Well i checked out some girls from school, and i wanted to rope
I swear everyone looks like a topmodel and now lives in new york, londong (kek) or vienna
I once went out to a bar, and there was this girl, and she looked so good, 10/10 honestly, unbelievably good
And she went up to me and said hey anon how are you ?
Then she told me that we were in class together, and i remembered her
I could not even look at her face, i was so ashamed
She looked like this grown up women, who has achieved everything, is studying and looks like a model
And im still looking the same, because of my fucking genetics, like a 16 year old ugly boy, who has achieved nothing after dropping out of school
But at least she was nice to me, i guess she saw how hurt i was
I mean, in 15 years she will look like shit, and all the other girls too, when girls hit 30, then they really go downhill and with 40 its fucking over for them