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JFL Just got home from a dinner party in San Francisco, I’m just dumbfounded. Every single couple was literally a white man and an Asian Woman

@starcrapoo was probably there :dafuckfeels:
Jfl, thats all san francisco is now. WMAF couples and homeless drug addicts
Just a coincidence!
We will have an army of ERs in San Francisco
Cumskins just can't loose as long as gooks are around.
Yellow fever from Whiteoids and White fever from Noodles, are literally unseperable magnets.
What are their options? A fat used up white woman with kids or a less used up chinkoid? I know what I would choose
What are their options? A fat used up white woman with kids or a less used up chinkoid? I know what I would choose
Classic whitoid cope. Noodlewhores in the west have higher STD rates than white roasties.
Classic whitoid cope. Noodlewhores in the west have higher STD rates than white roasties.
I don't know which western country you're talking about but the one I live in chinks have the lowest std rate of all ethnicities followed by whites
I don't know which western country you're talking about but the one I live in chinks have the lowest std rate of all ethnicities followed by whites

But we found that Asian American young women are at risk of high STDs. For instance, Asian American women had a higher prevalence of STDs than White women in both 1995 (10.4% vs. 7.7) and 2001 (13.5% vs. 8.3%). The incidence of STDs (not diagnosed with STDs in 1995, but developed STIs in 2001) among Asian American women was also higher than that of White women."

But we found that Asian American young women are at risk of high STDs. For instance, Asian American women had a higher prevalence of STDs than White women in both 1995 (10.4% vs. 7.7) and 2001 (13.5% vs. 8.3%). The incidence of STDs (not diagnosed with STDs in 1995, but developed STIs in 2001) among Asian American women was also higher than that of White women."
Fair enough but I'm not from America. Also your data is outdated
San Francisco is just a hive of Westernised Noodles, who are known Whitoid worshippers, at a rate of 50% outmarriage.

Vancouver is 1/3 Rice but it should mostly be the CCP Elite in bubbles away from Whitey and his pals, the top 1% Wealthy from Riceland. A Cucknada cel from there can confirm.
shit like this really proves how strong JBW is but it's still funny to see whitecels really arguing about this shit.
How much cognitive dissonance do you need to be on to be a white supremacist, know the blackpill, but think JBW isn't generally true?
shit like this really proves how strong JBW is but it's still funny to see whitecels really arguing about this shit.
How much cognitive dissonance do you need to be on to be a white supremacist, know the blackpill, but think JBW isn't generally true?

Well it is true, if you're a well adjusted NT, 5'10" or over, with a Whitoid normie face or higher, you're going to be just fine out there...

If you're non-NT, short, bald, shit face etc, that's where the White halo isn't enough to save you in the West.

If every Male is a Race car, then "JBW" is a Turbo on the car. The rest of the car still needs to be decent to win.
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Another proof whites can't be incel
And here I thought that our users are visiting parties in San Fransisco
It seems white''cels'' don't even have to go to SEA to SEAmaxx these days. JFL.
We will have an army of ERs in San Francisco
The Incel Revolution is coming, ER was just the herald, soon a legion of WMAFspawn will rain hell liberal cities of america and bring an end to this nightmare
Anyone with eyes can see JBW playing out in SF.

Also, there are a good amount of white women walking around by themselves in SF but does that mean that they actually give Asian dudes a chance? Hells no.

They are hostile and stuck up as fuck.

The only attractive white women in SF are the white women that work in the healthcare industry. Thats where they cluster. In tech, not so much. Those white women are actually dating high tier good looking white males whereas the white males in WMAF, well, its plain for anyone to see.
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I live in the Bay Area and I've postes about this a few times. The thing is, White women still date only white men mostly. But middle tier white men seem to be forced to dating white worshipping asian women. It's the safe option for them, even if the Asian women dont actually like them and only want their resources
I’ve been reading the top posts for the past week on that sub and it’s just a collection of blackpills.
lmao fr tho I feel bad for their future sons. From womb to tomb

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/redscarepod/comments/14k34p7/just_got_home_from_a_dinner_party_in_san/jpppcju/

> go to any elite university, virtually every Indian man who can dress marginally well is dating an East Asian girl.


Classic curry coper :lul:

the ratio of WMAF to AMWF is like 5:1 in Southern Ontario tbh this checks out. Asian here colloquially refers to East Asians
On r/hapas the general consensus was that it's around 100:1.
Classic curry coper :lul:

On r/hapas the general consensus was that it's around 100:1.
>It's terrifying. My girlfriend is first-gen, her parents are from and still connected to the PRC, and the majority of my friends are AAPI. I don't know what the hell I can do if the US hegemony is threatened any further and the fascists that run it decide the majority of the people in my life are enemies of the state.

Apparently his GF us some rice foid studying in the states and he's not Asian. Huh. It's on his profile

jfl at the 100:1 thing. What do you think is the real ratio? I think it's like 6-7:1
really makes one think
Yes, but you must be careful. The white men you see there are all normies. Can't make it with mayofoids, so stooping to the noodlewhore approach. Good for them. DO NOT ASSUME ALL mayos HAVE THIS PRIVILEGE. I'm very much a truecel. Oriental girls have been flat-out hostile to me, though you'd probably look at me and think I was a white normie who could easily pull gook women. Not true.
Yes, but you must be careful. The white men you see there are all normies. Can't make it with mayofoids, so stooping to the noodlewhore approach. Good for them. DO NOT ASSUME ALL mayos HAVE THIS PRIVILEGE. I'm very much a truecel. Oriental girls have been flat-out hostile to me, though you'd probably look at me and think I was a white normie who could easily pull gook women. Not true.
I know the feeling.

People might think I'm plain, but probably not an incel.

But it's 90.20
Yes, but you must be careful. The white men you see there are all normies. Can't make it with mayofoids, so stooping to the noodlewhore approach. Good for them. DO NOT ASSUME ALL mayos HAVE THIS PRIVILEGE. I'm very much a truecel. Oriental girls have been flat-out hostile to me, though you'd probably look at me and think I was a white normie who could easily pull gook women. Not true.
I know the feeling.

People might think I'm plain, but probably not an incel.

But it's 90.20
TBH a lot of it is that rices have attractive women and westoid women are ugly. If noodlewhores were as ugly as our curry women there'd be little outmarriage.
its so fucking over. I hope chinks invade this country and rape all of these dumb whores with a bayonet

But we found that Asian American young women are at risk of high STDs. For instance, Asian American women had a higher prevalence of STDs than White women in both 1995 (10.4% vs. 7.7) and 2001 (13.5% vs. 8.3%). The incidence of STDs (not diagnosed with STDs in 1995, but developed STIs in 2001) among Asian American women was also higher than that of White women."
The idea that asian women are "pure" is just more lookism shit. They look like children and thus average bluepilled cuck assumes she must be muh pure muh innocent muh sweeelt virgin maiden
Classic curry coper :lul:

On r/hapas the general consensus was that it's around 100:1.
It definitely is that high anyone saying it's a mere 5:1 ratio is a rice coper. You know it's bad because sooo many ricecels lose their minds over WMAF, if the ratio was more balanced they wouldn't be as upset.

Hell I would argue white-black is far more balanced ratio

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