Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Venting Just so incredibly lost

Misogynist Vegeta

Misogynist Vegeta

The Prince of all Incels
Feb 16, 2024
I lack any kind of identity outside of this forum, It's miracle I have an identity here because my OCD prevents me from being happy with whatever online name I try to make up for myself so outside of this forum i just end up playing single player games and posting on 4chan. And outside of that I feel like I don't even know who I am anymore, I just exist like an NPC going through his daily routines. Get up, play games, watch videos on YouTube, go the gym, Jerk off in the shower, eat, sleep, repeat. There is no process in my life because every attempt at doing so ultimately fails, The days they just go by and nothing changes an endless cycle. I think of the movie groundhogs day except instead of day it's a year. I'm stuck and I don't even know what to do.

No purpose, it's like I'm not even there, if I disappeared tomorrow only a few would actually care. Everytime I do go outside I feel like a complete ghost, nothing I do is to any importance to anyone. Who am I? I don't even know at this point, who would like to be? I don't know, What I do I want to do with my life, I don't know. Just a complete haze i don't know anymore. It's like society has finally beat me and has stolen my soul away from me.
We are supposed to get weeded out by natural selection, but modern zeitgeist and medicine keeps us forcefully alive :feelsrope:
I don't even exist irl i'm invisible
I have OCD too.truecel trait
We are supposed to get weeded out by natural selection, but modern zeitgeist and medicine keeps us forcefully alive :feelsrope:
Wake up a 6am and work a soulless job to make some guy you'll never meet richer
most relatable post. we are just NPCs that live pointless lives in the background.
extremely relatable :cryfeels:

I just exist in the background, never noticed. It’s hard to know who I am or what I’m even supposed to be doing. Sometimes I feel like I’m already dead inside, just waiting for the inevitable.
Know that feeling all too well OP. Ill keep you and everyone on this site in my prayers.
I feel ya op. Just a background NPC. The only difference is that I hold a rifle and get told what to do with it. Otherwise, I ain’t shit.
I lack any kind of identity outside of this forum, It's miracle I have an identity here because my OCD prevents me from being happy with whatever online name I try to make up for myself so outside of this forum i just end up playing single player games and posting on 4chan. And outside of that I feel like I don't even know who I am anymore, I just exist like an NPC going through his daily routines. Get up, play games, watch videos on YouTube, go the gym, Jerk off in the shower, eat, sleep, repeat. There is no process in my life because every attempt at doing so ultimately fails, The days they just go by and nothing changes an endless cycle. I think of the movie groundhogs day except instead of day it's a year. I'm stuck and I don't even know what to do.

No purpose, it's like I'm not even there, if I disappeared tomorrow only a few would actually care. Everytime I do go outside I feel like a complete ghost, nothing I do is to any importance to anyone. Who am I? I don't even know at this point, who would like to be? I don't know, What I do I want to do with my life, I don't know. Just a complete haze i don't know anymore. It's like society has finally beat me and has stolen my soul away from me.
Im too low iq to make a good response but i know how you feel vegeta. Your post has me thinking about the vegeta standing in the rain if u know
This world really hates incels, it's not only about women and friendships but being able to live somewhat happily without being favored by other people. Many incels get rejected from getting into a good source of income which means that many incels cannot cope well, own nearly anything, move freely and live healthy. The internet is full of stories like this and I hate it, employers are the same shitty hiveminds just like women.
same man, we're all in the same boat here, no existence just rotting in our rooms. The problem is our lack of purpose due to being completely alienated, detached from the world around us.

No structure, no foundation from which to build upon as an outcast in life. Routine can help for general wellbeing but its not easy to find, somethin I struggle with myself, I literally sleep my existence away, my dreams are my only escape from my fucked depression.

I'm only awake at night till about 7am usually, what kind of life is this, its a suffering only sub humans like us can truly resonate with.
We are supposed to get weeded out by natural selection, but modern zeitgeist and medicine keeps us forcefully alive :feelsrope:
(((They))) keep us alive so we could be cogs for the machine. Hell not even that, we're just the oil
this is really the best system they had in mind when creating this fuckshit SOYciety.
Im not even alive
If you want to speak DM me
Don't worry so much because there really isn't a self anywhere, in fact there never was

But whether you like it or not, you still have an ego because you want to be something, you want to be someone, you have an ego because you want to attribute props to yourself.
So yes, you exist, you have a personality.
Just like me, you're still in this illusion.
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Fuck this world! We only have a couple more decades left in this hellhole, while we're here let's enjoy each othERs company, eat great slop, and get HOT 'noodlewhore message parlour' footjobs. :blackpill::feelsautistic:
Can relate. I've moved from one country to another, but it's all the same. I'm a ghost, I don't exist for anyone. I could travel anywhere and do any shitty job and the outcome will always be the same. I feel like I can't escape.
At least you shower
it's not a proper shower, quite rarely the water just hits me. a lot of times intend to have a proper shower but end up just sitting there paralyzed by my thoughts.
I don't have a personality. I just kind of exist and consume media all day. I don't even like any of it, but there's nothing else to do. I have a couple of different fake personalities for different situations. Sometimes I almost convince myself it's who I am, but then I come home, sit down and suddenly I'm nobody, just this body facing a computer monitor, completely separated from the real world.

It's really quite bizarre how much I change when I'm in class. I even lie about being employed because it's a community college and most of the students there are employed and in their late 20s and 30s. I'm European so I don't know if I'm describing it correctly, but it's not your typical American-style college.
I'm 30 and I've never had a job nor do I have any actual hobbies or anything in common with normal people. It's very embarrassing so I made up a whole story about my life and all the places I used to work at. It was hard having to lie about my entire life during introductions, and there are new professors every semester so I have to do it like 15 times a year.

I don't hang out with anyone and I've never had actual friends. I talk to people every now and then and when I do I have to keep my story straight. I'm just scared that someone's going to go "oh really, my brother works there, do you know him?"

I don't even know what I'm doing and I don't know how long this will last. I'm failing all my classes so I'll probably just drop out and work at a gas station or something. Whenever I'm outside I just don't feel like a real person. It's almost hard to believe that people have real lives. They go to work, have sex, have kids and families, like movie characters, but it's real. I can't fathom any of it.

My parents want me to succeed, but I think they know that it's basically over for me. I'll disappoint them again, they'll be angry and threaten to kick me out. They won't because they're good people and they know I can't survive alone. We won't talk to each other as much and everything will keep getting worse. I can't help them and I can't help myself. I hate knowing that I'm the source of most of their problems, and I know this is pathetic, but I truly feel powerless about all of it. I can't change because I'm not right in the head.
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I lack any kind of identity outside of this forum, It's miracle I have an identity here because my OCD prevents me from being happy with whatever online name I try to make up for myself so outside of this forum i just end up playing single player games and posting on 4chan. And outside of that I feel like I don't even know who I am anymore, I just exist like an NPC going through his daily routines. Get up, play games, watch videos on YouTube, go the gym, Jerk off in the shower, eat, sleep, repeat. There is no process in my life because every attempt at doing so ultimately fails, The days they just go by and nothing changes an endless cycle. I think of the movie groundhogs day except instead of day it's a year. I'm stuck and I don't even know what to do.

No purpose, it's like I'm not even there, if I disappeared tomorrow only a few would actually care. Everytime I do go outside I feel like a complete ghost, nothing I do is to any importance to anyone. Who am I? I don't even know at this point, who would like to be? I don't know, What I do I want to do with my life, I don't know. Just a complete haze i don't know anymore. It's like society has finally beat me and has stolen my soul away from me.
feel you
the only way is to find fulfillment and purpose in things that dont involve others like making art or some other niche shit
I lack any kind of identity outside of this forum, It's miracle I have an identity here because my OCD prevents me from being happy with whatever online name I try to make up for myself so outside of this forum i just end up playing single player games and posting on 4chan. And outside of that I feel like I don't even know who I am anymore, I just exist like an NPC going through his daily routines. Get up, play games, watch videos on YouTube, go the gym, Jerk off in the shower, eat, sleep, repeat. There is no process in my life because every attempt at doing so ultimately fails, The days they just go by and nothing changes an endless cycle. I think of the movie groundhogs day except instead of day it's a year. I'm stuck and I don't even know what to do.

No purpose, it's like I'm not even there, if I disappeared tomorrow only a few would actually care. Everytime I do go outside I feel like a complete ghost, nothing I do is to any importance to anyone. Who am I? I don't even know at this point, who would like to be? I don't know, What I do I want to do with my life, I don't know. Just a complete haze i don't know anymore. It's like society has finally beat me and has stolen my soul away from me.
You just spoke to my soul. We're not NPCs, but we sure as hell live like one.

Most brutal part of this is disappearing tomorrow. Literally a handful of people (including parents) would semi-care, and then things would move on as if you were never really there.

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