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Serious Kebab removal in new zealand

White chad doesn’t give a fuck about white nationalism it’s all ugly subhuman white trash. Life is too good for white chads to worry about killing innocent victims. Stromfags when will they learn.
you are ugly white male who is coping with white nationalism LOL tbh and nothing else you wouldn't give a fuck if you were handsome chad but anyways still going to tell you about the how fucked up the situation is , Most of the muslims in white majority countries war refugee its not like because they wanted to immigrate , go there and convert everyone to sunnism by force lol its zionism c'mon bro think about it zionist's most beneficial from this GREATER ISRAEL PROJECT
They did what was convenient by not fighting for their people in their country. Now they have paid for that decision to do what was easy. At the end of the day I side with my people, had they stayed in their own countries we could have fought the zionists together, but by immigrating to our countries against the will of our people they committed a hostile act and deserved to be taken out.
White chad doesn’t give a fuck about white nationalism it’s all ugly subhuman white trash. Life is too good for white chads to worry about killing innocent victims. Stromfags when will they learn.
I think you mean hostile invaders
Yeah, innocent civilians praying with their cope. While you just keep spreading fear “ohhh dem mudslims are raping our girls”

Every religion has their set of radicals with extremist beliefs. It’s like when the media paints incels as all “far right neo nazi’s” you’re just doing more harm than good.
WTF. like, how?
They are racial aliens living in countries that our ancestors fought and died for. Populations of two species cannot coexist in a community if their niches are nearly identical, they compete for the same resources and eventually one will overpower the other. This is the nature of our world and the races of man are not immune to natural order
so ur a cuck and a faggot? u want to watch people fuck and not participate and u want to see a guy anally rape another guy?

Even if you're a White Nationalist, you must admit that it's in your interest for Chadullah to anally rape you after this.

At the moment, you have little to no sympathy. You've massacred a place of worship, and nobody cares about the greater political context in which this took place @ElliotRodgerHere .

But if Chadullah begins reaming you and Muslim terrorist attacks become a thing again, you'll start to gain sympathy! Society will become more polarized, radicalized, and amenable to your view if you've successfully provoked tit-for-tat retaliation (but also other extreme views as well, keep in mind, and I pick no favorites when it comes to what I fap to).
Yeah, innocent civilians praying with their cope.
Again, they are not innocent. The minute they decided to immigrate to a white country they committed a hostile act. No one voted for endless third world immigration, it was imposed on us by our treasonous governments
Reminder that the death of this girl is what radicalized our hero. Stay in your countries, don't come here there is nothing for you in white countries

You fuckers have sacked our nations for hundreds of years. Give all our money back, we will pack our bags tomorrow. Also, your "muh white kweens" will ride any chad/tyrone cock they find. They don't care who is a white """"master race boy"""" or who has shitskins.

I am sure you will get rejected even by ethnic whores. If you can't get laid even being a white you are basically lower than us shitskin subhumans.

Take this blackpill through your butt-hole and rot in peace faggot.
Again, they are not innocent. The minute they decided to immigrate to a white country they committed a hostile act. No one voted for endless third world immigration, it was imposed on us by our treasonous governments
If they’re law abiding citizens who cares? I know more ethnics who work harder for their adopted country then most white nationalists do.
They are racial aliens living in countries that our ancestors fought and died for. Populations of two species cannot coexist in a community if their niches are nearly identical, they compete for the same resources and eventually one will overpower the other. This is the nature of our world and the races of man are not immune to natural order

You fuckers have sacked our nations for hundreds of years. Give all our money back, we will pack our bags tomorrow. Yea, it was our mistake we let you live on our lands at the first time.

Also, your "muh white kweens" will ride any chad/tyrone cock they find. They don't care who is a white """"master race boy"""" or who has shitskins.

I am sure you will get rejected even by ethnic whores. If you can't get laid even being a white you are basically lower than us shitskin subhumans.

Take this blackpill through your butt-hole and rot in peace faggot.
They did what was convenient by not fighting for their people in their country. Now they have paid for that decision to do what was easy. At the end of the day I side with my people, had they stayed in their own countries we could have fought the zionists together, but by immigrating to our countries against the will of our people they committed a hostile act and deserved to be taken out.
The ones who fought against zionism called terrorist and your ZOG countries supported them!!! and in muslim countries people have become radicalized by false way of teaching jihad and Quranic verse's the ones who had power in those terrorist organizations has no education of islam and has contact with zionists what are you talking about muslims are the ones who is fighting zionism since it started but you whites cucked by jews still blaming muslims perpetrated by zionist occupied media


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White chad doesn’t give a fuck about white nationalism it’s all ugly subhuman white trash. Life is too good for white chads to worry about killing innocent victims. Stromfags when will they learn.

200% legit. WN is nothing but a cope for white ugly ass mongrels.



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Mudslimes started this and have killed thousands of whites in the past two decades, this is simply a small reaction to all of the murders that muslims have perpetrated against our people

Okay, so you're a mayocel who's just fought back against your bully, Chadullah, but you're being accused of having started the fight!

Everybody hates you. Your White Oneitis thinks you're creepy and is rushing to comfort the injured Chadullah.

JFL. You have to appreciate the fact that you're operating on a whole other playing field than Chadullah. He is the Alpha, you are the Beta. It will take a lot of tact and Machiavellian strategy to ultimately beat him, and I'm actually helping you out by suggesting that you form a sexual fetish for seeing Muslims attack your people. It is the intellectual, cuckold approach.

There is a relevant concept in BDSM culture: subs who provoke their doms are called "Brats." Be a Brat-cuck. Provoke your wife's dom, Chadullah, into overreacting. This is what will give you sympathy from the general public, not "holding frame" JFL.
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Again, they are not innocent. The minute they decided to immigrate to a white country they committed a hostile act. No one voted for endless third world immigration, it was imposed on us by our treasonous governments

You faggot. Thousands and millions of Turks were invited(more like forced) to leave their country and imigrate to Germany Post-war to help the country for cheap labor work.

Still, today we have an extreme shortage of skilled professionals in Germany. Nobody is willing to do the shitty jobs but somebody has to do it and therefore the Germans are obligeted to those (E.g) cheap syrian workers. ITS THE FAULT OF THE GOVERNMENT AND THE GERMAN PEOPLE YOU FAGGOT.

Its also ((your)) fault to not produce more than 2 kids. It's the problem of ((your)) degenerated society that rather sucks chads cock instead of marrying a good carrying white knight called peter or manfred. ITS NOT THE FAULT OF THE MUSLIMS FOR YOU STUPIDITY AND DEGENERATENESS.

This is how much cuck these stormfronters are, LMAO. They should start looking for more bulls for their wives tbh.
Reminder that the death of this girl is what radicalized our hero. Stay in your countries, don't come here there is nothing for you in white countries

JFL @ this whore worshiping cuck, kys or if you are not brave enough find a bull for your kween.
This is how much cuck these stormfronters are, LMAO. They should start looking for more bulls for their wives tbh.
The irony is that stormfag could learn a lot from those ethnics. For centuries the west has been thoroughly cucked when it comes to women, enormous amounts of female worship going back as far as the high middle ages. It's the western infatuation with women which allowed feminism to be conceptualized and gain traction in the first place.

Trying to deny biology and female nature doesn't get you anywhere.
"What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo" - From his manifesto
The irony is that stormfag could learn a lot from those ethnics. For centuries the west has been thoroughly cucked when it comes to women, enormous amounts of female worship going back as far as the high middle ages. It's the western infatuation with women which allowed feminism to be conceptualized and gain traction in the first place.

Trying to deny biology and female nature doesn't get you anywhere.

They made their women into cock thirsty whores by promoting their rampant hypergamy, degeneracy, sexual freedom and feminism. That's why their nuclear family structure is collapsing. At the same time, marriage laws are made so difficult for their men that no sane man wants to get married anymore. Even some of them are forced to be a cuck just to save the marriage. As a last straw, they are now trying to turn their men into women and women into men.

How on fucking earth ethnics are responsible for this? Ethnics mostly marry within their own community and yea, they multiply like rats. Because they know how to maintain a family through values and traditions. If you think that's a problem then they should make their own families and multiply, who is stopping them? Do they seriously think their women are taken by ethnic men? Although these whites mock us whole day for being ugly and shit, again at the same time, they claim their women only fucks chad.

Most of these ethnics are poor af, it's not like they are running large corporations and controlling everything. They live their life like cockroaches, they are more than happy just to be barely alive.

Seriously, I don't understand.

@HarvesterOfInceldom @ElliotRodgerHere care to explain? Are these answered in the shooter's manifesto?
And the western media will report on this for even less than a minute and then forget about it. If the roles were reversed, it'd be all over the news for weeks.
You think so? Like that priest in France who got tortured and killed at his church by a couple of new french boys?
Absolutely no one gave a fuck.

The real victims in this senseless tragedy are all of the peaceful whites who will face backlash because of this incident. Not all whites are like this, we are a race of peace!
One more time, if you're white be careful the next days/weeks.
Ethnics living in white countries are real enemies
I agree. they wouldnt go to west,the west is degenerate and they will try to turn muslim children into faggot.

we need to live in our own countries,the west is degenerate and cucked. we need to stay away from it
huh theres another thread on this that has 4 pages too, the fuck?
if it was muslim blowing dozen of white kids "he just had mental problems bro cant blame him" but now suddenly "poor kids" argument is thrown around :feelskek:
What do you mean? its usually the opposite, white guy shooting "mental illness" or "he was such a good kid, i never thought he would do something like this". ethnic man does it "terrorist"
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Can you kill yourself already ? you shouldnt be on this site.
aww did you get offended by our comments ? go cry in a corner stupid cucked faggot. nobody cares.. just kill yourself
> /r/EdgyMemes
What a fucking cunt. Why would you kill people that "cope" in their own way??? Why do you kill innocent civilians. I wish I could torture him to death. Fucking bastard.

Won't gonna go to the mosque today because of this. People might get hyped after this shooting and go for a shooting as well. The video was too brutal ngl. If I wasn't used to watch those vids It would be too much for me
Yeah, it's one thing to wanna fight brown folks, but to do it defenseless ones? He'd be ripped to shreds if he were in Afghanistan. Anyone can take out civilians and kids. I've seen the video too, but I wish I hadn't.
Can you kill yourself already ? you shouldnt be on this site.
aww did you get offended by our comments ? go cry in a corner stupid cucked faggot. nobody cares.. just kill yourself
Enjoy your warning.
> /r/EdgyMemes
Legit. Just report it. He should be warned for that.
facepalm? u a normroach bro?
I've been facepalming before normies did, NGL.
You think so? Like that priest in France who got tortured and killed at his church by a couple of new french boys?
Absolutely no one gave a fuck.
That doesn't justify killing civilians though. Let alone innocent little kids.
Enjoy your warning.

Legit. Just report it. He should be warned for that.
lol shut up you low t facepalming curry cuck

"That doesn't justify killing civilians though. Let alone innocent little kids."

you gonna facepalm again bruh ?
They made their women into cock thirsty whores by promoting their rampant hypergamy, degeneracy, sexual freedom and feminism.
No buddy, that was actually jews who did that to demoralize and destroy us. Feminism is a jewish movement. Many of our social problems can be directly attributed to subversive jewish involvement which is why I'm having a tough time understanding why you think average whites are responsible for the decadent west. Average whites are the foremost victim
I will skin a neo nazi and pour lemon and salt on him. Stab his balls, put sugar on it and release rats on them
Sure bud. How many of you do you need for that?
Help me how you would find your so called neo nazi?
White, bald and ugly?
Some people should stay inside for a few weeks with idiots like you.
How on fucking earth ethnics are responsible for this? Ethnics mostly marry within their own community and yea, they multiply like rats. Because they know how to maintain a family through values and traditions. If you think that's a problem then they should make their own families and multiply, who is stopping them? Do they seriously think their women are taken by ethnic men? Although these whites mock us whole day for being ugly and shit, again at the same time, they claim their women only fucks chad.
I've literally spelled this out for you earlier. Nonwhites are committing a hostile act upon my people's sovereignty by moving to white countries and using up resources. Again, no one voted for endless third world immigration though you don't want to address this little inconvenient tidbit. All of the deaths in new zealand could easily have been avoided had those muslims stayed in their shithole countries.
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Forgive me, the normies are mindless cattle, they will do nothing, they are too comfortable. Even if the Chinese or the Muslims invaded today with tanks and helicopters the majority of the population would do nothing, they would just run around like headless chickens and become victims.

The West is ripe for the plunder. I don't know why (((they))) don't invade already and simply dominate everything. Perhaps they want to keep the game going smoothly and keep flooding all the countries with muslims/africans.

The media, slaves to the J's, will tell their own narrative, and shove their own agenda down the normie's throats.
I believe that his letter will not be publicized by the media, and if it is, they will twist his words.

Whites are having a demographic winter. The motives for the low birth rates are many. Educated whites are more responsible and have less children. Also feminism made the dating/marriage game very hard. In the past you could easily have females even if you were ugly, but now that they have infinite rights and endless privileges, they are on a path of hedonism and self degradation. White foids are too self entitled now, they will probably die choking with a cock in their throats, than to help reconstruct the Western Civilization.

Those violent attacks don't solve the situation. They just give the media more thread to spin their lies.
The whites need to organize themselves better and join forces, join resources, plan things more carefully. Senseless attacks like those should stop. Otherwise all the fighters will just slowly suicide themselves, and their numbers is already small, if they keep doing those attacks there will be no one left, and the enemy just wins by default and number advantage.
High IQ post.
Again, they are not innocent. The minute they decided to immigrate to a white country they committed a hostile act. No one voted for endless third world immigration, it was imposed on us by our treasonous governments
Again, im not an expert but how do you know if they are innocent or not?
Again, im not an expert but how do you know if they are innocent or not?
The facts are quite clear, they immigrated to our country against the will of our people. This is in and of itself a hostile act therefore they are not innocent.
The facts are quite clear, they immigrated to our country against the will of our people. This is in and of itself a hostile act therefore they are not innocent.
save the copts in egypt
The facts are quite clear, they immigrated to our country against the will of our people. This is in and of itself a hostile act therefore they are not innocent.
Admit it, you would do the same thing. Its a basic instinct. Also, shooters reaction is natural. But it doesnt change the fact.
Admit it, you would do the same thing. Its a basic instinct.
Don't project your weakness on to me. If I were in their situation I would stay in my native country and fight for a better future rather than running and hiding in white man's land
Muslims have a right to hate us. During the Afghan Russian war the CIA deliberatly trained and armed the muslims with the intention of causing a bigger war against Russia. They admitted that they wanted Russia to have their Vietnam.
A million Afghans were killed because of White christian/jewish meddling. THis is surely the biggest act of terrorism ever.
You mean the rogue intelligence agency that does whatever it wants without the approval of its citizenry and has literally zero oversight? JFL at blaming all whites for what the fucking CIA does
Christianity is the most cucked religion ever while Islam is pretty based (for an incel) with their Sharia law, Zina and shit. How brainwashed can one be with that brown people bad bullshit to slag poor uncucked muslims?
You mean the rogue intelligence agency that does whatever it wants without the approval of its citizenry and has literally zero oversight? JFL at blaming all whites for what the fucking CIA does

Yet you blame an entire race because of the acts of individual Muslims.

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