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Venting “Just get a hobby bro” is the most retarded advice ever



Jan 5, 2020
In my bluepilled days I used to think my inceldom was due to me being an uninteresting person. My only hobbies were hiking, playing video games/board games, and academics. I thought that this wasn’t enough, surely girls are not interested in me because I don’t have enough hobbies, thus I am not interesting enough to them.

Finally, I examined what romantically successful men were doing to attract women, and I found a list of common hobbies: doing drugs, watching sports, and watching Netflix. That’s literally it. :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha: Normies have zero other hobbies. Jfl at the retarded fucking advice “just find a girl who shares your hobbies bro!” The only hobby people have is consooming. You are not alone because you are boring, you are alone because you are ugly. Plenty of boring people are living happy successful lives.
Having an hobby is important for coping though
Hobbies are a meme.

- Chad has no hobbies (watching sports/Netflix and getting drunk is all they do)
- Foids have even less hobbies than Chad
- Hobbies are basically weird interests for weird people who don’t get laid and foids think you’re creepy if you do them
Having an hobby is important for coping though

If you can consider rotting, posting on Internet forums, and playing excessive amounts of video games a hobby, then I guess that holds for me.

Hobbies play zero role in finding a relationship though, except for in extreme cases. And in those cases, Chad only :feelsrope:
Hunting people who give this advice to incels and turning their corpses into furniture would be a fun hobby tbh.
Having an hobby is important for coping though
this forum is my hobby, if they ask me what my hobby is ill tell them I read blackpills and quote others to postmax
not a bad hobby
If you can consider rotting, posting on Internet forums, and playing excessive amounts of video games a hobby, then I guess that holds for me.

Hobbies play zero role in finding a relationship though, except for in extreme cases. And in those cases, Chad only :feelsrope:
this forum is my hobby, if they ask me what my hobby is ill tell them I read blackpills and quote others to postmax
not a bad hobby
I'm also too lazy to get a real hobby...even playing games feels like a chore to me.Having something you're good helps you cope immensely
I've had more goddamn hobbies than chad fucks girls. I am even good at the shit I do. Why aren't my personality and skill recognized?
Just find a girl with mutual interests bro
Hobbies are basically weird interests for weird people who don’t get laid and foids think you’re creepy if you do them
This is eerily accurate. Normies telling you to get a hobby are basically telling you to signal to everyone else that you have to find ways to cope with being incel or else you will go on a murder rampage.
Chad has hobbies. One of them is called fucking multiple foids in one night.
foids dont have hobbies other than makeup and using instagram.
Hunting people who give this advice to incels and turning their corpses into furniture would be a fun hobby tbh.

This is eerily accurate. Normies telling you to get a hobby are basically telling you to signal to everyone else that you have to find ways to cope with being incel or else you will go on a murder rampage.

being depressed and sleeping 14 hours a day are my hobbies.
where's my gf?
Hobbies can get you laid if you are literally top 100 out of millions and your hobby gives you unreal amount of status and money.
When foids talk about hobby they want you to be Ninja, or PewDiePie, or the best pianist/artist/etc to exist.
They don't want you just having fun with your games or musical instruments, and even if you would literally be the top 1 in some autistic shit like collecting stamps or catching butterflies they wouls give 0 shits.
Also Chad barely touching a guitar makes foids create rivers from their vaginas because he is already a Chad (sky is blue).
Hobbies are basically weird interests for weird people who don’t get laid and foids think you’re creepy if you do them
This 100%. If you had a normal, healthy life with friends and relationships there would be no time let alone need for developing a hobby. It is something only done to busy the mind and try to forget what you don’t have.
Theres literally nothing wrong with your hobbies bro.
Its the world that has a problem
Chad has hobbies. One of them is called fucking multiple foids in one night.
most of chads hobbies are related to getting more pussy

sports or going to gym? turns him into gigachad
going to bars or travel? opportunity to meet more foids to kreempee
If you have a hobby as an ugly male then it means you are "compensating", according to foids. So you're fucked either way - the only thing that matters on this planet is the way you look, your natural aesthetics.
Hobbies are a meme.

- Chad has no hobbies (watching sports/Netflix and getting drunk is all they do)
- Foids have even less hobbies than Chad
- Hobbies are basically weird interests for weird people who don’t get laid and foids think you’re creepy if you do them
So much this. Being passionate is only ever seen as a good thing if you're good looking. Otherwise you're deemed as obsessed.

And good looking people are rarely passionate about anything
Hobbies that are actually worth a damn either require an innate talent or cost an absolute fuck ton to be involved in, or both. Hobbies are a thing for rich people with loads of cash to blow on crap.

Nobody gives a flying fuck about hobbies that don't fall into those categories, nobody is going to be impressed by your spoon carving hobby.
Yeah whenever people say just have hobbies bro, most of the time they think about something really impressive you could show off on the internet. Like when normies say play an instrument, they mean a cool instrument and play it like a rockstar. People want to see you do backflips and impressive shit.

Nobody gives a shit about solitary, cheap, talentless hobbies.

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