When I was 15 turning 16 ,around Christmas time. I had a problem with this one femoid in my neighborhood. I was tired of her shit always nitpicking everything I do . She knows where I live so she’d make fun of my clothing and shoes, and house what not. I was having a really bad I remember .I grabbed 2 kitchen knifes and ran outside. I wasn’t planning on really doing any real damage . I ended up slashing her left arm. She started screaming , neighbors called the cops. I ran and hid between houses and apartments for a good 3-4 hours and just went back home. They came later that night when I was showering guns drawn shotguns and pistols everything. I stay in juvenile detention center for a couple of months. I went to court and was underage so the charges didn’t really stick . Mother helped me get it expunged off my record, so no one would know it ever happened.