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SuicideFuel “Karma” is cope, the people who have wronged you will never get whats coming to them



Apr 12, 2024
I was viciously bullied by one guy all the way from middle school up until high school, i had to change schools and he still found a way to mock me through social media. He made a instagram page with a bunch of pics and vids about me which made me want to kill myself as an teen. Hes one of the reasons i have low self esteem and extremely high inhib.

Like 5 years later this guy turned out to be a 6’3” chad and has a modelling portfolio as well as degree from a top uni. Hes getting married to a stacy soon. I really hope this guy gets terminal cancer or something, but i know that won’t happen because karma is cope.
dw he will get what he deserves in the afterlife
Just take a voodoo dool and curse him with ass cancer theory
I hope he suffers a painful death
tbh i don't care about that anymore, everything is pointless anyways. We all end in the same place (dead), so I'm not gonna let myself get bothered by that
You have to take things into your own hands. If you care about his life to the point of posting about him here, might as well email his uni to slander him from multiple emails.

It won't satisfy you ofc, he's still beautiful with a wife, collage or not, while you continue to rot.
Pretty much, that's why you should always strive to be happy even if that means breaking what society deem good and morally right. If doing right makes you feel good then do it, otherwise don't. Good deeds won't bring good things in your life.
They cant cheat DEATH however HA!
His wife will divorce him and take his money.

Either that his children will be fags.
death is enough punishment :feelsYall:

because you cease to exist forever
Well, hopefully his wife cheats on him and he’s forced to raise someone else’s kid. Then 18 years later he finds out that he put all his resources and hard work to raise a kid that’s not his. Just think how humiliating that would be.

Afterwards he’ll file for divorce and his wife will take half his assets, and then he’ll spiral into depression and start drinking/not taking care of his body. Then you can have the last laugh.
Kids who bullied me in school are now successful people.
0 correlation between those 2
Both are in denial about reality. There is no evidence for the existence of whatever millions gods you are refering to throughout human history
Both are in denial about reality.
no only bluepill
There is no evidence for the existence of whatever millions gods you are refering to throughout human history
There is only evidence of 1 religion, i agree.

You can believe whatever you want, but its sad if you only find out when its too late
There is only evidence of 1 religion, i agree.
Christianity is the goyfriendly version of Judaism, to keep poor goys who had no purpose in life in check. There is a reason why Jews dont believe in the New Testament, which is a million times more cucked than the Old Testament
Christianity is the goyfriendly version of Judaism, to keep poor goys who had no purpose in life in check. There is a reason why Jews dont believe in the New Testament, which is a million times more cucked than the Old Testament
The jews will regret opposing Jesus.

They oppose him because they dont like it when someone calls them out on their bullshit and evilness
The jews will regret opposing Jesus.

They oppose him because they dont like it when someone calls them out on their bullshit and evilness
Where is the evidence for Christianity to be true ?
You Eat Minced Meat ( Dead Pigs ) , Chicken ( Dead Chickens ) and Drink Milk , ( Cow thats about to get killed down the Line ) , and nothing happened .

Its just a Stupid Phrase to keep People in Check .
there is plenty, but i am not a debater so idk all the sources besides the bible
If there is plenty, it shouldnt be hard for you to give/name me just one irrefutable proof
If there is plenty, it shouldnt be hard for you to give/name me just one irrefutable proof
i mean read the bible ig

there is plent of evidence Jesus existed and the events

how do you think the universe was created

i believe it has to have an maker
Anyone can write a book, thats no evidence
i see your logic ig
idk bro use google

and honestly bro i dont even care if im wrong, if im wrong what happens? nothing i just stop existing after i die, wich i would prefer over eternal hell.

i do genuinely hope for you that i am in the wrong and there is no afterlife
idk bro use google
Thats the classic excuse i hear from people who believe in god and have no actual arguments
i do genuinely hope for you that i am in the wrong and there is no afterlife
After death there will be nothing, just eternal void. This can be liberating or mindcrushing, depending on how you look at it
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I was viciously bullied by one guy all the way from middle school up until high school, i had to change schools and he still found a way to mock me through social media. He made a instagram page with a bunch of pics and vids about me which made me want to kill myself as an teen. Hes one of the reasons i have low self esteem and extremely high inhib.

Like 5 years later this guy turned out to be a 6’3” chad and has a modelling portfolio as well as degree from a top uni. Hes getting married to a stacy soon. I really hope this guy gets terminal cancer or something, but i know that won’t happen because karma is cope.
He will go to heaven as well. And if reincarnation exists, he will become and even bigger chad
Thats the classic excuse i hear from people who believe in god and have ano actual arguments
After death there will be nothing, just eternal void. This can be liberating or mindcrushing, depending on how you look at it
i would say thats liberating, thats why most people go towards that believe.

the believe that you can do whatever you want in this life and that nothing will matter is a freeing believe is it not?
He will go to heaven as well. And if reincarnation exists, he will become and even bigger chad
according to his description the chad is not christian, so he will not enter heaven, he will be in hell for eternity

and if reincarnation exist, pretty sure the reincarnation is depending on how good of a person you were in your prev life, so he would be like a child slave in north korea or something
Karma is a toxic concept. People who believe in karma think that small children dying from cancer deserve it.
the believe that you can do whatever you want in this life and that nothing will matter is a freeing believe is it not?
Yes, but also the fact that everything is temporare and you are aware that one day you wont exist anymore can also be very terrifying
Yes, but also the fact that everything is temporare and you are aware that one day you wont exist anymore can also be very terrifying
hmm i see, yh i know alot of people think like that but i never found that terrifiying, especially since if its just void, you wont even experience it
Become karma yourself (in video game, non violently)
The only way to get karma is to take matters into your own hands.
My name is evil earl ass nigga
yeah but the best jock bullies can do is replete their outwardly salvageable calibration to a painfully stereotypical keyscript. by mercy of humility you were rigged to one of discrepant provenances

man, trying to search my memories where an actual chad bullied me but all they are were normies. what a pain
That chad is probably fucking his 9/10 Stacy while sipping on some wine while you rot.
If you ER him I wouldn't be mad,he 100% deserves it.
Dude was trying to ruin your life.
It is ropefuel to google old classmates

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