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Serious "Just go after *blank* type of women bro"

  • Thread starter Deleted member 33186
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Deleted member 33186

Deleted member 33186

Feb 25, 2021
Ok let's break this down, keep in mind I live in America and don't have the money to geomaxx or anything.

1. White Women: Standards are easily the highest, 1/10 Awhite Women want chad of some sort, literally a below 1% chance of getting one especially not blonde gigastacy, easily the biggest bluepilled race of women spreading lies and deceit to Men on basically everything that's actually important when trying to attract them.

2. Black Women: You only have a chance with single mothers with 10 kids from Pookie and Ray Ray, If you're white or non black don't even try it unless you're geomaxxing to somewhere like Africa, they hate non black men here in America unless you're gigachad of course, but they are more honest about looks then most races of Women from what I've seen.

3. Asian Women: Overrated by awhite men, very stuck up most of the time and not interested in Below Average White's and Ethnics, they are also easily the ugliest race in my opinion and fraud the most in terms of makeup, they all do it, but Asian women look like Dolls after applying 10 hours worth of makeup.

4. Indian Women: I've literally never encountered a Indian woman before lmfao, at least not where I live, same goes for Arabic Women etc.

Outside of these differences they are basically the same tho, Chad only for 99.9% of them.
I’ve never recieved any positive attention from foids in my life. However, I’ve received plenty of negative attention, being called short, ugly, when I tried talking to foids at college parties. Anyone recieving positive attention from foids is probably a fakecel or at least failed normie.
Get this Chad out already
I wouldn’t call it attraction but I’ve received the most attention and talked to white girls the most.
yea that'd be my number 2. asians would probably be higher but theres basically no asians where i live so it's not a fair sample size comparison
I’ve never recieved any positive attention from foids in my life. However, I’ve received plenty of negative attention, being called short, ugly, when I tried talking to foids at college parties. Anyone recieving positive attention from foids is probably a fakecel or at least failed normie.
Ye, I haven't gotten much positive attention either, these are just my observations.
White females are very overrated. :feelsUgh:
2. Black Women: You only have a chance with single mothers with 10 kids from Pookie and Ray Ray, If you're white or non black don't even try it unless you're geomaxxing to somewhere like Africa, they hate non black men here in America unless you're gigachad of course, but they are more honest about looks then most races of Women from what I've seen.

Yeah, right. Women will even take white normies and brag to the family about it. Black women are actually more interested in white men than black men are in white women.

Black women possess strong preference for white males, no different than any other ethnic women. Its just that white men are largely unattracted to them so they cope/hamster with sour grapes by claiming its the opposite.

Can't believe people buy into this bullshit. If the blackpill has taught anything, its not to place any stock in what women say because more often than not they are full of shit. Look at the data, and look at their actions.

The fact that WM/BF marriage statistic has the lowest divorce rate says it all.
The fact that WM/BF marriage statistic has the lowest divorce rate says it all.
They have the lowest divorce rate because the relationship's of black women and white men are basically non existent, not because they have happier marriages.
Yeah, right. Women will even take white normies and brag to the family about it. Black women are actually more interested in white men than black men are in white women.
Most of the Black Women I've seen are disgusted by non Chad white men, there's statistics on Black Women only dating Black men as well, they hate them because of propaganda mostly.
Black women possess strong preference for white males, no different than any other ethnic women. Its just that white men are largely unattracted to them so they cope/hamster with sour grapes by claiming its the opposite.
Obvious bullshit is obvious, put a white guy that's average in a black school he'll get bullied by not just the men, but also the women for being white.

They obviously aren't attracted to non Chad White Men, and the ones that are are rare, keep coping.
Can't believe people buy into this bullshit. If the blackpill has taught anything, its not to place any stock in what women say because more often than not they are full of shit. Look at the data, and look at their actions.
Most of the data clearly suggests Black Women in America don't like white men, keep coping.
They have the lowest divorce rate because the relationship's of black women and white men are basically non existent, not because they have happier marriages.

No, they have the lowest divorce rate because of hypergamy.

Most of the Black Women I've seen are disgusted by non Chad white men, there's statistics on Black Women only dating Black men as well, they hate them because of propaganda mostly.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74dkMzgtOd4

View: https://youtu.be/-Esdsmszvdo?t=1708

Obvious bullshit is obvious, put a white guy that's average in a black school he'll get bullied by not just the men, but also the women for being white.

Yes, your bullshit is obvious.

In a black school everyone perceived as weak gets singled out. Black women also bully black men who are nerdy or non-ghetto/NT. So your point is?

They obviously aren't attracted to non Chad White Men, and the ones that are are rare, keep coping.
Most of the data clearly suggests Black Women in America don't like white men, keep coping.

Yes, so obvious that the numbers prove you hilariously wrong.

The coping one is you. Actually listening to what women have to say about anything is the most cucked and blue pilled shit ever. As if women could ever be trusted to be honest about anything.
No, they have the lowest divorce rate because of hypergamy.
Wouldn't Hypergamy make the divorce rate higher not lower? And as I've said before (Which you ignored btw) Black Woman white Male Marriage is extremely rare, the more black women white male marriage happens, the higher the divorce rates, etc.

But since there's so little marriage between the two, the divorce rates are extremely low.

I've seen these Videos, I never said JBW doesn't exist (2nd vid is also about White Men in non western countries, I'm talking about Women in America/The West), I mentioned Geomaxxing in my old comment.
Yes, your bullshit is obvious.

In a black school everyone perceived as weak gets singled out. Black women also bully black men who are nerdy or non-ghetto/NT. So your point is?
Well, most white men are seen as non ghetto, if a white male acts Ghetto then they face other troubles of not being taken seriously. Which is why the word Wigger was created.
The coping one is you. Actually listening to what women have to say about anything is the most cucked and blue pilled shit ever. As if women could ever be trusted to be honest about anything.
Finding White Men attractive=Chads/High tier normies.
Wouldn't Hypergamy make the divorce rate higher not lower? And as I've said before (Which you ignored btw) Black Woman white Male Marriage is extremely rare, the more black women white male marriage happens, the higher the divorce rates, etc.

No. Look at the interracial numbers for other pairings and it's obvious.

White male is at the top of the socioeconomic hierarchy as well as the attractiveness preference. Black females is at the bottom.

Hypergamy means she is often content. Thus, almost non-existent divorce rate. Same with noodlewhores and their white fetish.

Other women (even among the same race; this includes WM/WF) see themselves above other men and so are more likely to divorce.

The only thing preventing more black women from engaging in the pairing are white men largely finding them unattractive. Unlike noodlewhores, who they will consider a sort of runner-up to white women.

But since there's so little marriage between the two, the divorce rates are extremely low.

This would be like saying the number of irreligious/athiests are low compared to the population and this is why there is a greater percentage of religious people in prison. Athiests commit less crime even accounting for their numbers.

Likewise, black women stay with white men in the situations they can get them because they satisfy their hypergamy.

I've seen these Videos, I never said JBW doesn't exist (2nd vid is also about White Men in non western countries, I'm talking about Women in America/The West), I mentioned Geomaxxing in my old comment.

Actually click on the 2nd vid instead of making assumptions. I linked a specific time in that video for a reason.

Well, most white men are seen as non ghetto, if a white male acts Ghetto then they face other troubles of not being taken seriously. Which is why the word Wigger was created.

This is all irrelevant, because the black women in these situations rarely (if ever) get married anyway. Even to black men. These low income, low inhib individuals will get pregnant, hop on the welfare system and live their lives practicing rotating polyandry. This is the other reason why black women are not considered by white men, because they don't organically overlap with their social and economic level.

Finding White Men attractive=Chads/High tier normies.

Ethnic women will lower their standards due to JBW. That's what it means. Their obsession with Tyrones doesn't carry over to white men, although if they can land a masculine chad so much the better. Black men are seen as lower value (they talk down and insult them constantly) hence why ghetto culture was created in the first place. I talked about this recently.

Conversely this is why JBB is nonsense and the WF/BM divorce rate is so high. WFs are at the top of the hierarchy and BMs are at the bottom. Thus, they fail hypergamy long term.

[UWSL]Also, black women are very overt about having suitable betabuxxers, who usually tend to not be the fuckboy types. [/UWSL]
You forgot to mention Latina women.
I hate 99% of all women. They like 1% of men so not much of a difference. Fuck them all parasites.
Yes, but latinas are more amicable than low tier black women generally. They're less overly vocal about earnings and seem to have more tolerance for manlets.
So, are you saying there's some lifefuel to it?
No. Look at the interracial numbers for other pairings and it's obvious.

White male is at the top of the socioeconomic hierarchy as well as the attractiveness preference. Black females is at the bottom.

Hypergamy means she is often content. Thus, almost non-existent divorce rate. Same with noodlewhores and their white fetish.

Other women (even among the same race; this includes WM/WF) see themselves above other men and so are more likely to divorce.
Are you talking about the Okcupid preference shit? Pretty sure if you go by stats those are like 99% White Chads that the Women are talking about, Doesn't apply to most men, the list is from the perspective of a ugly male, not a good looking one.

I would say the same goes for the marriage stats with the most content marriages or Black Women and White Men being high tier gigachad and black gigastacy.

My point is that a ugly man (No matter the race or ethnicity), can't get any woman let alone a white one, idk if you were misinterpreting my list or not.
The only thing preventing more black women from engaging in the pairing are white men largely finding them unattractive. Unlike noodlewhores, who they will consider a sort of runner-up to white women.
Pretty sure the biggest thing preventing them from fucking White Men is their parents, and values raised to hate whitey in America, Africa is a different story but most of the guys there claimed to basically betabuxx because the women are so poor and not due to real physical attraction.

Also A Ugly or Average Man would gladly fuck a black woman, the White Men these black women are going after are clearly Chads.
Ethnic women will lower their standards due to JBW. That's what it means. Their obsession with Tyrones doesn't carry over to white men, although if they can land a masculine chad so much the better. Black men are seen as lower value (they talk down and insult them constantly) hence why ghetto culture was created in the first place. I talked about this recently.

Conversely this is why JBB is nonsense and the WF/BM divorce rate is so high. WFs are at the top of the hierarchy and BMs are at the bottom. Thus, they fail hypergamy long term.

[UWSL]Also, black women are very overt about having suitable betabuxxers, who usually tend to not be the fuckboy types. [/UWSL]
Black Women talk down and insult all Men, It's not exclusive to Black Men, but since Black Men are the Men they are around constantly they insult them the most.

"BM's are at the bottom" obviously bullshit, Asian and Indian Men are rated way below Black Men.

Aren't most of the Women Black women sleep and fuck Fuckboy types tho?

This is all irrelevant, because the black women in these situations rarely (if ever) get married anyway. Even to black men. These low income, low inhib individuals will get pregnant, hop on the welfare system and live their lives practicing rotating polyandry. This is the other reason why black women are not considered by white men, because they don't organically overlap with their social and economic level.
True, but that would support my argument about the marriage rates being so low for White Men and Black Women, it's literally a grain of salt in a planet made out of Freshwater in comparison.
1. White Women: Standards are easily the highest, 1/10 Awhite Women want chad of some sort, literally a below 1% chance of getting one especially not blonde gigastacy, easily the biggest bluepilled race of women spreading lies and deceit to Men on basically everything that's actually important when trying to attract them.

Blonde Shannon was easily seduced by an Italian man.
Are you talking about the Okcupid preference shit? Pretty sure if you go by stats those are like 99% White Chads that the Women are talking about, Doesn't apply to most men, the list is from the perspective of a ugly male, not a good looking one.

No, its not merely Okcupid. I linked you studies. Why discuss if you're not going to go over them?

I would say the same goes for the marriage stats with the most content marriages or Black Women and White Men being high tier gigachad and black gigastacy.

Anecdotally, I've not seen that but let's try to stay away from subjectivity. Instead I would ask you to prove this statement.

My point is that a ugly man (No matter the race or ethnicity), can't get any woman let alone a white one, idk if you were misinterpreting my list or not.

Even by "Its over standards" this isn't necessarily true. Sub-5 white males can still possibly ascend due to JBW, betabuxxing does work on some older roasties and various other outliers like JBF or statusmaxxing. Not that I advocate betabuxxing.

Pretty sure the biggest thing preventing them from fucking White Men is their parents, and values raised to hate whitey in America, Africa is a different story but most of the guys there claimed to basically betabuxx because the women are so poor and not due to real physical attraction.

I really don't care what women have to say about anything at this point. The stats and empirical evidence tell me they are full of shit, especially since 'swirling' is a thing. Anecdotally, I see ethnic women brag about white spouses all the time.

You can buy into the "white men are hated" narrative women so desperately want to push in media. Meanwhile I know they swipe left on white men behind closed doors every chance they get.

Also A Ugly or Average Man would gladly fuck a black woman, the White Men these black women are going after are clearly Chads.

Again, prove it.

"BM's are at the bottom" obviously bullshit, Asian and Indian Men are rated way below Black Men.

It depends on what studies you're looking at. Some say that black men do marginally better than Asian and Curries. Others say they are at the bottom. Hardly matters either way, since even when above other ethnics the difference is negligible. Being King of the Losers is still a loser.

View: https://youtu.be/-Esdsmszvdo?t=626

Some recent studies discussed here at the linked time stamp.

Aren't most of the Women Black women sleep and fuck Fuckboy types tho?

Whom a woman wants for fucking and who she wants for marriage often differ. You are aware black men are subject to alpha fucks/beta buxx too right?

True, but that would support my argument about the marriage rates being so low for White Men and Black Women, it's literally a grain of salt in a planet made out of Freshwater in comparison.

I don't see how it supports your argument at all. The statement was proving why that completely discounts those individuals (since they aren't getting married at all, they aren't relevant).
Blonde Shannon was easily seduced by an Italian man.

Italians are white/ Caucasoid. Not sure what point you're making here.
Last edited:
No, its not merely Okcupid. I linked you studies. Why discuss if you're not going to go over them?

Anecdotally, I've not seen that but let's try to stay away from subjectivity. Instead I would ask you to prove this statement.

Even by "Its over standards" this isn't necessarily true. Sub-5 white males can still possibly ascend due to JBW, betabuxxing does work on some older roasties and various other outliers like JBF or statusmaxxing. Not that I advocate betabuxxing.

I really don't care what women have to say about anything at this point. The stats and empirical evidence tell me they are full of shit, especially since 'swirling' is a thing. Anecdotally, I see ethnic women brag about white spouses all the time.

You can buy into the "white men are hated" narrative women so desperately want to push in media. Meanwhile I know they swipe left on white men behind closed doors every chance they get.

Again, prove it.

It depends on what studies you're looking at. Some say that black men do marginally better than Asian and Curries. Others say they are at the bottom. Hardly matters either way, since even when above other ethnics the difference is negligible. Being King of the Losers is still a loser.

View: https://youtu.be/-Esdsmszvdo?t=626

Some recent studies discussed here at the linked time stamp.

Whom a woman wants for fucking and who she wants for marriage often differ. You are aware black men are subject to alpha fucks/beta buxx too right?

I don't see how it supports your argument at all. The statement was proving why that completely discounts those individuals (since they aren't getting married at all, they aren't relevant).

Italians are white/ Caucasoid. Not sure what point you're making here.

I'll concede for now, too lazy to debate rn
Ok let's break this down, keep in mind I live in America and don't have the money to geomaxx or anything.

1. White Women: Standards are easily the highest, 1/10 Awhite Women want chad of some sort, literally a below 1% chance of getting one especially not blonde gigastacy, easily the biggest bluepilled race of women spreading lies and deceit to Men on basically everything that's actually important when trying to attract them.

2. Black Women: You only have a chance with single mothers with 10 kids from Pookie and Ray Ray, If you're white or non black don't even try it unless you're geomaxxing to somewhere like Africa, they hate non black men here in America unless you're gigachad of course, but they are more honest about looks then most races of Women from what I've seen.

3. Asian Women: Overrated by awhite men, very stuck up most of the time and not interested in Below Average White's and Ethnics, they are also easily the ugliest race in my opinion and fraud the most in terms of makeup, they all do it, but Asian women look like Dolls after applying 10 hours worth of makeup.

4. Indian Women: I've literally never encountered a Indian woman before lmfao, at least not where I live, same goes for Arabic Women etc.

Outside of these differences they are basically the same tho, Chad only for 99.9% of them.
What about hispanic women? how are they in your experience?
Latinas the hottest and you aint even mention em

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