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Serious Kebab removal in new zealand

Kebabs are the only most based group of people out there, I don't know you white nationalists are fighting against. Kebabs won't be able to take your women, most kebabs are subhuman shitskins.

You should decide what is your real enemy, degeneracy or sobriety.
This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s Terms of Service.

Oy vey
Removing a video of innocent people getting gunned down is now Jewish?

I thought you were an anti-semite?
Kebabs are the only most based group of people out there, I don't know you white nationalists are fighting against. Kebabs won't be able to take your women, most kebabs are subhuman shitskins.

You should decide what is your real enemy, degeneracy or sobriety.
yes but theh will target us ethnics insread of the real enemies.
He went Goblin Slayer on their asses. Killed every shitskin he saw, including children.

Crusaders would be proud, they killed all Jews and Muslims, including children when they sieged Jerusalem.
he kills one at 12 mins she begs for chad to come save her but it doesn't work :feelskek:
that was based but then he negated it by honking for 2 white foids rather than running them over :feelstastyman:
They have lots of kids, they're going to have to deal with it then. And many Muslims are ugly ethnics, I saw that they had some from Bangladesh (curry).
He has a problem with non-White procreation, so he targets a mosque filled with ethnic MEN (who are already disposable by nature)? He didn't even target women, which would make much more sense from a biological perspective, because he's a stormcuck probably rattling on about "military aged males" in his manifesto.

While the body of this Stormcuck is left unattended, just like Elliot Rodger's bruised and battered body after being beat up in Isla Vista, White women will all come rushing to the aid of the injured Chadullahs. JFL.
He has a problem with non-White procreation, so he targets a mosque filled with ethnic MEN? He didn't even target women, which would make much more sense from a biological perspective, because he's a stormcuck probably rattling on about "military aged males" in his manifesto.

They stay apart, I do not know if I would kill women. Goes that he is tradcuck in that.
He has a problem with non-White procreation, so he targets a mosque filled with ethnic MEN (who are already disposable by nature)? He didn't even target women, which would make much more sense from a biological perspective, because he's a stormcuck probably rattling on about "military aged males" in his manifesto.
It was just a coincidence that women weren't around, he even says so in the video that the women must have gone out and only men were in the mosque.
"Small children are said to be among the dead, and bodies have been reported laying on the ground outside." I can't believe you guys are cheering dead kids. Some of you genuinely deserve inceldom if you are happy about dead kids.
Yeah, those were innocent civilians. I don’t give a shit if extremists are dead, but to kill innocent children, men and women worshipping their religion in peace that’s totally barbaric and inhumanly. I hope he rots in jail for the rest of his miserable life.
Ethnics living in white countries are real enemies
You’re a moron gtfo
Yeah, those were innocent civilians. I don’t give a shit if extremists are dead, but to kill innocent children, men and women worshipping their religion in peace that’s totally barbaric and inhumanly. I hope he rots in jail for the rest of his miserable life.
Death is inhumane anyway.
get yeeted on shitskin. praise oden for giving us this warrior who was brave enough to take out the shitskin menace from his country.
Low IQ.

I fucking hate this website
Me too. But, at the same time, I love it. I wouldn't wish inceldom on anyone but seeing people here who are happy little kids are dead, well, these people deserve inceldom. It's bittersweet to me.

how cares, children are murdered all day in abortion clinics but nobody cares
Because that's precisely the same thing. /facepalm

Yeah, those were innocent civilians. I don’t give a shit if extremists are dead, but to kill innocent children, men and women worshipping their religion in peace that’s totally barbaric and inhumanly. I hope he rots in jail for the rest of his miserable life.
Exactly. It's good to see people here who aren't completely fucked up. Thanks.
Mayocucks trying to act alpha is like an incel trying to "hold frame." Your civilization is already gone boyos. Just LDAR.

Your White women literally view you as creeps and will be marching in the streets with imams all this week. It's over.
Low IQ.

Me too. But, at the same time, I love it. I wouldn't wish inceldom on anyone but seeing people here who are happy little kids are dead, well, these people deserve inceldom. It's bittersweet to me.

Because that's precisely the same thing. /facepalm

Exactly. It's good to see people here who aren't completely fucked up. Thanks.

What a fucking cunt. Why would you kill people that "cope" in their own way??? Why do you kill innocent civilians. I wish I could torture him to death. Fucking bastard.

Won't gonna go to the mosque today because of this. People might get hyped after this shooting and go for a shooting as well. The video was too brutal ngl. If I wasn't used to watch those vids It would be too much for me
Why are you an anti-natalist?
Numerous reasons, I can't state everything concisely, but I'll give you the most significant reason to me.

The main reason is because, from what I can tell, existence is always a net loss compared to nonexistence. Everyone is guaranteed to experience suffering, and what pleasure that does exist is mostly fake, no more real than broken window fallacy is a gain in wealth and productivity. All of our conscious activity is spent trying to eliminate pain and frustration, to mitigate boredom, to ensure that we'll have food to eat tomorrow, to satisfy sexual frustration, etc. You can only improve life insofar as to alleviate problems caused by it's own existence. It's cyclical torture for no purpose at all.
The real victims in this senseless tragedy are all of the peaceful whites who will face backlash because of this incident. Not all whites are like this, we are a race of peace!
White supremacists deserve the rope.
Thats all I have to say.
The real victims in this senseless tragedy are all of the peaceful whites who will face backlash because of this incident. Not all whites are like this, we are a race of peace!
The media will call him a far right incel nazi
Low IQ.

Me too. But, at the same time, I love it. I wouldn't wish inceldom on anyone but seeing people here who are happy little kids are dead, well, these people deserve inceldom. It's bittersweet to me.

Because that's precisely the same thing. /facepalm

Exactly. It's good to see people here who aren't completely fucked up. Thanks.
facepalm? u a normroach bro?
Reminder that the death of this girl is what radicalized our hero. Stay in your countries, don't come here there is nothing for you in white countries
It was just a coincidence that women weren't around, he even says so in the video that the women must have gone out and only men were in the mosque.
Well, he did the equivalent of stepping on ants and not even killing the queen.

Of course, the bigger effect here is metapolitical, not the act itself. And it's a positive development that radical politics will be getting more attention in the near future.

Hopefully Muslims will not only march peacefully with White women in the streets and flaunt their cuckolding of mayocels after this, but retaliate in a similar nature.
View attachment 97915
Reminder that the death of this girl is what radicalized our hero. Stay in your countries, don't come here there is nothing for you in white countries
So killing unarmed civilians who had nothing to do with her death caused this? Jesus Christ dude I rather law abiding ethnics than you.
That is very nihilistic.
I somewhat agree with parts of existential nihilism, at least in terms of our existence here being futile, but I'm not ultimately a nihilist, I'm not even an atheist. Moral nihilism is fucked though, and very irresponsible to believe.
Well, he did the equivalent of stepping on ants and not even killing the queen.

Of course, the bigger effect here is metapolitical, not the act itself. And it's a positive development that radical politics will be getting more attention in the near future.

Hopefully Muslims not only march peacefully with White women in the streets and flaunt their cuckolding of mayocels, but retaliate in a similar nature.
lol ur a serious cuck bro. literally the soyest on this site. the other day u write some faggot thread about how you're volcel if you aren't a cuck and now you want more people to get cucked?
Hopefully Muslims will not only march peacefully with White women in the streets and flaunt their cuckolding of mayocels after this, but retaliate in a similar nature.

thats your only worry I guess. Kys
he got arrested
Multiculturalism creates conflict because humans are tribal. To force people together is evil.
Well, he did the equivalent of stepping on ants and not even killing the queen.

Of course, the bigger effect here is metapolitical, not the act itself. And it's a positive development that radical politics will be getting more attention in the near future.

Hopefully Muslims will not only march peacefully with White women in the streets and flaunt their cuckolding of mayocels after this, but retaliate in a similar nature.
Retaliate? What world are you living in? Mudslimes started this and have killed thousands of whites in the past two decades, this is simply a small reaction to all of the murders that muslims have perpetrated against our people
DEUS VULT! God smiles down on Earth tonight as 30 more mohammedite rats have been smited
Brazil, now New Zealand, taking a page from America
American culture spreading around the world
View attachment 97915
Reminder that the death of this girl is what radicalized our hero. Stay in your countries, don't come here there is nothing for you in white countries
.>White supremacists regularly campaign and advocate for killing in the name of roasties
Name a bigger group of cucks.
White supremacists are fucking retarded, and shit like this is only more proof. And you're proud that "one of your own" killed a group of non-degenerate, god-abiding men in the name of some ugly wh*te whore. Hell, he was even firing at people outside the mosque, so he killed more people than just the muslims you hate so much.

he got arrested

Lol. It's no surprise that he let himself get arrested, what a retard.
If you're gonna go ER have the balls to kill yourself, now he's gonna get Guantanamo'd, or the New Zealand equivalent. Quite frankly, he deserves it.
Multiculturalism creates conflict because humans are tribal. To force people together is evil.
Agreed. Even if you attempt to eliminate the differences between people or groups of people, they'll just create new distinctions for themselves and once again proceed to self segregate.
lol ur a serious cuck bro. literally the soyest on this site. the other day u write some faggot thread about how you're volcel if you aren't a cuck and now you want more people to get cucked?

The highest IQ thing to do here is sit in the corner and masturbate. There is a reason why cuckoldry is called "the thinking man's fetish" :feelsthink:

I want to see an increasingly perverse scene of exploding decadence all around me, but not actively participate in it myself.

In my view, Chadullah has just been humiliated by a rebellious mayo-hubby who wants his wife to close up the relationship/borders again; but I want to see Chadullah recover, anally rape the mayo-hubby, and remind him who's the dominant one.
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Hell, he was even firing at people outside the mosque, so he killed more people than just the muslims you hate so much.
All the people he killed outside the mosque were muslims. He was going out of his way to spare whites, hence the reason he didn't run over the two foids jaywalking.
Lol. It's no surprise that he let himself get arrested, what a retard.
If you're gonna go ER have the balls to kill yourself, now he's gonna get Guantanamo'd, or the New Zealand equivalent. Quite frankly, he deserves it.
Read his manifesto, he wanted to turn himself in so as to tie up more government resources
you are ugly white male who is coping with white nationalism LOL tbh and nothing else you wouldn't give a fuck if you were handsome chad but anyways still going to tell you about the how fucked up the situation is , Most of the muslims in white majority countries war refugee its not like because they wanted to immigrate , go there and convert everyone to sunnism by force lol its zionism c'mon bro think about it zionist's most beneficial from this GREATER ISRAEL PROJECT
View attachment 97915
Reminder that the death of this girl is what radicalized our hero. Stay in your countries, don't come here there is nothing for you in white countries
This is the biggest spree killing in Oceania since 1996 when an incel named Martin Bryant killed 35 in the port arthur massacre
The highest IQ thing to do here is sit in the corner and masturbate. There is a reason why cuckoldry is called "the thinking man's fetish" :feelsthink:

I want to see an increasingly perverse scene of exploding decadence all around me, but not actively participate in it myself.

In my view, Chadullah has just been humiliated by a rebellious mayo-hubby who wants his wife to close up the relationship/borders again; but I want to see Chadullah recover, anally rape the mayo-hubby, and remind him who's the dominant one.
so ur a cuck and a faggot? u want to watch people fuck and not participate and u want to see a guy anally rape another guy?

Hope y’all are enjoying it!

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