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SuicideFuel Just entered jailbait HELL



Bearer of the mark of the weird
Jul 14, 2018
I'm at a school science fair and HOLY FUCK every teenager foid is a Stacy here! Wtf are they putting in their food? In my time every foid was a plank, now they are all borderline tiitcows.
It's also depressing by other factors, my school never had a science fair so I never participated in one :feelscry:
And since I'm a fucking Manlet AND I'm wearing a hoodie, I can literally blend I with the other older teens FML
It never began.... :feelsrope:
Might as well try jb game as a manlet
Its probably even more so outside of the science fair.
Try to be like the tree, just bend with estrogenic jb wind, not fight it. Feel it, don't struggle.
Girls keep getting hotter and the guys they get with keep getting more aggressive and abusive. This shitshow has to end. Also, we should demand legalization of Jailbait as part of our platform. If we do happen to make social reform, I feel we will all be horribly upset if we didn't lower the age of consent to 14 for all industrialized nations (including softcore porn - watching JB suck off 70 year old troglodytes, which is what most porn is these days, would be too much suifuel). If societal reform happens without that, we won't be able to go back in afterwards and add it. We basically have one shot at reform so let's include all we want.

I was walking in a college and saw a gorgeous probably 18-20 year old girl but she was wearing short shorts and the back of her legs were all lumpy as fuck from cellulose. Studies prove that women begin to have more birth defects starting at 17/18, showing that Jailbait is genetically more healthy than adult women. 14-16 is prime age and animals don't have to give a fuck. It is far too stressful, if courting women, to wonder if you are going to go to prison and be raped for 30-40 years because she might be lying about her age (obviously degenerate men are above the law and know they don't have to care). This is insane and intolerable. No civilized nation can allow that much stress to exist for a completely arbitrary reason (age of consent laws were created by feminists who also tried to abolish the act of seduction in the 1800s, look it up - men agreed because the premise was, NO MAN WILL WANT TO MARRY A GIRL WHO IS NOT A VIRGIN, lol - it was out of sympathy for Stacy's marriage prospects!) Also if a woman lies about her age and has 'ripe' enough features/looks objectively, when asked in a double blind poll, old enough to POTENTIALLY be 14, it should be on her and not the male. It would be considered a huge turnoff to girls to ask for ID anyways.
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Most 16 y.o JBs i see daily absolutely mogs all the voids in my career
It's all pampering by the parents which fuels the need for constant attention. Basically an entire generation of foids are getting raised with the belief that they're entitled to do anything that they want
girls get thiccer and men bald younger

its in them chicken nuggets
I hate how you’re publicly shamed if you talk to or even check out a thicc jb in public.

I want to tell the parents that if they really cared that much maybe you should make her dress appropriately, not see through spandex pants with a thong sticking out and low cut tank top ffs. But no I’m the bad guy because my biology makes me attracted to such things.
I probably never felt as shitty as when I went to the festival in the biggest city in my area here in Germany. SO. FUCKING. MANY. hot white teens. They were literally everywhere, all of them only with female friends or with Chads and Chadlites.

That was literally the straw the broke the camel's back for me, I just HAD to come back here and vent after that, even though I had planned not to.
Fucking hell I got out of there, crisis averted.
Honestly I would take pics of the place so you guys know I'm not larping, but I don't wanna risk getting the title of town pedo, my life is shit as it is.
Enjoying some sushi now, far away from that place.

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