.
@Made in Heaven curry invasion of the thread jfl. Good example of what you were talking about.
Not any curry but myself @anandkonda . Also not a invasion, more of a hostile takeover
Like I said their brains are genetically incapable of staying on a single argument for any extended period of times. This is why debating them is always a headache
Yeah right? We curries are masters in debate. We literally destroyed Buddhism in India without shedding a single drop of blood, all through debate.

Debate is good. You sand nigger countries always bomb each other for petty shit

KFC and Watermelon, (fried chicken and watermelon) the staple diet that has been the trademark of African origin people living in European colonies around the world.

due to the ease of farming and high yield , chicken and watermelon became the staple of Black Communities. lard (left over pig fat collected from white butchers), grain flour leftover batter fried chicken and watermelon became a household menu.

The white community mocked the Blacks for their diet but as soon as more and more white women were getting caught in compromising situation with gentlemen from the lower strata of the society , the smile vanished from the faces of White men.


and What caused this???

What our distant relatives who hailed from the sub-sahran Africa known for around the world ??? - Height and Big dick (BBC)

Let us see what causes a child to have good Height (at least 6'3'') and a big dick (8''), what a child needs during his development years (6-14):

1. Vitamin D3 ( blacks used to get this from working in the field now the get it while walking to their Hood KFC).

2. Vitamin B1, B6, B12 (the KFC rice batter, wheat flour contains these)

3. Zinc, Sodium, Calcium, Thianin ( all of these are contained in the KFC spices and are listed as natural flavours and also from Watermelon)

4. Vitamin C and Vitamin K ( from the Watermelon and as we all know Blacks also devour the Watermelon seeds thus it helps them get Vitamin K)

5. Protein ( Yes the most important thing, Chicken is the best source of Protein and KFC chicken is the best and world's cheapest protein ever known to mankind, more on this.)

Before we go any further on the points lets see if any race is not following ^these things and suffering the consequences ?

Yes . Indians (Hindus only), only race in this world where men are going shorter and losing penis size while the country is economically booming.
Image 5

Most Indian parents discourage their children from playing the sun to prevent them from getting dark and also due to vegetarian diet , a monstrous 79% Urban Indians (Hindus) are protein deficient.


This has caused the new generation of Indian (Hindu) men grow shorter than even their parents.

This low sun-exposed and protein deficient , skinny fat phenotype has been categorized in the medical community as the dreaded "Skinny Fat" phenotype.

The reason why Pajeets suffer from Skinny fat syndrome, is because the bri‘ish regularly starved them. They made them eat each other out of starvation and apparently it was so bad that it burned into their dna. Making them hold any fat they get as long as possible fearing a next famine.
Maybe it could effect in margin of 2%. But across generations some effect will be seen with anything.
Nutrition only has a generational effect. It's not going to drastically affect a single individual.
Cope it would've barely made a difference. No nutrition for your genes.
there's been a significant height difference shown when a country went from a de-industrialised to post-industrial phase
Nutrition only has a generational effect. It's not going to drastically affect a single individual.
True but in 400 years it will affect. Dutch became tall they used to just short just 300 years ago.
Nutrition only has a generational effect. It's not going to drastically affect a single individual.
because countries that went from shithole to developed didn't make that happen in a generation
Like Japan? They're still manlets.
Yeah, they maxxed out their genetics, 5'7 average is the best they're going to get but it was much lower 100 years ago, it was much shorter than 5'7
Dang so if i ate nigger food and worked in the sun I too could be taller and blacker?

uncle Ruckus GIF
So curries got shorter overtime because they were pedos?
That's because of increased rice consumption. Nigger congress replaced white rice with millets in south india
Question what percent of population reproduced? I mean if shorter people were removed from dating pool the height will sky rocket
Not sure, the birth rate was really high during the Victorian Era, but even if they didn't practice sexual selection the average still wouldn't be 5'5-5'7, they ate shit tier diets and worked in coal mines
True look at this

Don't you see a pattern of rice eating people being shorter
Protein is what increases HGH production. Doesn't what type of rice you eat. South Indians are shorter than North Indians because their height genetics are simply worse.
Protein is what increases HGH production. Doesn't what type of rice you eat. South Indians are shorter than North Indians because their height genetics are simply worse.
Exactly. Rice has no protein and only carbs, it's equal to eating sugar. Replacing wheat with rice will increase protein by 30% in a average Indian diet.

White rice especially decrease height because it effects IGF-1 or something
North Indians because their height genetics are simply worse.
They got worse. Us South Indian ruled these North niggers with Satavahana empire. We drove away sandniggers and didn't get cucked like those Northerners
Exactly. Rice has no protein and only carbs, it's equal to eating sugar. Replacing wheat with rice will increase protein by 30% in a average Indian diet.

White rice especially decrease height because it effects IGF-1 or something
The meat that South Indians consume contains more protein than the wheat North Indians consume.
The meat that South Indians consume contains more protein than the wheat North Indians consume.
But it will have no effect due to rice. Rice will reduce growth hormone because of IGF-1 or something.

You can get protein from being veg also, but rice vs wheat factor is quite evident in height of a state
They got worse. Us South Indian ruled these North niggers with Satavahana empire. We drove away sandniggers and didn't get cucked like those Northerners
That doesn't prove your height genetics are better. Also North is easier to invade geographically.
But it will have no effect due to rice. Rice will reduce growth hormone because of IGF-1 or something.

You can get protein from being veg also, but rice vs wheat factor is quite evident in height of a state
Balanced diet mogs every other diet plan
But it will have no effect due to rice. Rice will reduce growth hormone because of IGF-1 or something.

You can get protein from being veg also, but rice vs wheat factor is quite evident in height of a state
Is there a source that claims rice stunts growth?
That doesn't prove your height genetics are better. Also North is easier to invade geographically.
No, those cucked Rajput and Buddhists bended over to sandniggers.

We South Indian though were defeated rose back and pushed them out since Ashoka time.
Is there a source that claims rice stunts growth?
More of a correlation is present. The most rice eating SEA is the shortest. Koreans and Chinese grew taller from moving from rice to meat.
Like Japan? They're still manlets.
Also keep in mind I don't mean nutrition means everything, genetics wins in the end when you have maximised it, Tamils are 5'8.5'' on average in Singapore (taller as compared to India) because they have better living conditions but Punjabis are taller when you account for both genetics and nutrition. There's of course the South Sudanese but certain populations are unaffected by environmental factors and grow regardless, whilst others are more sensitive to it.
You literally just went on a tangent out of no where. @Copexodius Maximus
Yeah, sand niggers are incapable of talking and resolving issues on tables and resort to shitty never ending wars
no it taste good
It tastes like nothing. It will taste sweet if you chew it long enough. That's because rice = sugar to our body. All of them are carbs.

Carb intake should not be more than 250 g
More of a correlation is present. The most rice eating SEA is the shortest. Koreans and Chinese grew taller from moving from rice to meat.
Koreans and Chinese are taller because they take HGH the most. Japs consume more meat and less rice than them and yet they're shorter.
Koreans and Chinese are taller because they take HGH the most. Japs consume more meat and less rice than them and yet they're shorter.
They still got taller even before HGH. Probably due to both but rice clearly effects height looking at data
They still got taller even before HGH. Probably due to both but rice clearly effects height looking at data
They only started getting taller coincidentally after a chink scientist discovered HGH in the late 60s.
They only started getting taller coincidentally after a chink scientist discovered HGH in the late 60s.
Really? So why didn't Japanese pump their heights too. So Japan is least heightist out of all the chinks?
They only started getting taller coincidentally after a chink scientist discovered HGH in the late 60s.
Still rice is responsible for them being short before that
Really? So why didn't Japanese pump their heights too. So Japan is least heightist out of all the chinks?
Not sure. Maybe out of pride, they refuse to use something that was recently discovered by the Chinese.
Dang so if i ate nigger food and worked in the sun I too could be taller and blacker?

uncle Ruckus GIF
Niggers are shorter than mayos on average. This sand nigger's "analysis" is bullshit.
You literally just went on a tangent out of no where. @Copexodius Maximus
Also funny to see kikes and mullas call each other back to back. Both are the same. Both cut their dicks. Both wear hats. Both rape children.
Not any curry but myself @anandkonda . Also not a invasion, more of a hostile takeover
It was referencing something funny he said on another post.

You literally just went on a tangent out of no where. @Copexodius Maximus
Insulting you based on race. Pretty common on this forum tbh.

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