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Serious Kebab removal in new zealand

Your stupidity. Your people asked us to come over to yoir country and help them.
I give you 15 minures to admit that you are a low iq faggot or
Nobody asked me. Or my parents or grandparents. Still you come in droves, claiming "asylum" or "family reunion". You should go back to where you came from. That would benefit everyone.
And the western media will report on this for even less than a minute and then forget about it. If the roles were reversed, it'd be all over the news for weeks.
Nonsense. It's the other way around.
Your stupidity. Your people asked us to come over to yoir country and help them.
"Small children are said to be among the dead, and bodies have been reported laying on the ground outside." I can't believe you guys are cheering dead kids. Some of you genuinely deserve inceldom if you are happy about dead kids.
When are you going to condemn your fellow Muslims for killing kids?
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Was Elliot Rodger really the supreme gentleman if he didn't go into a mosque shooting people on behalf of the death of m'lady?

Just food for thought.
The responses ITT are a great representative of how ethnicels really feel about whitecels.

And if the roles were reversed they would all be celebrating and supporting it. But they get a little taste of their own medicine and all of a sudden they start WKing for their fellow shitskins and advocating that all whites be exterminated.
Almost 40% of the USA is ethnic. America was never and never will be a white country so quit fucking acting like the USA is yours white boy. USA was built by people of many cultures and that’s what makes us so great. I really don’t give a fuck what happens over there in Europe as that’s white people land you guys have the right to talk shit there. BUT DONT TALK SHIT IN THE USA, A LAND YOUR NOT NATIVE TO. In the end we are all Americans and race doesn’t matter in this country as Others.
Cope. Whites turned America into the country it is today. I agree that no one race has any claim to the US but to say that every race had an equal share in the success of America as a nation is pure delusion.

Espially as an Arab. You make up less than one percent of this country. You haven't done jack shit.
kys faggot
He's just parodying what all Muslim shitskins say every-time you people slaughter innocents.
Your White women literally view you as creeps and will be marching in the streets with imams all this week. It's over.
So you agree that JBW is bullshit.
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soon all of these filthy subhuman Shitskin sandniggers and their Jew Faggot degenerate overlords will be fucking Gassed the shooter should be a saint on here
Stormfags are retards i swear. They remind me of high T soys
soon all of these filthy subhuman Shitskin sandniggers and their Jew Faggot degenerate overlords will be fucking Gassed the shooter should be a saint on here
He is a chad...
Our people asked for none of this. You retards have been calling me low IQ all day but haven't taken five minutes to research the 1965 immigration act or any of the immigration policy changes across western countries.
It is your laws and statutes that allowed different folks to enter your nations. The sight of diverse populations is not new. Look at iran, pre-1923 turkey, phillipines, china, afghanistan, russia and much more. Diversity is normal but it is a new idea that there is one god one language one nation and one people
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It is your laws and statutes that allowed different folks to enter your nations.
Laws and statutes that were passed without the consent of the people. Glad we're on the same page
Laws and statutes that were passed without the consent of the people. Glad we're on the same page
The USA and most of europe are republics and pass laws by the lower and upper house. No, they were pretty much a reflection of the society.
The USA and most of europe are republics and pass laws by the lower and upper house. No, they were pretty much a reflection of the society.
Not at all, when the bill was introduced in America the people were lied to and told that the bill would not effect the demographics of the country when the politicians knew full well that that was the intent of the bill.
lmao @ @ElliotRodgerHere

when whites conquer ethnic lands they are superior
"we conquered them by fair and square conquest... we are superior to shitskins... shitskin are LOW IQ"

but when Jews deceive the whole white race by playing 4d chess on them and being high IQ, then jews are the bad guys that are still inferior to whites
"muh jews deceived us, they are ugly inferior rats...we are still the MASTERRACE..."
Europeans create prosperous nations everyone wants to live in.
regardless whether or not you hate the act, it has shown us how fast these attacks go down and what happens at them....

take it for what it's worth.
[QUOTE="chudur-budur, post: 2265628, member: 1060"
@HarvesterOfInceldom @ElliotRodgerHere care to explain? Are these answered in the shooter's manifesto?
Some people don't want their people to be replaced. Given India has its own land to itself I don't think you understand what it's like to see your people dying out and their ancestral homelands stolen by ethnics.
The jews did this to disband us, buddy boyos. We're onto them and they're trying to divide us. Don't take the bait.
Well, then why are you killing sandniggers then? Sandniggers are the one and only group of people out there who are actively battling against Jews. On the other hand you whites lick their boots like little bitches you are.

JFL @ whites.
Jews are friends (lords?) to USA which is buddy with Saudis and sells them weapons JFL, unless with battling against Jews you mean Palestinians throwing squibs at Isreal and in that case it's JFL^2.
As a matter of fact (((they))) actively encourage mass migration and race mixing so I don't see all this opposition from your side, in fact I'd say you two seem to agree about that one.
"Small children are said to be among the dead, and bodies have been reported laying on the ground outside." I can't believe you guys are cheering dead kids. Some of you genuinely deserve inceldom if you are happy about dead kids.
I agree. Terrorists deserve to die but not innocent people, especially kids.
Jews are friends (lords?) to USA which is buddy with Saudis and sells them weapons JFL, unless with battling against Jews you mean Palestinians throwing squibs at Isreal and in that case it's JFL^2.
As a matter of fact (((they))) actively encourage mass migration and race mixing so I don't see all this opposition from your side, in fact I'd say you two seem to agree about that one.

Saudi is a puppet regime. I don't disagree with that. Btw, may be that's true for the Saudi monarch, but Saudi general population is not. They actively donate money to different insurgents for the same cause.

Above all, sandniggers don't have any problem with Jews historically. Sandniggers don't fundamentally oppose (or support) a Jewish state either. They just don't care. Even they don't care who is running the world economy and such. Everyone has their right to claim their lands, but not by evicting others. All the complains start from there.

Sandniggers are mainly opposing the global threat of westernization (a.k.a rampant whoring and sexual freedom), because they know sexual freedom is going to destroy the basic fabric of the society called "nuclear family" and end up like the west. Sandniggers don't want that. No one basically wants that. Who wants to brought up in a single mother's whore house?

For example, Afghan people used to have a thing a called "Bacchabazi", which is basically a middle-eastern version of homosexual degeneracy involving "Drag Queens". When Taliban was in power, they killed all people who were involved with this "Drag Queen" shit. But after the US occupation, this degeneracy became rampant in Afghanistan again. Obviously, to establish the so called "LGBT degeneracy right".
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I agree. Terrorists deserve to die but not innocent people, especially kids.
Absolutely. That's why I despise figures like him and Adam Lanza, but extremely low IQ males worship these cunts.
[QUOTE="chudur-budur, post: 2265628, member: 1060"
@HarvesterOfInceldom @ElliotRodgerHere care to explain? Are these answered in the shooter's manifesto?
Some people don't want their people to be replaced. Given India has its own land to itself I don't think you understand what it's like to see your people dying out and their ancestral homelands stolen by ethnics.

Who is stealing from whom? WTF. You stole the entire American, African and Australian continent. You also stole resources from the entire Indian sub continent and built your British empire. No one understands better than ethnics how it feels to get ravaged by the "foreigners" for hundreds and hundreds of years. Do you even history boyo?
Saudi is a puppet regime. I don't disagree with that. Btw, may be that's true for the Saudi monarch, but Saudi general population is not. They actively donate money to different insurgents for the same cause.

Above all, sandniggers don't have any problem with Jews historically. Sandniggers don't fundamentally oppose (or support) a Jewish state either. They just don't care. Even they don't care who is running the world economy and such. Everyone has their right to claim their lands, but not by evicting others. All the complains start from there.

Sandniggers are mainly opposing the global threat of westernization (a.k.a rampant whoring and sexual freedom), because they know sexual freedom is going to destroy the basic fabric of the society called "nuclear family" and end up like the west. Sandniggers don't want that. No one basically wants that. Who wants to brought up in a single mother's whore house?

For example, Afghan people used to have a thing a called "Bacchabazi", which is basically a middle-eastern version of homosexual degeneracy involving "Drag Queens". When Taliban was in power, they killed all people who were involved with this "Drag Queen" shit. But after the US occupation, this degeneracy became rampant in Afghanistan again. Obviously, to establish the so called "LGBT degeneracy right".
I don't think he is a total puppet but he probably thinks it is convenient for him to be with them and likely he's right. Rememmber that roughly half the general population is female...

Anyway I don't think Arabs do it for that specific reason, they just overall tend to want to impose their way of living wherever they go, even things that are not degenerate. It's because of their medieval mentality.
Anyway I don't think Arabs do it for that specific reason, they just overall tend to want to impose their way of living wherever they go, even things that are not degenerate. It's because of their medieval mentality.

Yea because, they think by imposing religious values will ward off degeneracy, so they tend to be more religious. During the Soviet era, Islamic countries like Iraq and Afghanistan had a very open, secular, education-motivated, modern (but non-degenerate) society. But on the other hand, Iranian monarch promoted rampant degeneracy.

None of these did not thrive solely for economic and political reasons (fall of communism Soviet union) and people gradually reverted back to religion, they thought it's going to solve all their problems. Same thing happened with North Korea, except the religion part.
Yea because, they think by imposing religious values will ward off degeneracy, so they tend to be more religious. During the Soviet era, Islamic countries like Iraq and Afghanistan had a very open, secular, education-motivated, modern (but non-degenerate) society. But on the other hand, Iranian monarch promoted rampant degeneracy.

None of these did not thrive solely for economic and political reasons (fall of communism Soviet union) and people gradually reverted back to religion, they thought it's going to solve all their problems. Same thing happened with North Korea, except the religion part.
It's not that they do it for that reason, or for example they'd blow up discos instead or churches more often.
I'd like to say that they went a bit over the top in their going back to religion, but too bad nowadays it seems that it's either that or full-scale, rampant degeneracy. :(
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Sandniggers are waging full-blown kamikaze war against them in the middle east and you are comparing that with some 46 year old retarded stormfag who can barely point and shoot?

You stormfags support Zionist Israel too. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: This is how much retarded you are.

No wonder why your women reject you. I don't blame your whores tbh. You stormfronters are just a fucking joke at this point. Damn. Kys faggot.
thats why stormfags cope with their ugly noodlewhores:feelskek::feelsokman::feelshaha::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
thats why stormfags cope with their ugly noodlewhores:feelskek::feelsokman::feelshaha::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Otherwise they are gonna rope en masse, I actually feel bad for them.
If you agree to go street-shitting with me then not, otherwise yea.
I would go hand in hand with you street shitting anyday tbh. your content is top notch kek material ngl
Who was she and what's the story?
Ebba ackerlund a little girl who was run over by some Muslim and the pictures of her split in half were widely circulated on line. You can find out more by googling her name but that's the jist
Ebba ackerlund a little girl who was run over by some Muslim and the pictures of her split in half were widely circulated on line. You can find out more by googling her name but that's the jist
Fuck ebba ackerlund, no one bats an eye when zionist forces bomb innocent Palestinian children every day. I swear white females are treated like goddess in modern society. do me a favor and go fuck yourself stormfag and fuck the nordic race at it. fuck all you motherfuckers
Who is stealing from whom? WTF. You stole the entire American, African and Australian continent. You also stole resources from the entire Indian sub continent and built your British empire. No one understands better than ethnics how it feels to get ravaged by the "foreigners" for hundreds and hundreds of years. Do you even history boyo?
The indigenous people of america, new zealand, and australia were well within their moral rights to fight back, so are Europeans. The Maori couldn't win, if the Europeans choose to fight they will certainly win.
Fuck ebba ackerlund, no one bats an eye when zionist forces bomb innocent Palestinian children every day.
No one even knows about it for the most part because Zionists run the media. Even Alexander solzhenitsyn made this observation when talking about the west. I am well aware of the situation in israel and obviously I am sympathetic towards the Palestinians
Fuck ebba ackerlund, no one bats an eye when zionist forces bomb innocent Palestinian children every day. I swear white females are treated like goddess in modern society. do me a favor and go fuck yourself stormfag and fuck the nordic race at it. fuck all you motherfuckers
cuz white foids are queens. protect them
The indigenous people of america, new zealand, and australia were well within their moral rights to fight back, so are Europeans. The Maori couldn't win, if the Europeans choose to fight they will certainly win.

No one even knows about it for the most part because Zionists run the media. Even Alexander solzhenitsyn made this observation when talking about the west. I am well aware of the situation in israel and obviously I am sympathetic towards the Palestinians
The thing I dont get about SFcels is how you think your quality of life will improve as a result of your views. With the elimination of ethnics it will only increase sexual market competition among white males for a chance with white females. Before you say muh ethic men are fucking all the white females link me a citation, all the data points towards white males being universally sought out by all females.
The thing I dont get about SFcels is how you think your quality of life will improve as a result of your views.
Higher wages because of less competition for jobs, less likely to be the victim of a crime because blacks and Hispanics victimize whites in violent crimes at high rates. These two are the most obvious to me
With the elimination of ethnics it will only increase sexual market competition among white males for a chance with white females. Before you say muh ethic men are fucking all the white females link me a citation, all the data points towards white males being universally sought out by all females.
If your last point is true then why would you want the foids of your race in my country to begin with if they all naturally gravitate towards white men. As for your first point it doesnt really matter to me how many ethnics are taking white women, it's the fact that any ethnics are getting white women that I have a problem with. Honestly the onus is on you to tell me why I should want to share my country with nonwhites.
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Higher wages because of less competition for jobs, less likely to be the victim of a crime because blacks and Hispanics victimize whites in violent crimes at high rates. These two are the most obvious to me

If your last point is true then why would you want the foids of your race in my country to begin with if they all naturally gravitate towards white men. As for your first point it doesnt really matter to me how many ethnics are taking white women, it's the fact that any ethnics are getting white women that I have a problem with. Honestly the onus is on you to tell me why I should want to share my country with nonwhites.
Yes but your ability to obtain a white woman wouldn't change as a result, the 1%> of white women who date high smv ethnics would just switch to white men that mog you. Also you claim your chance of being victimised is less but in reality have you even come close to being a victim of violent crime with your (I presume) sheltered lifestyle?
This does not answer my question at all. Are you seriously a retard?

As for immigration, I have already explain elsewhere it's why. Give our fucking money and resources back that you plundered for 500 years, we will go back on the next day. Immigration is not a problem, it's a symptom of a larger historical problem. The problem is you motherfuck, the white neanderthals. This world can only be saved by obliterating whites from the earth.

Never heard of it. May be that was done by some sandnigger. You whites are the real bitches of your masters.
jfl at this retardation. Whites spawned the modern world, increasing material standards in EVERY country we ever entered hundredfold. You should be down on your curry knees thanking us if material prosperity is your only concern, as without us there would be no industrial revolution.
Yes but your ability to obtain a white woman wouldn't change as a result, the 1%> of white women who date high smv ethnics would just switch to white men that mog you.
Women would be forced to marry their looksmatch. When we had our own homogeneous societies we could slut shame women and there was a lot less Chad-cock carousel riding but those attitudes along with racism have had to go to make way for this kiked multiculti society.
Also you claim your chance of being victimised is less but in reality have you even come close to being a victim of violent crime with your (I presume) sheltered lifestyle?
This is fucking laughable and makes YOU look like the naive one. I'm from one of the most violent cities in the country, I've had my bike stolen by blacks more times than I can count, my friend jumped and beaten so badly by blacks that he was hospitalized for a week, had cash stolen from me by blacks at knifepoint. It's completely unnecessary, we need our own countries. You still have failed to point out why multiculturalism is in my interest, it seems you're more interested in trying to excuse your own existence in white countries.
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