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LifeFuel Kavanaugh confirmation vote is in 2 hours, anyone excited?

Total Imbecile

Total Imbecile

Honorary ethnic
Dec 19, 2017
Dont get me wrong hes not ideal, yes, hes a normie Chadlite but Im so happy to see normies screeching helplessly about how its over and women going on about coathanger abortions and sharing guides on how to do it as if anyone is gonna be moved by that

If you dont wanna get pregnant just keep your legs closed, sex is not a human right after all, RIGHT?! LMAO

"B-but people will still just have sex!!!"

You can say that about anything
-people will still murder each other so lets legalize murder
-people will still steal so lets legalize theft
-people will still drink and drive so lets legalize drunk driving and try to make it safe
-people will still abuse drugs so lets legalize that too, make it all OTC


I was LOLing when that bitch was screeching and blocking the elevator a week ago and I will LOL when Kavanaugh gets confirmed today

Also "muh handmaids tale"
good, let the degeneration scream in despair
He has the votes needed to be confirmed, right? I think he has 51 rn and even if one flipped, Pence would confirm him.
It's too late, the damage is already done.
I hope he doesn’t get in, because it will virtually ensure Trump gets a second term. The pussy grabber in chief is the best president I have seen in my lifetime.
"I will LOL when Kavanaugh gets confirmed today"

How can you be sure OP ?
I hope he doesn’t get in, because it will virtually ensure Trump gets a second term. The pussy grabber in chief is the best president I have seen in my lifetime.

I'm confused. Are you saying you like or dislike Trump?
The only thing banning abortion does is increase the rate of single motherhood. It still won't help incels. It makes women actually more likely to raise chad's offspring than otherwise.
hes saying he dislikes trump
But that contradicts with his last sentence that "The pussy grabber in chief is the best president I have seen in my lifetime."
I'm confused. Are you saying you like or dislike Trump?
I’m saying I like Trump.

I mean I don’t like him, not really, but he is by far the best option at the moment.

I will vote for anyone women and cucks hate.
"I will LOL when Kavanaugh gets confirmed today"

How can you be sure OP ?

You are right, I might be too smug right now, but if everyone sticks to how they said theyll vote this week then hes 100% getting it

I have my snacks and coke ready either way
I’m saying I like Trump.

I mean I don’t like him, not really, but he is by far the best option at the moment.

I will vote for anyone women and cucks hate.
ok you need an english lesson
But that contradicts with his last sentence that "The pussy grabber in chief is the best president I have seen in my lifetime."
Maybe he means that if Kavanaugh doesnt get in, it will actually help Trump. Because people will be upset.

But it makes no sense.

Also, I love Trump and I hope K gets in.

With men like Trump leading the way, there would be no inceldom. He wouldnt allow liberals to do this.
I’m saying I like Trump.

I mean I don’t like him, not really, but he is by far the best option at the moment.

I will vote for anyone women and cucks hate.
LMAO Im now even more confused
ok you need an english lesson
I guess it depends if you consider “pussy grabber in chief” an insult. I don’t. Fucking foids should know that’s all they are good for.
I may have been less than clear, sorry.

For the record I like Trump, and I hope Mr. K makes it into the SC.
Didn't Collins say the reasons she's voting for him is that he assured her he's not going to overturn Roe v. Wade?


But why would then women be freaking out?
Maybe he means that if Kavanaugh doesnt get in, it will actually help Trump. Because people will be upset.

But it makes no sense.

Also, I love Trump and I hope K gets in.

With men like Trump leading the way, there would be no inceldom. He wouldnt allow liberals to do this.

Trump only respects beta buxers (the rich) and chads, he mocks and insults incels and incel-looking people all the time.
While his opinion on abortion is laudable, his opinions on climate change, government authoritarianism, and campaign finance are abysmal. Just another crappy supreme court justice
Trump only respects beta buxers (the rich) and chads, he mocks and insults incels and incel-looking people all the time.
Women are scared. He's going to be on the court for 30 years.
While his opinion on abortion is laudable, his opinions on climate change, government authoritarianism, and campaign finance are abysmal. Just another crappy supreme court justice

The only thing a lack of abortion would do is increase single motherhood rates, more women will have chad's kids instead of aborting them, that's it. It doesn't help incels at all.
Women are scared. He's going to be on the court for 30 years.
they aren't scared, it's all posturing to make the conservative justices feel an activist pulse. There will be a majority of anti-abortion justices in the Supreme Court now. I mean it's possible they'll overturn Roe v. Wade, but very unlikely given Kavanaugh has already caved.
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There would probably only be a few states where abortion would be illegal, and there would be Captain Save-a-Hos lining up to tell femoids, "Oh you poor thing, those Republicans have trampled on your reproductive rights; let me pay for your plane ticket and hotel bill to travel to a state where it's legal!"

Rich beta buxers like the former RNC Finance Chair Broidy will still force their mistresses to get abortions in states where abortion will continue to be legal (blue & purple states).
Only excited about the "muh men are restricting our choices" fervor dying down after this shit-show. Most men have no right to choose in any step of our sexual or possible reproductive lives, due to women. The entire 'incel forum' thing is the most easily solved thing in the world, all it would require is for women to stop being so hypergamous.

How much reproductive choice do you have? Zero, none, nada. We can't even choose a date for decades of our lives. We just wait and cross our fingers that we, "get lucky", and someone chooses us.
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The only thing a lack of abortion would do is increase single motherhood rates, more women will have chad's kids instead of aborting them, that's it. It doesn't help incels at all.
I’m just up for anything that increases equality. Men have no choices if a woman conceives, so they shouldn’t either.
Maybe because Collins is full of shit?
Yeah I hope shes just trying to cover her ass and minimize the backlash
Only excited about the "muh men are restricting our choices" fervor dying down after this shit-show. Most men have no right to choose in any step of our sexual or possible reproductive lives, due to women. How much reproductive choice do you have? Zero, none, nada. We can't even choose a date for decades of our lives. We just wait and cross our fingers that we, "get lucky", and someone chooses us.
So true, not only do we have 0 rights if we have sex (you cant opt out of being a father) but we dont even get to have sex if we want to, I didnt consent to being incel tbh
Imagine caring about (((politics)))
The only thing a lack of abortion would do is increase single motherhood rates, more women will have chad's kids instead of aborting them, that's it. It doesn't help incels at all.

I don't disagree. However, easy abortion means she'll probably abort betas offspring without his knowledge. I'm pro-life not for religious reasons, but because my resentment has made me spiteful as fuck --- I want to see foids busy with kids. I want to see foids shallow life plans interrupted. I want foid to suffer consequences after a fun night with Chad Thundercock or Tyrone the club promoter
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Also "muh handmaids tale"



You're invited! Justice Kavanaugh confirmation afterparty! Come "grope" yourself a vanilla latte and Natty Ice!

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While his opinion on abortion is laudable, his opinions on climate change, government authoritarianism, and campaign finance are abysmal. Just another crappy supreme court justice
If he's authoritarian against sub6 males then he's garbage.
I guess it depends if you consider “pussy grabber in chief” an insult. I don’t. Fucking foids should know that’s all they are good for.
What is this all about ? Does someone have a link or can summarise this whole situation ?
What is this all about ? Does someone have a link or can summarise this whole situation ?
A zionist bush golden boy who co-autored the Patriot Act is about to get in the US Supreme Court, and all the roasties are losing their marbles because he allegedly raped a woman in the early 80s (lmao)
A zionist bush golden boy who co-autored the Patriot Act is about to get in the US Supreme Court, and all the roasties are losing their marbles because he allegedly raped a woman in the early 80s (lmao)
In resume this is one more of the cases "I don't like him so he is a rapists" but it's where a lot of people are waking up to this, that a lot of this "rape" and sexual abuse cases are probably evil bitches using this tool to fuck men they dont't like or find ugly
The truth about this whole thing:

I hope they overturn Roe v Wade, and the baby-murdering whores quiver to the very thought of a new era within the TrumpenReich. Their liberal reign of baby-murdering terror is over. The tables while be turned, and it will be a huge loss for the feminist. They will shit bricks. I hope not only that Kavanaugh gets in, but that he becomes the instrument of their destruction.

I can dream. Though I highly doubt even the conservatives will overturn Roe v Wade.
I hope they overturn Roe v Wade, and the baby-murdering whores quiver to the very thought of a new era within the TrumpenReich. Their liberal reign of baby-murdering terror is over. The tables while be turned, and it will be a huge loss for the feminist. They will shit bricks. I hope not only that Kavanaugh gets in, but that he becomes the instrument of their destruction.

I can dream. Though I highly doubt even the conservatives will overturn Roe v Wade.

Even if it's overturned, it will still be legal in blue & purple states, on top of that in the long-run, it radicalizes feminists even more. They'll pack the court or at least intimidate it (like FDR), and pass even worse feminist worst legislation when they get into power again.
Even if it's overturned, it will still be legal in blue & purple states, on top of that in the long-run, it radicalizes feminists even more. They'll pack the court or at least intimidate it (like FDR), and pass even worse feminist worst legislation when they get into power again.

We will just have to mach vigor with vigor. The meme wars are far from over. It's only just begun.
Didn't Collins say the reasons she's voting for him is that he assured her he's not going to overturn Roe v. Wade? Anyway, even if it's overturned, the next time the Dems get a 5-4 majority on the court, they can just reinstate it again. They might even pack the court.
foids absolutely love their precious privlege to murder babies which enables them to whore it up their entire lives
God damn why does Roe v Wade have to be this unmovable force? Fuck the USA is a god damn feminist conspiracy. I blame the jews.
In resume this is one more of the cases "I don't like him so he is a rapists" but it's where a lot of people are waking up to this, that a lot of this "rape" and sexual abuse cases are probably evil bitches using this tool to fuck men they dont't like or find ugly
Nah soylent cucks will believe anything that comes out of a woman's mouth, even the tradcucks are like "You're so brave for being here Ms. Ford". Betacucks are the Libs main power base.
He's in. Thank fuck this country isn't COMPLETELY soyified yet. It's only about 80%
High IQ

I am so happy to see Saint Trump guarantee a conservative majority for a generation with this Supreme Court appointment. I hope a million feminists commit suicide over it (I know they won’t).

First action should be to immediately overturn Roe v Wade.

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