watch out dudes, we got a CHAD over here!
kek i've been there
back in college. freshman year biology lab. had to do a class project in 4 weeks. was assigned to a group of 4. 3 girls and myself. i 100% tried every fucking other day (M/W/F) to get with them to get this project off the ground but the "leader" wouldn't talk back to me and the other 2 girls just kept telling me to get with her. so for 3 and a half weeks I was in total darkness of what the fuck was even going on. so i just said fuck it and started working on the project myself the entire last weekend. came to class on Monday with a fully finished project all by myself. and they also came to school with a fully finished project all by theirselves. our projects were similar but the results were way different.
long story short the "leader" was having group meetings every weekend for the project and all 3 girls were working on it for those 4 weeks. the "leader" didn't invite me because the meetings were at her apartment and she said it would be "weird" if she invited me and i came over to the apartment. i asked how would it be weird. we're fucking lab partners. she stated, "You know...just weird. like it'll be weird, ya know?"
i legit shot her a 'IM GOING TO KILL YOU BITCH' look from my eyes to which she never talked to me again the whole semester. fucking 18yo whores. i guess i can kind of feel sorry for the asian girl. she apologized and said she just didn't want the other 2 girls to get mad at her but she tried asking them to invite me but they kept shutting her down. so in the end we got a 75 i believe. 95 project grade but professor took off 20 pts because we didn't adhere to the group policy as this was a group project and we showed up with 2 projects and did 2 different demonstrations. still a passing grade but i was so pissed.
lol i just like your name