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LifeFuel just rejected this girl at the library for help

Why did you even acknowledge her existence? Next time just keep reading until she realizes she isn't worth your time or seeds.
Ask more like expected you to bend over backwards
I see where you're coming from but personally I would've helped her, she might've started talking to you & (I know its a long shot but theres always a chance) you might've hit it off. You never know.
Nice join date cunt.
Brings back memories from the good ol' days of calculatorcel and nightrunnercel.

Good job OP.
I would have screamed that I was being harassed.

I can't wait until I finally get to do that.
This is what mean should do. Ruin a girls' day however you can.
Honestly, I think @spincel and @OmegaBoy should be temp banned for so obviously not being blackpilled yet.
This could have been a chance to escape inceldom and you just threw it away...
I see where you're coming from but personally I would've helped her, she might've started talking to you & (I know its a long shot but theres always a chance) you might've hit it off. You never know.
lmao you guys really think she was gonna have sex with him because he helped her? foids think they're entitled to help from men, fuck em
so im here looking at my phone, this girl right next to me was asking for my help. I told her go to the front desk for help.

i shouldve told her she is not entitled to my help.

You glorious fucking god. @warriorskill, I wouldnt temp ban quite yet unless they are whiteknighting pieces of shit.
LOL at the maycucks. You definitely made the right decision OP. Why should you cuck out and help a random female when you have your own shit to take care of
>there are people on this site RIGHT NOW who think talking to womynz means ANYTHING

lmao you guys really think she was gonna have sex with him because he helped her? foids think they're entitled to help from men, fuck em
You definitely made the right decision OP. Why should you cuck out and help a random female when you have your own shit to take care of
The rejection heard around the world.
This could have been a chance to escape inceldom and you just threw it away...

Troll? Low IQ chucklefucks like you are why people call incels entitled. "zomg i gave her directions, now she'll blow me!" fucking kill yourself
Well done keep showing them the error of their ways
Reminds me of that one classic r/incels thread about the guy in college who didn't give a girl his calculator during a test.
baby steps, at work this one time a foid brushed against me and I told her not to touch me :feelsokman:
This takes discipline.
She wasnt entitled to your help
I wouldnt even respond.
Watch her cry on social media how she got rejected and get cuck validation points.

I would be stoned to death if caught denying women the privilege they claim to be entitled to. I usually do things like ignore them or not hold doors.

One time, I was outside in the freezing cold sitting outside my college campus. The campus and outside is separated by a metal gate. A woman dropped its keys in between the gate. The woman was a fat aggressive black woman. I looked at them dropping the keys. They shouted and kept yelling "excuse me sir" very loud but I pretended I didn't hear. I would have had to walk a long way to pass those keys. The woman had to walk all the way around to pick them up.
well if im not entitled to their bodies then there not entitled to my help
This is like the calculatorcel haha.
Thread is giving us Maycels a bad name.

JFL roastie infiltrators.
so much bluepill in this thread.

The chad rule still applies

"Would she be acting this way if I was chad?"

If the answer is no, then she isn´t attracted to you.

If you were chad she would´ve slipped you her number even after you rejected her.
Would you have done the same if a man asked for your help?
"I don't work here, bitch"
Some guys here are either complete morons or they spend too much time watching romantic sitcoms. Real life is not a movie where you'll meet your future girlfriend in a library. It's ridiculous that we still have people who subscribe to these stupid fantasies, and the fact that it is coming from guys who have learned about the blackpill makes it even worse. OP did well by turning the bitch to the front desk.

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