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Just lol at incels that care about politics



Nov 8, 2017
I cringe really hard when i see fellow subhumans participating in what is defined as normie issues such as politics, religion, nationalism, etc, probably the most pathetic way to cope and they tend to it very hard since they tend to become extremist in whatever-thing they put, thinking that the society that mistreat them will accept them and recognize them as one of their fully members if they figth hard enough.

If you are not apolitical, you are a Cuck, i repeat, you are figthing with probably another incel in denial for what is better for the normies and the femoids on this world, willing to kill yourself for then if necesary meanwhile your breaten suffer no matter what bullshit you believe, NO mainstream political doctrine benefits ugly men, so why engage in it?

Just a reminder, Incel affiliated with identity bullshit, alt rigth or extreme left shit, Nationalism, Religion fanaticism "MRA" Crap etc = C U C K, you should only care about your incel fellows.
i used to be passionately left wing but over the last 2 years i stopped caring and im probably more right wing now cause of the blackpill
kek yeah, imagine showing an interest in something that impacts every facet of your life. Idiots!
Nationalism and any movement for that matter, even identity politics require one to be part of a society and accepted. Hell we are such pariah that even anarchism wont even accept us.
weservenomsg said:
i used to be passionately left wing but over the last 2 years i stopped caring and im probably more right wing now cause of the blackpill
Same here, i passed to be an hardcore communist in my young to be an Far-Rigth cringelord in the last two years, then i discovered that neither two of those ideologies gave a shit about me, we are alone.
IceCutter said:
if you are an incel that is left-wing and not completely vocally anti-immigration you are COMPLETE cuck

>Caring about a country that doesn't give you shit
IceCutter said:
immigration = scumbag young men who should be fighting on their own land coming to take your women

Chad's gonna take them anyways so let the terrorists rape those roastie sluts.
IceCutter said:
immigration = scumbag young men who should be fighting on their own land coming to take your women

"your women"

maybe if we lived in some middle eastern shithole that argument will hold, but we live in the western world, femoids are sexually liberated and they will never choose to be with us doenst matter if inmigrants are here or not.

If dont really give a shit if its Chad or Chaddam the one`s that fuck like rabbits meanwhile we are rotting here.
IceCutter said:
Nah. These subhumans are even more subhuman than you are (probably), Chad deserves the women, his good-genes should progress.

Seeing these subhumans harassing women is pure rage-fuel.

Lmao another chad worshipper cuck from lookism.

The majority of the refugees are incel-tier and are treated like absolute shit by western femoids, it`s the chaddams that pump and dump and showed next in the news.
IceCutter said:
Nah. These subhumans are even more subhuman than you are (probably), Chad deserves the women, his good-genes should progress.

Seeing these subhumans harassing women is pure rage-fuel.

fuarrrk didn't realize there were so many guys here that seem to have legit lost all hope

I'm hoping that many of you don't live in a place that is infested with rapefugees so are just saying this shit casually

Are you from Lookism?

Also it's good that they are harassing femoids. They deserve it.

Stop caring what happens to cum dumpsters
I used to be in 1488 crowd, basically a /pol/ack but after getting blackpilled I stopped caring about these things. I still hate to see what is happening in this world and the fact that it's not going to change but it's not like I care that much anymore. I am just waiting to see the world burn.
IceCutter said:
immigration = scumbag young men who should be fighting on their own land coming to take your women

IceCutter said:
for incels that still have hope (and I know they exist here, hence the Leaving Inceldom section), rapefugees are terrible

it's really eye-opnening to me to see incels saying they are pro-immigration

We are not pro-inmigration, we simply don`t give a damn.

Like it should be, Normie faggotry is not our business.
IceCutter said:
for incels that still have hope (and I know they exist here, hence the Leaving Inceldom section), rapefugees are terrible

it's really eye-opnening to me to see incels saying they are pro-immigration

Hope is a distraction bruh. And the only way a True incel can leave inceldom is by getting surgery done. 

Also, rapefugees are good because they teach cuntrags their place. 

I get that you don't hate femoids, by the looks of your comments.
im extremely far-right, but yeah, it doesn't matter at all.
If you don't support the Islamic invasion of Europe you are a feminist.
I'm obviously still extremely political. At least when it comes to the "big" issues, the general issues such as borders, immigration and the nature of the nation state in a world that is ruled now by a monopolized mega-capital that doesn't have any interest in national distinctions anymore, etc. But I hardly follow daily news anymore. It's just something I avoid for the sake of my already shattered mental health. 

I guess this was one of the reasons why I tried to find faith in Jesus Christ. The Abrahamic religions were always deeply attractive to me and I'm frequently considering to convert to one of the bunch before I always give it up again, because it's just too stupid. But this attitude to see yourself simply as a pilgrim on this earth who is just on his way to his ACTUAL home, the heavenly Jerusalem, is deeply attractive to me. I love the letter to the Hebrews. And some of the best moments of my life were when I went for walks walk at night while listening to sermons from Charles Spurgeon (19th century preacher) on mp3. 

Michel Houellebecq writes somewhere that depression is characterized by losing interest in things that actually ARE very uninteresting. And that you might imagine a depressed person in love, but not a depressed person having strong opinions on the nature of the nation state. I tend to disagree. I care about things that negatively affect me. I might decide to choose escapism over a painfully close look at things I know will make things worse for me. I might decide to rather forget about that. But I still care about it. I just try to ignore it more often now. 

Here is actually something I like about women: it's easier to avoid serious discussions with women and just gossip, just chat. Sadly, women and men don't differ THAT much in their regards to politics. Just look at all studies about how people vote, in most countries, men and women of the same race tend to vote VERY much alike. (If only white women had voted in the US, Trump would still be President. If only white men had voted in France and Germany, Macron and Merkel were sill presidents.) But with men it's more likely that they want to involve you in a political debate you have to avoid then. Men tend to be more political, normie women are often rather unpolitical. So if you have to avoid serious debates, it's easier to get along with women who are more used to mindlessly chat and gossip.
While I am rejected by society, I do not want to see my nation completely fucked by nigros and muslims who come here to steal my money. Mass immigration wanted by leftist cunts needs to stop before everything is over.
So I am interested in politics and beating degenerate cunts.
I want the whole world or at least society to be destroyed. I am also against sjws like cuck tears who hate us the most.
weservenomsg said:
i used to be passionately left wing but over the last 2 years i stopped caring and im probably more right wing now cause of the blackpill

same, voted for obama 2x and hilary last year. i used to hate trump. if i haven't killed myself by 2020 i'm going to vote for him. i love how much he triggers SJWs/ledditors and hopefully him and kim jong un just blow up the planet. i'm too apathetic to give a shit about politics anymore. why should i vote to help people who hate me?
from a previous thread:

Unbearable2woman said:
i don`t get why you cuckcels are so opposed about it, it`s you want to be treated like shit by society all your shitty life`s and don`t anything about it, just vent and then continue to be a cuck in this miserable world.

Politics influences everything. It's one of the few ways we can make meaningful changes to society and improve our lives. Consider the fact that many of us wouldn't be incel if it wasn't for feminism.
ethnics can eat shit! sieg heil !!!
I am with IceCuck on this one. Let those shit-for-brain third world mud bastards stay in their shithole of a country. They are all unevolved primitive apes. They do not belong with us men of class and intellect. Sure, they harass women, but the own countrymen can do that as well. Idiotic simpletons have no place in advanced civilizations.
I used to get sad when I hear a shooting occurred. This was when I was a bluepilled faggot cuck of course.
It's hard not to be woke on politics as on outsider to society. I guess the real Black Pill is that none of it matters. The West is determined to destroy itself with (((mass-immigration and degeneracy))) - and there's nothing we can do about it. Even the optimism toward the backlash to this vile globalism with the election of the God-Emperor and the Brexit referendum has been tarnished by screeching SJW vermin.

I'd like to see the survival of my race and culture; but I don't give a fuck about being alive. Probably just as well. Humanity is doomed and hypergamy will play a big part in that too.
Just lol at these alt right cucks, the western world aint worth saving.
fukmylyf said:
from a previous thread:

Politics influences everything. It's one of the few ways we can make meaningful changes to society and improve our lives. Consider the fact that many of us wouldn't be incel if it wasn't for feminism.

" you should only care about your incel fellows."
if you're unattractive everybody hates you so picking a side is just retarded, hate for unattractive males is universal
IceCutter said:
immigration = scumbag young men who should be fighting on their own land coming to take your women

lol, I can respect certain tenets of alt-right ideology, but this is just stupid. Most of these refugees are incels. They're not a threat to your women.

Speaking of which, have you noticed that white women tend to be the most slutty, degenerate, and unfaithful? It's because they were given too much privilege. 
So many problems in our society could have been avoided if white men kept their women in line to begin with. You could learn a thing or two from other cultures in that sense.
I think I understand what you're trying to say but dude you gotta realize all forms of debate or discussion is to some extent politics. Not caring about politics in the traditional sense is okay but everyone has a political view (even being racist is a political belief). An example would be the blackpill, its an ideology we all believe and have experienced first hand which is why our belief in it is so strong. 

Not caring about politics? sure. 
Rejecting politics entirely? nah.
iiiTeMpeR said:
I think I understand what you're trying to say but dude you gotta realize all forms of debate or discussion is to some extent politics. Not caring about politics in the traditional sense is okay but everyone has a political view (even being racist is a political belief). An example would be the blackpill, its an ideology we all believe and have experienced first hand which is why our belief in it is so strong. 

Not caring about politics? sure. 
Rejecting politics entirely? nah.

That`s my whole point, figthing for spreading the Blackpill, caring for your fellow incels and pushing for society change, etc, that should the only political activity the Incel should engage, falling for any other crap is basically sucking normie dick in exchange for nothing.
We will build the United Nations of Incels
But the thing is that politics shape everything that's around us.
IceCutter said:
Nah. These subhumans are even more subhuman than you are (probably), Chad deserves the women, his good-genes should progress.

Seeing these subhumans harassing women is pure rage-fuel.

fuarrrk didn't realize there were so many guys here that seem to have legit lost all hope

I'm hoping that many of you don't live in a place that is infested with rapefugees so are just saying this shit casually

Lmao white knight cuck in disguise pretending to be an incel.
Women deserve the worst, you would gladly cycled by chad because 
You worship roastie and chad. Just LOL at being a cuck and incel at the 
Same time.

If you still have sympathy for women after all that they have done too you,
I am sorry to tell you but you belong on incelQuears
I'm somewhat of a nihilist so I don't give a fuck about things like politics, legacy or temporary ideologies.

Just LOL at several normies I know that are full on communists and dedicate so much time to it, when its basically a dead thing that didn't even last more than 1 century. Just LOL at giving your life away (like the ones who die for ideologies), the only time of consciousness you have in ALL ETERNITY for some ideology that you don't even know if it will last even 50 years. Just LOL at patriotcels being proud or even giving your life willingly for their country, when its just a place they RANDOMLY happened to be born in. Just LOL at starting a family and raising kids because you want a legacy and to be remembered, but you can't remember your great-grandfather's surname nor his face. Just LOL at caring for anything so ephemeral.

I only follow politics because I find it interesting what's happening in the world.

Having a stance in politics is retarded because that would imply that you believe in democracy. Democracy never works and will never work, because not every single person is the same and not everybody deserves to have a vote. The moment the ruling party learns that all it needs to do is spend the public's money on providing welfare for at least 51% of the population they will never lose and you see exactly this happening in the current modern world. The government spends the public's money not to make the state better and more efficient, but instead to buy votes through distributing welfare and gibsmedat for single mothers and niggers.

The only way of winning in politics is to do everything the law allows you to, to make as much money as possible. That's why I'm playing the system and became a NEET that earns 2k euros a month and live rent free in a nice apartment. Why is this system in place at all? Because the government understands that 90% of people like me will vote for gibsmedat for the r
I'm a LDAR/NEET so voting left wing is the obvious choice.

IceCutter said:
immigration = scumbag young men who should be fighting on their own land coming to take your women

We're incels not normies. We have no women. Go post that on /pol/ where you can larp freely as if any race women give a fuck about you.
IceCutter said:
Nah. These subhumans are even more subhuman than you are (probably), Chad deserves the women, his good-genes should progress.

Seeing these subhumans harassing women is pure rage-fuel.

fuarrrk didn't realize there were so many guys here that seem to have legit lost all hope

I'm hoping that many of you don't live in a place that is infested with rapefugees so are just saying this shit casually

Lol what a faggot Chad worshipping cuck, I hate trash like you even more than females.
IceCutter said:
Yeh you already said that with your other alt

What alt you retarded weeb, I got better things to do than post with an alt.
IceCutter said:
When I said your women, I just don't mean like your girlfriends and stuff, I mean like your sisters too, cousins, even women you are acquainted with

I don't have sisters, I might have cousins but who gives a fuck what they do, and like I said, we're incels here. We're not acquainted with any women. If they hate us why would we give a fuck about them. We also only live once and I could care less about their future or their children.
>our woman.

Who btw want nothing to do with me.

I can understand why someone with family and female would care about politics but it is very laughable for any incel to bother with it. We arent part of the society and those females arent ours. I tried to get them but they simply dont want me so hence they arent mine it seems.
Unbearable2woman said:
I cringe really hard when i see fellow subhumans participating in what is defined as normie issues such as politics, religion, nationalism, etc, probably the most pathetic way to cope and they tend to it very hard since they tend to become extremist in whatever-thing they put, thinking that the society that mistreat them will accept them and recognize them as one of their fully members if they figth hard enough.

If you are not apolitical, you are a Cuck, i repeat, you are figthing with probably another incel in denial for what is better for the normies and the femoids on this world, willing to kill yourself for then if necesary meanwhile your breaten suffer no matter what bullshit you believe, NO mainstream political doctrine benefits ugly men, so why engage in it?

Just a reminder, Incel affiliated with identity bullshit, alt rigth or extreme left shit, Nationalism, Religion fanaticism "MRA" Crap etc = C U C K, you should only care about your incel fellows.

I'm hyper right wing. I believe in violently opposing leftism and rolling back its influence world wide. Peace through superior firepower. I believe in a strong traditional patriarchal society where women are chaste and monogamy is enforced, work and family are valued and where there is no race mixing. We also need white/asian minority rule to keep the peace otherwise the west will look like Shitcago or Detroit.

A lot of our problems are caused by left wing cancerous influences which are the result of soviet and Jewish subversion of our society. By destroying them we can restore society to its former glory. That's why i care about politics. Although not in the sense most people do. My primary concern is the destruction of politics as we know it.

fagotonabike said:
I only follow politics because I find it interesting what's happening in the world.

Having a stance in politics is retarded because that would imply that you believe in democracy. Democracy never works and will never work, because not every single person is the same and not everybody deserves to have a vote. The moment the ruling party learns that all it needs to do is spend the public's money on providing welfare for at least 51% of the population they will never lose and you see exactly this happening in the current modern world. The government spends the public's money not to make the state better and more efficient, but instead to buy votes through distributing welfare and gibsmedat for single mothers and niggers.

The only way of winning in politics is to do everything the law allows you to, to make as much money as possible. That's why I'm playing the system and became a NEET that earns 2k euros a month and live rent free in a nice apartment. Why is this system in place at all? Because the government understands that 90% of people like me will vote for gibsmedat for the r

Yeah. Basically. Democracy in its original context in the US only property owners could vote. Now they let any old cretin vote when most of them are a net drain on the system and put absolutely nothing back. You point this out you get a lot of moral outrage and virtue signalling even though there is only a limited span of time that this insane system can continue. The same government that doles out welfare left right and centre, especially to minorities will fine you $25,000 for feeding wild animals in a national park.

They let women vote even though, again women are a net drain on the system throughout their lives who survive on male surplus and that's just in basic taxation. Most men are paying vast amounts of alimony and child support on top of that as well as all the free stuff women extract out of men through the friendzone and flashing a whiff of her muff at thirsty betas.

Liberty is what matters. Private property is what matters. Women under control is what matters. Hard work is what matters. Its what gave us everything we have.

It was over the second we gave women the right to vote. The second we did that fertility dropped like a stone and government spending and debt have been going up ever since.
I used to be pretty big on politics and daydreaming when I was young. Then one day I suddenly realized that quality of life almost fully depends on looks. You could live in the perfect social system and still be unhappy because you're unattractive. 

Chad doesn't care about politics. 

When he does, he's a section leader and dates girls in the youth league.
Power dynamics on this planet are primarily based on looks.

Once you have fully understood the implications of this you don't have any reason left to care about politics or be a racist.

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